Class WsRestGshTemplateExecRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WsRestGshTemplateExecRequest extends Object implements WsRequestBean
  • Constructor Details

    • WsRestGshTemplateExecRequest

      public WsRestGshTemplateExecRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getWsInput

      public Map<String,Object> getWsInput()
    • setWsInput

      public void setWsInput(Map<String,Object> wsInput)
    • getConfigId

      public String getConfigId()
    • setConfigId

      public void setConfigId(String configId)
    • getOwnerType

      public String getOwnerType()
      type of owner, group or stem
      owner type
    • setOwnerType

      public void setOwnerType(String ownerType)
    • getOwnerGroupLookup

      public WsGroupLookup getOwnerGroupLookup()
    • setOwnerGroupLookup

      public void setOwnerGroupLookup(WsGroupLookup ownerGroupLookup)
    • getOwnerStemLookup

      public WsStemLookup getOwnerStemLookup()
    • setOwnerStemLookup

      public void setOwnerStemLookup(WsStemLookup ownerStemLookup)
    • getInputs

      public WsGshTemplateInput[] getInputs()
    • setInputs

      public void setInputs(WsGshTemplateInput[] inputs)
    • getClientVersion

      public String getClientVersion()
    • setClientVersion

      public void setClientVersion(String clientVersion)
    • getActAsSubjectLookup

      public WsSubjectLookup getActAsSubjectLookup()
    • setActAsSubjectLookup

      public void setActAsSubjectLookup(WsSubjectLookup actAsSubjectLookup)
    • getParams

      public WsParam[] getParams()
    • setParams

      public void setParams(WsParam[] params)
    • getGshTemplateActAsSubjectLookup

      public WsSubjectLookup getGshTemplateActAsSubjectLookup()
      if the template config has an actAsGroupUUID and if the principal user calling the webservice is in that group, then specify a user to run the template as. An external UI could run template as other users.
    • setGshTemplateActAsSubjectLookup

      public void setGshTemplateActAsSubjectLookup(WsSubjectLookup gshTemplateActAsSubjectLookup)
      if the template config has an actAsGroupUUID and if the principal user calling the webservice is in that group, then specify a user to run the template as. An external UI could run template as other users.
      gshTemplateActAsSubjectLookup -
    • retrieveRestHttpMethod

      public GrouperRestHttpMethod retrieveRestHttpMethod()
      Description copied from interface: WsRequestBean
      see which http method this is supposed to be associated with, and override whatever was passed in
      Specified by:
      retrieveRestHttpMethod in interface WsRequestBean
      the method