Enum Class RuleThenEnum

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<RuleThenEnum>, Constable

public enum RuleThenEnum extends Enum<RuleThenEnum>
built in if condition
  • Enum Constant Details

    • assignDisabledDaysToOwnerPermissionDefAssignments

      public static final RuleThenEnum assignDisabledDaysToOwnerPermissionDefAssignments
      assign a disabled date if there is a permission assignment to the owner attribute def
    • assignMembershipDisabledDaysForOwnerGroupId

      public static final RuleThenEnum assignMembershipDisabledDaysForOwnerGroupId
      assign a disabled date if there is a membership in this group to the owner group ${ruleElUtils.assignMembershipDisabledDaysForGroupId(ownerGroupId, memberId, 7)}
    • veto

      public static final RuleThenEnum veto
      veto the operation (note, must be a transactional check for this to work)
    • removeMemberFromOwnerPermissionDefAssignments

      public static final RuleThenEnum removeMemberFromOwnerPermissionDefAssignments
      remove the member (the current one being acted on) from the roles and assignments associated with the owner attribute definition
    • removeMemberFromOwnerGroup

      public static final RuleThenEnum removeMemberFromOwnerGroup
      remove the member (the current one being acted on) from the owner group
    • addMemberToOwnerGroup

      public static final RuleThenEnum addMemberToOwnerGroup
      add the member (the current one being acted on) to the owner group
    • reassignGroupPrivilegesIfFromGroup

      public static final RuleThenEnum reassignGroupPrivilegesIfFromGroup
    • reassignAttributeDefPrivilegesIfFromGroup

      public static final RuleThenEnum reassignAttributeDefPrivilegesIfFromGroup
    • reassignStemPrivilegesIfFromGroup

      public static final RuleThenEnum reassignStemPrivilegesIfFromGroup
    • assignGroupPrivilegeToGroupId

      public static final RuleThenEnum assignGroupPrivilegeToGroupId
      assign privilege(s) to subject on the group being acted on (groupId)
    • assignStemPrivilegeToStemId

      public static final RuleThenEnum assignStemPrivilegeToStemId
      assign privilege(s) to subject on the stem being acted on (stemId)
    • assignAttributeDefPrivilegeToAttributeDefId

      public static final RuleThenEnum assignAttributeDefPrivilegeToAttributeDefId
      assign privilege(s) to subject on the attributeDef being acted on (attributeDefId)
    • sendEmail

      public static final RuleThenEnum sendEmail
       send an email about this action.
       arg0: comma separated email addresses to send to.  ${subjectEmail} is a variable which evaluates to the email of the subject (if applicable)
       arg1: subject (some text/EL), or template: templateName 
       arg2: body (some text/EL), or template: templateName
       The template name comes from the directory in grouper.properties: rules.emailTemplatesFolder
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static RuleThenEnum[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static RuleThenEnum valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • valueOfIgnoreCase

      public static RuleThenEnum valueOfIgnoreCase(String string, boolean exceptionOnNull)
      do a case-insensitive matching
      string -
      exceptionOnNull - will not allow null or blank entries
      the enum or null or exception if not found
    • fireRule

      public abstract Object fireRule(RuleDefinition ruleDefinition, RuleEngine ruleEngine, RulesBean rulesBean, StringBuilder logDataForThisDefinition)
      fire this rule
      ruleDefinition -
      ruleEngine -
      rulesBean -
      logDataForThisDefinition - is null if not logging, and non null if things should be appended
      something for log
    • validate

      public String validate(RuleDefinition ruleDefinition)
      validate the rule
      ruleDefinition -
      the validation reason