All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AxionPlatform extends PlatformImplBase
The platform for the Axion database.
$Revision: 231306 $
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AxionPlatform

      public AxionPlatform()
      Creates a new axion platform instance.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the database that this platform is for.
      The name
    • createDatabase

      public void createDatabase(String jdbcDriverClassName, String connectionUrl, String username, String password, Map parameters) throws DatabaseOperationException, UnsupportedOperationException
      Creates the database specified by the given parameters. Please note that this method does not use a data source set via Platform.setDataSource(DataSource) because it is not possible to retrieve the connection information from it without establishing a connection.
      The given connection url is the url that you'd use to connect to the already-created database.
      On some platforms, this method suppurts additional parameters. These are documented in the manual section for the individual platforms.
      Specified by:
      createDatabase in interface Platform
      createDatabase in class PlatformImplBase
      jdbcDriverClassName - The jdbc driver class name
      connectionUrl - The url to connect to the database if it were already created
      username - The username for creating the database
      password - The password for creating the database
      parameters - Additional parameters relevant to database creation (which are platform specific)
    • extractColumnValue

      protected Object extractColumnValue(ResultSet resultSet, String columnName, int columnIdx, int jdbcType) throws SQLException
      This is the core method to retrieve a value for a column from a result set. Its primary purpose is to call the appropriate method on the result set, and to provide an extension point where database-specific implementations can change this behavior.
      extractColumnValue in class PlatformImplBase
      resultSet - The result set to extract the value from
      columnName - The name of the column; can be null in which case the columnIdx will be used instead
      columnIdx - The index of the column's value in the result set; is only used if columnName is null
      jdbcType - The jdbc type to extract
      The value
      SQLException - If an error occurred while accessing the result set