All Classes and Interfaces

admin container
AppState object comes from javascript on ajax requests
attribute definition container in new ui
attribute definition name container in new ui
thrown when a config value is not found
bean for simple attribute update.
get text in external URL (if applicable), and from
bean for simple attribute update.
get text in external URL (if applicable), and from
Wraps a GrouperStem- allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
This is the UI container for the programmatic browser
bean to hold the resource bundles and maps of bundles
Captures response data so that it is not immediately sent to end user.
Used in conjunction with a HttpServletResponseWrapper so that data can be captured
Designed to allow a Filter which precedes the CAS Filter to control whether renew=true is passed to CAS to force a new login.
do a resource bundle which consults the properties file before consulting the resource bundle
Given a list of bundles, looks for values in each individually until it finds one
Convenience class for use in UI to encapsulate paging logic, and enable creation of HTML links which maintain context
common elements used across the UI
Wraps a Composite - allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
Implementation of ComparatorHelper used to sort Composites and CompositeAsMaps.
shows the label, EL checkbox, and html form element for a config attribute
web filter to provide a "Context-Security-Policy" header.
container for global things in the context attribute
when the servlet is done with no error
Implementation of Comparator used for sorting potentially disparate objects.
Default implementation of the MembershipImporter interface.
Default implementation of the Grouper TemplateResolver interface.
The default implementation of UIGroupPrivilegeResolver - which simply applies the expected privilege resolution.
See dhtmlx docs:
item XML in a menu.
response for dojo combo ajax request
one item of the response
does logic for a combobox
Logic you implement for a query from a combobox The template is the return type for the queries
base abstract class for dojo combos
one tree item with a list of children if applicable { "name": "US Government", "id": "root", "children": [
one tree item with a list of chilren if applicable { "name": "US Government", "id": "root", children: true,
type of child element
Utility class to provide common functions useful when working with DOM.
bean for simple membership update.
Wraps a Field - allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
wrap response so we can customize (e.g.
Wraps a GrouperGroup - allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
shows the folders and group which is being looked at
Implementation of ComparatorHelper used to sort Groups and GroupAsMaps.
group container in new ui
abbreviate with a more button and textarea.
This will generate a combobox
Note, the idBase + "Id" is the dojo id of the control The idBase + "Name" is what is submitted to the server The idBase + "NameDisplay" is what is submitted to the server if something is typed in but not selected The idBase + "ErrorId" is the span for where validation errors can go
Interface which the UI uses for sorting Collections of Groups,Stems,Subjects etc
Interface which DefaultComparatorImpl uses to obtain appropriate comparison String
use edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.dbConfig.GrouperDbConfig
High level wrapper methods for the Grouper API, including workarounds.
This tag: <grouper:hideShowTarget hideShowHtmlId="firstHideShow" showInitially="false" omitStyle="false" /> generates the html: id="firstHideShow0" style="display:none;" Use this tag like this: <div <grouper:hideShowTarget hideShowHtmlId="firstHideShow" showInitially="false" omitClass="true" omitStyle="true" /> > Here is help <b>text</b> that explains whatever this infodot is explaining </div>
This tag: <grouper:hideShowTarget hideShowHtmlId="firstHideShow" showInitially="false" omitStyle="false" /> generates the html: id="firstHideShow0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden;" Use this tag like this: <div <grouper:hideShowTarget hideShowHtmlId="firstHideShow" showInitially="false" omitClass="true" omitStyle="true" /> > Here is help <b>text</b> that explains whatever this infodot is explaining </div>
This will generate an infodot image which when clicked will hide/show some instructions Generates something like this: <a href="#" onclick="return grouperHideShow(event, 'firstHideShow');"><img src="grouperExternal/public/assets/images/infodot.gif" border="0" alt="More Information" class="infodotImage" height="16" width="16" /></a>
config name e.g.
This will generate a menu.
A handler for <message> that accepts attributes as Strings and evaluates them as expressions at runtime.
does paging google style
paging tag for ui v2
This subclass is created because their ParamTag cannot exist in a GrouperMessageTag tag
does performance gate
request container for grouper in the j2ee request object, under the attribute name "grouperRequestContainer"
wrap request so we can customize
Ensure that GrouperSessions are closed when a HttpSession dies
wrap session so we can customize
This will generate a subtitle Generates a subtitle, with optional infodot (right aligned)
This will generate a title Generates a title, with optional infodot
This will generate a toolip (e.g.
hierarchical config class for
Extend this class and configure to customize the UI
Generic filter for ui for grouper (e.g.
which UI section we are in
EL functions
servlet for rest ui web services
utility methods for grouper
data for group import
summary for one group in a group import
Allow display of menu items according to whether the current Subject is, or is not, a member of a group.
Implementation of ComparatorHelper used to sort GroupOrStems.
attribute that can be attached to group via grouper properties
bean for simple group update.
for displaying an attribute assignment on the screen
gui version of one attribute assign finder result
result of attribute def name or attribute def's assigned owners
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved
Result of one attribute def name being retrieved
gui config file bean
Result of one entity retrieved.
Result of one group being retrieved since a user is a member of it.
grouper loader job
gui class to display a loader log
hide shows, the name, and if showing, text, etc.
member bean wraps grouper class with useful methods for UIs
gui wrapper around membership
gui wrapper around membership container
gui wrapper around a membership subject container
base object for gui grouper objects
option value in a select
paging object holds state of next.previous etc
for displaying a permission entry on the screen
container for permission entry to sets of permissions grouped by action sets.
container for permission entry to show a row on the permissions screen
for displaying a permission entry limit bean row on the screen (could be multiple actions)
gui wrapper around pit group
gui wrapper around pit membership view
Result of one privilege being retrieved.
container object for the response back to screen
rule to be displayed on screen
one action for screen (response has many actions in a list
message type in v2 ui
Result of one service being retrieved
settings and common stuff to go to browser
sorting object holds which col is sorted
subject for gui has all attributes etc, and getter to be accessed from screen
Result of one folder being retrieved.
subject for gui has all attributes etc, and getter to be accessed from screen
http content type
bean which is a subject, though a thin wrapper just for import purposes
index page and common functions beans
various options for the panels on the main index screen note, the name here must match exactly the substring of the name of the JSP e.g.
Pluggable interface thats allows site-specific rules for obtaining a list of initial stems to display to users.
container for inviting external users
request container for inviting external subjects
invalidates HttpSession and sets cookie to allow challenge from whatever is managing authenticated access.
Convenience class to allow a ResourceBundle to be acessed as a Map - used in JSTL.
simple wrapper of map
Wraps a Subject - allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
Reads an XML configuration file and exports membership data as specified.
gui membership container
Interface that reads data and tries to create memberships.
Class that reads an XML configuration file and hands off actual data import to an implementation associated with the selected import format.
thrown when a config value is not found
The interface which allows sites to veto whether a particular Subject gets particular menu items
Information about menu
Class which can merge a series of web.xml files Designed to allow contributions + site specific changes to be added to the Grouper supplied web.xml file
A simple message Class which is created for display in the message area of the UI.
simple permission update menu
Thrown when an id does not match to a group or stem
my groups container beans and objects
Name value pair
Helper class centralise some Exception handling
when the invalid session is detected (container not there on internal call)
when no user is authenticated
Base class for using a Map as a wrapper to an object
request wrapper to expose user of webapp
bean for simple attribute update.
Pluggable interface thats allows site-specific rules for naming Personal stems.
subject for subject picker result
Integrates CAS with Grouper ui
container for public screens (e.g.
represents a row of the screen, field or attribute
hold generic stuff about user in session
container to show rules on screen
Sites can add custom form elements to the subject search screen.
service container beans and objects
hold generic stuff about user in session
Initialises HttpSession after login.
helper class to convert set to enumeration
bean for simple membership update.
ajax methods for simple memebrship update import and export actions
exception from import
get text in external URL (if applicable), and from
Wraps a GrouperStem- allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
Implementation of ComparatorHelper used to sort Stems.
stem container in new ui
data about stem delete screen
Wraps a Subject - allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
Implementation of ComparatorHelper used to sort Subjects.
tag to print out subject icon
thrown when a config value is not found
Wraps a Subject a group/stem and privilege - allows non persistent values to be stored for the UI and works well with JSTL
subject implementation around a member, if the subject is not found, handle gracefully
Utility methods for tags
Interface for resolving an object and a view to a template.
Creates and caches for re-use a TemplateResolver.
Called from ant 'test' target.
text container in request for user
Used in conjunction with ELTileRecorderTag to print a comment in current page output which shows which template was rendered.
Interface which provides ability to override the default privilege model for Groups in the UI i.e.
Factory for obtaining configured UIGroupPrivilegeResolver see
New in 1.2.1, a general means of specifying UI privileges.
base class of service logic for UI
Convenience class which allows disparate parts of code keep track of goings on within a thread
main logic for ui
operations in the stem screen
results from retrieving results
results from retrieving results
operations in the group screen
operations in the group screen
operations in the group screen
Used for chart data in the audit log membership history graphs
results from retrieving results
operations in the group screen
main logic for ui
operations on memberships
my stems logic
bean that goes to json and back, very simple
main logic for ui
results from retrieving results
operations in the stem screen
Used for chart data in the audit log membership history graphs
results from retrieving results
type of stem search
logic involving subjects
Operations to display a graph of object relationships
bean to serialize options from stored preferences
Thrown when something is seriously amiss.