All Classes and Interfaces

A common base class for Unicode extra information extra fields.
Represents an archive entry in the "ar" format.
Implements the "ar" archive format as an input stream.
Implements the "ar" archive format as an output stream.
Represents an entry of an archive.
Archiver related Exception
Archive input streams MUST override the[], int, int) - or - method so that reading from the stream generates EOF for the end of data in each entry as well as at the end of the file proper.
Archive output stream implementations are expected to override the OutputStream.write(byte[], int, int) method to improve performance.
Factory to create Archive[In|Out]putStreams from names or the first bytes of the InputStream.
Generic Archive utilities
An entry in an ARJ archive.
The known values for HostOs.
Implements the "arj" archive format as an InputStream.
BCJ filter for little endian ARM instructions.
BCJ filter for little endian ARM-Thumb instructions.
Adds Unix file permission and UID/GID fields as well as symbolic link handling.
Signals a failure processing authentication challenge
This class provides utility methods for parsing HTTP www and proxy authentication challenges.
This class provides utility methods for processing HTTP www and proxy authentication challenges.
Signals a failure in authentication process
Authentication policy class.
This interface represents an abstract challenge-response oriented authentication scheme.
No longer used
The class represents an authentication scope consisting of a host name, a port number, a realm name and an authentication scheme name which Credentials apply to.
This class provides detailed information about the state of the authentication process.
Provides Base64 encoding and decoding as defined by RFC 2045.
Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
Identical to the Base64 encoding defined by RFC 1521 and allows a character set to be specified.
Translates between byte arrays and strings of "0"s and "1"s.
Defines common decoding methods for byte array decoders.
Defines common encoding methods for byte array encoders.
A stream that limits reading from a wrapped stream to a given number of bytes.
A PartSource that reads from a byte array.
A RequestEntity that contains an array of bytes.
An input stream that decompresses from the BZip2 format to be read as any other stream.
An output stream that compresses into the BZip2 format into another stream.
Utility code for the BZip2 compression format.
ChangeSet collects and performs changes to an archive.
Performs ChangeSet operations on a stream.
Stores the results of an performed ChangeSet operation.
Character encoding names required of every implementation of the Java platform.
Charsets required of every implementation of the Java platform.
A stream that verifies the checksum of the data read once the stream is exhausted.
Transparently coalesces chunks of a HTTP stream that uses Transfer-Encoding chunked.
Implements HTTP chunking support.
Signals a circular redirect
Compressor related exception
Factory to create Compressor[In|Out]putStreams from names.
A timeout while connecting waiting for an available connection from an HttpConnectionManager.
Establishes a tunneled HTTP connection via the CONNECT method.
A timeout while connecting to an HTTP server or waiting for an available connection from an HttpConnectionManager.
Cuts the wrapped InputStream off after a specified number of bytes.
This helper class is intedned to help work around the limitation of older Java versions (older than 1.4) that prevents from specifying a connection timeout when creating a socket.
Helper class for wrapping socket based tasks.
HTTP "magic-cookie" represents a piece of state information that the HTTP agent and the target server can exchange to maintain a session.
Cookie class for RFC2965Spec cookie specification.
Ths interface represents a cookie attribute handler responsible for parsing, validating, and matching a specific cookie attribute, such as path, domain, port, etc.
CookieOrigin class incapsulates details of an origin server that are relevant when parsing, validating or matching HTTP cookies.
This cookie comparator ensures that multiple cookies satisfying a common criteria are ordered in the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes precede those with less specific.
Cookie management policy class.
Defines the cookie management specification.
Cookie management functions shared by all specification.
Defines cookie specification specific capabilities
Thrown when the compressed input data is corrupt.
Stream that tracks the number of bytes read.
Stream that tracks the number of bytes read.
A cpio archive consists of a sequence of files.
CPIOArchiveInputStream is a stream for reading cpio streams.
CPIOArchiveOutputStream is a stream for writing CPIO streams.
All constants needed by CPIO.
A stream that verifies the CRC of the data read once the stream is exhausted.
Authentication credentials.
Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are not available
Credentials provider interface can be used to provide HTTP method with a means to request authentication credentials if no credentials have been given or given credentials are incorrect.
The purpose of this class is to provide encryption and decryption using standard Java libraries, for potentially large amounts of data.
driver in right classloader
An exception to indicate an error parsing a date string.
A utility class for parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers.
Provides the highest level of abstraction for Decoders.
Thrown when a Decoder has encountered a failure condition during a decode.
The default HttpMethodRetryHandler used by HttpMethods.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters.
The default class for creating protocol sockets.
Deflate decompressor.
Deflate compressor.
Parameters for the Deflate compressor.
Implements the HTTP DELETE method.
Decodes raw Delta-filtered data (no XZ headers).
Delta filter options.
Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617.
Operations to simplifiy common MessageDigest tasks.
Encodes a string into a double metaphone value.
Various constants associated with dump archives.
The type of compression.
The type of tape segment.
This class represents an entry in a Dump archive.
Dump Archive Exception
The DumpArchiveInputStream reads a UNIX dump archive as an InputStream.
This class represents identifying information about a Dump archive volume.
Provides the highest level of abstraction for Encoders.
Thrown when there is a failure condition during the encoding process.
The home for utility methods that handle various encoding tasks.
from sh or bat file to encrypt a string
This abstract class serves as a foundation for all HTTP methods that can enclose an entity within requests
The home for utility methods that handle various exception-related tasks.
This abstract class serves as a foundation for all HTTP methods that support 'Expect: 100-continue' handshake.
This is like a map, but the setters also take an expire time which will mean the items in the cache will be automatically deleted.
This holds the actual value of the map, and the time it was inserted, and the time that it should last in the cache
utility methods for grouper.
ZipExtraField related methods
"enum" for the possible actions to take if the extra field cannot be parsed.
File name mapping code for the compression formats.
This class implements a part of a Multipart post object that consists of a file.
A PartSource that reads from a File.
A RequestEntity that represents a File.
Base class for filter-specific options classes.
Output stream that supports finishing without closing the underlying stream.
Wraps an output stream to a finishable output stream for use with raw encoders.
CompressorInputStream for the framing Snappy format.
Assists in implementing Object.equals(Object) methods.
Assists in implementing Object.hashCode() methods.
Parser/encoder for the "general purpose bit" field in ZIP's local file and central directory headers.
Implements the HTTP GET method.
the instance can be reused, it doesnt store state except the connection user/pass etc
oracle types
keep track of which version grouper is.
Install grouper
structure and logic to locate where grouper is installed (or will be?)
which type of install are we
main function of grouper installer
when indexing a file, keep track of the name, file, type, etc
type of patch file
grouper installer merge properties files main
utility methods for grouper.
The results of executing a command.
Input stream that decompresses .gz files.
Compressed output stream using the gzip format.
Parameters for the GZIP compressor.
Utility code for the gzip compression format.
An HTTP header.
One element of an HTTP header's value.
A class for combining a set of headers.
Implements the HTTP HEAD method.
Hex encoder and decoder.
Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a host.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to instances of HostConfiguration.
no longer used
no longer used
An HTTP "user-agent", containing an HTTP state and one or more HTTP connections, to which HTTP methods can be applied.
Signals that an error has occurred.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to instances of HttpClient.
An abstraction of an HTTP InputStream and OutputStream pair, together with the relevant attributes.
An interface for classes that manage HttpConnections.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to HTTP connection managers.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to HTTP connections.
use EncodingUtil class
Signals that the response content was larger than anticipated.
Signals that an HTTP or HttpClient exception has occurred.
Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a host.
HttpMethod interface represents a request to be sent via a HTTP connection and a corresponding response.
An abstract base implementation of HttpMethod.
This class represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters applicable to HTTP methods.
A handler for determining if an HttpMethod should be retried after a recoverable exception during execution.
This interface represents a collection of HTTP protocol parameters.
A factory for getting the default set of parameters to use when creating an instance of HttpParams.
A utility class for parsing http header values according to RFC-2616 Section 4 and 19.3.
no longer used
A container for HTTP attributes that may persist from request to request, such as cookies and authentication credentials.
Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes.
Provides a HttpURLConnection wrapper around HttpClient's HttpMethod.
HTTP version, as specified in RFC 2616.
BCJ filter for Itanium (IA-64) instructions.
A helper class for connection managers to track idle connections.
A utility class for periodically closing idle connections.
A cookie spec that does nothing.
A RequestEntity that contains an InputStream.
This class is only public for technical reasons and is not part of Commons Compress' published API - it may change or disappear without warning.
Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are invalid
Invalid Format Exception.
Signals violation of HTTP specification caused by an invalid redirect location
Utility functions
Implements an input stream that can read entries from jar files.
Subclass that adds a special extra field to the very first entry which allows the created archive to be used as an executable jar on Solaris.
If this extra field is added as the very first extra field of the archive, Solaris will consider it an executable jar file.
Implementation of the org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface that wraps the standard JDK logging mechanisms that are available in SourceForge's Lumberjack for JDKs prior to 1.4.
Implementation of the org.apache.commons.logging.Log interface that wraps the standard JDK logging mechanisms that were introduced in the Merlin release (JDK 1.4).
A set of utility methods to help produce consistent Object#equals(Object) and Object#hashCode methods.
Simple command line application that lists the contents of an archive.
A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
An exception that is thrown only if a suitable LogFactory or Log instance cannot be created by the corresponding factory methods.
Factory for creating Log instances, with discovery and configuration features similar to that employed by standard Java APIs such as JAXP.
Concrete subclass of LogFactory that implements the following algorithm to dynamically select a logging implementation class to instantiate a wrapper for.
Use LogFactory instead - The default factory implementation performs exactly the same algorithm as this class did
Decompresses a raw LZMA2 stream (no XZ headers).
LZMA2 compression options.
LZMA decompressor.
Decompresses legacy .lzma files and raw LZMA streams (no .lzma header).
Signals that authentication challenge is in some way invalid or illegal in the given context
Signals that a cookie is in some way invalid or illegal in a given context
Thrown when the memory usage limit given to the XZ decompressor would be exceeded.
Encodes a string into a metaphone value.
Use MultipartRequestEntity in conjunction with PostMethod instead.
Implements a request entity suitable for an HTTP multipart POST method.
Manages a set of HttpConnections for various HostConfigurations.
mysql driver in right classloader
A simple class encapsulating a name/value pair.
Netscape cookie draft specific cookie management functions
Signals that the target server failed to respond with a valid HTTP response.
Trivial implementation of Log that throws away all messages.
Credentials for use with the NTLM authentication scheme which requires additional information.
An implementation of the Microsoft proprietary NTLM authentication scheme.
Implements the HTTP OPTIONS method.
oracle driver in right classloader
This formatter produces a textual representation of attribute/value pairs.
A simple parser intended to parse sequences of name/value pairs.
Abstract class for one Part of a multipart post object.
Provides setters and getters for the basic Part properties.
An interface for providing access to data when posting MultiPart messages.
postgres driver in right classloader
Implements the HTTP POST method.
BCJ filter for big endian PowerPC instructions.
A class to encapsulate the specifics of a protocol.
Signals that an HTTP protocol violation has occurred.
A factory for creating Sockets.
A client that provides sockets for communicating through HTTP proxies via the HTTP CONNECT method.
Contains the method used to execute the connect along with the created socket.
Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a proxy.
Implements the HTTP PUT method.
Similar to the Quoted-Printable content-transfer-encoding defined in RFC 1521 and designed to allow text containing mostly ASCII characters to be decipherable on an ASCII terminal without decoding.
Codec for the Quoted-Printable section of RFC 1521 .
Signals violation of HTTP specification caused by an invalid redirect
Encodes a string into a Refined Soundex value.
This helper class uses refelction in order to execute Socket methods available in Java 1.4 and above
RFC 2109 specific cookie management functions
Abstract authentication scheme class that lays foundation for all RFC 2617 compliant authetication schemes and provides capabilities common to all authentication schemes defined in RFC 2617.
RFC 2965 specific cookie management functions.
A ProtocolSocketFactory that is secure.
Wraps a RandomAccessFile in a SeekableInputStream.
Input stream with random access support.
Decompresses a .xz file in random access mode.
An entry in a 7z archive.
Reads a 7z file, using RandomAccessFile under the covers.
The (partially) supported compression/encryption methods used in 7z archives.
Combines a SevenZMethod with configuration options for the method.
Writes a 7z file.
Short File Exception.
A connection manager that provides access to a single HttpConnection.
Simple implementation of Log that sends all enabled log messages, for all defined loggers, to System.err.
Decompresses exactly one XZ Stream in streamed mode (no seeking).
CompressorInputStream for the raw Snappy format.
Encodes a string into a Soundex value.
BCJ filter for SPARC.
sql server driver in right classloader
A SecureProtocolSocketFactory that uses JSSE to create sockets.
Represents a Status-Line as returned from a HTTP server.
Exception thrown by ArchiveStreamFactory if a format is requested/detected that doesn't support streaming.
Decodes a String into a String.
Encodes a String into a String.
Strings are comparable, and this comparator allows you to configure it with an instance of a class which implements StringEncoder.
Simple string parameter for a multipart post
A RequestEntity that contains a String.
This class represents an entry in a Tar archive.
The TarInputStream reads a UNIX tar archive as an InputStream.
The TarOutputStream writes a UNIX tar archive as an OutputStream.
This class represents a sparse entry in a Tar archive.
This interface contains all the definitions used in the package.
This class provides static utility methods to work with byte streams.
Executes a task with a specified timeout.
Signals that the task timed out.
Implements the HTTP TRACE method.
Info-ZIP Unicode Comment Extra Field (0x6375):
Info-ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field (0x7075):
Constants from stat.h on Unix systems.
Wrapper for extra field data that doesn't conform to the recommended format of header-tag + size + data.
Simple placeholder for all those extra fields we don't want to deal with.
Unrecognized Format Exception.
Unsupported compression algorithm.
Thrown when compression options not supported by this implementation are detected.
Exception thrown when attempting to read or write data for a zip entry that uses ZIP features not supported by this library.
ZIP Features that may or may not be supported.
The interface for the URI(Uniform Resource Identifiers) version of RFC 2396.
The charset-changed normal operation to represent to be required to alert to user the fact the default charset is changed.
A mapping to determine the (somewhat arbitrarily) preferred charset for a given locale.
The URI parsing and escape encoding exception.
The URI escape and character encoding and decoding utility.
Implements the 'www-form-urlencoded' encoding scheme, also misleadingly known as URL encoding.
Username and password Credentials.
Implementation of Hashtable that uses WeakReference's to hold its keys thus allowing them to be reclaimed by the garbage collector.
An extra field that stores additional file and directory timestamp data for zip entries.
An extra field that stores UNIX UID/GID data (owner & group ownership) for a given zip entry.
BCJ filter for x86 (32-bit and 64-bit) instructions.
indent xml, assumes the input is not yet indented.
XZ constants.
XZ decompressor.
XZ compressor.
Thrown when the input data is not in the XZ format.
Decompresses a .xz file in streamed mode (no seeking).
Generic IOException specific to this package.
Compresses into the .xz file format.
Utility code for the xz compression format.
Input stream that decompresses .Z files.
Holds size and other extended information for entries that use Zip64 features.
The different modes ZipArchiveOutputStream can operate in.
Exception thrown when attempting to write data that requires Zip64 support to an archive and UseZip64 has been set to Never.
Extension that adds better handling of extra fields and provides access to the internal and external file attributes.
Implements an input stream that can read Zip archives.
Reimplementation of that does handle the extended functionality of this package, especially internal/external file attributes and extra fields with different layouts for local file data and central directory entries.
enum that represents the possible policies for creating Unicode extra fields.
Utility class that represents an eight byte integer with conversion rules for the big endian byte order of ZIP files.
An interface for encoders that do a pretty encoding of ZIP filenames.
Static helper functions for robustly encoding filenames in zip files.
General format of extra field data.
Replacement for java.util.ZipFile.
Utility class that represents a four byte integer with conversion rules for the big endian byte order of ZIP files.
List of known compression methods Many of these methods are currently not supported by commons compress
Utility class that represents a two byte integer with conversion rules for the big endian byte order of ZIP files.
Utility class for handling DOS and Java time conversions.