All Classes and Interfaces
Formats user and group addresses.
CacheObject supports Google User, Google Group, Grouper Subject, and Grouper Group objects.
Is a Google named index with a back link to the Grouper group object.
Is a Google named index with a back link to the Grouper subject object.
which provisions via Google Apps API.Initiates a GoogleAppsFullSync from command-line
GoogleAppsSdkUtils is a helper class that interfaces with the Google SDK Admin API and handles exponential back-off.
Collects all the various properties and makes them available to the consumer and fullSync.
ObjectCache stores objects retrieved from Google to save on the number of API round trips required.
Contains methods used by both the ChangeLogConsumer and the FullSync classes.
RecentlyManipulatedObjectsList tracks objects that have been recently manipulated on Google so that a delay can be
introduced if that object is manipulated again in the near tear.