
Package that contains concrete implementations of JavaType, as well as the factory (TypeFactory) for constructing instances from various input data types (like Class, Type) and programmatically (for structured types, arrays, Lists and Maps).
  • Class
    Array types represent Java arrays, both primitive and object valued.
    Key class, used as an efficient and accurate key for locating per-class values, such as JsonSerializers.
    Simple helper class used to keep track of 'call stack' for classes being referenced (as well as unbound variables)
    Type that represents things that act similar to Collection; but may or may not be instances of that interface.
    Type that represents Java Collection types (Lists, Sets).
    Set of logical types (or type categories, classes of classes), used for defining applicability of configuration like coercion configuration.
    Type that represents Map-like types; things that consist of key/value pairs but that do not necessarily implement Map, but that do not have enough introspection functionality to allow for some level of generic handling.
    Type that represents "true" Java Map types.
    Helper type used when introspecting bindings for already resolved types, needed for specialization.
    Specialized SimpleType for types that are referential types, that is, values that can be dereferenced to another value (or null), of different type.
    Internal placeholder type used for self-references.
    Simple types are defined as anything other than one of recognized container types (arrays, Collections, Maps).
    Helper class used for resolving type parameters for given class
    Class used for creating concrete JavaType instances, given various inputs.
    Class that defines API that can be used to modify details of JavaType instances constructed using TypeFactory.
    Simple recursive-descent parser for parsing canonical JavaType representations and constructing type instances.