long defaultTimeToLiveInMillis
long lastEvictionCheck
Map<K,V> cache
int cacheInserts
int cacheHits
int cacheEvictions
long lastClear
long timePlacedInCache
long timeToLiveInCacheMillis
Object content
String format
long offset
UnsupportedZipFeatureException.Feature reason
ZipArchiveEntry entry
int version
BigInteger uid
BigInteger gid
BigInteger value
long value
int value
String cookieComment
String cookieDomain
Date cookieExpiryDate
.String cookiePath
boolean isSecure
boolean hasPathAttribute
boolean hasDomainAttribute
int cookieVersion
boolean isAutogenerated
NameValuePair[] parameters
int maxlen
String reason
int reasonCode
Throwable cause
String location
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
- If one of the classes specified in the
input stream cannot be found.IOException
- If an IO problem occurs.private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException
- If an IO problem occurs.int hash
char[] _uri
String protocolCharset
char[] _scheme
char[] _opaque
char[] _authority
char[] _userinfo
char[] _host
int _port
char[] _path
char[] _query
char[] _fragment
boolean _is_hier_part
boolean _is_opaque_part
boolean _is_net_path
boolean _is_abs_path
boolean _is_rel_path
boolean _is_reg_name
boolean _is_server
boolean _is_hostname
boolean _is_IPv4address
boolean _is_IPv6reference
int reasonCode
String reason
int reasonCode
String reason
String cookieCommentURL
int[] cookiePorts
boolean discard
boolean hasPortAttribute
boolean isPortAttributeBlank
boolean hasVersionAttribute
HttpParams defaults
HashMap<K,V> parameters
Throwable cause
String name
ReferenceQueue<T> queue
int changeCount
int memoryNeeded
int memoryLimit
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