Package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.esb.listener

package edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.esb.listener
  • Classes
    Class the processes data recieved on HTTP(S) port, extracts the payload and passes it to EsbListener for processing, returning an http result code and human readable result string to calling client
    Class to start a simple HTTP/HTTPS server to listen for incoming event notifications to process as changes in the Grouper registry.
    Class to process incoming events and convert to operations in Grouper, running with root privileges
    extend this to make an ESB processor
    Simple class to hold incoming data sent by an ESB.
    Class to start a persistent XMMP client that will remain connected to XMPP server using an instance of EsbXmmpPacketListener to receive events sent to it to process as changes in the Grouper registry.
    Packet listener that will monitor the XMMP server for messages matching a filter and process them
    Test provisioning events update the sync objects correctly