Class VoidProvisioner

This class doesn't do any provisioning, but just prints the methods being invoked. This is useful to make PSPNG go through its motions or to use it to identify what methods are called as events occur.
  • Method Details

    • addMembership

      protected void addMembership(GrouperGroupInfo grouperGroupInfo, TargetSystemGroup tsGroup, Subject subject, TargetSystemUser tsUser) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      Action method that handles membership additions where a person-subject is added to a group. The top-level Provisioner class implementation is abstract, and, of course, this method is expected to be overridden by every provisioner subclass to accomplish something useful.
      Specified by:
      addMembership in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
      grouperGroupInfo - The group to which the subject needs to be added as a member
      tsGroup - A TSGroupClass created for group by fetchTargetSystemGroup. This will be null for systems that do not need target system groups.
      subject - The (person) subject that needs to be provisioned as a member of 'group'
      tsUser - A TSUserClass created for the subject by fetchTargetSystemUser. This will be null for systems that do not need target system users.
    • deleteMembership

      protected void deleteMembership(GrouperGroupInfo grouperGroupInfo, TargetSystemGroup tsGroup, Subject subject, TargetSystemUser tsUser) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      Abstract action method that handles membership removals. Note: This method is called for MembershipDelete events for a non-group member.
      Specified by:
      deleteMembership in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
      grouperGroupInfo - The group to which the subject needs to be removed as a member
      tsGroup - TSGroupClass for the 'group.' This is null for systems that do not need target-system group info
      subject - The subject that needs to be deprovisioned as a member of 'group'
      tsUser - TSUserClass for the 'subject.' This is null for systems that do not need target-system user info
    • createGroup

      protected TargetSystemGroup createGroup(GrouperGroupInfo grouperGroup, Collection initialMembers) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      Provisioning a new Group in the target system. This must be overridden in provisioner subclasses that support creating groups. This will normally be called (with an empty members parameter) when provisioning-enabled groups are created in Grouper. However, when an empty group cannot be created (eg, an ldap group that _requires_ members) or when members are somehow already known, this may be called with a (non-empty) list of members.
      Specified by:
      createGroup in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
      initialMembers - What members should in the provisioned group once the method completes. This is generally empty during incremental/changelog-based provisioning, but may list users at other times.
    • deleteGroup

      protected void deleteGroup(GrouperGroupInfo grouperGroupInfo, TargetSystemGroup tsGroup) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      Action method that handles group removal. The top-level Provisioner class implementation does nothing except log an error if the target system needs groups. This is expected to be overridden by subclasses if the target system needs groups, and do not call the super.deleteGroup version of this when you override it this
      Specified by:
      deleteGroup in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
    • fetchTargetSystemUsers

      protected Map<Subject,TargetSystemUser> fetchTargetSystemUsers(Collection personSubjects) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      This fetches user information from the target system. Subclasses that have TSUserClass information need to override this. Subclasses that do not have TSUserClass should implement this so it returns either an empty map (Collections.EMPTY_MAP) or null. Note: The signature of this method is designed for batch fetching. If you cannot fetch batches of information, then loop through the provided users and build a resulting map.
      Specified by:
      fetchTargetSystemUsers in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
    • fetchTargetSystemGroups

      protected Map fetchTargetSystemGroups(Collection grouperGroups) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      This fetches group information from the target system. Subclasses that have TSGroupClass information need to override this. Subclasses that do not need TSGroupClass information should just return either an empty map (Collections.EMPTY_MAP) or null;. Note: The signature of this method is designed for batch fetching. If you cannot fetch batches of information, then loop through the provided groups and build a resulting map.
      Specified by:
      fetchTargetSystemGroups in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
    • doFullSync_cleanupExtraGroups

      protected void doFullSync_cleanupExtraGroups(JobStatistics stats) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      This method's responsibility is find extra groups within Grouper's responsibility that exist in the target system. These extra groups should be removed. Note: This is only called when grouperIsAuthoritative=true in the provisioner's properties. To avoid deleting newly created groups, implementations should follow the following: 1) Read all the provisioned information 2) Read all the groups that should be provisioned (getAllGroupsForProvisioner()) 3) Fetch group information from system (fetchTargetSystemGroupsInBatches(allGroupsForProvisioner) (if TSGroup objects are relevant) 4) Compare (1) & (3) and delete anything extra in (1)
      Specified by:
      doFullSync_cleanupExtraGroups in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
    • doFullSync

      protected boolean doFullSync(GrouperGroupInfo grouperGroupInfo, TargetSystemGroup tsGroup, Set correctSubjects, Map tsUserMap, Set correctTSUsers, JobStatistics stats) throws PspException
      Description copied from class: Provisioner
      This method's responsibility is to make sure that group's only provisioned memberships are those of correctSubjects. Extra subjects should be removed. Before this is called, the following have occurred: -a ProvisioningWorkItem was created representing the whole Full Sync, and it was marked as the current provisioning item -StartProvisioningBatch was called -TSGroupClass- and TSUserClass-caches are populated with the group and CORRECT Subjects Also, remember that fullSyncMode=true for provisioners doing full-sync, so TargetSystemUsers and TargetSystemGroups should have the extra information needed to facilitate full syncs.
      Specified by:
      doFullSync in class Provisioner<ProvisionerConfiguration,TargetSystemUser,TargetSystemGroup>
      grouperGroupInfo - Grouper group to fully synchronize with target system
      tsGroup - TSGroupClass that maps to group.
      correctSubjects - What subjects are members in the Grouper Registry
      tsUserMap - Map of TargetSystemUsers which map to the correctSubjects. This will be empty for provisioners that do not use TargetSystemUsers.
      correctTSUsers - A list of the TSUsers that correspond to correctSubjects. This might be a subset of the TSUsers in the tsUserMap.
      stats - A holder of the number of changes the fullSync performs
      True when changes were made to target system