All Classes and Interfaces
This class provides skeletal implementations of some
operations.This class provides skeletal implementations of some
operations.Chooses the next queue to be used from the highest priority priority group.
This class manages a full-sync thread for a provisioner.
This is the class run by the Changelog/Loader quartz job to kick
off Full Syncs.
This is a simple class to hold name and attribute information of a group.
Created by bert on 5/17/17.
This class implements group-membership changes into an Attribute of
the User objects that are members of the group.
Collects all the various properties and makes them available to the provisioner.
This class represents an LdapGroup as a TargetSystemGroup.
This class is the workhorse for provisioning LDAP groups from
Collects all the various properties and makes them available to the provisioner.
This is a wrapper around ldaptive's LdapEntry.
This (abstract) class consolidates the common aspects of provisioning to LDAP-based targets.
Collects all the various properties and makes them available to the provisioner.
This class encapsulates an LDAP system configured by a collection of
properties defined withing
This class represents an LdapUser as a TargetSystemUser.
An optionally-bounded blocking "multi-queue" based on linked nodes.
Allows to choose the next subQueue.
This trait captures the "tail side" of the
interface.This interface captures the "head side" of the
interfaceThis classs helps report how much of a long task has been completed
and how long the rest is expected to take
Provisioner<ConfigurationClass extends ProvisionerConfiguration,TSUserClass extends TargetSystemUser,TSGroupClass extends TargetSystemGroup>
Top-Level provisioner class of PSPNG and is the superclass of Target-System-Specific
Collects all the various properties and makes them available to the provisioner.
This class coordinates the efforts of a provsioner's full-sync and incremental-sync
This class helps construct and cache Provisioners.
This is a wrapper for the event-triggering data item used to drive PSP.
This class connects a PSPNG provsioner with the changelog.
A GrouperCache that also provides controls of how old elements are when they are
This is a wrapper that stores a value along with the date it was cached.
This is the common caught-exception class used within PSP-NG.
This class is included in the variable namespace created when JEXL
expressions are evaluated.
Provisioner subclasses often need User and/or Group information from their
target systems.
Copyright 2015 Internet2
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
This class doesn't do any provisioning, but just prints the methods being invoked.