Class VootServiceLogicTest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VootServiceLogicTest extends VootTest
Class to test the main service logic for the VOOT connector for Grouper.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class edu.internet2.middleware.grouperVoot.VootTest


    Fields inherited from class edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.helper.GrouperTest


    Fields inherited from class edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.testing.GrouperTestBase

    G, NS
  • Constructor Summary

    Default constructor to initialize VOOT test cases.
    Constructor with a test name as parameter.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected void
    Method to create a registry with all the required users and groups to test all VOOT calls with this test suite.
    static void
    main(String[] args)
    Main method to execute all tests.
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group10 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/test.subject.0 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/test.subject.1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/test.subject.2 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group3 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group0 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group10 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group3 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.1/testVoot:group11 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.1/testVoot:group1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.1/testVoot:group3 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!

    Methods inherited from class edu.internet2.middleware.grouperVoot.VootTest

    callGroupsAPI, callGroupsAPI, callPeopleAPI, callPeopleAPI, validateError, validateGroups, validateMembers

    Methods inherited from class edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.testing.GrouperTestBase

    assertContains, assertContains, assertContainsAttributeDef, assertContainsAttributeDefName, assertContainsGroup, assertContainsGroups, assertContainsStem, assertContainsStems, assertContainsString, assertContainsString, assertDoNotFindGroupByAttribute, assertDoNotFindGroupByName, assertDoNotFindGroupByName, assertDoNotFindGroupByType, assertDoNotFindGroupByType, assertDoNotFindStemByName, assertDoNotFindStemByName, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEqualsMultiKey, assertEqualsMultiKey, assertEqualsObjectArrays, assertEqualsObjectArrays, assertFindField, assertFindGroupByAttribute, assertFindGroupByName, assertFindGroupByName, assertFindGroupByType, assertFindGroupByType, assertFindGroupType, assertFindStemByName, assertFindStemByName, assertGroupAttribute, assertGroupCreateSubject, assertGroupCreateTime, assertGroupDescription, assertGroupDisplayExtension, assertGroupDisplayName, assertGroupExtension, assertGroupHasAdmin, assertGroupHasGroupAttrRead, assertGroupHasGroupAttrUpdate, assertGroupHasMember, assertGroupHasMember, assertGroupHasOptin, assertGroupHasOptout, assertGroupHasRead, assertGroupHasType, assertGroupHasUpdate, assertGroupHasView, assertGroupName, assertGroupSetsAndOrder, assertGroupUuid, assertHasPrivilege, assertHasPrivilege, assertHasPrivilege, assertNotContainsAttributeDef, assertNotContainsAttributeDefName, assertNotContainsGroup, assertNotContainsStem, assertStemCreateSubject, assertStemCreateTime, assertStemDescription, assertStemDisplayExtension, assertStemDisplayName, assertStemExtension, assertStemHasCreate, assertStemHasStem, assertStemName, assertStemUuid, deleteGroupIfExists, deleteStemIfExists, filterOutBuiltInGroups, groupsString, printMemberships, stemsString, unexpectedException

    Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase

    assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, countTestCases, createResult, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame, format, getName, run, run, runBare, runTest, setName, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • VootServiceLogicTest

      public VootServiceLogicTest()
      Default constructor to initialize VOOT test cases.
    • VootServiceLogicTest

      public VootServiceLogicTest(String name)
      Constructor with a test name as parameter.
      name - the name of this test execution on the test runner.
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main method to execute all tests.
      args - parameters passed to main (ignored).
    • createRegistryToTestVOOT

      protected void createRegistryToTestVOOT()
      Method to create a registry with all the required users and groups to test all VOOT calls with this test suite. To test all the combinations, the membership and read access to groups will be assigned to two different subjects with the following logic:
      • Group 0: Subject0 is not member, Subject1 is not member, Subject0 does not have read access, Subject1 does not have read access
      • Group 1: Subject0 is admin member, Subject1 is not member, Subject0 has read access, Subject1 does not have read access
      • Group 2: Subject0 is not member, Subject1 is admin member, Subject0 does not have read access, Subject1 has read access
      • Group 3: Subject0 is member, Subject1 is member, Subject0 has read access, Subject1 has read access
      • Group 4: Subject0 is admin member, Subject1 is not member, Subject0 does not have read access, Subject1 does not have read access
      • Group 5: Subject0 is not member, Subject1 is admin member, Subject0 does not have read access, Subject1 does not have read access
      • Group 6: Subject0 is member, Subject1 is member, Subject0 does not have read access, Subject1 does not have read access
      • Group 7: Subject0 is not member, Subject1 is not member, Subject0 has read access, Subject1 does not have read access
      • Group 8: Subject0 is not member, Subject1 is not member, Subject0 does not have read access, Subject1 has read access
      • Group 9: Subject0 is not member, Subject1 is not member, Subject0 has read access, Subject1 has read access
      • Group 10: Subject0 is updater member, Subject1 is not member, Subject0 has read access, Subject1 does not have read access
      • Group 11: Subject0 is not member, Subject1 is updater member, Subject0 does not have access, Subject 1 has read access
      Specified by:
      createRegistryToTestVOOT in class VootTest
    • testLoginSubject0GroupMe

      public void testLoginSubject0GroupMe()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/@me Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0GroupSubject0

      public void testLoginSubject0GroupSubject0()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/test.subject.0 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0GroupSubject1

      public void testLoginSubject0GroupSubject1()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/test.subject.1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0GroupSubject2

      public void testLoginSubject0GroupSubject2()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /groups/test.subject.2 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleMeGroup1

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleMeGroup1()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleMeGroup3

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleMeGroup3()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group3 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleMeGroup0

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleMeGroup0()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group0 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group1

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group1()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group3

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group3()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group3 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group0

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group0()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group0 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject1Group2

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject1Group2()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.1/testVoot:group1 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject1Group3

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject1Group3()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.1/testVoot:group3 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginMePeopleSubject0Group10

      public void testLoginMePeopleSubject0Group10()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/@me/testVoot:group10 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group10

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject0Group10()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.0/testVoot:group10 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!
    • testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject1Group11

      public void testLoginSubject0PeopleSubject1Group11()
      Method that logs in with Subject0 and calls the URL: /people/test.subject.1/testVoot:group11 Note: running this will delete all data in the registry!