All Known Implementing Classes:
AxionPlatform, CloudscapePlatform, Db2Platform, Db2v8Platform, DerbyPlatform, FirebirdPlatform, HsqlDbPlatform, InterbasePlatform, MaxDbPlatform, MckoiPlatform, MSSqlPlatform, MySql50Platform, MySqlPlatform, Oracle10Platform, Oracle8Platform, Oracle9Platform, PlatformImplBase, PostgreSqlPlatform, SapDbPlatform, SybaseASE15Platform, SybasePlatform

public interface Platform
A platform encapsulates the database-related functionality such as performing queries and manipulations. It also contains an sql builder that is specific to this platform.
$Revision: 231110 $
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the database that this platform is for.
      The name
    • getPlatformInfo

      PlatformInfo getPlatformInfo()
      Returns the info object for this platform.
      The info object
    • getSqlBuilder

      SqlBuilder getSqlBuilder()
      Returns the sql builder for the this platform.
      The sql builder
    • getModelReader

      JdbcModelReader getModelReader()
      Returns the model reader (which reads a database model from a live database) for this platform.
      The model reader
    • getDataSource

      DataSource getDataSource()
      Returns the data source that this platform uses to access the database.
      The data source
    • setDataSource

      void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
      Sets the data source that this platform shall use to access the database.
      dataSource - The data source
    • getUsername

      String getUsername()
      Returns the username that this platform shall use to access the database.
      The username
    • setUsername

      void setUsername(String username)
      Sets the username that this platform shall use to access the database.
      username - The username
    • getPassword

      String getPassword()
      Returns the password that this platform shall use to access the database.
      The password
    • setPassword

      void setPassword(String password)
      Sets the password that this platform shall use to access the database.
      password - The password
    • isScriptModeOn

      boolean isScriptModeOn()
      Determines whether script mode is on. This means that the generated SQL is not intended to be sent directly to the database but rather to be saved in a SQL script file. Per default, script mode is off.
      true if script mode is on
    • setScriptModeOn

      void setScriptModeOn(boolean scriptModeOn)
      Specifies whether script mode is on. This means that the generated SQL is not intended to be sent directly to the database but rather to be saved in a SQL script file.
      scriptModeOn - true if script mode is on
    • isDelimitedIdentifierModeOn

      boolean isDelimitedIdentifierModeOn()
      Determines whether delimited identifiers are used or normal SQL92 identifiers (which may only contain alphanumerical characters and the underscore, must start with a letter and cannot be a reserved keyword). Per default, delimited identifiers are not used
      true if delimited identifiers are used
    • setDelimitedIdentifierModeOn

      void setDelimitedIdentifierModeOn(boolean delimitedIdentifierModeOn)
      Specifies whether delimited identifiers are used or normal SQL92 identifiers.
      delimitedIdentifierModeOn - true if delimited identifiers shall be used
    • isSqlCommentsOn

      boolean isSqlCommentsOn()
      Determines whether SQL comments are generated.
      true if SQL comments shall be generated
    • setSqlCommentsOn

      void setSqlCommentsOn(boolean sqlCommentsOn)
      Specifies whether SQL comments shall be generated.
      sqlCommentsOn - true if SQL comments shall be generated
    • isIdentityOverrideOn

      boolean isIdentityOverrideOn()
      Determines whether SQL insert statements can specify values for identity columns. This setting is only relevant if the database supports it (PlatformInfo.isIdentityOverrideAllowed()). If this is off, then the insert methods will ignore values for identity columns.
      true if identity override is enabled (the default)
    • setIdentityOverrideOn

      void setIdentityOverrideOn(boolean identityOverrideOn)
      Specifies whether SQL insert statements can specify values for identity columns. This setting is only relevant if the database supports it (PlatformInfo.isIdentityOverrideAllowed()). If this is off, then the insert methods will ignore values for identity columns.
      identityOverrideOn - true if identity override is enabled (the default)
    • isForeignKeysSorted

      boolean isForeignKeysSorted()
      Determines whether foreign keys of a table read from a live database are alphabetically sorted.
      true if read foreign keys are sorted
    • setForeignKeysSorted

      void setForeignKeysSorted(boolean foreignKeysSorted)
      Specifies whether foreign keys read from a live database, shall be alphabetically sorted.
      foreignKeysSorted - true if read foreign keys shall be sorted
    • borrowConnection

      Connection borrowConnection() throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns a (new) JDBC connection from the data source.
      The connection
    • returnConnection

      void returnConnection(Connection connection)
      Closes the given JDBC connection (returns it back to the pool if the datasource is poolable).
      connection - The connection
    • evaluateBatch

      int evaluateBatch(String sql, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Executes a series of sql statements which must be seperated by the delimiter configured as PlatformInfo.getSqlCommandDelimiter() of the info object of this platform.
      sql - The sql statements to execute
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
      The number of errors
    • evaluateBatch

      int evaluateBatch(Connection connection, String sql, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Executes a series of sql statements which must be seperated by the delimiter configured as PlatformInfo.getSqlCommandDelimiter() of the info object of this platform. TODO: consider outputting a collection of String or some kind of statement object from the SqlBuilder instead of having to parse strings here
      connection - The connection to the database
      sql - The sql statements to execute
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
      The number of errors
    • shutdownDatabase

      void shutdownDatabase() throws DatabaseOperationException
      Performs a shutdown at the database. This is necessary for some embedded databases which otherwise would be locked and thus would refuse other connections. Note that this does not change the database structure or data in it in any way.
    • shutdownDatabase

      void shutdownDatabase(Connection connection) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Performs a shutdown at the database. This is necessary for some embedded databases which otherwise would be locked and thus would refuse other connections. Note that this does not change the database structure or data in it in any way.
      connection - The connection to the database
    • createDatabase

      void createDatabase(String jdbcDriverClassName, String connectionUrl, String username, String password, Map parameters) throws DatabaseOperationException, UnsupportedOperationException
      Creates the database specified by the given parameters. Please note that this method does not use a data source set via setDataSource(DataSource) because it is not possible to retrieve the connection information from it without establishing a connection.
      The given connection url is the url that you'd use to connect to the already-created database.
      On some platforms, this method suppurts additional parameters. These are documented in the manual section for the individual platforms.
      jdbcDriverClassName - The jdbc driver class name
      connectionUrl - The url to connect to the database if it were already created
      username - The username for creating the database
      password - The password for creating the database
      parameters - Additional parameters relevant to database creation (which are platform specific)
    • dropDatabase

      void dropDatabase(String jdbcDriverClassName, String connectionUrl, String username, String password) throws DatabaseOperationException, UnsupportedOperationException
      Drops the database specified by the given parameters. Please note that this method does not use a data source set via setDataSource(DataSource) because it is not possible to retrieve the connection information from it without establishing a connection.
      jdbcDriverClassName - The jdbc driver class name
      connectionUrl - The url to connect to the database
      username - The username for creating the database
      password - The password for creating the database
    • createTables

      void createTables(Database model, boolean dropTablesFirst, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Creates the tables defined in the database model.
      model - The database model
      dropTablesFirst - Whether to drop the tables prior to creating them (anew)
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • createTables

      void createTables(Connection connection, Database model, boolean dropTablesFirst, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Creates the tables defined in the database model.
      connection - The connection to the database
      model - The database model
      dropTablesFirst - Whether to drop the tables prior to creating them (anew)
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • getCreateTablesSql

      String getCreateTablesSql(Database model, boolean dropTablesFirst, boolean continueOnError)
      Returns the SQL for creating the tables defined in the database model.
      model - The database model
      dropTablesFirst - Whether to drop the tables prior to creating them (anew)
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
      The SQL statements
    • createTables

      void createTables(Database model, CreationParameters params, boolean dropTablesFirst, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Creates the tables defined in the database model.
      model - The database model
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      dropTablesFirst - Whether to drop the tables prior to creating them (anew)
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • createTables

      void createTables(Connection connection, Database model, CreationParameters params, boolean dropTablesFirst, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Creates the tables defined in the database model.
      connection - The connection to the database
      model - The database model
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      dropTablesFirst - Whether to drop the tables prior to creating them (anew)
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • getCreateTablesSql

      String getCreateTablesSql(Database model, CreationParameters params, boolean dropTablesFirst, boolean continueOnError)
      Returns the SQL for creating the tables defined in the database model.
      model - The database model
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      dropTablesFirst - Whether to drop the tables prior to creating them (anew)
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(Database desiredDb, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(Database desiredDb) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(Connection connection, Database desiredDb, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(Connection connection, Database desiredDb) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(Connection connection, Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(Connection connection, Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(Connection connection, String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(Connection connection, String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      The SQL statements
    • alterTables

      void alterTables(Connection connection, String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Alters the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      continueOnError - Whether to continue with the next sql statement when an error occurred
    • getAlterTablesSql

      String getAlterTablesSql(Connection connection, String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes, Database desiredDb, CreationParameters params) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Returns the SQL for altering the database schema so that it match the given model.
      connection - A connection to the existing database that shall be modified
      catalog - The catalog in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      schema - The schema in the existing database to read (can be a pattern); use null for the platform-specific default value
      tableTypes - The table types to read from the existing database; use null or an empty array for the platform-specific default value
      desiredDb - The desired database schema
      params - The parameters used in the creation
      The SQL statements
    • dropTable

      void dropTable(Database model, Table table, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Drops the specified table and all foreign keys pointing to it.
      model - The database model
      table - The table to drop
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • getDropTableSql

      String getDropTableSql(Database model, Table table, boolean continueOnError)
      Returns the SQL for dropping the given table and all foreign keys pointing to it.
      model - The database model
      table - The table to drop
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
      The SQL statements
    • dropTable

      void dropTable(Connection connection, Database model, Table table, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Drops the specified table and all foreign keys pointing to it.
      connection - The connection to the database
      model - The database model
      table - The table to drop
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • dropTables

      void dropTables(Database model, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Drops the tables defined in the given database.
      model - The database model
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • getDropTablesSql

      String getDropTablesSql(Database model, boolean continueOnError)
      Returns the SQL for dropping the tables defined in the given database.
      model - The database model
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
      The SQL statements
    • dropTables

      void dropTables(Connection connection, Database model, boolean continueOnError) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Drops the tables defined in the given database.
      connection - The connection to the database
      model - The database model
      continueOnError - Whether to continue executing the sql commands when an error occurred
    • query

      Performs the given SQL query returning an iterator over the results.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query to perform
      An iterator for the dyna beans resulting from the query
    • query

      Iterator query(Database model, String sql, Collection parameters) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Performs the given parameterized SQL query returning an iterator over the results.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query to perform
      parameters - The query parameter values
      An iterator for the dyna beans resulting from the query
    • query

      Iterator query(Database model, String sql, Table[] queryHints) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Performs the given SQL query returning an iterator over the results.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query to perform
      queryHints - The tables that are queried (optional)
      An iterator for the dyna beans resulting from the query
    • query

      Iterator query(Database model, String sql, Collection parameters, Table[] queryHints) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Performs the given parameterized SQL query returning an iterator over the results.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query to perform
      parameters - The query parameter values
      queryHints - The tables that are queried (optional)
      An iterator for the dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql, Collection parameters) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String, Collection) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The parameterized query
      parameters - The parameter values
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql, Table[] queryHints) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query
      queryHints - The tables that are queried (optional)
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql, Collection parameters, Table[] queryHints) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String, Collection) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans.
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The parameterized query
      parameters - The parameter values
      queryHints - The tables that are queried (optional)
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql, int start, int end) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans. Also, the two int parameters specify which rows of the result set to use. If there are more rows than desired, they will be ignored (and not read from the database).
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query
      start - Row number to start from (0 for first row)
      end - Row number to stop at (inclusively; -1 for last row)
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql, Collection parameters, int start, int end) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String, Collection) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans. Also, the two int parameters specify which rows of the result set to use. If there are more rows than desired, they will be ignored (and not read from the database).
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The parameterized sql query
      parameters - The parameter values
      start - Row number to start from (0 for first row)
      end - Row number to stop at (inclusively; -1 for last row)
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql, Table[] queryHints, int start, int end) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String, Table[]) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans. Also, the two int parameters specify which rows of the result set to use. If there are more rows than desired, they will be ignored (and not read from the database).
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The sql query
      queryHints - The tables that are queried (optional)
      start - Row number to start from (0 for first row)
      end - Row number to stop at (inclusively; -1 for last row)
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • fetch

      List fetch(Database model, String sql, Collection parameters, Table[] queryHints, int start, int end) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Queries for a list of dyna beans representing rows of the given query. In contrast to the query(Database, String, Collection, Table[]) method all beans will be materialized and the connection will be closed before returning the beans. Also, the two int parameters specify which rows of the result set to use. If there are more rows than desired, they will be ignored (and not read from the database).
      model - The database model to use
      sql - The parameterized sql query
      parameters - The parameter values
      queryHints - The tables that are queried (optional)
      start - Row number to start from (0 for first row)
      end - Row number to stop at (inclusively; -1 for last row)
      The dyna beans resulting from the query
    • store

      void store(Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Stores the given bean in the database, inserting it if there is no primary key otherwise the bean is updated in the database.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean to store
    • getInsertSql

      String getInsertSql(Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean)
      Returns the sql for inserting the given bean.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean
      The insert sql
    • insert

      void insert(Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Inserts the given DynaBean in the database, assuming the primary key values are specified.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean to insert
    • insert

      void insert(Connection connection, Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Inserts the bean. If one of the columns is an auto-incremented column, then the bean will also be updated with the column value generated by the database. Note that the connection will not be closed by this method.
      connection - The database connection
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean
    • insert

      void insert(Database model, Collection dynaBeans) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Inserts the given beans in the database, assuming the primary key values are specified. Note that a batch insert is used for subsequent beans of the same type. Also the properties for the primary keys are not updated in the beans. Hence you should not use this method when the primary key values are defined by the database (via a sequence or identity constraint).
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBeans - The beans to insert
    • insert

      void insert(Connection connection, Database model, Collection dynaBeans) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Inserts the given beans. Note that a batch insert is used for subsequent beans of the same type. Also the properties for the primary keys are not updated in the beans. Hence you should not use this method when the primary key values are defined by the database (via a sequence or identity constraint). This method does not close the connection.
      connection - The database connection
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBeans - The beans
    • getUpdateSql

      String getUpdateSql(Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean)
      Returns the sql for updating the given bean in the database.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean
      The update sql
    • update

      void update(Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Updates the given bean in the database, assuming the primary key values are specified.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean
    • update

      void update(Connection connection, Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Updates the row which maps to the given bean.
      connection - The database connection
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean
    • getDeleteSql

      String getDeleteSql(Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean)
      Returns the sql for deleting the given bean from the database.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean
      The sql
    • delete

      void delete(Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Deletes the given bean from the database, assuming the primary key values are specified.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean to delete
    • delete

      void delete(Connection connection, Database model, org.apache.commons.beanutils.DynaBean dynaBean) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Deletes the row which maps to the given bean from the database.
      model - The database model to use
      dynaBean - The bean
      connection - The database connection
    • readModelFromDatabase

      Database readModelFromDatabase(String name) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Reads the database model from the live database as specified by the data source set for this platform.
      name - The name of the resulting database; null when the default name (the catalog) is desired which might be null itself though
      The database model
      DatabaseOperationException - If an error occurred during reading the model
    • readModelFromDatabase

      Database readModelFromDatabase(String name, String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Reads the database model from the live database as specified by the data source set for this platform.
      name - The name of the resulting database; null when the default name (the catalog) is desired which might be null itself though
      catalog - The catalog to access in the database; use null for the default value
      schema - The schema to access in the database; use null for the default value
      tableTypes - The table types to process; use null or an empty list for the default ones
      The database model
      DatabaseOperationException - If an error occurred during reading the model
    • readModelFromDatabase

      Database readModelFromDatabase(Connection connection, String name) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Reads the database model from the live database to which the given connection is pointing.
      connection - The connection to the database
      name - The name of the resulting database; null when the default name (the catalog) is desired which might be null itself though
      The database model
      DatabaseOperationException - If an error occurred during reading the model
    • readModelFromDatabase

      Database readModelFromDatabase(Connection connection, String name, String catalog, String schema, String[] tableTypes) throws DatabaseOperationException
      Reads the database model from the live database to which the given connection is pointing.
      connection - The connection to the database
      name - The name of the resulting database; null when the default name (the catalog) is desired which might be null itself though
      catalog - The catalog to access in the database; use null for the default value
      schema - The schema to access in the database; use null for the default value
      tableTypes - The table types to process; use null or an empty list for the default ones
      The database model
      DatabaseOperationException - If an error occurred during reading the model