Result of one subject being added to a group.
Result of one subject being added to a group.
results for the add member call.
If sending in attribute assignments in batch, this is one of the entries
holds an attribute assign result.
returned from the attribute def name inheritance
holds an attribute assign result.
results for assigning attributes call.
results for assigning attributes call.
results for assigning attributes call.
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
Result of assigning or removing a privilege
holds a permission assign result.
results for assigning permissions call.
results for assigning permissions call.
result of attribute assign query represents an assignment in the DB
an item in the attribute assign action result list
Class to lookup an attribute assignment via web service
developers make sure each setter calls this.clearAttributeAssignment();
value of an attribute assign
holds an attribute assign result.
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved.
item in the assign attribute def action result
holds an attribute assign actions result.
result code of a request.
results for the attribute defs delete call.
Result of one attribute def being deleted.
results for the attribute defs delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def via web service
developers make sure each setter calls this.clearAttributeDef();
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved.
results for the attribute def name delete call.
Result of one attribute def name being deleted.
results for the attribute def names delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def name via web service
developers make sure each setter calls this.clearAttributeDefName();
results for the AttributeDefNames save call.
Result of one AttributeDefName being saved.
results for the attribute def names save call.
Class to save an attribute def name via web service
results for the AttributeDefs save call.
Result of one AttributeDef being saved.
results for the attribute defs save call.
Class to save an attribute def via web service
Result of one subject being deleted from a group.
Result of one subject being deleted from a group.
results for the delete member call.
Result of one external subject being retrieved.
Result of one external subject attribute being retrieved.
Result of one externalSubject being deleted.
results for the external subjects delete call.
Class to lookup an attribute def via web service
developers make sure each setter calls this.clearAttributeDef();
Result of one external being saved.
results for the groups save call.
Class to save a external subject via web service
returned from the attribute def name find query
returned from the attribute def find query
returned from the external subject find query
returned from the group find query
returned from the stem find query, if none found, return none
returned from the attribute assign actions query
result code of a request.
results for the get attributeAssignments call.
Result of retrieving privileges for a user/group combo (and perhaps
filtered by type), will
return a list of permissions
results for the get groups call.
results for the get groups call.
results for the get groups call.
results for the get memberships call, or the get memberships lite call
result code:
code of the result for this group overall
SUCCESS: means everything ok
GROUP_NOT_FOUND: cant find the group
INVALID_QUERY: bad inputs
EXCEPTION: something bad happened
results for the get members lite call.
results for the get members call.
results for the get members call.
results for the get permissionAssignments call.
results for the get memberships call, or the get memberships lite call
result code:
code of the result for this group overall
SUCCESS: means everything ok
GROUP_NOT_FOUND: cant find the group
INVALID_QUERY: bad inputs
EXCEPTION: something bad happened
Result of one group being retrieved since a user is a member of it.
results for the groups delete call.
Result of one group being deleted.
results for the groups delete call.
Result for finding a group
Class to lookup a group via web service
developers make sure each setter calls this.clearGroup();
results for the groups save call.
Result of one group being saved.
results for the groups save call.
Class to save a group via web service
results for the has member call.
Result of seeing if one subject is a member of a group.
results for the has member call.
Class with data about a member who's subject needs to change
Result of one member changing its subject
Result of one member changing its subject
results for the member change subject call.
Result of one member being retrieved from a group.
Class to lookup a membership via web service.
Class to lookup a membership via web service.
Result of one message being sent or received.
returned from the acknowledge web service
returned from the send/receive message web service
param for a web service operation
result of permission entry query represents an assignment in the DB
result of permission entry query represents an assignment in the DB
param for permission query if there are run time limits this is the runtime data
represents a limit on a permission.
this represents a query which can be and'ed or or'ed
response metadata (version, warnings, etc)
result metadata (if success, result code, etc) for one result
(each ws call can have one or many result metadatas)
Result for finding a stem
results for the stems delete call.
Result of one stem being deleted.
results for the stems delete call.
Class to lookup a stem via web service
developers make sure each setter calls this.clearSubject();
TODO: add in extensions in the query
this represents a query which can be and'ed or or'ed
results for the stems save call.
Result of one save being saved.
results for the stems save call.
Class to save a stem via web service
subject bean for web services
template to lookup a subject.