All Classes and Interfaces

Class to test all class in the VOOT connector for Grouper.
child bean
parent bean
testing group client discovery client: test delete old files
testing grouper client failover client: test affinity test active/active random test that first tier comes before second tier test serialize state to file test unserialize state from file test active/standby test errors test threads on startup test timeouts test minutes to keep errors
rest client settings
test the output converter
Helper example class.
Class to test the parameter passing to main service logic for the VOOT connector for Grouper.
Class to test the parameter passing to main service logic for the VOOT connector for Grouper.
Class to test the main service logic for the VOOT connector for Grouper.
Class to test the main service logic for the VOOT connector for Grouper.
run a manual web service
which type of client are we capturing
interface for generated sample
tyep of generated request
Setup: new GroupSave(grouperSession).assignName("aStem:aGroup").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save(); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.0"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.1"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.2"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.3"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.4"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.5"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.6"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.7"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.8"); addMember("aStem:aGroup", "test.subject.9");
interface for generated sample
interface for generated sample
type of rest request
poc class for groups
poc class for members