Class VootParamsLogicTest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VootParamsLogicTest extends VootTest
Class to test the parameter passing to main service logic for the VOOT connector for Grouper.
  • Constructor Details

    • VootParamsLogicTest

      public VootParamsLogicTest()
      Default constructor to initialize VOOT test cases.
    • VootParamsLogicTest

      public VootParamsLogicTest(String name)
      Constructor with a test name as parameter.
      name - the name of this test execution on the test runner.
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main method to execute all tests.
      args - parameters passed to main (ignored).
    • setupConfigs

      protected void setupConfigs()
      setupConfigs in class GrouperTest
    • createRegistryToTestVOOT

      protected void createRegistryToTestVOOT()
      Method to create a registry with all the required users and groups to test all VOOT calls with this test suite. These tests have to prove pagination and sorting, so a significant number of groups were required. We create then 12 groups where:
      • Group 0: is a group containing 10 subjects (to test pagination on group members)
      • Group 1 to Group 11: are groups where Subject0 is member
      Specified by:
      createRegistryToTestVOOT in class VootTest
    • testPaginateGroupsFirstPage

      public void testPaginateGroupsFirstPage()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me?startIndex=0&count=5 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testPaginateGroupsSecondPage

      public void testPaginateGroupsSecondPage()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me?startIndex=5&count=5 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testPaginateGroupsLastPage

      public void testPaginateGroupsLastPage()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me?startIndex=10&count=5 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testPaginatePeopleFirstPage

      public void testPaginatePeopleFirstPage()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0?startIndex=0&count=4 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testPaginatePeopleSecondPage

      public void testPaginatePeopleSecondPage()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0?startIndex=4&count=4 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testPaginatePeopleLastPage

      public void testPaginatePeopleLastPage()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0?startIndex=8&count=4 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSortGroupsById

      public void testSortGroupsById()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me?orderBy=id Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSortGroupsByName

      public void testSortGroupsByName()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me?orderBy=name Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSortGroupsByDescription

      public void testSortGroupsByDescription()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me?orderBy=description Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSortGroupsByVootMembershipRole

      public void testSortGroupsByVootMembershipRole()
      Method that logs in with Subject1 and calls the URL: /groups/@me?orderBy=voot_membershib_role Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSortPeopleById

      public void testSortPeopleById()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0?orderBy=id Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSortPeopleByDisplayName

      public void testSortPeopleByDisplayName()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0?orderBy=displayName Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSortPeopleByVootMembershipRole

      public void testSortPeopleByVootMembershipRole()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0?orderBy=voot_membership_role Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSearchGroupsWithResults

      public void testSearchGroupsWithResults()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups?search=testVoot:group1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSearchGroupsWithOutResults

      public void testSearchGroupsWithOutResults()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups?search=unexistent:group Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testSearchAllGroups

      public void testSearchAllGroups()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups?search= Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!