Grouper API 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT Java API.

The I2MI Grouper project is an open source toolkit for managing groups.
This package contains grouper annotations
Grouper loader is a generic loading utility for grouper that automatically manages lists

Documentation is available via the 'Grouper loader' on the Grouper Project wiki
This package contains report logic
The Unresolvable Subject Deletion Utility (usdu) is a Grouper API extension which finds and optionally deletes members whose subjects can not be resolved by their source.
This package contains classes which help cache things, and helps Grouper integrate with ehcache
This package contains configuration related classes
This package contains some of the exceptions that are thrown from Grouper
This package mainly contains the database platform abstraction, org.apache.ddlutils.Platform and the factory to create instances for individual platforms, org.apache.ddlutils.PlatformFactory.
Contains the algorithm for comparing two database models and determining what needs to be changed to migrate one to the other.
Provides the special DdlUtils implementations of DynaClass and DynaBean that directly map to tables in the database model.
The package contains a classes for input and output of both the database schemas and data files.
This package contains helper classes that convert between textual representations and values of the types that correspond to the JDBC type codes given by Types.
This package contains the classes making up the database model.
This package contains the platform implementations for the individual databases.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Axion database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Cloudscape database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the DB2 UDB database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Apache Derby database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Firebird database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the HSQLDB database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Interbase database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the MaxDB database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Mckoi database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Sql Server database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the MySQL database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Oracle database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the PostgreSQL database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the SAP DB database.
This package contains the platform implementation for the Sybase ASE database.
The org.apache.ddlutils.task package contains the Ant tasks provided by DdlUtils.
The org.apache.ddlutils.util package contains utility classes of DdlUtils.
This package contains classes which help query for Groups, Stems, etc
This package contains grouper's Hibernate wrapping API
This package contains base classes which can be extended and registered as hooks
This package contains beans which are used by hooks to pass data.
This package contains working hooks examples which can be cloned and tweaked
This package contains misc logic classes that make hooks work
This package contains the data access object interfaces that a DB layer would have to implement (generally revolving around queries to DB)
This package contains hib3 related data access object implementations and mappings
This package contains internal utility classes
This package contains logging classes
This package contains generic grouper classes which do not belong elsewhere
This package has classes involving permission limits.
This package has classes involving builtin implementations of permission limits.
This package contains access and privilege related classes
This package contains registry classes, e.g.
This package contains classes related to the subject API
This package contains utility classes (generally static methods)
This package contains validator classes
This package contains xml classes (e.g.