# The text config uses Grouper Configuration Overlays (documented on wiki) # By default the configuration is read from the base file # (which should not be edited), and the override overlays # the base settings. See the grouper.text.en.us.base.properties for the possible # settings that can be applied to the grouper.text.en.us.properties # you can use ${' '} to put a space at start or end since values are trimmed ######################################## ## Config chaining hierarchy ######################################## # comma separated config files that override each other (files on the right override the left) # each should start with file: or classpath: # e.g. classpath:grouperText/grouper.text.en.us.base.properties, file:c:/temp/grouperText/grouper.text.en.us.properties text.config.hierarchy = classpath:grouperText/grouper.text.en.us.base.properties, classpath:grouperText/grouper.text.en.us.properties # seconds between checking to see if the config files are updated text.config.secondsBetweenUpdateChecks = 60 ## English language, US locale ## You can leave this file alone, and override in grouper.text.en.us.properties ######################################## ############## nav.properties ######################################## #grouper empty.space=  error.title=Error error.general=An error has occurred which prevented the page from displaying. If the problem persists please contact your system administrator with the details below: error.undefined=The nature of the error could not be determined error.subtitle={0} error.too.many.subject.results=Too many results, please narrow your search error.too.many.subject.results.for.source=Too many results returned by one or more data sources - displaying truncated result set. Please narrow your search error.too.many.subject.results.for.source.reminder=(truncated result set) jsp.error=Error! access.grouper=Access grouper stem.root.display-name=Root intersection=and (intersection) union=or (union) complement=not (complement) attribute.required.indicator=* attribute.required.info=*Required attribute subject.view.yourself=View your own details groups.help.link.group-math=Help for composite group math groups.remove.all.success=All members were removed groups.remove.selected.success={0} selected members were removed groups.remove.none-selected=You did not select any members groups.remove.unkown.error=Cannot determine which members to remove groups.remove.composite.error=Cannot remove members from a composite group groups.remove.no-privs.error=Insufficient privileges to remove members groups.remove.all.warn=You are about to remove all members of this group. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? groups.remove.warn=You are about to remove some members of this group. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? groups.delete.warn=You are about to delete this group and all its memberships. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? stems.delete.warn=You are about to delete this folder. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure? groups.composite-member.indicator=This is a composite group groups.composite-member.composed-as=is composed of tooltipTargetted.groups.composite-member.composed-as=Click to examine membership list for this group groups.composite.remove=Remove composite group groups.composite.add=Create composite group groups.composite.add.insufficient-saved=You need more groups in the Group workspace to create a composite group. To add groups, browse or search for the groups you require, then go to the Group Summary page and click the `Add to group workspace` button. groups.composite.replace=Replace composite factors tooltipTargetted.groups.composite.replace=Select new factor group(s) used to create this composite group.

The current factor groups used to create this composite group will be removed. groups.composite.members-replace=Create composite group tooltipTargettd.groups.composite.members-replace=Remove all existing members of this group to begin creating a new composite group groups.composite.rightGroup=Right group groups.composite.leftGroup=Left group groups.composite.type=Type groups.composite.save.duplicate=You must choose two different groups to create a composite group groups.composite.save.self-reference=You cannot make the parent group part of the composite group groups.composite.save.success=The composite group was successfully saved groups.add.member.error.circular=You cannot make a group a member of itself. Other assignments were completed group.view-attribute.insufficient-privileges=*Insufficient privileges* grouper.help=Help groups.my=My memberships groups.manage=Manage groups groups.create=Create groups groups.join=Join groups groups.all=Explore groups.help=Help search.subjects=Search saved.groups=Group workspace saved.subjects=Entity workspace saved.stems=Folder workspace liteUi.list=Lite UI grouptypes.list=Group types grouptypes.list.can=View all group type definitions grouptypes.label.internal=internal grouptypes.label.field=Field grouptypes.label.type=Type grouptypes.label.required=Required grouptypes.label.nullable=Nullable grouptypes.label.read-priv=Read privilege grouptypes.label.write-priv=Write privilege wheelgroup.action.to-admin=Act as admin wheelgroup.action.to-mortal=Act as self wheelgroup.action.submit=Change groups.my.link.title=Find groups where you are a member groups.join.link.title=Find groups that you are eligible to join groups.manage.link.title=Find groups where you may update membership lists or assign privileges to others groups.create.link.title=Create new groups or folders, as permitted by location groups.all.link.title=Explore all groups that are visible to you groups.help.link.title=Display introduction and general help groups.privilege.direct=has direct privileges groups.privilege.indirect=has indirect privileges stems.privilege.direct=has direct privileges stems.privilege.indirect=has indirect privileges search.subjects.link.title=Search for entities (people, groups, resources, etc.) grouptypes.link.title=List group types and their fields liteUi.link.title=Go to Lite UI newUi.link.title=Go to New UI groups.action.flatten=List my groups groups.action.unflatten=Show folders and groups groups.action.import-members=Import members to {0} {1} using format [{2}] ui.error.not.in.required.group=Error, user {0} needs to be in one of the following groups: {1} stems.action.flatten=Browse folders and groups stems.action.unflatten=List my groups stems.create=Create folders stems.manage=Manage folders groups.current-memberships=To find groups in which you are a member, you can:
  - Browse the groups hierarchy
  - List your groups
  - Search for groups by name groups.create.can=To find folders where you may create groups, you can:
  - Browse the groups hierarchy
  - List your folders
  - Search for folders by name audit.query.can='Show' the search form to view results for a different time period and/or sort results differently. Click on a link to see summary information for the named entity. Click 'Cancel' to quit this page. #No longer used - se field.displayName #groups.edit.name=Text ID #groups.edit.display-name= Name #groups.edit.description=Description groups.edit.type=Select group types groups.edit.cancel=Back to group summary groups.move.cancel=Back to group summary groups.move.destinationStem=Destination folder tooltipTargetted.groups.move.destinationStem=Enter the ID Path of the destination folder. If you have folders saved in your folder workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. groups.move.groupToMove=Group to move tooltipTargetted.groups.move.groupToMove=Enter the ID Path of the group to move. If you have groups saved in your group workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. groups.move.assignAlternateName=Set alternate name? tooltipTargetted.groups.move.assignAlternateName=If you select this option, the alternate ID path of the group will be set to the group's old ID path. groups.copy.cancel=Back to group summary groups.copy.destinationStem=Destination folder tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.destinationStem=Enter the ID Path of the destination folder. If you have folders saved in your folder workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. groups.copy.groupToCopy=Group to copy tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.groupToCopy=Enter the ID Path of the group to copy. If you have groups saved in your group workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. groups.copy.copyAttributes=Copy attributes? tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyAttributes=If you select this option, all custom attributes will be copied to the new group. If you do not have read access to all attributes in the group, you will get a privilege error. groups.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=Copy list memberships of the group? tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=If you select this option, all members of the group in the default list along with any custom lists will be copied to the new group. If you do not have read access to any of the custom lists, you will get a privilege error. groups.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=Copy privileges of the group? tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=If you select this option, all privileges of the group will be copied to the new group. If you do not have read access to any of the privileges, you will get a privilege error. groups.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=Copy list memberships where the group is a member of other groups? tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=If you select this option and the group is a member of other groups, the new copied group will be added to the other groups' membership list. If you do not have access to add members to the other groups, you will get a privilege error. groups.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=Copy privileges where the group has privileges to other groups or folders? tooltipTargetted.groups.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=If you select this option and the group has privileges to other groups or folders, the new copied group will also be given privileges to those other groups or folders. If you do not have access to add privileges to the other groups or folders, you will get a privilege error. stems.move.destinationStem=Destination folder tooltipTargetted.stems.move.destinationStem=Enter the ID Path of the destination folder. If you have folders saved in your folder workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. stems.move.stemToMove=Folder to move tooltipTargetted.stems.move.stemToMove=Enter the ID Path of the folder to move. If you have folders saved in your folder workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. stems.move.assignAlternateName=Set alternate names for folders and groups? tooltipTargetted.stems.move.assignAlternateName=If you select this option, the alternate ID paths of the folders and groups being moved will be set to their old ID paths. stems.copy.destinationStem=Destination folder tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.destinationStem=Enter the ID Path of the destination folder. If you have folders saved in your folder workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. stems.copy.stemToCopy=Folder to copy tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.stemToCopy=Enter the ID Path of the folder to copy. If you have folders saved in your folder workspace, you will have the option to select one of them or enter a different one. stems.copy.copyAttributes=Copy group attributes? tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyAttributes=If you select this option, all custom attributes for the groups in the folder will be copied to the new groups. stems.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=Copy list memberships of groups? tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyListMembersOfGroup=If you select this option, all members of the groups in the folder in the default list along with any custom lists will be copied to the new groups. stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=Copy privileges of groups? tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfGroup=If you select this option, all privileges of the groups in the folder will be copied to the new groups. stems.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=Copy list memberships where groups in the folder being copied are members of other groups? tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyListGroupAsMember=If you select this option and groups in the folder being copied are members of other groups, the new copied groups will be added to the other groups' membership list. If you do not have access to add members to the other groups, you will get a privilege error. stems.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=Copy privileges where the groups in the folder being copied have privileges to other groups or folders? tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyGroupAsPrivilege=If you select this option and groups in the folder being copied have privileges to other groups or folders, the new copied groups will also be given privileges to those other groups or folders. If you do not have access to add privileges to the other groups or folders, you will get a privilege error. stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfStem=Copy folder privileges? tooltipTargetted.stems.copy.copyPrivilegesOfStem=If you select this option, all folder privileges will be copied. groups.edit-attributes.types-header=Group type groups.edit-attributes.attributes-header=Attribute groups.edit-attributes.values-header=Value groups.create.cancel=Back to Manage folders groups.heading.browse=Browse or list groups groups.heading.search=Search groups groups.heading.manage=Manage groups groups.heading.where-is-factor=Groups where [{0}] is a used as a factor to create a composite group groups.heading.list-members=Membership list groups.heading.export-members=Export members groups.heading.import-members=Import members groups.heading.import-members-string=Import members by typing or pasting data groups.heading.change-members-list-scope=Select display groups.export.select-format-title=Export format for member data groups.export.submit=Export members groups.import.select-format-title=Import format of file which will be uploaded groups.import.select-file-title=Select file containing member data groups.import.textarea-title=Type or paste text in the selected format groups.import.submit=Import members groups.import.message.no-separator=Separator attribute not defined, or is empty groups.import.message.bad-field-type=Field-type must be 'ID' or 'identifier' groups.import.message.insufficient-fields=Insufficient fields groups.import.message.existing-member=Already a member groups.import.message.successful=Successfully added groups.import.message.error=Error adding member groups.import.message.no-subject=No entity identified groups.import.message.subject-not-unique=Entity not unique groups.import.message.insufficient-privileges=You lack sufficient privileges to import members groups.import.message.no-data=You did not select a file or the file was empty groups.import.message.zero-added=No members were added. Either no entities were recognized, or the entities you selected were already members of the group. groups.heading.list-privilegees=Entity list filtered by privilege groups.heading.select-other=Find other group groups.summary.field-is-list=List field groups.summary.select-list=Manage other lists groups.membership.through=through groups.membership.through.title=Assign privileges for all members of groups.membership.chain=membership chain groups.membership.chain.title=View the chain through which this entity is considered a member. groups.access.chain.title=View / modify {0} privilege for {1} on {2} groups.access.modify-all.title=View / modify privileges for group stems.access.chain.title=View / modify {0} privilege for {1} on {2} browse.assign.title=Click to view / modify privileges for {0} on {1} groups.membership.chain.cancel=Back to membership list groups.membership.chain.member-of=is a member of groups.membership.chain.member-of-list=is a member of the {0} list field of groups.membership.chain.indirect-member-of=is an indirect member of groups.membership.chain.multiple-of=is a member, by {0} paths, of groups.membership.chain.multiple=is a member by {0} paths groups.membership.chain.member=is a direct member groups.membership.chain.indirect-member=is an indirect member groups.membership.view-privileges=privileges groups.membership.view-subject-attributes=attributes groups.membership.view-group-attributes=attributes groups.membership.for=for groups.membership.view-members=members stems.membership.view-privileges=privileges stems.membership.view-subject-attributes=attributes stems.membership.for=for groups.privilege.has-for=has {0} privilege for privs.group.member.none=You are not authorized to change privileges privs.stem.member.none=You are not authorized to change privileges groups.create.privs-for-all=Assign privileges to everyone groups.summary.cancel=Back to my groups groups.action.edit=Edit group tooltipTargetted.groups.action.edit=Edit the attributes or default privilege settings for this group groups.action.edit-attr=Edit attributes groups.action.edit-member=Change privileges on {0} groups.action.edit-members=Manage members tooltipTargetted.groups.action.edit-members=Display the membership list for this group, or remove members groups.action.find-new-members=Assign privileges / Add members for [{0}] groups.action.find-new-list-members=Find new members for [{0}], list={1} groups.action.copy=Copy group tooltipTargetted.groups.action.copy=Copy this group to another folder groups.action.move=Move group tooltipTargetted.groups.action.move=Move this group to another folder groups.action.audit=Audit log tooltipTargetted.groups.action.audit=View actions performed on this group grouptypes.action.audit=Audit log tooltipTargetted.grouptypes.action.audit=View actions performed on this group type groups.action.delete=Delete tooltipTargetted.groups.action.delete=Delete this group and all its memberships groups.action.join=Join groups.action.leave=Leave groups.action.create=Create group tooltipTargetted.groups.action.create=Go to create a new group groups.action.show-members=Members groups.action.show-privilegees=Current entities with [{0}] privilege groups.action.summary.return-to-chains=Back to memberships groups.action.summary.start-again-here=Start browsing from here groups.action.summary.return-to-subject-summary=Back to entity details groups.action.summary.goto-this-subject=View entity details tooltipTargetted.groups.action.summary.goto-this-subject=View additional details about this entity,
including its edit history, memberships, and privileges groups.action.show-summary=Group summary groups.action.as-factor=Show as factor tooltipTargetted.groups.action.as-factor=Show where this group has been used to create a composite group subject.action.show-summary=Entity details tooltipTargetted.subject.action.show-summary=See additional details about this entity, including its edit history, memberships, and privileges subject.action.audit.memberships=Membership audit tooltipTargetted.subject.action.audit.membership=Show membership changes for entity subject.action.audit.privileges=Privilege audit tooltipTargetted.subject.action.audit.membership=Show privilege assignment changes for entity subject.action.audit.actions=Action audit tooltipTargetted.subject.action.audit.actions=Show actions performed by entity groups.action.saved=Group saved groups.action.save=Save tooltipTargetted.groups.action.save=Save group attributes groups.action.saved-attr=Attributes were saved groups.action.search=Search groups tooltipTargetted.groups.action.search=Search for a group
(not a person, resource, etc.) groups.action.save-assign=Add members tooltipTargetted.groups.action.save-assign=Save edits, then add members or assign privileges groups.action.save-add-composite=Make composite tooltipTargetted.groups.action.save-add-composite=Save edits, then create a composite group groups.heading.show-chain=Chain by which {0} is a member of {1} #subject-source.qsuob.display-name=people groups.list-members.filter-by-source=Show members from groups.list-members.any-source=Any source groups.list-members.scope.select-list=Select list groups.list-members.scope.ordinary-membership=Default list groups.list-members.scope.imm=Show DIRECT members of this group groups.list-members.scope.eff=Show INDIRECT members of this group groups.list-members.scope.all=Show ALL members of this group (direct and indirect) groups.list-members.scope.submit=Change display groups.list-members.none=This group has no members groups.list-members.imm.none=This group has no direct members groups.list-members.eff.none=This group has no indirect members groups.list-members.all.none=This group has no direct or indirect members groups.list-members.custom.imm.none=This list has no direct members groups.list-members.custom.eff.none=This list has no indirect members groups.list-members.custom.all.none=This list has no direct or indirect members groups.list-privilegees.none=No entity has been assigned the specified privilege for this group stems.list-privilegees.none=No entity has been assigned the specified privilege for this folder groups.action.attr-save=Save attributes and finish groups.action.attr-save-add=Save attributes and add members groups.manage.can=To find groups where you may update the membership lists, or assign privileges, you can:
  - Browse the groups hierarchy
  - List your groups
  - Search for groups by name groups.join.can=To find groups which you may join, you can:
  - Browse the groups hierarchy
  - List available groups
  - Search for groups by name groups.all.can=You can look for groups throughout the hierarchy.
(You might not be able to see some groups if you lack appropriate privileges.) groups.message.group-deleted=The group [{0}] was successfully deleted groups.message.group-deleted-fail.factor=The group [{0}] could not be deleted because it is used as a factor to create one or more composite groups groups.message.group-saved=The group [{0}] was successfully saved groups.message.group-moved=The group was successfully moved and its new ID Path is [{0}]. groups.message.group-copied=The group was successfully copied. The ID Path of the copied group is [{0}]. groups.message.group-created=The group [{0}] was successfully created #note: the single quotes need to be escaped in a message that has params, #that is why there are two single quotes in a row stems.message.error.add-problem=Could not create folder. Error is ''{0}''. groups.message.error.add-problem=Could not create group. Error is ''{0}''. groups.message.error.alternate-name-problem=Could not save group. Alternate name must be in the same format as a group ID Path, such as folder:alt_group_name. groups.message.error.update-problem-already-exists=Group already exists groups.message.error.invalid-char=Could not save group: Group ID cannot be empty or contain "<>/*' groups.message.error.invalid-group=The ID Path is invalid. groups.message.showing-initial-stems=Shortcuts stems.message.stem-deleted=The folder [{0}] was successfully deleted stems.message.stem-saved=The folder [{0}] was successfully saved stems.message.stem-created=The folder [{0}] was successfully created stems.message.stem-copied=The folder was successfully copied. The ID Path of the copied folder is [{0}]. stems.message.stem-moved=The folder was successfully moved and its new ID Path is [{0}]. stems.message.error.invalid-char=Could not save the folder: Folder name cannot be empty or contain "<>/*' stems.message.error.invalid-stem=The ID Path is invalid. stems.action.find-new-members=Assign creation privileges for [{0}] stems.message.stem-not-deleted=Folder [{0}] could NOT be deleted groups.message.join-success=You successfully joined the group and are now a member. groups.message.leave-success=You successfully left the group and are no longer a member. groups.message.search-results=Showing results for query #tooltip that shows when mousing over the group icon (e.g. on stem browsing) group.icon.tooltip=Group - A collection of entities (members) which can be people, other groups or other things (e.g., resources) #note, this is a non-group subject subject.icon.tooltip=Entity - A single thing which can be a member of a group. Generally an entity is a person, but it could also be a resource. #tooltip on folder / stem image stem.icon.tooltip=Folder - A tree structure used to organize groups, subfolders, and folder-level permissions groups.message.group-fail-delete=The group could not be deleted app.name=Grouper, the Internet2 groups manager menu.title=Groups #menu subtitles for sections of menu menu.subtitle.enrollment=My enrollment tooltipTargetted.menu.subtitle.enrollment=View or edit the memberships of myself in various groups menu.subtitle.responsibilities=My responsibilities tooltipTargetted.menu.subtitle.responsibilities=View or edit the group, membership, and privileges or other people or entities menu.subtitle.tools=My tools tooltipTargetted.menu.subtitle.tools=Resources to assist you auth.username=Username auth.password=Password auth.message.login-welcome=Welcome auth.message.logout-success=Your session has been ended, however, it is possible that you are still logged in. The only way to be sure that you have logged out is to close ALL browser windows. auth.message.logout-basic=Your session has been ended, however, YOU ARE STILL LOGGED IN. The only way to be sure that you have logged out is to close ALL browser windows. This is due to the type of authentication that is implemented. stems.message.search-results=Showing results for query stems.edit.name=Folder ID stems.edit.display-name=Folder name stems.edit.full-name=Folder ID path stems.edit.full-display-name=Folder path stems.edit.description=Description stems.edit.alternateName=Alternate Folder ID Path stems.action.edit=Edit folder tooltipTargetted.stems.action.edit=Go to edit folder attributes stems.action.audit=Audit log tooltipTargetted.stems.action.audit=View actions performed on this folder stems.action.search=Search folders tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.name=Folder ID is the identifier chosen by the folder creator for this folder which might be used to refer to this folder by other systems. This is unique in the parent folder and should not change frequently. tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.display-name=Folder name is the label identifier for this folder, which can change tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.description=Description is notes about the folder which could include: what the folder represents, why it was created, etc. tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.alternateName=Alternate Folder ID Path allows folders to be searchable using an alternate name. The format is the same as the format of Folder ID Path.

This is especially useful when moving a folder, which will add the old Folder ID Path of the folder as the Alternate Folder ID Path by default. Like the Folder ID Path, the Alternate Folder ID Path can be used by other systems to refer to this folder. tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.full-name=Folder ID displays the unique ID's of each enclosing folder that leads to this folder, separated by colons.
The folder ID is unique for each folder and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this folder. tooltipTargetted.stems.edit.full-display-name=Folder path displays the names of each enclosing folder that leads to this folder, separated by colons stems.action.create=Create folder tooltipTargetted.stems.action.create=Go to create a new folder stems.action.saved=Saved folder stems.action.delete=Delete folder tooltipTargetted.stems.action.delete=Click to delete this folder stems.action.save=Save and return stems.action.save-work-in-new-stem=Save and work in new folder stems.action.save-assign=Save and assign privileges stems.action.save-show-members=Save and list entities with privileges stems.action.show-members=Current enities with privileges stems.action.edit-member=Change privileges on {0} stems.action.show-priviligees=Current entities with [{0}] privilege stems.movesandcopies.cancel=Back to Manage folders stems.action.movesandcopies=Moves and Copies tooltipTargetted.stems.action.movesandcopies=Moves and Copies stems.action.copy=Copy this folder tooltipTargetted.stems.action.copy=Copy the current folder to another folder. stems.action.move=Move this folder tooltipTargetted.stems.action.move=Move the current folder to another folder. stems.action.copy-other-stem-to-stem=Copy another folder here tooltipTargetted.stems.action.copy-other-stem-to-stem=Copy another folder to the current folder. stems.action.move-other-stem-to-stem=Move another folder here tooltipTargetted.stems.action.move-other-stem-to-stem=Move another folder to the current folder. stems.action.copy-group-to-stem=Copy another group here tooltipTargetted.stems.action.copy-group-to-stem=Copy a group to the current folder. stems.action.move-group-to-stem=Move another group here tooltipTargetted.stems.action.move-group-to-stem=Move a group to the current folder. stems.heading.browse=Browse hierarchy stems.heading.search=Search folders stems.heading.manage=Manage folders stems.heading.list-members= Entity list filtered by privilege stems.edit.cancel=Back to Manage folders stems.create.cancel=Back to Manage folders find.search-all-sources=All: search all data sources find.select-person-source=in find.results.selected-individuals=Selected individuals find.results.selected-groups=Selected groups find.results.none=No results find.results.showing=Showing find.search-browse=Search / select results find.expand-collapse=Expand / collapse tree find.expanded-collapsed=Expanded / collapse tree find.search-term=Search term find.search-in=Search in find.search.and=and find.search.or=or find.search.not=not find.results.search-again=New search find.results.empty-search=Invalid search: the first search field and query value must be entered find.results.search-in=matches find.search.in-field=Search in attribute tooltipTargetted.find.search.in-field=An attribute is a Grouper built-in or custom item of information about a group. find.search.in-group-type=With group type find.search.in-group-type-input=Or/and/not find.results.group-type=group type find.search.audit.show-search-form=Show/hide search form audit.query.filter-by-date=Filter by date audit.query.filter-by-date.on=on audit.query.filter-by-date.before=before audit.query.filter-by-date.after=since audit.query.filter-by-date.between=between audit.query.filter-by-date.and=and audit.query.sort=Sort audit.query.asc=In the order they occurred audit.query.desc=Most recent first find.action.audit-query=Find entries audit.query.info.actions-on=Actions performed on {0} audit.query.info.actions-by=Actions performed by {0} audit.query.info.membership=Membership changes to {0} audit.query.info.privilege=Privilege changes for {0} audit.query.info.schema=Schema changes audit.query.extended-results=Show extended results audit.result.label.acting-as=acting as audit.result.label.logged-in-member.link.title=View details of Entity responsible for action audit.result.label.act-as-member.link.title=View details of Entity responsible for action audit.result.label.unavailable=Unavailable audit.result.label.and=and audit.result.label.to-subject=to audit.result.label.view-subject=View entity audit.result.label.member-id-did-change=memberId changed audit.result.label.member-id-did-not-change=memberId unchanged audit.result.label.to-object=to audit.result.label.for=for audit.result.label.on=on audit.result.label.from=from audit.result.label.defined-by=defined by audit.result.label.member-added=was added as an {0} member to the {1} list of audit.result.label.member-deleted=was removed as an {0} member of the {1} list of audit.result.label.group-type.link-title=View current group type definition audit.result.header.id=Entry Id audit.result.header.date=Date audit.result.header.action=Action audit.result.header.actor=Actor audit.result.header.env=Env audit.result.header.engine=Engine audit.result.header.summary=Summary audit.result.header.duration=Duration (s) audit.result.header.query-count=Query count audit.result.header.user-name=Server username audit.result.header.server-name=Server audit.result.header.server-ip=IP audit.result.header.description=Raw description find.name-desc=Name / description find.name-desc-attr=Name / description / attributes find.search-for=Search for find.people=people find.groups=groups find.groups.select-result-field=Display results by find.stems.select-result-field=Display results by find.groups.search-in=Search in: find.groups.search-in.name=Folder path find.groups.search-in.any=any attribute find.stems=folders find.all=people and groups find.group-type=Group type find.search-from=Search from find.here=Here find.root=Root find.next-page=Next page find.previous-page=Previous page find.return-results=Back to search results find.return-find=Find more members find.return-group=Back find.return-stem=Back find.add-new-members=Add new members find.browse=Browse groups hierarchy find.browse.here=Current location is: find.browse.show-results=    Showing {0}-{1} of {2} items find.browse.change-pagesize=Change page size find.browse.return-to-quick-links=Show quick links find.browse.hide-quick-links=Hide quick links and browse entire hierarchy find.for-stems.cancel=Return to Manage folders find.for-groups.cancel=Return to group summary find.search.cancel=Back find.groups.searched-for=Search results for: {0} find.subjects.searched-for=Search results for: {0} find.groups.searched-from=From [{0}] find.groups.no-results=No groups matched your search criteria find.groups.done=Back to group summary find.groups.add-new-members=Add members tooltipTargetted.find.groups.add-new-members=Add new members, or
modify privileges of existing members find.groups.add-new-privilegees=Assign this privilege to more entities find.stems.searched-for=Search results for [{0}] find.stems.searched-from=From [{0}] find.stems.no-results=No folders matched your search criteria find.subjects.no-results=No entities matched your search criteria find.action.search=Search find.action.select=Select find.selected-people=Selected individuals find.selected-stems=Selected folders find.selected-groups=Selected groups find.result.none=None found find.heading.browse=Browse folders and groups for members find.heading.search=Search people or groups find.heading.select-privs=Select privileges to assign to {0} find.heading.select-results=Confirm entities for assignment find.heading.audit-search=Search audit log entries find.search.subjects.specifySource=Specify data source #this is also used for the infodot tooltipTargetted.find.search.subjects.specifySource=Click to specify which data source to conduct your search in find.heading.groups-advanced-search=Advanced groups search infodot.subtitle.find.heading.groups-advanced-search=Select a group attribute to search from the first pulldown list, then type the term you are searching for in the text box labeled 'for'.

You may combine more than one term in your search, using the 'and', 'or' , 'not' from the pulldown lists at the end of each line.

If you select an attribute but leave the 'for' box blank on a given line, the search term entered in the nearest above will be used. find.action.select.groups-advanced-search=Advanced groups search find.heading.stems-advanced-search=Advanced folder search find.action.select.stems-advanced-search=Advanced search find.action.cancel-advanced-search=Cancel advanced search find.search-in-display-name=Search in path find.search-in-display-extension=Search in name find.search-in-display-none=Do not search in name or path find.search-in-name=Search in the ID path find.search-in-extension=Search in the ID find.search-in-none=Do not search in the ID or ID path find.search-source=Choose a data source priv.assign=Assign privileges priv.action.assigned=Privileges were assigned priv.action.assigned-failed=Privileges were not assigned priv.action.revocation-failure=The following privilege(s) could not be revoked. This is due to the fact that the privilege was not assigned directly to this entity, but to a group which the entity is a member of: priv.create=Create priv.stem=Admin priv.stemAdmin=Admin priv.createUpper=CREATE priv.stemAdminUpper=ADMIN priv.creatorsUpper=CREATE priv.stemAdminsUpper=ADMIN priv.member=Member priv.member-list-field=member of {0} list priv.optin=Optin priv.optout=Optout priv.view=View priv.read=Read priv.update=Update priv.admin=Admin priv.groupAttrRead=Attribute read priv.groupAttrUpdate=Attribute update priv.memberUpper=MEMBER priv.optinUpper=OPTIN priv.optoutUpper=OPTOUT priv.viewUpper=VIEW priv.readUpper=READ priv.updateUpper=UPDATE priv.adminUpper=ADMIN priv.groupAttrReadUpper=ATTRIBUTE READ priv.groupAttrUpdateUpper=ATTRIBUTE UPDATE priv.optinsUpper=$$priv.optinUpper$$ priv.optoutsUpper=$$priv.optoutUpper$$ priv.viewersUpper=$$priv.viewUpper$$ priv.readersUpper=$$priv.readUpper$$ priv.updatersUpper=$$priv.updateUpper$$ priv.adminsUpper=$$priv.adminUpper$$ priv.groupAttrReadersUpper=$$priv.groupAttrReadUpper$$ priv.groupAttrUpdatersUpper=$$priv.groupAttrUpdateUpper$$ priv.attrOptinUpper=OPTIN priv.attrOptoutUpper=OPTOUT priv.attrViewUpper=VIEW priv.attrReadUpper=READ priv.attrUpdateUpper=UPDATE priv.attrAdminUpper=ADMIN priv.attrDefAttrReadUpper=ATTRIBUTE READ priv.attrDefAttrUpdateUpper=ATTRIBUTE UPDATE priv.attrOptinsUpper=$$priv.attrOptinUpper$$ priv.attrOptoutsUpper=$$priv.attrOptoutUpper$$ priv.attrViewersUpper=$$priv.attrViewUpper$$ priv.attrReadersUpper=$$priv.attrReadUpper$$ priv.attrUpdatersUpper=$$priv.attrUpdateUpper$$ priv.attrAdminsUpper=$$priv.attrAdminUpper$$ priv.attrDefAttrReadersUpper=$$priv.attrDefAttrReadUpper$$ priv.attrDefAttrUpdatersUpper=$$priv.attrDefAttrUpdateUpper$$ priv.stemAttrRead=Attribute read priv.stemAttrUpdate=Attribute update priv.stemAttrReadUpper=ATTRIBUTE READ priv.stemAttrUpdateUpper=ATTRIBUTE UPDATE priv.stemAttrReadersUpper=$$priv.stemAttrReadUpper$$ priv.stemAttrUpdatersUpper=$$priv.stemAttrUpdateUpper$$ priv.colAdmin = Admin priv.colUpdate = Update priv.colRead = Read priv.colView = View priv.colOptin = OptIn priv.colOptout = OptOut priv.colAttributeRead = Attribute
read priv.colAttributeUpdate = Attribute
update privDropdownName = Name priv.colStemAdmin = Admin priv.colCreate = Create priv.colStemAttributeRead = Attribute
read priv.colStemAttributeUpdate = Attribute
update priv.colAttrAdmin = Admin priv.colAttrUpdate = Update priv.colAttrRead = Read priv.colAttrView = View priv.colAttrOptin = OptIn priv.colAttrOptout = OptOut priv.colAttrDefAttributeRead = Attribute
read priv.colAttrDefAttributeUpdate = Attribute
update # If you have enabled member sorting (member.sort.enabled) and disabled default sorting (member.sort.defaultOnly), be sure to add labels for each default sort string configured in grouper.properties (member.sort.defaultIndexOrder). member.sort.string0=Name member.sort.string1=Login Id member.sort.change-sort-attribute=Change sort attribute member.search.filter-members-hint=Enter search text to find members in the list:  member.search.filter-label=Searching for member: member.search.search-members=Search for members member.search.filter-clear=Clear member search group.member.effective.privileges=Indirect privileges infodot.subtitle.group.member.effective.privileges=Indirect privileges are not assigned to the direct membership of this entity to this group, and cannot be directly unassigned. tooltipTargettedRef.priv.create=tooltipTargetted.priv.CREATE tooltipTargettedRef.priv.stemAdmin=tooltipTargetted.priv.STEM_ADMIN tooltipTargettedRef.priv.member=tooltipTargetted.priv.MEMBER tooltipTargettedRef.priv.optin=tooltipTargetted.priv.OPTIN tooltipTargettedRef.priv.optout=tooltipTargetted.priv.OPTOUT tooltipTargettedRef.priv.view=tooltipTargetted.priv.VIEW tooltipTargettedRef.priv.read=tooltipTargetted.priv.READ tooltipTargettedRef.priv.update=tooltipTargetted.priv.UPDATE tooltipTargettedRef.priv.admin=tooltipTargetted.priv.ADMIN tooltipTargettedRef.priv.groupAttrRead=tooltipTargetted.priv.GROUP_ATTR_READ tooltipTargettedRef.priv.groupAttrUpdate=tooltipTargetted.priv.GROUP_ATTR_UPDATE tooltipTargettedRef.priv.stemAttrRead=tooltipTargetted.priv.STEM_ATTR_READ tooltipTargettedRef.priv.stemAttrUpdate=tooltipTargetted.priv.STEM_ATTR_UPDATE # IF YOU CHANGE ANY OF THESE, KEEP THE INFODOT FOR ACCESS AND NAMING PRIVS UP TO DATE tooltipTargetted.priv.CREATE=Entity may create groups, attributes, and subfolders in this folder. tooltipTargetted.priv.STEM_ADMIN=Entity may create groups, attributes, and subfolders in this folder, delete this folder, or assign any privilege to any entity tooltipTargetted.priv.MEMBER=Entity is a member of this group tooltipTargetted.priv.OPTIN=Entity may choose to join this group tooltipTargetted.priv.OPTOUT=Entity may choose to leave this group tooltipTargetted.priv.VIEW=Entity may see that this group exists tooltipTargetted.priv.READ=Entity may see the membership list for this group tooltipTargetted.priv.UPDATE=Entity may modify the membership of this group tooltipTargetted.priv.ADMIN=Entity may modify group attributes, delete this group, or assign any privilege to any entity tooltipTargetted.priv.GROUP_ATTR_READ=Entity may see the attributes for this group tooltipTargetted.priv.GROUP_ATTR_UPDATE=Entity may modify the attributes of this group tooltipTargetted.priv.STEM_ATTR_READ=Entity may see the attributes for this folder tooltipTargetted.priv.STEM_ATTR_UPDATE=Entity may modify the attributes of this folder MEMBER=Member ADMIN=Admin UPDATE=Update READ=Read VIEW=View OPTIN=Optin OPTOUT=Optout priv.message.assigned=Selected privileges were successfully assigned. priv.message.error.no-priv=You did not select any privileges. Please go back and check your input. priv.privilege=privilege priv.show-subjects-with=Show entities with privs.group.member.cancel=Back to member list privs.group.member.return-to-chains=Back to memberships priv.stems.list.cancel=Back to Manage folders priv.stems.list.cancel-and-work-in-new=Return and work in new folder find.stems.add-new-privilegees=Assign this privilege to more entities tooltipTargetted.find.stems.add-new-privilegees=Assign the selected privileges to other entities debug.error.disabled=Debugging is disabled debug.error.not-allowed=You do not have permission to debug debug.error.editor-not-allowed=You do not have permission to use the JSP editor debug.prefs.edit.isActive=Enable debug display debug.prefs.edit.i2miDir=Webapp root for I2mi debug.prefs.edit.siteDir=Webapp root for your site debug.prefs.edit.doShowResources=Show resource keys and values at end of page debug.prefs.edit.doShowResourcesInSitu=Show resource keys rather than values in page debug.prefs.edit.doShowTilesHistory=Show dynamic tiles debug.prefs.edit.editor=Executable for JSP editor debug.prefs.title=Debug preferences debug.prefs.action.save=Save preferences debug.prefs.saved=Your preferences were successfully saved debug.prefs.not-saved=Your preferences could not be saved. Check the value of 'debug.prefs.dir' in build.properties debug.prefs.edit.link=Edit preferences debug.prefs.edit.doHideStyles=Remove CSS stylesheet references audit.query.title=Audit log find.heading.audit-search-results=Results audit.query.import-importExport=Imported XML file audit.query.deleteGroupType-groupType=Deleted group type definition audit.query.move-stem=Moved folder audit.query.copy-stem=Copied folder audit.query.updateGroupPrivilege-privilege=Updated privilege audit.query.addGroupField-groupField=Added field to group type definition audit.query.updateGroupType-groupType=Updated group type definition audit.query.addAttributeDefName-attributeDefName=Added attribute name audit.query.updateStem-stem=Updated folder audit.query.addGroupPrivilege-privilege=Assigned privilege audit.query.deleteGroupField-groupField=Deleted field from group type definition audit.query.addGroup-group=Created group audit.query.deleteGroupMembership-membership=Removed membership audit.query.updateGroup-group=Updated group audit.query.deleteGroupComposite-groupComposite=Removed composite member audit.query.deleteGroup-group=Deleted group audit.query.updateGroupField-groupField=Updated field in group type definition audit.query.deleteGroupAttribute-groupAttribute=Deleted group attribute audit.query.copy-group=Copied group audit.query.addGroupComposite-groupComposite=Added composite member audit.query.addAttributeDef-attributeDef=Added attribute definition audit.query.unassignGroupType-groupTypeAssignment=Unassigned group type audit.query.addGroupType-groupType=Added group type definition audit.query.addStemPrivilege-privilege=Assigned privilege audit.query.addGroupAttribute-groupAttribute=Added group attribute audit.query.updateGroupMembership-membership=Updated membership audit.query.deleteStemPrivilege-privilege=Unassigned privilege audit.query.updateGroupComposite-groupComposite=Updated composite member audit.query.changeSubject-member=Changed subject of Member audit.query.addStem-stem=Added folder audit.query.updateStemPrivilege-privilege=Updated folder privilege audit.query.deleteStem-stem=Deleted folder audit.query.addGroupMembership-membership=Assigned membership audit.query.assignGroupType-groupTypeAssignment=Assigned group type audit.query.deleteGroupPrivilege-privilege=Deleted group privilege audit.query.move-group=Moved group audit.query.updateGroupAttribute-groupAttribute=Updated group attribute login=Log in logout=Log out cancel=Cancel cancel.to.caller-page=Return to previous page cancel.to.caller-page-title=Conduct another search cancel.to.caller-page.from-audit=Cancel audit log cancel.to.caller-page-title.from-audit=Return to page prior to audit log cancel.to.caller-page.from-group-types=Return to previous page cancel.to.caller-page-title.from-group-types=Return to previous page done=Finished logout.confirm=Click OK to continue logging out, otherwise click Cancel. browse.expand=Expand browse.to.group.summary=Click to show group summary for: {0} browse.to.subject.summary=Click to show entity details for: {0} browse.expand.stem=Click to expand and show viewable contents of the folder: browse.expand.group=Click to expand and show viewable members of the group: browse.assign=Click to assign privileges to the entity: browse.to.parent-stem=Click to browse the folder: browse.select.group=Select the group: browse.select.subject=Select the entity: list.instructions.assign=    Select privileges above, and entities below and submit the form list.instructions.browse=    Click a folder name to view its direct members, or a group name to see its summary list.instructions.search-result=    Click a result to browse it list.instructions.search-result-group=    Click a group name to display its summary list.instructions.search-result-subject=    Click an entity name to display its details list.instructions.search-result-stem=    Click a folder name to browse it list.instructions.find-new=    Click a folder name to view its direct contents, or a members link to select from group members, or an attributes link to see a group summary or entity link to see entity details, or select groups/entities and submit the form and assign privileges list.instructions.member-links=    Click an entity name to view entity details, or click a membership description to view/modify privileges. list.instructions.privilege-links=    Click an entity name to view entity details, or click a privilege description to view/modify privileges subject.summary.view-list-field-members=View {0} membership list subject.summary.memberships=This entity is a member of the following groups subject.summary.access-privs=This entity has the selected group privilege for the following groups: subject.summary.naming-privs=This entity has the selected creation privilege for the following folders: subject.summary.start-again-here=View memberships and privileges for this entity subject.summary.subject-type=Entity type subject.summary.browse-this-group=View group summary subject.privileges.from-grouperall=inherits from EveryEntity subject.privileges.from-groupersystem=inherits from GrouperSysAdmin (via the SysAdmin group) subject.privileges.has-for=which has privilege(s) subject.privileges.current=Current entity is subject.privileges.chain=has the following privileges. subject.privileges.chain.none=has no privileges. subject.privileges.chain.change=Change privileges subject.privileges.chain.assign=Assign privileges entity.search.results=Memberships and privileges for this entity infodot.subtitle.entity.search.results=Select a radio button, then click the Change display button to view the memberships or privileges for this entity. subject.list-membership.scope.imm=Show groups where this entity is an DIRECT member subject.list-membership.scope.eff=Show groups where this entity is an INDIRECT member subject.list-membership.scope.all=Show all groups where this entity is a member (DIRECT or INDIRECT) subject.list-access.scope.priv=Show all GROUPS where this entity has the privilege  subject.list-naming.scope.priv=Show all FOLDERS where this entity has the privilege  subject.list-all-access.scope.priv=Go to advanced search for ANY group privileges subject.list-all-naming.scope.priv=Show all FOLDERS where this entity has ANY creation privileges subject.list-membership.scope.submit=Change selection access.priv.infodot=MEMBER: Entity is a member of this group
OPTOUT: Entity may choose to leave this group
OPTIN: Entity may choose to join this group
VIEW: Entity may see that this group exists
READ: Entity may see the membership list for this group
UPDATE: Entity may modify the membership of this group
ADMIN: Entity may modify group attributes, delete this group, or assign any privilege to any entity
Attribute read: Entity may see the attributes for this group
Attribute update: Entity may modify the attributes of this group naming.priv.infodot=Create: Entity may create groups, attributes, and subfolders in this folder
Admin: Entity may create groups, attributes, and subfolders in this folder, delete this folder, or assign any privilege to any entity
Attribute read: Entity may see the attributes for this folder
Attribute update: Entity may modify the attributes of this folder subject.list-membership.none=This entity is not a member of any groups that match your selection criteria subject.list-membership.imm.none=This entity is not a direct member of any groups subject.list-membership.eff.none=This entity is not an indirect member of any groups subject.list-membership.all.none=This entity is not a direct or indirect member of any groups subject.list-membership.custom.eff.none=This entity is not an indirect member of the selected list for any groups subject.list-access.none=This entity does not have the selected group privilege for any groups subject.list-naming.none=This entity does not have the selected creation privilege for any folders or groups in the hierarchy subject.action.new-search=New entity search subject.action.return-results=Back to list of entities subject.action.search-groups=Find groups and display privileges for this entity subject.action.search-groups.info= Entity is subject.attribute.multi.separator=, subject.message.error.process-search-term=An exception has been thrown for entity {0}, the exception message generated is: {1} members.return-to-subject-summary=Back to entity details members.remove.selected=Remove selected members members.remove.all=Remove all members saved-subjects.add.group=Add to Group workspace saved-subjects.add.subject=Add to Entity workspace saved-stems.add.stem=Add to Folder workspace tooltipTargetted.saved-subjects.add.subject=Add this entity to the Entity workspace (found in the left menu under My Tools).

The Entity workspace is where you hold selected entities (persons, groups, resources, etc.) to retrieve them quickly for later actions, such as updating privileges for multiple entities. tooltipTargetted.saved-subjects.add.group=Add this group to the Group workspace (found in the left menu under My Tools).

The Group workspace is where you hold selected groups to retrieve them quickly for later actions, such as updating privileges for multiple entities. saved-subjects.link.title=Entity workspace is where you hold selected entities (persons, groups, resources, etc.) to retrieve them quickly for later actions saved-subjects.groups.link.title=Group workspace is where you hold selected groups to retrieve them quickly for later actions saved-subjects.intro=Entities (people, groups) are kept in this workspace only for the duration of your current session, and will not appear the next time you log in.
Any groups that you added to the group workspace are also displayed on this page. saved-subjects.none=
You have not added any entities to your entity workspace yet. #saved-subjects.list=Current list saved-subjects.added=This subject was added to your list in the entity workspace. saved-subjects.remove-selected=Remove selected saved-subjects.removed-selected=Selected entities were removed saved-stems.change-field=Change saved-stems.intro=Folders are kept in this workspace only for the duration of your current session, and will not appear the next time you log in. saved-stems.none=
You have not added any folders to your folder workspace yet. #saved-subjects.list=Current list saved-stems.added=This folder was added to your list in the folder workspace. saved-stems.remove-selected=Remove selected saved-stems.removed-selected=Selected folders were removed saved-subjects.add-new-members=Assign privileges to entities in the entity workspace saved-subjects.groups.change-field=Change saved-subjects.groups.intro=Groups are kept in this workspace only for the duration of your current session, and will not appear the next time you log in. saved-subjects.groups.none=
You have not added any groups to your group workspace yet. #saved-subjects.groups.list=Current list saved-subjects.groups.added=This group was added to your list in the group workspace. saved-subjects.stems.added=This folder was added to your list in the folder workspace. saved-subjects.groups.remove-selected=Remove selected saved-subjects.groups.removed-selected=Selected groups were removed members.export=export groups.heading.export-members=Export members page.skip.current-location=Skip current location page.skip.children=Skip children for page.skip.search=Skip search form page.skip.stem-links=Skip folder controls page.skip.group-links=Skip group controls homepage.intro.title=Grouper - getting started homepage.intro.text=Grouper is a system for creating and maintaining institutional groups in a central repository. Groups might be used for many different reasons, such as maintaining mailing lists, determining which set of people are permitted to access specific web applications, or for sharing resources. The goal is to create a group once, but to use it as often as necessary in as wide a range of systems as possible. field.displayName.displayName=Path field.displayName.displayExtension=Name field.displayName.extension=ID tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension=ID is the unique identifier you set for this group.

The ID must be unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this group.

The ID field cannot contain spaces or special characters. field.displayName.name=ID Path field.displayName.alternateName=Alternate ID Path field.displayName.description=Description field.displayName._any=Any attribute groups.summary.id=UUID groups.summary.extension= ID groups.summary.name= ID path groups.summary.display-name=Path groups.summary.display-extension=Name groups.summary.description=Description groups.summary.types=Types #prefixes for messages message.Message=Note: message.ErrorMessage=Error: message.WarningMessage=Warning: tooltipTargetted.groupTypes.grouperLoader=Group membership automatically managed via an external source, e.g. SQL query tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderDbName=For sql based loader, this is the name in the grouper-loader.properties of the db connection properties. If this is set to: grouper that is a special reserved term for the grouper db (in grouper.hibernate.properties) tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderIntervalSeconds=If a START_TO_START_INTERVAL schedule type, this is the number of seconds between the start of one run to the start of another run tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderPriority=The loader has a max number of concurrent jobs, and when the max is reached, then jobs are prioritized by this integer. The higher the better, and the default if not set is 5. tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderQuartzCron=Quartz cron-like string (if CRON schedule type): Seconds Minutes Hours Day-of-Month Month Day-of-Week Year (optional field).
e.g. 0 0 6 * * ? is everyday at 6am tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderQuery=This is the query to run in the DB, which must have certain columns required or optional based on the grouperLoaderType. e.g. for SQL_SIMPLE, the SUBJECT_ID is required, and the SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID is optional tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderScheduleType=CRON: This is a cron-like syntax that I think is quartz specific, START_TO_START_INTERVAL: This is a repeated schedule that runs based on a delay from the start of one run to the start of another run tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderType=SQL_SIMPLE: a group whose membership is managed from a query. SQL_GROUP_LIST: requires a GROUP_NAME column in query, so one query can control multiple group memberships tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderAndGroups=If you want to restrict membership in the dynamic group based on other group(s), put the list of group ID paths here comma-separated tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderGroupTypes=If you want types assigned to a group when managed by loader, list the comma separated types tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderGroupsLike=If you want the group (if not used from anywhere) or members deleted when no longer in loader sql results, list the sql like name, e.g. folder1:folder2:%:%org tooltipTargetted.groups.summary.id=UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in this or any other system.

The UUID does not change, and can be used as an identifier in other systems. tooltipTargetted.groups.summary.types=Each group has one or more group types associated with it. The Grouper distribution contains support for a single group type called: base, but sites may register additional types, together with the attributes and lists associated with them, within their Grouper installation. Doing so enables management of groups with a richer information model or a more diverse set of information models. tooltipTargettedRef.find.search.in-group-type=tooltipTargetted.groups.summary.types tooltipTargettedRef.groups.summary.extension=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension tooltipTargettedRef.groups.summary.name=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.name tooltipTargettedRef.groups.summary.display-name=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayName tooltipTargettedRef.groups.summary.display-extension=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayExtension tooltipTargettedRef.groups.summary.description=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.description tooltipTargettedRef.groups.summary.extension=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayName=Path consists of the name of each enclosing folder plus the group name, separated by colons. tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayExtension=Name is the label that identifies this group, and might change. tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension=ID is the unique identifier chosen by the group creator for this group.

The ID is unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this group. tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.name=ID Path consists of the unique ID of each enclosing folder plus the group ID, separated by colons.

The ID Path is unique for each group and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this group. tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.alternateName=Alternate ID Path allows groups to be searchable using an alternate name. The format is the same as the format of ID Path.

This is especially useful when moving a group, which will add the old ID Path of the group as the Alternate ID Path by default. Like the ID Path, the Alternate ID Path can be used by other systems to refer to this group. tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.description=Description contains notes about the group, which could include:
what the group represents, why it was created, etc. field.stem.displayName.displayName= Folder path field.stem.displayName.displayExtension= Folder name field.stem.displayName.extension=Folder ID field.stem.displayName.name=Folder ID path field.stem.displayName.description=Description field.stem.displayName._any=Any attribute subject.summary.LOGINID=Login ID subject.summary.LFNAME=Name subject.summary.subjectType=Entity type subject.summary.id=ID tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.LOGINID=The ID the entity uses to log in (e.g. to Grouper) tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.LFNAME=The name of the person in the grouper system tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.subjectType=The type of this entity (e.g. person, group, resource, etc.) tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.id=The ID of this entity. Systems might use this ID to refer to this entity. subject.summary.group.id=UUID subject.summary.group.name=ID path subject.summary.group.alternateName=Alternate ID path subject.summary.group.displayExtension=Name subject.summary.group.displayName=Path subject.summary.group.extension=ID subject.summary.group.createTime=Created subject.summary.group.createSubjectId=Creator ID (entity ID) subject.summary.group.createSubjectType=Creator entity type subject.summary.group.modifyTime=Last edited subject.summary.group.modifySubjectId=Last editor ID (entity ID) subject.summary.group.modifySubjectType=Last editor entity type subject.summary.group.subjectType=Entity type tooltipTargettedRef.subject.summary.group.id=tooltipTargetted.groups.summary.id tooltipTargettedRef.subject.summary.group.extension=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension tooltipTargettedRef.subject.summary.group.name=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.name tooltipTargettedRef.subject.summary.group.alternateName=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.alternateName tooltipTargettedRef.subject.summary.group.displayName=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayName tooltipTargettedRef.subject.summary.group.displayExtension=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayExtension tooltipTargettedRef.subject.summary.group.description=tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.description tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.group.createSubjectId=The entity ID of who created this record tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.group.createSubjectType=The entity type who created this record tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.group.modifySubjectId=The entity ID of who last edited this record tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.group.modifySubjectType=The entity type of who last edited this record tooltipTargetted.subject.summary.group.subjectType=This entity's type, e.g. person, group, resource, etc. groups.tooltips.disable=Disable tooltips groups.tooltips.enable=Enable tooltips groups.infodot.alt=More groups.infodot.example=This is example of grouper infodot text Showing if you click the infodot button infodot.disableText=Disable infodot help buttons infodot.enableText=Enable infodot help buttons # internet2 sponsoredBy message internet2.sponsored.by=Grouper is sponsored by ##################################################### ## Define tooltips and terms here: ## tooltips must start with "tooltip." Terms start with "term." ## there should be one and only one tooltip for a term. ## tooltips and terms are linked by the common name, ## which is the suffix of the nav.properties key. e.g. ## tooltip.group=A group is a collection ## term.group=Group ## term.group=group ## ## term.groups.3=gro ## term.groups=groups ## term.groups.1=Groups ## term.groups.2=GROUPS ## tooltip.groups=Groups are many people or groups ## ## these are linked because they all end in "group" ## ## if you only want a tooltip on a certain message (not wherever it appears in text), ## that is a targetted tooltip ## ## priv.ADMIN=admin ## tooltipTargetted.priv.ADMIN=Entity may modify group attributes, delete this group, or assign any privilege to any entity ## ## So wherever the message priv.ADMIN shows up, it will have a tooltip of "Entity may..." ## ## There is another variation on this where the value of the targetted tooltip can be a reference to another tooltip ## ## tooltipTargettedRef.priv.admin=tooltip.targetted.priv.ADMIN ##################################################### tooltip.groups=Groups are 'localized!' many people or groups #term.admin=Admin #tooltip.admin=Entity (typically group or person) may modify the membership of this group, delete the group or assign privileges for the group #term.createGroup=Create Group #tooltip.createGroup=Add or create the name for a new group at this location in the hierarchy and the entity that creates a group is given Admin rights to the group by default.) #term.name=Name #tooltip.name=The group name that is displayed when browsing or searching #term.path=Path #tooltip.path=The path is the concatenation of the hierarchy (folders and groups) that lead to the unique location of this group #term.textualId=Textual ID #tooltip.textualId=An unique identifier describing this group that is searchable but generally not exposed to the user. This name cannot be changed after it is edited #term.groups=groups #term.groups.1=Groups #term.groups.2=GROUPS #term.groups.4=group #tooltip.groups=A collection of members which can be groups or other entities e.g. people term.direct.member=DIRECT member tooltip.direct.member=A direct member is an entity (person, group, resource, etc.) that is assigned to the group. term.indirect.member=INDIRECT member tooltip.indirect.member=An indirect member is an entity (person, group, resource, etc.) that becomes a member of a group by virtue of its membership in another group. One group could be a member of another group. term.everyEntity=EveryEntity tooltip.everyEntity=Default group privileges that are inherited upon group creation term.grouperSysAdmin=GrouperSysAdmin tooltip.grouperSysAdmin=the highest level administrative user of the system term.hasDirectPrivileges=has direct privileges tooltip.hasDirectPrivileges=The privileges are assigned at this group term.hasIndirectPrivileges=has indirect privileges tooltip.hasIndirectPrivileges=The privileges are assigned in another group for which this entity is a member #term.manageFolder=Manage Folder #tooltip.manageFolder=This is where you can create or edit the folders within the hierarchy or add groups to the hierarchy #term.member=Member #tooltip.member=Any entity (typically group or person) that is a part of this group term.permanentPath=Permanent Path tooltip.permanentPath=An internal concatenation of the hierarchy to this group that is generally not exposed to the user #term.optin=Optin #tooltip.optin=Entity (typically group or person) may choose to join this group #term.optout=Optout #tooltip.optout=Entity (typically group or person) may choose to leave this group #term.person=person #tooltip.person=a type of entity term.entitiesWithPrivileges=Entities With Privileges tooltip.entitiesWithPrivileges=The entities (typically people or groups) that have this privilege #term.read=Read #tooltip.read=Entity (typically group or person) may see the membership list for this group term.groupWorkspace=Group Workspace tooltip.groupWorkspace=A session specific area where you can store groups that you will need to create compound groups, etc. term.entityWorkspace=Entity Workspace tooltip.entityWorkspace=A session specific area where you can store groups that you will need to create compound groups, etc. #term.folder=Folder #tooltip.folder=A fundamental unit (container) of the hierarchy that can have a parent (folder or root) or children (folders or groups) #term.createFolder=Create Folder #tooltip.createFolder=The ability to create children folders or branches in the hierarchy term.creationPrivileges=Creation Privileges tooltip.creationPrivileges=A hierarchy Is made up of folders. The folder subfolder relationship define the path through the hierarchy #term.entity=Entity #term.entity.1=Entities #term.entity.2=entity #tooltip.entity=An entity is an abstract item which can be a member of a group. The two most common types of entities are person or group. (In the future, additional entity types might be used to describe computers or applications.) #term.update=Update #tooltip.update=Entity (typically group or person) may modify the membership of this group #term.view=View #tooltip.view=Entity (typically group or person) may see that this group exists term.sysAdminGroup=SysadminGroup term.sysAdminGroup.1=SysAdminGroup tooltip.sysAdminGroup=All people in this group have full system admin privileges term.groupMathAnd=intersection tooltip.groupMathAnd=The common entities between two groups. - Has to be in both Group A and Group B term.groupMathOr=union tooltip.groupMathOr=All entities in both groups. - Included if they are in either Group A and Group B term.groupMathNot=complement term.groupMathNot.2=subtract tooltip.groupMathNot=The entities in the first group but not in the second. - Subtract Group B from Group A #term.root=Root #tooltip.root=The top of the hierarchy from which all folders and groups originate ##################################################### ## Define infodot text here: ## infodot must start with "infodot." ## the page titles are generated dynamically in the tile: title.jsp and need to be of the format "infodot.title." ## so a name for an infodot is based on title nav.properties id, ## and if there is a subtitle, concatenate. Then if there is an infodot based on that name, ## display the infodot. ## ## The name of the infodot will appear in the HTML comments ## so it is easy to configure. ## ## Here is an example comment: ## ## ## Here is the entry in the nav.properties: ## infodot.title.groups.all=Find a group, click the group name and act on the group (edit properties, show members, etc.) using the buttons at the bottom of the screen ##################################################### infodot.title.stems.action.movesandcopies=On this screen, you will see links to move and copy groups and folders based on your privileges on the current folder. infodot.title.stems.action.copy=On this screen, you can copy this folder to another folder. You must have Create privilege on the destination folder. infodot.title.stems.action.move=On this screen, you can move this folder to another folder. You must have Create privilege on the destination folder. Note that this will update the ID path of all groups in this folder (including sub-folders). The ID path may be used by external systems to refer to groups. infodot.title.stems.action.copy-other-stem-to-stem=On this screen, you can copy another folder to this folder. infodot.title.stems.action.move-other-stem-to-stem=On this screen, you can move another folder to this folder. You must have Admin privilege on the folder being moved. Note that this will update the ID path of all groups in the folder being moved (including sub-folders). The ID path may be used by external systems to refer to groups. infodot.title.stems.action.copy-group-to-stem=On this screen, you can copy a group to this folder. If a group with the same ID already exists in this folder, the copied group will have ".2" appended to the ID. You must have the appropriate privileges on the group based on your group copy selections. For instance, if you choose to copy all attributes, you must have read access to all attributes. Or if you choose to copy all privileges of the group, you must have read access to those privileges. infodot.title.stems.action.move-group-to-stem=On this screen, you can move a group to this folder. You must have ADMIN privileges on the group. infodot.title.groups.all=Find a group, click the group name and act upon the group (edit properties, show members, etc.) using the buttons at the bottom of the screen infodot.title.groups.action.show-summary=Shows the name and description details of the group along with a series of actions (edit, list, add, etc.)that can be performed against the group. infodot.title.groups.action.edit=On this screen you can edit the text for the ID, name or description. You can also assign privileges but cannot edit the path or path ID. infodot.title.groups.action.show-members=Shows the members of the group and provides an ability to add or remove members and modify permissions (click is a direct member). Click the entiy to see an entity summary. infodot.title.groups.action.find-new-members=Provides a search utlity so you can find people to add to this group. You can also act on your search results to modify permission (in bulk) of group members from here. infodot.title.find.browse=Click the folder names shown in the hierarchy below to locate groups of interest. infodot.title.groups.action.move=On this screen, you can move the group to another folder. You must have Create privilege on the destination folder. infodot.title.groups.action.copy=On this screen, you can copy the group to another folder. If a group with the same ID already exists in the destination folder, the copied group will have ".2" appended to the ID. You must have Create privilege on the destination folder. Also, you must have the appropriate privileges on this group based on your group copy selections. For instance, if you choose to copy all attributes, you must have read access to all attributes. Or if you choose to copy all privileges of this group, you must have read access to those privileges. infodot.title.groups.my=This page lets you examine the groups where you are enrolled a member.
You could be enrolled as a direct member, or as an indirect member (as a direct member of a group that is itself a member of another group).

You have a choice of two exploring modes (Browse or List) and two search modes (basic or advanced).

During your session, if you click "My memberships" in the left menu, this page will always display
  - your most recent choice of mode
  - your most recently selected location (folder) in the hierarchy
even if you click away and return later. infodot.title.groups.manage=After locating a group (by browsing or searching) you can act on the group using the buttons at the bottom of the screen. infodot.title.groups.manage.groups.action.create=Fill in the form to create a new group at this folder location in the hierarchy infodot.title.groups.create=When selecting the create group button you will be creating a group in the current folder location infodot.title.groups.join=A listing of groups for which you can become a member infodot.title.groups.join.groups.action.create=Fill in the form to create a new group at this folder location in the hierarchy infodot.title.saved.subjects=This is a workspace where you place entities that you will be using to create composite groups infodot.title.saved.groups=This is a workspace where you place groups that you will be using to create composite groups infodot.title.saved.subjects=This is a workspace where you place entities that you will be using to create composite groups infodot.title.search.subjects.subject.action.search-groups=Advanced search provides a means to select a variety of attributes and logic condition to use as criteria for your search. infodot.title.subject.action.show-summary=Shows the name, attribute and description details of the entity. infodot.title.saved.groups.saved-subjects.groups.list=The listing of groups that you can use to create composite groups infodot.title.saved.groups.saved-subjects.list=The listing of entities that you can use to create composite groups infodot.title.saved.groups=This is a workspace where you place groups that you will be using to create composite groups infodot.title.search.subjects=Searching for entities infodot.title.grouper.help=When you see this infodot on other pages you can click it to provide more infodot.title.groups.action.search=Results from a group search are displayed below as a list of groups. The listings are in alphabetical order, and there is a max number of results displayed. The text displayed is the group Path (default), Name, or ID path, which you probably selected in the previous screen infodot.subtitle.groups.heading.browse=You may use this panel to explore in two ways:
  - Browsing the hierarchy of folders and groups
  - Listing groups regardless of their hierarchical location.
To switch back and forth between these two views, click the link immediately to the right of the infodot above.

In the Browse mode, "Current location" indicates which folder which is being examined.
Below the current location is a list of subfolders and groups in the current folder location.
Click a folder name to explore that location; click a group name to view group or act upon the group (as permitted).

In the List mode, note that each group's name appears at the (far right) end of a folder path.
Since groups are listed without regard to hierarchy, no "Current location" is shown.
Click a group's path to view group or act upon the group (as permitted). infodot.subtitle.groups.composite.add=Membership of a group can be defined as the UNION [or], INTERSECTION [and], or COMPLEMENT [not] of two other groups. This special type of member is known as a Composite member. A composite member is created from two Factor groups.

For example, take two ordinary groups:

    1. fionas = Fiona Windsor, Fiona Benson, Fiona Tarbuck
    2. bensons= Keith Benson, Fiona Benson, Ian Benson

fionas UNION bensons = Fiona Windsor, Fiona Benson, Fiona Tarbuck, Keith Benson, Ian Benson
    union indicates the result of adding the members of fionas and bensons.

fionas INTERSECTION bensons = Fiona Benson
    intersection indicates the members-in-common of fionas and bensons.

fionas COMPLEMENT bensons = Fiona Windsor, Fiona Tarbuck
    complement indicates the members of fionas minus the members of bensons.
      (In this case the position -- left or right -- of the groups is important.)

A group can have a single composite member, OR any number of subjects (including groups) as members, but not a combination.
However, groups which have a composite member can be used anywhere other groups can be used. ##################################### ##Define error text here ##################################### error.repeat=If you continue to encounter errors, please contact technical support. error.ticket=If you wish to follow up on this error, please quote reference {0}. error.heading=Unexpeced error error.group.save-attributes.delete=Unable to remove attribute [{0}]. {0} may be a required attribute. error.saved-subjects.missing-parameter=Unable to save entity to your workspace. At least one input parameter was missing. error.saved-subjects.groups.missing-parameter=Unable to save group to your workspace. At least one input parameter was missing. error.saved-stems.stems.missing-parameter=Unable to save folder to your workspace. At least one input parameter was missing. error.saved-subjects.exception=There was an unexpected error saving the entity [{0}] to your workspace. error.saved-groups.exception=There was an unexpected error saving the group [{0}] to your workspace. error.saved-stems.exception=There was an unexpected error saving the folder [{0}] to your workspace. error.subject-summary.missing-field=An invalid membership field ({0}) was requested. Reverting to 'members' error.subject-summary.missing-parameter=Unable to show entity details. At least one input parameter was missing. error.subject-summary.subject.exception=There was an unexpected error retrieving the requested entity. error.subject-summary.member.exception=There was an unexpected error retrieving the requested entity as a member. error.subject.unresolvable=Subject [{0}] is unresolvable i.e. unavailable from the registered source [{1}]. error.login.not-recognised=You successfully authenticated, however, Grouper was unable to find your details. error.login.not-unique=You successfully authenticated, however, Grouper could not uniquely identify you. error.login.serious-error=You successfully authenticated, however, there was a serious error finding your details. error.browse-stems.bad-node=A browsing error ocurred. Could not retrieve group or folder [{0}]. Group or folder may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. error.browse-stems.bad-find-node=A problem occurred determining the group or folder [{0}] for which you were finding members or assigning privileges. error.delete-group.missing-parameter=Error deleting group. error.delete-group.bad-id=Error deleting group. Could not retrieve group [{0}]. Group may already have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.delete-group.unknown-error=The group could not be deleted. error.delete-stem.missing-parameter=Error deleting folder. Could not determine which to folder to delete. error.delete-stem.bad-id=Error deleting folder. Could not retrieve folder [{0}]. Folder may already have been deleted. error.delete-stem.unknown-error=The folder could not be deleted. May be it has child groups or folders? error.assign-new-members.bad-field=Error retrieving membership list [{0}]. error.assign-members.missing-subject-parameter=Could not identify a selected entity. error.assign-members.none-selected=You did not select any entities. error.SchemaException=The request was incompatible with the Grouper database definition. error.assign-new-members.missing-id=Missing parameter. Unable to determine group or folder. error.assign-members.retrieve-subject=Error retrieving entity [{0}]. error.assign-members.assign-privs=Error assigning privileges. error.import-members.missing-parameter=Unable to determine group to import members to. error.import-members.bad-id=Unable to retrieve group [{0}] to import members to. error.import-members.bad-field=Unable to find membership list [{0}] for import error.join-group.missing-parameter=Missing parameter so could not identify group to join. error.join-group.bad-id=Error joining group. Unable to retrieve group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. error.join-group.add-error=Error joining group. Could not add you as a member. error.leave-group.missing-parameter=Missing parameter so could not identify group to leave. error.leave-group.bad-id=Error leaving group. Unable to retrieve group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. error.leave-group.add-error=Error leaving group. Could not remove you as a member. error.add-composite.missing-parameter=Missing parameter so could not identify group to add composite to. error.add-composite.bad-id=Error adding composite. Unable to retrieve group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. error.add-composite.delete-members-error=Error removing existing members prior to adding composite. error.populate-assign-new-members.bad-id=Error retrieving group or folder [{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. error.populate-assign-new-members.missing-id=Missing parameter. Could not retrieve group or folder. error.populate-assign-new-members.bad-subject=Unable to process selected entity. error.chain.missing-parameter=Missing parameter. Unable to retrieve entity. error.chain.subject.exception=An error occurred retrieving the entity [{0}]. error.chain.missing-group-id=Missing group identifier. Unable to retrieve group. error.chain.bad-id=Error retrieving group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. error.chain.bad-chain-id=Error retrieving associated group [{0}]. Group or membership may have been deleted. error.chains.determine=Error determining ways in which entity [{0}] is a member of group [{1}] for membership list [{2}]. error.create-groups.find-root=Error retrieving root folder [{0}]. error.create-groups.find-current-node=Error retrieving current group or folder [{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.browse.bad-current-id=Error retrieving current group or folder [{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.populate-find-new-members.missing-parameter=Missing parameter. Could not identify group or folder. error.populate-find-new-members.bad-id=Error retrieving target group or folder [{0}]. error.populate-find-new-members.bad-parent-stems=Error retrieving parent folders for [{0}]. error.group-as-factor.missing-group-id=Missing parameter. Could not retrieve group. error.group-as-factor.bad-id=Error retrieving current group or folder [{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.group-member.bad-field=Error retrieving membership list [{0}]. error.group-members.bad-field=Error retrieving membership list [{0}]. error.group-members.missing-grouporstem-id=Missing parameter. Could not retrieve group or folder. error.group-member.missing-grouporstem-id=Missing parameter. Could not retrieve group or folder. error.group-member.bad-id=Error retrieving current group or folder [{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.group-members.bad-id=Error retrieving current group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.group-member.missing-subject-parameter=Could not identify the selected entity. error.group-member.retrieve-subject=Error retrieving entity [{0}]. error.group-summary.missing-id=Missing parameter. Could not retrieve group. error.group-summary.bad-id=Error retrieving current group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.search-new-members.bad-group-id=Error retrieving current group [{0}]. Group may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.search-new-members.bad-stem-id=Error retrieving current folder [{0}]. Folder may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges error.InsufficientPrivilegeException=You do not have sufficient privileges. error.GrantPrivilegeException=You do not have sufficient privileges to grant privileges to the current group or folder. error.MissingGroupOrStemException=Grouper was unable to retrieve a group or folder. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. error.SubjectNotFoundException=The entity does not exist. error.SourceUnavailableException=Unable to connect to an entity database. error.SubjectNotUniqueException=The system found a duplicate entity error.GenericJDBCException=There was a serious error connecting to the database error.GrouperDAOException=There was a serious error connecting to the database error.CallerPageException=Invalid parameter. This might be due to following an out-of-date bookmark, because you have clicked the browser back button, or because you have started a new session. You should be able to continue by clicking a menu item. error.unknown.exception=The error has been logged and the administrator notified. error.hook.veto=This operation is not allowed: {0}. error.browse.reset=Error retrieving current group or folder [{0}]. It may have been deleted or you may have insufficient privileges. Switching to root folder. error.debug.bad-group=Debuggers group specified but does not exist error.401=You are not authorised to use Grouper. error.500=The error has been logged and the administrator notified. error.404=The page you requested does not exist. ###################################################### ## General ui lite ###################################################### ui-lite.login.link-text=Log in to Prototype Lite UI ui-lite.login.intro=Just want to manage group memberships? Try out the new Lite UI ui-lite.group-link=Manage members lite tooltipTargetted.ui-lite.group-link=Use lite UI to update group memberships ui-new.group-link=Manage group in new UI tooltipTargetted.ui-new.group-link=Use the new UI to manage this group ui-lite.invite-link=Invite external people tooltipTargetted.ui-lite.invite-link=Invite external people who are not already registered to be a member of this group.
Note: the systems that use this group must be ready to use external people ui-lite.invite-menu=Invite external people ui-lite.invite-menuTooltip=Invite external people who are not already registered to be a member of this group. Note: the systems that use this group must be ready to use external people. ui-lite.fromInvite-link=Lite UI tooltipTargetted.ui-lite.fromInvite-link=Return to the lite membership management UI for this group ui-lite.fromInvite-admin-link=Admin UI tooltipTargetted.ui-lite.fromInvite-admin-link=Return to the admin UI for this group guiAjaxSessionProblem = There was an error communicating with the server. Your session probably expired. You will be redirected to log in again. ###################################################### ## Simple membership update screens ###################################################### stem.icon.alt=Folder group.icon.alt=Group simpleMembershipUpdate.title=Grouper UI simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.display-extension=Name simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.display-name=Path simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.description=Description simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.extension= ID simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.name= ID path simpleMembershipUpdate.field.displayName.alternateName=Alternate ID path simpleMembershipUpdate.groups.summary.id=UUID simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayExtension=Name is the label that identifies this group, and might change. simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.displayName=Path consists of the name of each enclosing folder plus the group name, separated by colons. simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.description=Description contains notes about the group, which could include:
what the group represents, why it was created, etc. simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.extension=ID is the unique identifier chosen by the group creator for this group.

The ID is unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this group. simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.name=ID Path consists of the unique ID of each enclosing folder plus the group ID, separated by colons.

The ID Path is unique for each group and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this group. simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.groups.summary.id=UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in this or any other system.

The UUID does not change, and can be used as an identifier in other systems. simpleMembershipUpdate.tooltipTargetted.field.displayName.alternateName=Alternate ID Path allows groups to be searchable using an alternate name. The format is the same as the format of ID Path.

This is especially useful when moving a group, which will add the old ID Path of the group as the Alternate ID Path by default. Like the ID Path, the Alternate ID Path can be used by other systems to refer to this group. simpleMembershipUpdate.logout=You are logged out. You should close all your browser windows to complete the logout. simpleMembershipUpdate.screenWelcome=Welcome simpleMembershipUpdate.logoutImageAlt=Log out simpleMembershipUpdate.logoutText=Log out simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexTitle=Grouper infodot.title.simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexTitle=Click on an operation below simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexSectionHeader=Grouper operations #infodot.subtitle.simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexSectionHeader=Testing stuff simpleMembershipUpdate.topIndexMembershipUpdate=Membership update simpleMembershipUpdate.indexSectionHeader=Simple membership update - find group infodot.subtitle.simpleMembershipUpdate.indexSectionHeader=Type in search text in the combobox below to find a group. Click Select group to proceed to the membership update screen simpleMembershipUpdate.updateTitle=Group membership update lite infodot.title.simpleMembershipUpdate.updateTitle=This page lets you view and update the memberships of a group.

It is meant for only simple operations. simpleMembershipUpdate.find.browse.here = Current location is: simpleMembershipUpdate.viewInAdminUi=Admin UI tooltipTargetted.simpleMembershipUpdate.viewInAdminUi=Switch to the Admin UI for a more complete set of features simpleMembershipUpdate.viewInNewUi=New UI tooltipTargetted.simpleMembershipUpdate.viewInNewUi=Switch to the New UI for a better user experience simpleMembershipUpdate.groupSubtitle=Group simpleMembershipUpdate.changeLocation=Find a group simpleMembershipUpdate.addMemberSubtitle=Add member simpleMembershipUpdate.addMemberButton=Add member simpleMembershipUpdate.selectGroupButton=Select group simpleMembershipUpdate.membershipListSubtitle=Membership list simpleMembershipUpdate.pagingLabelPrefix=Showing group members: simpleMembershipUpdate.noMembersFound=There are no members in this group simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteConfirm =Are you sure you want to delete this membership? simpleMembershipUpdate.pagingResultPrefix =Result page: simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughGroupChars=Enter 2 or more characters simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughSubjectChars=Enter 2 or more characters simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughFilterChars=Enter 3 or more characters simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNotEnoughFilterCharsAlert=Enter 3 or more characters in the filter field simpleMembershipUpdate.errorNoGroupsFound=No results found simpleMembershipUpdate.errorTooManyGroups=Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchNothingEntered=Enter search criteria in the combobox to search for a group simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchNoParams=Need to pass in groupName or groupId in url, e.g. #operation=SimpleMembershipUpdate.init&groupName=some:group:name simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchCantFindGroup=Can't find group, enter search criteria in the combobox to search for a group simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupSearchPermissions=You cannot read and update group, enter search criteria in the combobox to search for a group simpleMembershipUpdate.errorGroupComposite=This is a composite group, please select a non-composite group simpleMembershipUpdate.successMemberDeleted=Success: the member was deleted: {0} simpleMembershipUpdate.errorUserSearchNothingEntered=Enter search criteria into the auto-complete box for an entity to add to the group simpleMembershipUpdate.warningSubjectAlreadyMember=Entity already a member: {0} simpleMembershipUpdate.successMemberAdded=Success: member added: {0} simpleMembershipUpdate.errorSubjectNotFound=Entity not found: {0} simpleMembershipUpdate.errorSubjectNotUnique=Entity not unique: {0} simpleMembershipUpdate.errorSourceUnavailable=Source unavailable simpleMembershipUpdate.errorUserSearchTooManyResults=Too many results, narrow your search simpleMembershipUpdate.errorUserSearchNoResults=No results found, change your search criteria simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteImageAlt=Delete simpleMembershipUpdate.confirmLogout=Are you sure you want to log out? simpleMembershipUpdate.errorTooManyBrowsers=The group you are editing is out of sync in the user interface. Perhaps you have two browser tabs open editing different groups. This group will be refreshed, please start over. simpleMembershipUpdate.sortBy=Sort by: simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuDeleteMultiple=Delete multiple simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuDeleteMultipleTooltip=Selecting this option will show checkboxes next to members and a delete button at the bottom simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowGroupDetails=Show group details simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowGroupDetailsTooltip=Selecting this option will show more information about the group such as the id. simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowMemberFilter=Search for member simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuShowMemberFilterTooltip=Selecting this option will show a search box above the membership list where you can search for members in this group simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImportExport=Import / export simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImportExportTooltip=Import members from a comma separated values file (CSV) or export to a CSV file simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExport=Export simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportTooltip=Export members to a comma separated values file (CSV) which can be opened in a spreadsheet program and manipulated simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportSubjectIds=Export entity IDs simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportSubjectIdsTooltip=Export entity IDs and source IDs to a comma separated values file (CSV) which can be opened in a spreadsheet program and manipulated simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportAll=Export all member data simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuExportAllTooltip=Export all member data (configured on server which fields), e.g. subject ID, login ID, name, etc to a comma separated values file (CSV) which can be opened in a spreadsheet program and manipulated simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImport=Import simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedMenuImportTooltip=Import from a comma separated values (CSV) file simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteMultipleButton=Remove selected members simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteMultipleTooltip=Select multiple members by checking checkboxes next to the members. Click this button to remove them from the group. simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteAllButton=Remove all members simpleMembershipUpdate.deleteAllTooltip=Remove all members in the group, including members not shown on the screen if there are more than the page size. simpleMembershipUpdate.errorDeleteCheckboxRequired=Error: select one or more members to remove from the group simpleMembershipUpdate.successMembersDeleted=Success: {0} members were deleted simpleMembershipUpdate.successAllMembersDeleted=Success: all {0} members were deleted simpleMembershipUpdate.advancedButton=Advanced features simpleMembershipUpdate.addMemberCombohint=Enter search text to find a member to add simpleMembershipUpdate.selectGroupCombohint=Enter search text to find a group simpleMembershipUpdate.filterMemberCombohint=Enter search text to find a member in the list simpleMembershipUpdate.downloadSubjectIdsLabel=Click the link to download the entityIds of the members: simpleMembershipUpdate.downloadAllLabel=Click the link to download the members information: simpleMembershipUpdate.importLabel=Select a comma separated values (CSV) file (e.g. from a spreadsheet program like Excel) which has a column for sourceId, and any of: entityId, entityIdentifier, entityIdOrIdentifier.

Alternately, you can upload a text file of entityIdOrIdentifiers, each on a new line, with the first line labeled as: entityIdOrIdentifier simpleMembershipUpdate.importSubtitle=Import members infodot.subtitle.simpleMembershipUpdate.importSubtitle=Upload members from a file. You check replace existing members, or just add new members.

The file must be a comma separated values (CSV) file, e.g. from a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. There should be a column sourceId, and a column of any of the following: entityId, entityIdentifier, entityIdOrIdentifier. If there is no sourceId, then all sources will be found (this is less efficient), and if two sources have the same entityId, there will be an error. Each member is on its own line. The sourceId is one of a few entity source IDs configured in the Grouper server.

The entityId is typically a person ID, the entityIdentifer could be a login ID, and the entityIdOrIdentifier will look by ID, and if not found, look by identifier.

Note if you omit the sourceId column, it will be less efficient, but it will still work if you don't have two sources with the same entityId. This does not need to be CSV, it could be a text file. e.g. you could upload a text file of entityIdOrIdentifiers, each on a new line, with the first line labeled as: entityIdOrIdentifier

Example CSV file 1:


Example 2:


Example 3:


Example 4:


Example 5:


Example 6:


Example 7:


simpleMembershipUpdate.importAvailableSourceIds=Available sourceIds: simpleMembershipUpdate.importReplaceExistingMembers=Replace existing members: simpleMembershipUpdate.importCommaSeparatedValuesFile=Entities file (CSV or list of id's each on new line): simpleMembershipUpdate.importCancelButton=Cancel simpleMembershipUpdate.importButton=Submit simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorNoWrongFile=Please submit a non-empty CSV file, the file name must end with .csv, or .txt : simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorBlankTextarea=Please enter in the CSV or entity id list in the textarea simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorNoId=Can't find any identifer, need to pass in a entityId or entityIdentifier or entityIdOrIdentifier simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorNoIdCol=Can't find any identifer column header on first line, need to pass in entityId or entityIdentifier or entityIdOrIdentifier simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorSubjectProblems=Error: did not remove any members since there were entity problems in import file simpleMembershipUpdate.importSuccessSummary=Success: import completed simpleMembershipUpdate.importErrorSummary=Error: import was not successful, see {0} errors below simpleMembershipUpdate.importSizeSummary=The immediate membership size was {0} and is now {1} simpleMembershipUpdate.importAddsDeletesSummary=There were {0} successful adds, and {1} successful deletes simpleMembershipUpdate.importSubjectErrorsLabel=Entity errors simpleMembershipUpdate.importAddErrorsLabel=Errors adding members simpleMembershipUpdate.importRemoveErrorsLabel=Errors deleting members simpleMembershipUpdate.importDirectInput=Entities (CSV or list of id's each on new line) simpleMembershipUpdate.membershipLiteImportFileButton=Input members directly on screen simpleMembershipUpdate.membershipLiteImportTextfieldButton=Input members from file simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuDetailsLabel=Member details simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuDetailsTooltip=View all attributes about this member simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuEnabledDisabled=Edit start and end dates simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuEnabledDisabledTooltip=Edit the dates this membership will start or end simpleMembershipUpdate.memberMenuAlt=Member menu simpleMembershipUpdate.memberDetailsSubtitle=Member details simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableSubtitle=Edit start and end dates simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableGroupPath=Group path: simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableEntity=Entity: simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableEntityId=Entity id: simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableEntitySource=Entity source: simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableStartDate=Start membership on date: simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableEndDate=End membership on date: simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableOkButton=Submit simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableCancelButton=Cancel simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisableDateMask=(yyyy/mm/dd) simpleMembershipUpdate.enabledDisabledSuccess=Success: member was saved simpleMembershipUpdate.startOver=Your session had problems, maybe it timed out. Click here to try again, or close your window and start the application again from the starting point. If you have repeated problems contact the helpdesk simpleMembershipUpdate.filterMemberButton=Search for member simpleMembershipUpdate.filterLabel=Searching for member: simpleMembershipUpdate.clearFilterButton=Clear member search simpleMembershipUpdate.errorMemberFilterTooManyResults=Too many results, narrow your search simpleMembershipUpdate.disabledPrefix=until simpleMembershipUpdate.notAllowedInUi=You are not allowed to use this application, please contact your administrator. simpleMembershipUpdate.noContainer=simpleMembershipUpdateContainer is null, start the application over with refresh and try again. Contact the help desk if you have repeated problems. simpleMembershipUpdate.errorCircularReference=Error, you cannot add a group to be a member of itself page.size=page size: page.outOf=of page.previous=Previous page.next=Next ###################################### ## Simple membership update named text (second key is the name, e.g. for membershipLiteName.grouperMembershipExample.simpleMembershipUpdate.updateTitle ## then the name is grouperMembershipExample ###################################### membershipLiteName.grouperMembershipExample.simpleMembershipUpdate.updateTitle=Group membership update lite3 membershipLiteName.grouperMembershipExample.infodot.title.simpleMembershipUpdate.updateTitle=This page lets you view and update the memberships of a group.

It is meant for only simple operations.3 #you can add any of the keys from a skinned membership update lite ###################################### ## Subject picker defaults ###################################### subjectPickerDefault.header = Find a person subjectPickerDefault.title = Person picker subjectPickerDefault.searchSectionTitle = Enter search term subjectPickerDefault.searchButtonText = Search subjectPickerDefault.resultsSectionTitle = Search results subjectPickerDefault.noSearchTerm = Enter a search term subjectPickerDefault.noResultsFound = No results found subjectPickerDefault.tooManyResults = Too many results, please narrow your search. Note, a partial listing might still display. subjectPickerDefault.cancelText = Cancel ###################################### ## Subject picker test for subject picker with name subjectPickerExample ###################################### subjectPicker.subjectPickerExample.title = Person picker ###################################### ## AttributeDefName picker defaults ###################################### attributeDefNamePickerDefault.header = Find a resource attributeDefNamePickerDefault.title = Resource picker attributeDefNamePickerDefault.searchSectionTitle = Enter search term attributeDefNamePickerDefault.searchButtonText = Search attributeDefNamePickerDefault.resultsSectionTitle = Search results attributeDefNamePickerDefault.noSearchTerm = Enter a search term attributeDefNamePickerDefault.noResultsFound = No results found attributeDefNamePickerDefault.tooManyResults = Too many results, please narrow your search. Note, a partial listing might still display. attributeDefNamePickerDefault.cancelText = Cancel ###################################### ## AttributeDefName picker test for attributeDefName picker with name attributeDefNamePickerExample ###################################### attributeDefNamePicker.attributeDefNamePickerExample.title = Resource picker ###################################### ## External subject self register ###################################### externalSubjectSelfRegister.topIndexSectionHeader=Applications for users external to this institution externalsubjectSelfRegister.topIndexSelfRegister=Self-register personal information for people external to this institution externalSubjectSelfRegister.indicatesRequiredField = indicates a required field externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerTitle=Self registration for people external to this institution infodot.title.externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerTitle=This application allows people external to this institution to register they login credential and personal information. This allows them to be able to use applications at this institution. Your personal information is private and will only be used for business purposes at this institution. Refer to the institution privacy policy. externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerSectionHeader=Register a new account externalSubjectSelfRegister.registerSectionHeaderEdit=Edit your information externalSubjectSelfRegister.noContainer=externalRegisterContainer is null, start the application over with refresh and try again. Contact the help desk if you have repeated problems. externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.identifier.label=Login ID externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.identifier.tooltip=Login ID is detected from the single-signon ID that was logged in with. This can only be edited by the adminstrator. externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.name.label=Name externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.name.tooltip=First and last name to show up in pick lists externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.institution.label=Institution externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.institution.tooltip=Name of the institution that identifies you in pick lists externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.email.label=Email externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.email.tooltip=Email address where notifications will be sent externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.jabber.label=Jabber ID externalSubjectSelfRegister.register.field.jabber.tooltip=Jabber ID for online chat externalSubjectSelfRegister.submitButtonText=Submit externalSubjectSelfRegister.submitButtonTooltip=Submit and save your information externalSubjectSelfRegister.deleteRecordButtonText=Delete record externalSubjectSelfRegister.deleteRecordButtonTooltip=Delete your personal information from the system. Note, if you register again, you might not have the same roles and permissions that you had before the delete. externalSubjectSelfRegister.startOver=Your session had problems, maybe it timed out. Click here to try again, or close your window and start the application again from the starting point. If you have repeated problems contact the helpdesk externalSubjectSelfRegister.fieldRequiredError=Error: this field is required: {0} externalSubjectSelfRegister.cantFindInviteButCanRegister=Error: your invitation cannot be found or is expired. Make sure the link from the email was not wrapped to a new line. You can still register, though you may not have the correct role memberships. Register and contact the person who invited you to grant role memberships if applicable. externalSubjectSelfRegister.cantFindInvite=Error: your invitation cannot be found or is expired. Make sure the link from the email was not wrapped to a new line. You successfully registered, though you may not have the correct role memberships. Contact the person who invited you to grant role memberships if applicable. externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidInvite=Error: your invitation from {0} is expired or invalid. Make sure the link from the email was not wrapped to a new line. You successfully registered, though you may not have the correct role memberships. Contact the person who invited you to grant role memberships if applicable. externalSubjectSelfRegister.inviteSuccess=Success: your invitation from {0} has been processed. You were added to the roles: {1}. externalSubjectSelfRegister.cannotRegisterWithoutInvite=Error: you cannot register without an invitation. externalSubjectSelfRegister.cantFindInviteAndCannotRegister=Error: your invitation cannot be found or is expired. Make sure the link from the email was not wrapped to a new line. You are not allowed to register without a valid invitation. Contact the person who invited you to issue another invitation. externalSubjectSelfRegister.successEdited=Success: your information was saved: {0} externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidIdentifier=Error: invalid identifier: {0}, either you are not allowed to register or your identity department needs to release the eduPersonPrincipalName to this server. externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidIdentifierInvite=Error: invalid identifier: {0} externalSubjectSelfRegister.invalidIdentifierButFound=Note: invalid identifier: {0}, which cannot be used an external user, but your profile details were found. Your data might not be saved, but if you were granted access, those grants will succeed. externalSubjectSelfRegister.notAllowed=Error: you are not allowed to register ###################################### ## Invite external subjects ###################################### inviteExternalSubjects.noContainer=inviteExternalSubjectsContainer is null, start the application over with refresh and try again. Contact the help desk if you have repeated problems. inviteExternalSubjects.inviteTitle=Invite external people to participate in groups infodot.title.inviteExternalSubjects.inviteTitle=This application allows invitations to external people to login and register some personal information. When they register they will be assigned to the groups that you specify below. This allows them to be able to use applications at this institution. Refer to the institution privacy policy. inviteExternalSubjects.inviteSectionHeader=Enter the invitation information inviteExternalSubjects.messageToUsersLabel=Message to users inviteExternalSubjects.messageToUsersTooltip=Enter an optional message to users in the email that will be sent to them. There will be other instructions and a link in the email as well. inviteExternalSubjects.subjectLabel=Email subject inviteExternalSubjects.subjectTooltip=Enter an optional subject for the email to the users. If one if not entered, a standard one will be used. inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressesLabel=Email addresses of people to invite inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressesTooltip=Enter the email addresses of people to invite separated by space, newline, comma, or semicolon. inviteExternalSubjects.loginIdsLabel=Login IDs of people to invite inviteExternalSubjects.loginIdsTooltip=Enter the login IDs of people to invite separated by space, newline, comma, or semicolon. You must know the exact login ID. If you are not sure, invite by email address or find out from them what it is. This is the ID that the institutional authentication system sends to this application when the user logs in. It might be in the form: username@school.edu inviteExternalSubjects.ccEmailAddressLabel=Email addresses to notify when registered inviteExternalSubjects.ccEmailAddressTooltip=This email address will be notified when the registration is complete. Note, you can put multiple email addresses in this field separated by space, comma, or semicolon. inviteExternalSubjects.groupsToAssignLabel=Groups to assign to new users inviteExternalSubjects.groupsToAssignTooltip=Once the external users have registered, they will be assigned to these groups. Note, you must have privileges to assign users to these groups at the time of invitation. Type in the UUID, the Group Name, the Group ID, or a substring and select the result from the drop down. inviteExternalSubjects.groupsToAssignHelp=Enter search text to find a group inviteExternalSubjects.submitButtonText=Submit inviteExternalSubjects.submitButtonTooltip=Submit and save your information inviteExternalSubjects.errorNotEnoughGroupChars=Enter 2 or more characters inviteExternalSubjects.errorNoGroupsFound=No results found inviteExternalSubjects.errorTooManyGroups=Not all results returned, narrow your query inviteExternalSubjects.confirmDelete=Confirm that you want to delete your information. This will remove your access. inviteExternalSubjects.deleteNotFound=Warning: cannot find identifier: {0} inviteExternalSubjects.deleteSuccess=Success: deleted external entity: {0} inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressRequired=Error: email address to invite is required inviteExternalSubjects.emailAddressInvalid=Error: email address is invalid: {0} inviteExternalSubjects.invalidGroupUuid=Error: Cannot find group. Please enter search criteria in the field, and select the desired group: {0} inviteExternalSubjects.invalidGroupPrivileges=Error: You do not have UPDATE privileges on Group: {0} inviteExternalSubjects.errorInvitingUsers=Error: Problem sending invites: {0} inviteExternalSubjects.successInvitingUsers=Success: Invites have been sent inviteExternalSubjects.notAllowed=Error: you are not allowed to invite external people inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierLabel=Invite by inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierTooltip=Choose if you want to invite people by email address or login ID, if you know the exact login ID. If you are not sure, invite by email address or find out from them what it is. inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierRadioLabel=Login ID inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByIdentifierRadioTooltip=This is the ID that the institutional authentication system sends to this application when the user logs in. This might be in the form: username@school.edu though if you are not sure, invite by email address. inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByEmailRadioLabel=Email address inviteExternalSubjects.inviteByEmailRadioTooltip=This any email address the user uses. The user will get an invitation in the email, they can click on the link, and register for the application inviteExternalSubjects.errorAssigningGroup=Error: could not assign entity: {0} to group: {1}. {2} inviteExternalSubjects.successCreatedExternalSubject=Success: created external entity: {0} inviteExternalSubjects.successExistedExternalSubject=Note: external entity: {0} was already registered in the system inviteExternalSubjects.successAssignedSubjectToGroup=Success: entity: {0} was assigned to group: {1} inviteExternalSubjects.noteSubjectAlreadyInGroup=Note: entity: {0} was already a member of group: {1} inviteExternalSubjects.errorNotAllowedToInviteByIdentifer=Error: not allowed to invite by identifier ###################################### ## Simple attribute update ###################################### simpleAttributeUpdate.title=Grouper UI simpleAttributeUpdate.indexSectionHeader=Attribute management simpleAttributeUpdate.topIndexAssignAttribute=View or assign attributes simpleAttributeUpdate.topIndexCreateEdit=Create or edit attributes ## ASSIGN ATTRIBUTES simpleAttributeAssign.assignIndexTitle=View or assign attributes simpleAttributeAssign.assignIndexTitleInfodot=Assign or unassign attributes and values simpleAttributeAssign.indexSectionHeader=Filter or assign attributes simpleAttributeAssign.selectOwnerTypeButton=Select owner type simpleAttributeAssign.ownerType = Owner type: simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeGroup = Group simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeFolder = Folder simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeMember = Entity simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeMembership = Membership simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeImmediateMembership = Immediate membership simpleAttributeAssign.ownerTypeAttributeDefinition = Attribute definition simpleAttributeAssign.requiredOwnerType = Owner type is required simpleAttributeAssign.attributeDefinition = Attribute definition: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.attributeDefinition = The definition part of the attribute holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally attribute definitions have multiple attribute names. simpleAttributeAssign.attributeName = Attribute name: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.attributeName = The attribute name is the part of the attribute which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple attribute names are related to one attribute definition. simpleAttributeAssign.assignGroup = Owner group: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignGroup = The group which has attributes assigned to it simpleAttributeAssign.assignStem = Owner folder: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignStem = The folder which has attributes assigned to it simpleAttributeAssign.assignMember = Owner entity: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignMember = The entity which has attributes assigned to it simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipGroup = Owner membership group: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipGroup = The group part of the membership which has attributes assigned to it simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipSubject = Owner membership entity: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignMembershipSubject = The entity part of the membership which has attributes assigned to it simpleAttributeAssign.assignOwnerAttributeDef = Owner attribute definition: tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeAssign.assignOwnerAttributeDef = The attribute definition which has attributes assigned to it simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterButton = Filter simpleAttributeUpdate.assignAssignments = Attribute assignments simpleAttributeUpdate.assignNoResultsFound = No attribute assignments found simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderUuid = Assignment UUID simpleAttributeAssign.assignAttributeButton = Assign simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorAttributeNameRequired = Error: attribute name required simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorGroupRequired = Error: owner group is required simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorStemRequired = Error: owner folder is required simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorEntityRequired = Error: owner entity is required simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorMembershipRequired = Error: cannot find the membership of the entity in the group, first add the member, then add an attribute simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorAttrDefRequired = Error: owner attribute definition is required simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickGroup = Error: select a group from the combo box simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickFolder = Error: select a folder from the combo box simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickSubject = Error: select an entity from the combo box simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickAttributeName = Error: select an attribute name from the combo box simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorPickOwnerAttributeDef = Error: select an owner attribute definition from the combo box simpleAttributeUpdate.assignSuccess = Success: the attribute was assigned simpleAttributeUpdate.assignErrorNotMultiAssign = Error: the attribute is already assigned, and is not multi-assignable simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerGroup = Owner group simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerFolder = Owner folder simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerMember = Owner entity simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerMembership = Owner membership simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerAttributeDefinition = Owner attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderAttributeName = Attribute name simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderAssignmentType = Assignment type simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderAttributeDef = Attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderEnabled = Enabled? simpleAttributeUpdate.assignHeaderValues = Assignment values simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete this attribute assignment? simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteAssignmentAlt = Delete the attribute assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignSuccessDelete = Success: the attribute assignment was deleted simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditSubtitle = Edit attribute assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditSubtitleInfodot = Edit attribute assignment to assign enabled or disabled dates simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditId = Attribute assignment UUID simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditCancelButton = Cancel simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditSuccess = Success: your changes were saved simpleAttributeUpdate.editAssignmentAlt = Edit assignment details simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditSubmitButton = Submit simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditDisabledDate = End attribute assignment on date simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditEnabledDate = Start attribute assignment on date simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditEnabledDisabledDateMask = (yyyy/mm/dd) simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEnabled = enabled tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEnabled = This attribute assignment is enabled based on the enabled and disabled dates simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDisabled = disabled tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDisabled = This attribute assignment is disabled based on the enabled and disabled dates simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabled = Enabled / disabled: simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueEnabled = Enabled only simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueDisabled = Disabled only simpleAttributeAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueAll = All simpleAttributeAssign.assignEditNotAllowed = You are not allowed to edit the attribute assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddValue = Add value simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddValueTooltip = Add a value to this assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueSubtitle = Add value to attribute assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment can have one or more values associated with it. Add a value to the assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueCancelButton = Cancel simpleAttributeAssign.assignAddValueSubmitButton = Submit simpleAttributeUpdate.assignAddValue = Value to add simpleAttributeUpdate.addValueRequired = Enter a value to add simpleAttributeUpdate.assignAddValueSuccess = Success: the attribute assignment value was added simpleAttributeUpdate.assignValueDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete this attribute assignment value? simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDeleteValueAlt = Delete the attribute assignment value simpleAttributeUpdate.assignValueSuccessDelete = Success: the attribute assignment value was deleted simpleAttributeUpdate.editValueAssignmentAlt = Edit the attribute assignment value simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditSubtitle = Edit the attribute assignment value simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment can have one or more values associated with it. Edit this value to the assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignValueEdit = Value to edit simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditId = Value UUID simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditCancelButton = Cancel simpleAttributeAssign.assignValueEditSubmitButton = Submit simpleAttributeUpdate.editValueRequired = Enter a value to edit simpleAttributeUpdate.assignEditValueSuccess = Success: the attribute assignment value was saved simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadata = Metadata on assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignDirect = Direct assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddMetadataAssignment = Add metadata assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignMenuAddMetadataAssignmentTooltip = Attribute assignments can have attribute assignments assigned to them. This is metadata about the original assignment. simpleAttributeUpdate.assignCantAddMetadataOnAssignmentOfAssignment = Error: Cannot add metadata assignment on a metadata assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddSubtitle = Add metadata attribute assignment simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment can occur on object owners (group, folder, member, etc), or on an attribute assignment itself. An assignment on an attribute assignment is metadata about that assignment. simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddCancelButton = Cancel simpleAttributeAssign.assignMetadataAddSubmitButton = Submit simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataAddSuccess = Success: the metadata assignment was saved simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataLabelSuffix = (underlying) tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataLabelSuffix = The underlying data for a metadata assignment is the information about the underlying assignment, not the assignment on that assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataAttributeNameRequired = Error: select an attribute name from the combobox simpleAttributeUpdate.assignMetadataAlreadyAssigned = Error: that attribute name is already assigned to the owner and its attribute definition does not allow multiple assignments to the same owner ## CREATE / EDIT SCREEN simpleAttributeUpdate.addEditTitle=Grouper UI simpleAttributeUpdate.createEditIndexTitle = Create or edit attribute definitions simpleAttributeUpdate.createEditIndexTitleInfodot = Attributes can be assigned to certain types of objects in Grouper. They can be managed by certain people, they can have value(s), and can be used as permissions.

The attribute definition (managed on this screen) holds information about who can manage it and what type it is. To fully define the attribute, you attach Attribute Definition Names to this Attribute Definition. The Attribute Definition Name is what is assigned to the attribute owner (assignee). Each attribute definition can have multiple Attribute Definition Names. simpleAttributeUpdate.selectAttributeButton = Edit attribute simpleAttributeUpdate.createAttributeButton = New attribute simpleAttributeUpdate.selectAttributeDefCombohint = Enter search text to find an attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters simpleAttributeUpdate.errorTooManyAttributeDefs = Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleAttributeUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDef = Error: Input search text and select an attribute definition to edit simpleAttributeUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefPriv = You do not have privileges to edit this attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefName = Error: Input search text and select an attribute definition name to edit simpleAttributeUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefNamePriv = You do not have privileges to edit this attribute name simpleAttributeUpdate.filterAttributeDefButton = Edit attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.newAttributeDefButton = New attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.editSectionHeader = Attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.editId = UUID tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.editId= UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in this or any other system.

The UUID does not change, and can be used as an identifier in other systems. simpleAttributeUpdate.folder = Folder tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.folder = Folder is the namespace where this attribute definition resides. simpleAttributeUpdate.extension = ID tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.extension=ID is the unique identifier you set for this attribute definition.

The ID must be unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this attribute definition.

The ID field cannot contain spaces or special characters. simpleAttributeUpdate.description = Description tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.description = Description contains notes about the attribute definition, which could include:
what the attribute definition represents, why it was created, etc. simpleAttributeUpdate.type = Type tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.type = Attribute definition type describes the attribute definition.
Generally it will be attribute or permission. Type is used for templates, limit describes a permission, and service identifies which application the object refers to. simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType = Value type tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType = If this attribute assignment holds one or more values, this is the type. If there are no allowed values, select No value. The Member ID option means that a member UUID is the value. simpleAttributeUpdate.multiAssignable = Multi-assignable tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.multiAssignable = If this attribute can be assigned to the same owner object more than once. For instance, a Group can have more than one Rule attached to it, so the Rule attribute is multi-assignable simpleAttributeUpdate.multiValued = Multi-valued tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.multiValued = If this attribute has values, if it can have more than one value assigned at once. simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo = Assign to tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo = Designate which types of objects that this definition can be assigned to. There are six base object types, or you can assign attributes to the assignment of attributes to those base object types. Membership can be assigned to an immediate or an effective membership, and will still exist as an orphan if the membership is unassigned until the membership is reassigned. Immediate membership attribute assignments are only assignable to immediate memberships and are automatically deleted once the membership is unassigned. simpleAttributeUpdate.type.attr = Attribute # TODO remove domain in version 2.3+ simpleAttributeUpdate.type.domain = Service simpleAttributeUpdate.type.service = Service simpleAttributeUpdate.type.limit = Limit simpleAttributeUpdate.type.perm = Permission simpleAttributeUpdate.type.type = Type simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.integer = Integer number simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.timestamp = Timestamp simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.string = String simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.floating = Decimal number simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.marker = No value simpleAttributeUpdate.valueType.memberId = Member UUID simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.attributeDef = Attribute definition simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.stem = Folder simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.group = Group / Role / Local entity simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.member = Member simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.membership = Membership simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.immediateMembership = Membership - immediate only simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.attributeDefAssign = Attribute definition attribute assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.stemAssign = Folder attribute assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.groupAssign = Group / Role / Local entity attribute assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.memberAssign = Member attribute assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.membershipAssign = Membership attribute assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.assignTo.immediateMembershipAssign = Membership - immediate only - attribute assignment simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNoAttributeDefsFound = No results found simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNoFoldersFound = No results found simpleAttributeUpdate.errorFolderRequired = Invalid entry: select a folder simpleAttributeUpdate.errorAttributeTypeRequired = Invalid entry: select an attribute type simpleAttributeUpdate.errorAssignToRequired = Invalid entry: select at least one object type that this attribute type can be assigned to simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPermissionAssignToGroupOrMshipOnly = Invalid entry: permission type attributes can only be assigned to groups or memberships (non-immediate only) simpleAttributeUpdate.errorExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input an ID simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPermissionSingleAssignRequired = Invalid entry: permission type attributes cannot be multi-assignable simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPermissionNoValueRequired = Invalid entry: permission type attributes must have a no-value value type simpleAttributeUpdate.errorNoMultiValuedIfMarker = Invalid entry: cannot be multi-valued if the value type is: No value simpleAttributeUpdate.errorTooManyFolders = Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleAttributeUpdate.selectFolderCombohint = Enter search text to find a folder simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelDelete = Delete simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelDeleteConfirm = This will permanently delete the attribute definition, all associated attribute definition names, and all assignments and values. Are you sure you want to delete it? simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelSubmit = Save simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelCancel = Cancel simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelActions = Actions simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelPrivileges = Privileges simpleAttributeUpdate.editPanelEditActionHierarchies = Action inheritance simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefSaved=The attribute definition [{0}] was successfully saved simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefDeleted=The attribute definition [{0}] was successfully deleted ## actions section simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsSectionHeader = Attribute actions infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsSectionHeader=Attributes are assigned in a triple with action as part of it. By default, the action is "assign". But it can be different. You could have an attribute as a permissions which is English101. You can assign it with an action of Read to someone, and Update to someone else. simpleAttributeUpdate.actions = Actions simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete this action? simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImageAlt = Delete action simpleAttributeUpdate.cantDeleteLastAction = You cannot delete the last action. To delete that action, add another first. simpleAttributeUpdate.cantDeleteAllActions = You cannot delete all the actions in one request simpleAttributeUpdate.changeActions = Change actions tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.changeActions = Add an action, or input multiple actions (whitespace, comma, or semicolon separated). Note you can also replace the existing list with the new list. simpleAttributeUpdate.addActions = Add actions simpleAttributeUpdate.replaceActions = Replace actions simpleAttributeUpdate.successChangeActions = The action list has been successfully changed simpleAttributeUpdate.successDeleteAction = The action [{0}] was successfully deleted simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionImageAlt = Edit action simpleAttributeUpdate.actionGraphImageAlt = Action inheritance graph ## graph actions simpleAttributeUpdate.graphActionsSectionHeader = Action inheritance graph infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.graphActionsSectionHeader = Attribute actions can imply other actions for permissions. i.e. if an action is assigned, then other actions will be effectively assigned. For example the action Admin can imply Read and Update ## edit actions simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionsSectionHeader = Edit attribute action infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionsSectionHeader = Attribute actions can imply other actions for permissions. i.e. if an action is assigned, then other actions will be effectively assigned. For example the action Admin can imply Read and Update simpleAttributeUpdate.editActionChange = Change action inheritance simpleAttributeUpdate.errorChangeActions = Invalid entry: input the actions simpleAttributeUpdate.addActionEditImplies = Add action that implies simpleAttributeUpdate.addActionEditImpliedBy = Add action implied by simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImply = Actions that imply {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImply = All actions (immediate or effective) which imply the action which is being edited simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImply = Actions that immediately imply {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImply = All actions which imply the action which is being edited, whose immediate relationships can be removed simpleAttributeUpdate.actionEdit = Action name tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionEdit = the action currently being edited simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImpliedBy = Actions implied by {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.actionsImpliedBy = All actions (immediate or effective) which are implied by the action which is being edited simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImpliedBy = Actions immediately implied by {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateActionsImpliedBy = All actions which are implied by the action which is being edited, whose immediate relationships can be removed simpleAttributeUpdate.editAttributeNames = Attribute names simpleAttributeUpdate.cantEditActionIfOnlyOne = You must have more than one action to setup action inheritance simpleAttributeUpdate.mustSelectAnActionToImply = Invalid entry: select an action that will imply this action. If there are none to choose, then all actions already imply this action. simpleAttributeUpdate.mustSelectAnActionToImpliedBy = Invalid entry: select an action that will be implied by this action. If there are none to choose, then all actions already are implied by this action. simpleAttributeUpdate.successAddImpliesAction = The implies relationship was successfully added simpleAttributeUpdate.successAddImpliedByAction = The implied by relationship was successfully added simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliesConfirm = Are you sure you want the break this implies relationship? simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliesImageAlt = Remove implies relationship simpleAttributeUpdate.successRemoveImpliesAction = The implies relationship was successfully removed simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliedByConfirm = Are you sure you want the break this implied by relationship? simpleAttributeUpdate.deleteActionImpliedByImageAlt = Remove implied by relationship simpleAttributeUpdate.successRemoveImpliedByAction = The implied by relationship was successfully removed simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeSubject = Add entity to list tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeSubject = Find an entity to add to the list of entities to view or assign simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeSubjectCombohint = Enter search text to find an entity to add to the list ## attribute def privileges simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = Attribute definition privileges infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = View and edit which subjects have privileges to see that an attribute definition exists, read which objects it is assigned to, assign it to objects, or administer the attribute definition
To add privileges to a new entity, or to view entities which are not shown below, use the 'Add entity to list' dialog priv.attrOptin=Optin priv.attrOptout=Optout priv.attrView=View priv.attrRead=Read priv.attrUpdate=Update priv.attrAdmin=Admin priv.attrDefAttrRead=Attribute read priv.attrDefAttrUpdate=Attribute update priv.attrOptinLower=optin priv.attrOptoutLower=optout priv.attrViewLower=view priv.attrReadLower=read priv.attrUpdateLower=update priv.attrAdminLower=admin priv.attrDefAttrReadLower=attribute read priv.attrDefAttrUpdateLower=attribute update tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrOptinLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrOptin tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrOptoutLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrOptout tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrViewLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrView tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrReadLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrRead tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrUpdateLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrUpdate tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrAdminLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrAdmin tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrDefAttrReadLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrDefAttrRead tooltipTargettedRef.priv.attrDefAttrUpdateLower=tooltipTargetted.priv.attrDefAttrUpdate tooltipTargetted.priv.attrOptin=Entity may assign this attribute to its own Member object. Note this privilege is implied by 'Update' or 'Admin' tooltipTargetted.priv.attrOptout=Entity may unassign this attribute to its own Member object. Note this privilege is implied by 'Update' or 'Admin' tooltipTargetted.priv.attrView=Entity may see that this attribute definition exists. Note this privilege is implied by 'Read', 'Update', 'Attribute read', 'Attribute update', 'Optin', 'Optout', or 'Admin' tooltipTargetted.priv.attrRead=Entity may see the list of objects that this attribute is assigned to. Note this privilege is implied by 'Admin' tooltipTargetted.priv.attrUpdate=Entity may assign this attribute definition. Note this privilege is implied by 'Admin' tooltipTargetted.priv.attrAdmin=Entity may modify attribute definition attributes, delete this attribute definition, or assign any privilege to an entity tooltipTargetted.priv.attrDefAttrRead=Entity may see the attributes for this attribute definition. Note this privilege is implied by 'Admin' tooltipTargetted.priv.attrDefAttrUpdate=Entity may modify the attributes of this attribute definition. Note this privilege is implied by 'Admin' simpleAttributeUpdate.entityHeader = Entity tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.entityHeader = Entity is a single thing which can be a assigned privileges. Generally an entity is a person, but it could also be a group or resource. simpleAttributeUpdate.unassignedTooltip = This privilege is not assigned to this entity simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateTooltip = This privilege is immediately assigned to this entity and can be unassigned simpleAttributeUpdate.effectiveTooltip = This privilege is effectively assigned to this entity due to a group membership, another privilege e.g. admin, or a globally assigned privilege, and can be unassigned by removing the subject from the group, or unassigning the privilege from the group, or removing the other action, or unassigning the global privilege simpleAttributeUpdate.immediateAndEffectiveTooltip = This privilege is immediately assigned to this entity and can be unassigned. However this privilege is also effectively assigned to this entity due to a group membership, another privilege e.g. admin, or a globally assigned privilege, and can be completely unassigned by subsequently addressing the effective privilege simpleAttributeUpdate.filterAttributePrivilegeSubject = Add entity to list simpleAttributeUpdate.errorTooManyPrivilegeSubjects=Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleAttributeUpdate.errorPrivilegeUserSearchNoResults=No results found, change your search criteria simpleAttributeUpdate.additionalPrivilegeSubjectNotFound=Error: not expected, but entity not found simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegePanelSubmit = Save simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegePanelCancel = Cancel simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeGrant = Success: Privilege {0} was assigned to entity: {1} simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeRevoke = Success: Privilege {0} was revoked from entity: {1} simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeGrantWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was already assigned to entity: {1} simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeRevokeWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was already revoked from entity: {1} simpleAttributeUpdate.noPrivilegeChangesDetected = Warning: no privilege changes detected simpleAttributeUpdate.noPrivilegesFound = No privileges found simpleAttributeUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect privileges tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect privileges are not assigned directly to the entity, and cannot be directly unassigned.
They are inherited for instance dur to a membership of the entity in a group, and a privilege granted to the group simpleAttributeUpdate.indirectPrivilegesCheckbox = Show indirect privileges due to group memberships simpleAttributeUpdate.create.privs-for-all=Assign privileges to everyone tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeUpdate.create.privs-for-all=Select which privileges should be public for everyone. -This is the same as assigning a privilege to EveryEntity. simpleAttributeUpdate.pagingLabelPrefix = Showing privilege entities: simpleAttributeUpdate.pagingResultPrefix = Result page: simpleAttributeUpdate.pagingAndAdditional = (not including additional entities added) simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmAllow = Are you sure you want to allow this privilege to this entity? simpleAttributeUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmDeny = Are you sure you want to revoke this privilege from this entity? simpleAttributeUpdate.topIndex = Manage attributes and permissions ## Attribute names simpleAttributeNameUpdate.addEditTitle = Grouper UI simpleAttributeNameUpdate.topIndexAttributeName = Create or edit attribute names simpleAttributeNameUpdate.createEditIndexTitle = Create or edit attribute names simpleAttributeNameUpdate.createEditIndexTitleInfodot = Attribute names are the labels which are related to attribute definitions. The attribute definition holds the settings for the attribute names. The attribute names are what is assigned to the object owner. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectAttributeDefCombohint = Enter search text to find an attribute definition to filter by simpleAttributeNameUpdate.indexSectionHeader = Find an attribute definition name simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDef = Attribute definition tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDef = The attribute definition holds the settings and security for attribute. Each attribute definition can have multiple attribute names. Narrow your search for attribute definition names by selecting an attribute definition. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefName = Attribute name tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefName = The attribute name is what is assigned to the owner object. Find an attribute name to edit, or create a new one simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectAttributeDefNameCombohint = Enter search text to find an attribute name to edit simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorNoAttributeNamesFound = No results found simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorTooManyAttributeDefNames = Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantFindAttributeDef = Error: Cannot find attribute definition, please type in search text and select a result from the drop down simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefName = Error: Input search text and select an attribute name to edit simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefNameHierarchy = Error: Input search text and select an attribute name to add inheritance simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editSectionHeader = Attribute name simpleAttributeNameUpdate.folder = Folder tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.folder = Folder is the namespace where this attribute name resides. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectFolderCombohint = Enter search text to find a folder simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editId = UUID tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editId= UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in this or any other system.

The UUID does not change, and can be used as an identifier in other systems. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.extension = ID tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.extension=ID is the unique identifier you set for this attribute name.

The ID must be unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this attribute name.

The ID field cannot contain spaces or special characters. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.displayExtension = Name tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.displayExtension=Name is the label that identifies this attribute name, and might change. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.description = Description tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.description = Description contains notes about the attribute name, which could include:
what the attribute name represents, why it was created, etc. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelDelete = Delete simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelDeleteConfirm = This will permanently delete the attribute name, all associated inheritance, and all assignments and values. Are you sure you want to delete it? simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelSubmit = Save simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelCancel = Cancel simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelHierarchies = Inheritance simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelHierarchyGraph = Inheritance graph simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameSaved=The attribute name [{0}] was successfully saved simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameDeleted=The attribute name [{0}] was successfully deleted simpleAttributeNameUpdate.filterAttributeDefNameButton = Edit attribute name simpleAttributeNameUpdate.newAttributeDefNameButton = New attribute name simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNotFound = Attribute definition [{0}] not found simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDefName = Error: Input search text and select an attribute name to edit simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorFolderRequired = Invalid entry: select a folder simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input an ID simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorDisplayExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input a display extension simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameSaved = The attribute name [{0}] was successfully saved simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameExists = Invalid entry: the attribute name [{0}] already exists simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editIdPath = ID Path tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editIdPath = ID Path consists of the unique ID of each enclosing folder plus the attribute name ID, separated by colons.

The ID Path is unique for each attribute name and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this attribute name. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDef = Error: Input search text and select an attribute definition for this attribute name simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editPanelAttributeDef = Attribute definition simpleAttributeNameUpdate.errorNotPermission = Error: this is not a permission ############## attribute def name sets simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameSetSectionHeader = Attribute name inheritance infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefNameSetSectionHeader = Attribute names for permissions can imply other attribute names. i.e. if an attribute name is assigned, then other attribute names will be effectively assigned. For example if the attribute names are an organization chart, then assigning a parent organization can imply a child organization simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeDefNameGraphSectionHeader = Attribute name graph infodot.subtitle.simpleAttributeUpdate.attributeDefNameGraphSectionHeader = Attribute names for permissions can imply other attribute names. i.e. if an attribute name is assigned, then other attribute names will be effectively assigned. For example if the attribute names are an organization chart, then assigning a parent organization can imply a child organization. This graph shows relationships relevant to the selected attribute name above. Not all relationships of all nodes is shown. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.hierarchies.attributeDefName = Attribute name tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.hierarchies.attributeDefName = The attribute name is the part of the attribute that is assigned to the owner simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Edit inheritance tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Add an attribute name which is implied by this or which implies this simpleAttributeNameUpdate.addAttributeNameThatImplies = Add attribute name that implies simpleAttributeNameUpdate.addAttributeNameImpliedByThis = Add attribute name implied by simpleAttributeNameUpdate.selectAttributeDefNameHierarchyCombohint = Enter search text to find an attribute name simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImply = Attribute names that imply {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImply = Attribute names that when they are assigned, then it implies an effective assignment to this attribute name. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImply = Immediate attribute names that imply {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImply = Immediate attribute names that imply this attribute name are directly assigned and can be unassigned. In other words, there is not a multi-level inheritance. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImpliedBy = Immediate attribute names implied by {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.immediateAttributeNamesImpliedBy = Immediate attribute names implied by this attribute name are directly assigned and can be unassigned. In other words, there is not a multi-level inheritance. simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImpliedBy = Attribute names implied by {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleAttributeNameUpdate.attributeNamesImpliedBy = Attribute names that when this attribute name is assigned, then they are implied as an effective assignment simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureAddImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies relationship was already assigned simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successAddImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies relationship was successfully added simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureAddImpliedByAttributeDefName = implied by relationship was already assigned simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successAddImpliedByAttributeDefName = The implied by relationship was successfully added simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliesConfirm = Are you sure you want the break this implies relationship? simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliesImageAlt = Remove implies relationship simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliedByConfirm = Are you sure you want the break this implies relationship? simpleAttributeNameUpdate.deleteAttributeNameImpliedByImageAlt = Remove implied by relationship simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successRemoveImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies relationship was successfully removed simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureRemoveImpliesAttributeDefName = The implies relationship did not exist simpleAttributeNameUpdate.successRemoveImpliedByAttributeDefName = The implied by relationship was successfully removed simpleAttributeNameUpdate.failureRemoveImpliedByAttributeDefName = The implied by relationship did not exist ########################## ## Groups and roles simpleGroupUpdate.topIndexGroupUpdate = Groups / roles / local entities simpleGroupUpdate.topIndexAdminUi = Admin UI simpleGroupUpdate.topIndexNewUi = New UI simpleGroupUpdate.title = Grouper UI simpleGroupUpdate.indexSectionHeader = Groups / roles / local entities simpleGroupUpdate.topIndexCreateEdit = Create or edit groups / roles / local entities simpleGroupUpdate.addEditTitle = Grouper UI simpleGroupUpdate.errorCantEditGroup = Error: Input search text and select a group or role to edit simpleGroupUpdate.errorInsertGroupExists = Error: Group already exists, edit the existing group with the panel at the top, instead of creating a new one simpleGroupUpdate.createEditIndexTitle = Create or edit groups / roles / local entities simpleGroupUpdate.createEditIndexTitleInfodot = Groups are a collection of groups / roles / local entities / subjects. Roles are a special type of group which can also hold permissions centrally for applications. Local entities can represent applications, system account, or anything else that needs to be a member or have permissions. simpleGroupUpdate.selectGroupCombohint = Enter search text to find a group / role / local entity simpleGroupUpdate.filterGroupButton = Edit group / role / local entity simpleGroupUpdate.newGroupButton = New group / role / local entity simpleGroupUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters simpleGroupUpdate.errorNoGroupsFound = No results found simpleGroupUpdate.errorNoRolesFound = No results found simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyGroups = Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyRoles = Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionEntityHeader = Local entity simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionGroupHeader = Group simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionRoleHeader = Role simpleGroupUpdate.editSectionGroupRoleHeader = Group / role / local entity simpleGroupUpdate.folder = Folder tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.folder = Folder is the namespace where this group/role resides. simpleGroupUpdate.selectFolderCombohint = Enter search text to find a folder simpleGroupUpdate.editId = UUID tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.editId= UUID stands for Universal Unique Identifier, a generated key that is distinct from any other UUID in this or any other system.

The UUID does not change, and can be used as an identifier in other systems. simpleGroupUpdate.extension = ID tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.extension=ID is the unique identifier you set for this group / role / local entity.

The ID must be unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this group / role / local entity.

The ID field cannot contain spaces or special characters. simpleGroupUpdate.displayExtension = Name tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.displayExtension=Name is the label that identifies this group / role / local entity, and might change. simpleGroupUpdate.description = Description tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.description = Description contains notes about the group / role / local entity, which could include:
what the group represents, why it was created, etc. simpleGroupUpdate.type = Type tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.type = This could be a Group, Role or Local entity. A Group is a collection of entities (groups/roles/subjects). A Role is a Group which can also hold permission information centrally for the application. A local entity could be a system id, or some other subject which can be a member or have permissions. simpleGroupUpdate.type.group = Group tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.type.group = A Group is a collection of groups / roles / local entities / subjects. simpleGroupUpdate.type.role = Role tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.type.role = A Role is a Group which can also hold permission information centrally for the application. simpleGroupUpdate.type.entity = Local entity tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.type.entity = A local entity could represent a system ID or an application or something else which can be a member or have permissions. simpleGroupUpdate.create.privs-for-all = Assign privileges to everyone tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.create.privs-for-all = Select which privileges should be public for everyone. This is the same as assigning a privilege to EveryEntity. simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelDelete = Delete simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelDeleteConfirm = This will permanently delete the group/role, all associated memberships, privileges, permissions, etc. Are you sure you want to delete it? simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelSubmit = Save simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelCancel = Cancel simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelPrivileges = Privileges simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelEditActionHierarchies = Role inheritance simpleGroupUpdate.errorFolderRequired = Invalid entry: select a folder simpleGroupUpdate.errorExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input an ID simpleGroupUpdate.errorDisplayExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input a Name simpleGroupUpdate.groupSaved=The group [{0}] was successfully saved simpleGroupUpdate.groupDeleted=The group [{0}] was successfully deleted simpleGroupUpdate.memberships = Memberships # group update privilege panel simpleGroupUpdate.unassignedTooltip = This privilege is not assigned to this entity simpleGroupUpdate.immediateTooltip = This privilege is immediately assigned to this entity and can be unassigned simpleGroupUpdate.effectiveTooltip = This privilege is effectively assigned to this entity due to a group membership, another privilege e.g. admin, or a globally assigned privilege, and can be unassigned by removing the subject from the group, or unassigning the privilege from the group, or removing the other action, or unassigning the global privilege simpleGroupUpdate.immediateAndEffectiveTooltip = This privilege is immediately assigned to this entity and can be unassigned. However this privilege is also effectively assigned to this entity due to a group membership, another privilege e.g. admin, or a globally assigned privilege, and can be completely unassigned by subsequently addressing the effective privilege simpleGroupUpdate.filterAttributePrivilegeSubject = Add entity to list simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyPrivilegeSubjects=Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleGroupUpdate.errorPrivilegeUserSearchNoResults=No results found, change your search criteria simpleGroupUpdate.additionalPrivilegeSubjectNotFound=Error: not expected, but entity not found simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelSubmit = Save simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelCancel = Cancel simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeGrant = Success: Privilege {0} was assigned to entity: {1} simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeRevoke = Success: Privilege {0} was revoked from entity: {1} simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeGrantWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was already assigned to entity: {1} simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeRevokeWarn = Warning: Privilege {0} was already revoked from entity: {1} simpleGroupUpdate.noPrivilegeChangesDetected = Warning: no privilege changes detected simpleGroupUpdate.noPrivilegesFound = No privileges found simpleGroupUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect privileges tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.indirectPrivileges = Indirect privileges are not assigned directly to the entity, and cannot be directly unassigned.
They are inherited for instance dur to a membership of the entity in a group, and a privilege granted to the group simpleGroupUpdate.indirectPrivilegesCheckbox = Show indirect privileges due to group memberships simpleGroupUpdate.pagingLabelPrefix = Showing privilege entities: simpleGroupUpdate.pagingResultPrefix = Result page: simpleGroupUpdate.pagingAndAdditional = (not including additional entities added) simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmAllow = Are you sure you want to allow this privilege to this entity? simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeImageConfirmDeny = Are you sure you want to revoke this privilege from this entity? simpleGroupUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = Group / role privileges infodot.subtitle.simpleGroupUpdate.privilegesSectionHeader = View and edit which subjects have privileges to see that a group / role exists, read its memberships, or administer the group / role.
To add privileges to a new entity, or to view entities which are not shown below, use the 'Add entity to list' dialog simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeSubject = Add entity to list tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeSubject = Find an entity to add to the list of entities to view or assign simpleGroupUpdate.privilegeSubjectCombohint = Enter search text to find an entity to add to the list simpleGroupUpdate.filterGroupPrivilegeSubject = Add entity to list simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelCancel = Cancel simpleGroupUpdate.privilegePanelSubmit = Submit simpleGroupUpdate.entityHeader = Entity tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.entityHeader = Entity is a single thing which can be a assigned privileges. Generally an entity is a person, but it could also be a group or resource. simpleGroupUpdate.errorTooManyPrivilegeSubjects = Not all results returned, narrow your query simpleGroupUpdate.errorPrivilegeUserSearchNoResults = No results found, change your search criteria simpleGroupUpdate.additionalPrivilegeSubjectNotFound = Error: not expected, but entity not found ########### role hierarchies simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelRoleHierarchies = Role inheritance simpleGroupUpdate.editPanelRoleHierarchyGraphButton = Role inheritance graph simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchiesSectionHeader = Role inheritance infodot.subtitle.simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchiesSectionHeader = Roles with permissions can imply assignment to other roles with permissions. i.e. if a role is assigned, then permissions from other roles will be effectively assigned. For example if a role 'Senior approver' implies role 'Approver', then assigning an entity to 'Senior approver' will assign all permissions assigned to 'Senior approver' in addition to effectively assigning all permissions in 'Approver' simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchyGraphSectionHeader = Role inheritance graph infodot.subtitle.simpleGroupUpdate.roleHierarchyGraphSectionHeader = Roles with permissions can imply assignment to other roles with permissions. i.e. if a role is assigned, then permissions from other roles will be effectively assigned. For example if a role 'Senior approver' implies role 'Approver', then assigning an entity to 'Senior approver' will assign all permissions assigned to 'Senior approver' in addition to effectively assigning all permissions in 'Approver'. The arrow in this graph means that the Role at the start of the arrow inherits all the permissions assigned to the Role that the arrow is pointing to. simpleGroupUpdate.mustSelectRoleImpliedBy = Invalid entry: select a role that will be implied by this role. simpleGroupUpdate.mustSelectRoleToImply = Invalid entry: select a role that will imply this role. simpleGroupUpdate.successAddImpliesRole = The implies relationship was successfully added simpleGroupUpdate.failureAddImpliesRole = The implies relationship already existed simpleGroupUpdate.successAddImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship was successfully added simpleGroupUpdate.failureAddImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship already existed simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliesConfirm = Are you sure you want the break this implies relationship? simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliesImageAlt = Remove implies relationship simpleGroupUpdate.successRemoveImpliesRole = The implies relationship was successfully removed simpleGroupUpdate.failureRemoveImpliesRole = The implies relationship did not exist simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliedByConfirm = Are you sure you want the break this implied by relationship? simpleGroupUpdate.deleteRoleImpliedByImageAlt = Remove implied by relationship simpleGroupUpdate.successRemoveImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship was successfully removed simpleGroupUpdate.failureRemoveImpliedByRole = The implied by relationship did not exist simpleGroupUpdate.hierarchies.rolePath = Role path tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.hierarchies.rolePath = Role path consists of the name of each enclosing folder plus the role name, separated by colons. simpleGroupUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Edit inheritance tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.editHierarchyChange = Add a role which is implied by this or which implies this simpleGroupUpdate.addRoleThatImplies = Add role that implies simpleGroupUpdate.addRoleImpliedByThis = Add role implied by simpleGroupUpdate.selectRoleHierarchyCombohint = Enter search text to find a role simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImply = Roles that imply {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImply = Roles that when they are assigned, then it implies an effective permission to this role. simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImply = Immediate roles that imply {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImply = Immediate roles that imply this role are directly assigned and can be unassigned. In other words, there is not a multi-level inheritance. simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImpliedBy = Immediate roles implied by {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.immediateRolesImpliedBy = Immediate roles implied by this role are directly assigned and can be unassigned. In other words, there is not a multi-level inheritance. simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImpliedBy = Roles implied by {0} tooltipTargetted.simpleGroupUpdate.rolesImpliedBy = Roles that when this role is assigned, then they are implied as an effective assignment simpleGroupUpdate.impliesSameRole = The role selected must be different than the role being edited ################ permission assignments simplePermissionUpdate.topIndexAssignPermission = View or assign permissions simplePermissionAssign.assignIndexTitle = View or assign permissions simplePermissionAssign.assignIndexTitleInfodot = Permissions for external applications can be stored centrally in Grouper. Use this screen to view, assign, or unassign permissions or limits on permission assignments. Note that only enabled limits will display on this screen. You can view disabled (due to start or end date) limits on the attribute assign screen. simplePermissionAssign.indexSectionHeader = Filter or assign permissions simplePermissionAssign.attributeDefinition = Permission definition simplePermissionAssign.attributeDefinition = Permission definition: tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.attributeDefinition = The definition part of the permission holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally permission definitions have multiple permission resources. simplePermissionAssign.permissionResource = Permission resource: tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.permissionResource = The permission resource is the part of the permission which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple permission resources are related to one permission definition. simplePermissionAssign.assignRole = Role: tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignRole = The role is a special type of Group which can associate members with permissions or allow members to have individual permissions assigned in the context of the role. simplePermissionAssign.assignAction = Action: tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignAction = A permission assignment has multiple parts, the role, or entity (in the context of a role), the resource, and the action. For example, the role might be Payroll User, the entity might be John Smith, the resource might be Org123, and the action might be Read or Write. The permission definition defines which actions are available for that definition. The list of actions is free-form. Generally there are not more than a few dozen actions for a permission definition. simplePermissionAssign.assignMember = Entity: tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignMember = The entity which has permissions assigned to it simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterButton = Filter simplePermissionUpdate.assignAssignments = Permission assignments simplePermissionUpdate.assignAssignmentPanelSubtitle = Assign new permission simplePermissionAssign.assignPermissionCancelButton = Cancel simplePermissionAssign.assignPermissionSubmitButton = Submit simplePermissionUpdate.assignNoResultsFound = No permission assignments found simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderUuid = Assignment UUID simplePermissionAssign.assignPermissionButton = New assignment simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedLabel = Allowed: simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderAllowed = Allowed tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedLabel = Normally a permission assignment will be allow. The default is for the permission to not be allowed. But if you have inheritance, and you want to allow a wider set, and restrict a part, then disallow here. For example you could allow All and disallow one part of All. tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderAllowed = Normally a permission assignment will be allow. The default is for the permission to not be allowed. But if you have inheritance, and you want to allow a wider set, and restrict a part, then disallow here. For example you could allow All and disallow one part of All. simplePermissionAssign.assignHeaderScore = Assignment rank tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.assignHeaderScore = Assignment rank is an ordering of more important permissions assignments to less important permissions assignments. Rows with a lower rank are more important. simplePermissionAssign.whyRankNotOne = Rank reason tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.whyRankNotOne = If there are more than one row, then the first row has the highest rank for a reason. This column explains why the first row is ranked higher than this row. simplePermissionAssign.analyzeIsBetterThan = is ranked higher than simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.personRole = an assignment assigned directly to a subject simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.role.0 = a direct assignment to a role simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.role = an inherited assignment to a role with depth {0} simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.assignedToUserNotGroup = an assignment to a non-group subject simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.resource.0 = a direct assignment to a resource simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.resource = an inherited assignment to a resource with depth {0} simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.action.0 = a direct action simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.action = an inherited action with depth {0} simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.allow = an allow simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.disallow = a disallow simplePermissionAssign.analyzeType.same = the two assignments are equivalent simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedAllow = Allow simplePermissionAssign.assignAllowedDisallow = Disallow simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorRoleRequired = Error: owner role is required simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorMembershipRequired = Error: entity is not a member of the role. Please select an entity from the combo box simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorEntityRequired = Error: owner entity is required simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickRole = Error: select a role from the combo box simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickPermissionDefinition = Error: select a permission definition from the combo box simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickSubject = Error: select an entity from the combo box simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickPermissionResource = Error: select a permission resource from the combo box simplePermissionUpdate.assignSuccess = Success: the permission was assigned simplePermissionUpdate.errorAssignedAlready = Error: the permission already exists and cannot be assigned twice. If you want to change the assignment, first unassign the current assignment, then reassign simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerRole = Role simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerMember = Entity simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderPermissionResource = Resource simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderActions = Actions simplePermissionUpdate.errorNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoRolesFound = No results found simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManyRoles = Not all results returned, narrow your query simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoAttributeDefsFound = No results found simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManyAttributeDefs = Not all results returned, narrow your query simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManySubjects = Too many entities, narrow your query simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoSubjectResults = No results found simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantFindAttributeDef = Error: Cannot find permission definition, please type in search text and select a result from the drop down simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantFindAttributeDefName = Error: Cannot find permission resource, please type in search text and select a result from the drop down simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantFilterByActionWithNoDefOrName = Error: To filter by action, select a permission definition or permission resource simplePermissionUpdate.errorNoPermissionResourcesFound = No results found simplePermissionUpdate.errorTooManyPermissionResources = Not all results returned, narrow your query simplePermissionAssign.ownerType = Permission type: tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.ownerType = Permissions can be assigned to a role. To view / edit role permissions, select Role. Entities can have roles, or permissions can be assigned to entities directly in the context of a role. To view / edit permissions associated with entities, select Entity. simplePermissionAssign.ownerTypeRole = Role simplePermissionAssign.ownerTypeEntity = Entity simplePermissionAssign.requiredOwnerType = Owner type is required simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickSubjectForRoleSubject = The Owner Type selected is Entity. The Owner Entity is required, select a result from the Owner Entity combo box. To assign a permission to all entities in the Role, select the Owner Type of Role. simplePermissionUpdate.assignErrorPickAction = Select an Action from the combo box simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabled = Enabled / disabled: simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueEnabled = Enabled only simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueDisabled = Disabled only simplePermissionAssign.assignFilterEnabledDisabledValueAll = All simplePermissionAssign.unassignedTooltip = This permission is not allowed simplePermissionAssign.immediateTooltip = This permission is immediately assigned and can be unassigned simplePermissionAssign.effectiveTooltip = This permission is effectively assigned due to a group membership, a role assignment, role inheritance, action inheritance, or resource inheritance. This can be unassigned by removing the subject from the group, or unassignment the root permission assignment that this assignment inherits from simplePermissionAssign.immediateAndEffectiveTooltip = This permission is immediately assigned and can be unassigned. However this permission is also effectively assigned due to a group membership, a role assignment, role inheritance, action inheritance, or resource inheritance. It can be completely unassigned by subsequently addressing the effective permission simplePermissionUpdate.permissionImageConfirmDeny = Are you sure you want to allow this permission? simplePermissionUpdate.permissionImageConfirmAllow = Are you sure you want to revoke the assignment of this permission? simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantManageRole = Error: you are not allowed to edit permissions for this role simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantEditAttributeDef = Error: you are not allowed to assign this permission definition simplePermissionUpdate.permissionAllowRole = Success: Role: {0} can now perform action: {1} on permission resource: {2} simplePermissionUpdate.permissionRevokeRole = Success: Role: {0} is no longer assigned action: {1} on permission resource: {2} simplePermissionUpdate.permissionAllowRoleSubject = Success: Subject: {0} can now perform action: {1} on permission resource: {2} in the context of role: {3} simplePermissionUpdate.permissionRevokeRoleSubject = Success: Subject: {0} is no longer assigned action: {1} on permission resource: {2} in the context of role: {3} simplePermissionUpdate.permissionPanelSubmitButton = Submit simplePermissionUpdate.permissionPanelCancelButton = Cancel simplePermissionUpdate.noPermissionChangesDetected = Warning: no permission changes detected contextOptionsAlt = Options simplePermissionAssign.editAssignment = Edit assignment simplePermissionAssign.editAssignmentTooltip = Edit the enabled and disabled dates for this assignment simplePermissionAssign.addLimit = Add limit simplePermissionAssign.addLimitTooltip = Add a limit to this assignment. Note you can only do this for an immediate allow permission assignment. simplePermissionUpdate.noImmediatePermissionFound = No immediate permission assignment found simplePermissionUpdate.noImmediatePermissionFoundForLimit = A limit can only be assigned to an immediate permission assignment allow, and the selected permission is not immediate or is disallowed simplePermissionAssign.assignEditSubtitle = Edit permission assignment simplePermissionAssign.assignEditSubtitleInfodot = Edit permission assignment to assign enabled or disabled dates simplePermissionAssign.assignEditId = Permission assignment UUID simplePermissionAssign.assignEditCancelButton = Cancel simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditSuccess = Success: your changes were saved simplePermissionUpdate.editAssignmentAlt = Edit assignment details simplePermissionAssign.assignEditSubmitButton = Submit simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditDisabledDate = End permission assignment on date simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditEnabledDate = Start permission assignment on date simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditEnabledDisabledDateMask = (yyyy/mm/dd) simplePermissionUpdate.assignEnabled = enabled tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.assignEnabled = This permission assignment is enabled based on the enabled and disabled dates simplePermissionUpdate.assignDisabled = disabled tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.assignDisabled = This attribute assignment is disabled based on the enabled and disabled dates permissionUpdateRequestContainer.permissionType = Permission type permissionUpdateRequestContainer.permissionType.role = Role permissionUpdateRequestContainer.permissionType.role_subject = Entity simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderRoleName = Role simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderEntity = Entity simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderResource = Permission resource simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderPermissionDefinition = Permission definition simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderDefinition = Permission definition simplePermissionAssign.assignEditId = UUID simplePermissionAssign.assignMenuAnalyzeAssignment = Analyze result simplePermissionAssign.assignMenuAnalyzeAssignmentTooltip = The result of the permission is ALLOW or NOT ALLOWED. This item will show the underlying permission assignments that could affect the decision for this combination of Role, Entity, Action, Resource. simplePermissionUpdate.analyzeNoPermissionFound = No permissions affect this result, the default result is NOT ALLOWED simplePermissionAssign.analyzeSubtitle = Analyze permission result simplePermissionAssign.analyzeSubtitleInfodot = The overall result of whether a role or a subject in a role can perform an action on a resource could depend on many permission assignments which imply other permissions. This screen shows the relevant assignments and which assignment is responsible for the result. simplePermissionAssign.analyzeOkButton = OK simplePermissionUpdate.analyzeResult = Permission result simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitle = Relevant assignments simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitleInfodot = These are the assignments which can affect the overall result. For instance, each row could be an assignment of a resource that implies this resource, or actions, or role inheritance, or group memberships. simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerUuid = UUID simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderAction = Action simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitle = Result reason simplePermissionAssign.analyzeRelevantAssignmentsSubtitleInfodot = This explains why the relevant assignments cause the result simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerUuid = UUID permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeImmediateAssignment = Direct permission assignment to a subject in a role permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentImmediate = There is a direct permission assigned to the subject in the role, and it takes precendence over other assignments permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentResource = There is an indirect permission assigned to the subject in the role, and the assignment is for a permission resource which implies this permission resource, and that assignment takes precendence over other assignments permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentAction = There is an indirect permission assigned to the subject in the role, and the assignment is for an action which implies this action, and that assignment takes precendence over other assignments permissionUpdateRequestContainer.analyzeSubjectRoleAssignmentNone = There are no direct or indirect permission assignments to the subject in the role simplePermissionAssign.limitSimulationButton = Simulate limits simplePermissionAssign.limitProcessor = Permission processor tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.limitProcessor = None will show all permissions without taking into acccount limits. Process Limits will use the environment variables in the filter form to simulate a permissions query. This might cause some allows to become disallows. simplePermissionAssign.limitDropDownNone = None simplePermissionAssign.limitDropDownProcessLimits = Process limits simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariables = Limit environment variables tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariables = If you are processing limits, then you probably need to pass in some environment variables similar to how the system using the permissions will pass them in at run-time. You need to use the variable names required by the limits used. simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableName = Environment variable name simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableValue = Environment variable value simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableType = Type simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeString = Text simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeInteger = Whole number simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeDecimal = Decimal simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeTimestamp = Timestamp simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeBoolean = True or False simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeNull = Null simplePermissionAssign.limitEnvironmentVariableTypeEmpty = Empty text simplePermissionAssign.moreLimitEnvVars = More... simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPanelSubtitle = Add limit to permission simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPanelSubtitleInfodot = A permission limit is a runtime check which probably involves data from the querying application. For example, you could limit a permission to be during business hours. simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitRole = Permission role tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitRole = This is the role involved in the permission assignment. If it is a role assignment, this is the role. If it is a subject assignment, then this is the role that the assignment is in the context of. simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitSubject = Permission subject tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitSubject = This is the subject involved in the permission assignment. If it is a role assignment, this will not display. simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionName = Permission name tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionName = This is the permission name in the permission assignment. simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionAction = Permission action tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitPermissionAction = This is part of the permission assignment: there is a subject/role, an action, and a resource. For example, John Smith can read data from the Arts and Sciences school In this case, the subject is John Smith, the action is read, and the resource is Arts and Sciences simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitName = Limit name tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitName = This is the attribute name of the limit to add. Only limits which are allowed to be assigned will show in the results. Type in the combobox to see the results. simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitDefinition = Limit definition tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitDefinition = The limit definition narrows down the search results for the permission limits. This is optional, you can also just search for all permission limits. simplePermissionAssign.addLimitValue = Limit value tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionAssign.addLimitValue = If the limit is a marker attribute, then you cannot enter a value. Most limits are single values and you can enter it here. You need to know the type of attribute (text, whole number, decimal, timestamp, etc) so the value will save correctly. Note you can add/edit/delete the value on permissions filter screen as well. simplePermissionAssign.addLimitCancelButton = Cancel simplePermissionAssign.addLimitSubmitButton = Submit simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitSuccess = Success: the limit was assigned successfully simplePermissionUpdate.errorCantEditLimit = Error: cannot edit the limit simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitAlreadyAssigned = Error: the limit was already assigned is not multi-assignable simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitValueSuccess = Success: the limit value was assigned successfully simplePermissionUpdate.errorLimitNameIsRequired = Error: limit name is required, type in a search string and pick a limit from the results simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitValueError = Error: problem assigning limit value to the limit. Maybe it is not the right type. simplePermissionUpdate.limitDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete this limit? simplePermissionUpdate.deleteLimitAlt = Delete limit simplePermissionUpdate.deleteLimitSuccessMessage = Success: the limit was successfully deleted simplePermissionUpdate.limitLabel = Limit simplePermissionUpdate.limitActions = Actions: simplePermissionUpdate.limitAction = Action: simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueLabel = Value: simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToLabel = Assigned to simplePermissionUpdate.limitRoleTypeLabel = Role limit: simplePermissionUpdate.limitMembershipTypeLabel = Membership limit: simplePermissionUpdate.limitPermisssionTypeLabel = Permission assignment limit: simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToRoleLabel = Role: simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToEntityLabel = Entity: simplePermissionUpdate.limitIdLabel = Limit UUID: simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToPermissionActionLabel = Action: simplePermissionUpdate.limitAssignedToPermissionNameLabel = Permission name: simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitAlt = Edit limit simplePermissionAssign.limitEditSubtitle = Edit limit assignment simplePermissionAssign.limitEditSubtitleInfodot = Edit limit assignment to assign enabled or disabled dates simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerRole = Permission role simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderOwnerRoleMembership = Permission role membership simplePermissionUpdate.assignHeaderPermissionName = Permission name simplePermissionAssign.limitEditId = Permission assignment UUID simplePermissionAssign.limitAction = Action simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditEnabledDate = Start permission on date simplePermissionUpdate.assignEditDisabledDate = End permission on date simplePermissionUpdate.limitEditEnabledDate = Start limit on date simplePermissionUpdate.limitEditDisabledDate = End limit on date simplePermissionAssign.limitEditCancelButton = Cancel simplePermissionAssign.limitEditSubmitButton = Submit simplePermissionAssign.editLimitNotAllowed = You are not allowed to edit the limit simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitSuccess = Success: your changes were saved simplePermissionAssign.limitName = Limit name simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuAddValue = Add value simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuAddValueTooltip = Add a value to this assignment simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuEditLimit = Edit limit simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuEditLimitTooltip = Edit limit simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuDeleteLimit = Delete limit simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuDeleteLimitTooltip = Delete limit simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuEditValue = Edit value simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuEditValueTooltip = Edit the attribute assignment value simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuDeleteValue = Delete value simplePermissionAssign.limitMenuDeleteValueTooltip = Delete the limit value simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueSubtitle = Add value to attribute assignment simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment can have one or more values associated with it. Add a value to the assignment simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueCancelButton = Cancel simplePermissionAssign.limitAddValueSubmitButton = Submit simplePermissionUpdate.limitAddValue = Value to add simplePermissionUpdate.addLimitValueRequired = Enter a value to add simplePermissionUpdate.limitAddValueSuccess = Success: the limit value was added simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueDeleteConfirm = Are you sure you want to delete this limit value? simplePermissionUpdate.limitDeleteValueAlt = Delete the limit value simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueSuccessDelete = Success: the limit value was deleted simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitValueAssignmentAlt = Edit the attribute assignment value simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditSubtitle = Edit the attribute assignment value simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditSubtitleInfodot = Attribute assignment can have one or more values associated with it. Edit this value to the assignment simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEdit = Value to edit simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditId = Value UUID simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditCancelButton = Cancel simplePermissionUpdate.limitValueEditSubmitButton = Submit simplePermissionUpdate.editLimitValueRequired = Enter a value to edit simplePermissionUpdate.limitEditValueSuccess = Success: the attribute assignment value was saved simplePermissionUpdate.noLimitDocumentationConfigured = No documentation configured for this limit simplePermissionUpdate.limitDocumentation = Documentation of limits tooltipTargetted.simplePermissionUpdate.limitDocumentation = Documentation of limits which are applicable to the permission filter. Only limits shown above are documented here. grouperPermissionExpressionLanguage.doc = The expression limit allows a value which is an expression language script.
Note: the caller needs to be configured to process the amount or labels etc.
e.g. check that an amount is less than 50000: amount < 50000
e.g. check that an amount is less than 30000 and authentication is two factor or certificate: amount < 30000 && limitElUtils.labelsContain(authnAttributes, 'twoFactor, certificate')
e.g. check the time is between 9am and 5pm: hourOfDay >= 9 && hourOfDay <= 17
e.g. check that the user's IP address is on a certain network: limitElUtils.ipOnNetwork(ipAddress, '', 24)
e.g. check that the user's IP address is on certain networks: limitElUtils.ipOnNetworks(ipAddress, ',')
e.g. check that the user's IP address is on a configured network (note, these are the configured network realms: {0}): limitElUtils.ipOnNetworkRealm(ipAddress, 'myInstitutionLocal')
grouperPermissionAmountLessThan.doc = This limit checks that the environment variable 'amount' is less than a certain value. The value must be a whole number without commas. Note that the application checking permissions needs to configure an environment variable named 'amount' which has a whole number type grouperPermissionAmountLessThanEquals.doc = This limit checks that the environment variable 'amount' is less than or equal to a certain value. The value must be a whole number without commas. Note that the application checking permissions needs to configure an environment variable named 'amount' which has a whole number type grouperPermissionIpOnNetworks.doc = This limit checks that the environment variable 'ipAddress' is on any of the specified networks. The value must be a comma separated list of CIDR notation networks, e.g., This example means that the IP address on the network with a 24 bit mask, or any host on the network with a 16 bit mask. Note that the application checking permissions needs to configure an environment variable named 'ipAddress' which has an IPv4 ip address, e.g. grouperPermissionIpOnNetworkRealm.doc = This limit checks that the environment variable 'ipAddress' is on any of the configured networks. The value must be one of the following values: {0}. Note that the application checking permissions needs to configure an environment variable named 'ipAddress' which has an IPv4 ip address, e.g. grouperPermissionWeekday9to5.doc = This limit checks that the time is between 9am and 5pm and that the day is Monday through Friday. If the application checking permissions does not pass in the hourOfDay environment variable, then the time used will be the time of the Grouper server. grouperPermissionLabelsContain.doc = This limit checks that a comma separated list of text labels sent by the calling application contains one of the configured comma separated labels. For example, if the calling application passes in the labels environment variable with the values: authenticated, twoFactor. And the configured labels in this limit are: twoFactor, certificate, then it would be allowed. simplePermissionUpdate.limitNameHelpButtonAlt = Documentation of limits simplePermissionUpdate.limitTypeProblemInt = Whole number is expected simplePermissionUpdate.limitTypeProblemDate = Date is expected in the format: yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss simplePermissionUpdate.limitTypeProblemDecimal = Decimal is expected grouperPermissionInvalidIpNetworks = The network specification is a comma separated list of CIDR notated networks, e.g., Note that a /32 is a single IP Address. grouperPermissionIpOnNetworks.required = The network is required grouperPermissionIpOnNetworkRealm.required = The network realm is required. It must be one of the following values: {0}. grouperPermissionInvalidIpNetworkRealm = The network realm must be one of the following values: {0}. ##################### ## Directed graph text ##################### directedGraph.radialLayoutToggle = Radial layout toggle directedGraph.collapseSelectedNode = Collapse selected node directedGraph.expandSelectedNode = Expand selected node directedGraph.zoom = Zoom directedGraph.switchToSelectingMode = Switch to selecting mode directedGraph.switchToTransformingMode = Switch to transforming mode ##################### ## Main menu ##################### mainMenu.liteLink = Lite UI menu mainMenu.link = Main menu miscMenu.index = Lite UI home miscMenu.indexTooltip = Lite UI home is the start screen for the Grouper Lite UI. This is a newer UI than the Admin UI; it allows management of the new attribute framework and centrally managed permissions. miscMenu.admin = Admin UI home miscMenu.adminTooltip = Admin UI home is the start screen for the Grouper Admin UI. This is the traditional Grouper UI intended for Grouper admins. miscMenu.new = New UI home miscMenu.newTooltip = New UI home is the start screen for the New Grouper UI. This is the newly redesigned Grouper UI which is easier to use. miscMenu.groupsAndRoles = Groups / roles / local entities miscMenu.groupsAndRolesTooltip = The Groups / roles / local entities screen allows creation, updates, and deletes of groups / roles / local entities. You can manage Group privileges (e.g. who is allowed to manage Group memberships), and convert a Group into a Role and vice versa. You can manage Role permission inheritance. miscMenu.groupMemberships = Group and role memberships miscMenu.groupMembershipsTooltip = View or edit group and role memberships. You can add or remove individual members, or import/export in bulk. miscMenu.attributesAndPermissions = Attributes and permissions miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsTooltip = View or edit the new attribute framework or centrally managed permissions. miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEdit = Create or edit attributes miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEditTooltip = Create or edit attribute or permission definitions. Manage privileges (e.g. who can view the privileges), manage permission actions, action inheritance, etc. miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEditNames = Create or edit attribute names miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsCreateEditNamesTooltip = Create or edit attribute or permission names. Attribute or permission names are the objects that are assigned to the attribute owners or the permission role or subject. Manage permission resource inheritance, etc. miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsAssign = View or assign attributes miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsAssignTooltip = View attribute assignments or assign or unassign attributes. miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsPermAssign = View or assign permissions miscMenu.attributesAndPermissionsPermAssignTooltip = View centrally managed permission assignments or assign or unassign permissions. Analyze permissions, assign limits, etc ######################################################################################### ############## End of nav.properties, start of UI v2.2 ######################################################################################### ######################################## ############## Common text ######################################## # title in browser guiTitle = Grouper Group Management and Authorization # misc error on screen guiMiscErrorPrefix = Error: # misc error on screen for no session guiMiscNoSessionError = Your session has expired or is invalid, please try again # short link for a subject with a tooltip perhaps guiSubjectShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiSubject.screenSubjectIcon2Html : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2)} #guiSubjectShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2)} # short text for a subject with a tooltip perhaps guiSubjectShort = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2)} # long link with icon for group guiGroupLongLinkWithIcon = ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelLong)} # if you cant view a group or entity, this will be in the extension and name # the prefix is what it uses to set the folder guiCantViewPrefix = You cannot VIEW guiGroupCantView = You cannot VIEW group: ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.subjectId} guiEntityCantView = You cannot VIEW local entity: ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.subjectId} # long link with icon for subject guiSubjectLongLinkWithIcon = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiSubject.screenSubjectIcon2Html} ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelLong)} # when a subject cannot be resolved guiUnresolvableSubject = Entity not found # when an object cant be found guiObjectUnknown = Unknown #displayed for an attribute def when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown guiAttributeDefShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiAttributeDef.attributeDef.extension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiAttributeDef.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for an attribute def when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown guiAttributeDefLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiAttributeDef.attributeDef.name)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiAttributeDef.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for an attribute def name when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown guiAttributeDefNameShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiAttributeDefName.attributeDefName.displayExtension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiAttributeDefName.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for an attribute def name when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown guiAttributeDefNameLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiAttributeDefName.attributeDefName.displayName)} # folder label in tooltip of group guiTooltipFolderLabel = FOLDER #displayed for a group when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown guiGroupShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.group.displayExtension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for a group when it is a link, i.e. the full name should be shown guiGroupLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.nameColonSpaceSeparated)} # displayed for group with no link guiGroupShort = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.group.displayExtension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for an entity when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown #http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/ guiEntityShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiEntity.entity.displayExtension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiEntity.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for a folder when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown guiStemShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiStem.guiDisplayExtension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiStem.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for a folder when it is a link, i.e. the display name should be shown guiStemLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiStem.nameColonSpaceSeparated)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiStem.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for a service when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown, if there is more than one folder that has the service attribute guiServiceShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.attributeDefName.displayExtension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for a service when it is a link, i.e. display name should be shown, if there is more than one folder that has the service attribute guiServiceLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.nameColonSpaceSeparated)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for a service when it is a short link, i.e. just the display extension should be shown, if there is only one folder that has the service attribute guiServiceFolderShortLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.attributeDefName.displayExtension)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} #displayed for a service when it is a link, i.e. display name should be shown, if there is only one folder that has the service attribute guiServiceFolderLink = ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showIcon ? ' ' : ""}${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.nameColonSpaceSeparated)}${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.showPath ? ('
' + grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiService.guiAttributeDefName.pathColonSpaceSeparated) + '') : ""} # in the breadcrumbs, this is the home link guiBreadcrumbsHomeLabel = Home guiBreadcrumbsAriaLabel = Breadcrumbs: You are here: # if there is more to show, this is the more button guiMore = More # if there is less to show, this is the less button guiLess = Less # aria Label properties for Stems, Attribute Defs, Groups and Subjects ariaLabelGuiMoreGroupDetails = Show more details for this group ariaLabelGuiMoreAttributeDefDetails = Show more details for this attribute definition ariaLabelGuiMoreAttributeDefNameDetails = Show more details for this attribute name ariaLabelGuiMoreStemDetails = Show more details for this stem ariaLabelGuiMoreSubjectDetails = Show more details for this subject ariaLabelGuiMoreGroupActions = Show more actions for this group ariaLabelGuiMoreAttributeDefActions = Show more actions for this attribute definition ariaLabelGuiMoreStemActions = Show more actions for this stem ariaLabelGuiMoreSubjectActions = Show more actions for this subject ariaLabelGuiMoreMembershipActions = Show more actions for this membership ariaLabelGuiMoreAttributeNameActions = Show more actions for this attribute name ariaLabelGuiMoreAttributeActionActions = Show more actions for this action ariaLabelGuiMoreSubjectActions = Show more actions for this subject ariaLabelGuiMoreOptions = Show more options ariaLabelGuiRefreshFolderBrowse = Refresh folder browse ariaLabelGuiEntityName = Enter entity name ariaLabelGuiSearch = Search # when there is a subject not found, but the subject id is known guiSubjectNotFound = Entity not found: ${grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.subjectId} # if a subject for instance is in search results, then there is no stem guiStemNotApplicable = N/A ######################################## ############## Errors ######################################## # the alert that will be shown before the page is refreshed for a CSRF problem guiErrorCsrfAlert = Your session has ended. A new session has been created, please try your request again. # Errors on the error screen # IdP is not sending eppn? errorCode_noUserAuthenticated = No username found. Your identity provider might not be sending your username to this application. Either you need to use a different identity provider, or ask your IT department to send your username to this application. # subject not found who is logged in errorCode_authenticatedSubjectNotFound = Your username could not be found in the system as an entity. # cannot have an anonymous session in this part of the application errorCode_anonymousSessionNotAllowed = You have an anonymous session since you are not logged in, but this section requires you to be logged in. Maybe $$errorCode_noUserAuthenticated$$ # if the CSRF token was not submitted for protected URL errorCode_csrf = Maybe your session timed out and you need to start again. This should not happen under normal operation. CSRF error. # ajax error, not sure of the specifics errorCode_ajaxError = There was an error with your request. # header on error screen guiErrorHeader =


# start over with the application guiStartOver = Click here to start over. ######################################## ############## Index page text ######################################## # name of the group app grouperAppName = Grouper # institution name institutionName = Institute of Higher Education # index description text indexGrouperDescription = This website allows you to manage groups associated with your organization and the members of those groups. For a list of answers to frequently asked questions, refer to the support documentation. # Logged in as string in top right corner indexLoggedInAs = Logged in as # Logout link on index page indexLogoutLink = Log out # index quick links indexQuickLinksLabel = Quick links # Recent activity section label indexRecentActivity = Recent activity # Recent activity table header indexRecentActivityTableHeader = Recent activity # Recent activity date table header indexRecentActivityDateTableHeader = Activity Date # Button for my groups indexMyGroupsButton = My groups # Button for my activity indexMyActivityButton = My activity # button to browse folders indexBrowseFolders = Browse folders # Button for my folders indexMyStemsButton = My folders # title of my favorites widget indexMyFavoritesTitle = My favorites # title of my activity widget indexMyActivityTitle = My activity # Button for my favorites indexMyFavoritesButton = My favorites # if not loaded, this link will load them indexMyFavoritesButtonLoad = Load list of my favorites # link at bottom of my services section indexMyServicesViewAllServices = View all services # Button for my services indexMyServicesButton = My services # link at the button of groups I manage section indexMyGroupsViewAllGroups = View all groups # title at top of groups I manage section indexMyGroupsTitle = Groups I manage # if not loaded, this link will load them indexMyGroupsTitleLoad = Load list of groups I manage # link at bottom of folders I manage section indexMyStemsViewAllStems = View all folders # link at bottom of my favorites section indexMyFavoritesViewAllFavorites = View all favorites # title of the section for my services indexMyServicesSectionTitle = My services # if not loaded, this link will load them indexMyServicesSectionTitleLoad = Load my services # view all my memberships on index page indexMyMembershipsViewAllMyMemberships = View all my memberships # my memberships panel indexMyMembershipsMyMemberships = My memberships # if not loaded, this link will load them indexMyMembershipsMyMembershipsLoad = Load my memberships # recently used title indexRecentlyUsedRecentlyUsed = Recently used # load this if not loaded already indexRecentlyUsedRecentlyUsedLoad = Load list of recently used items # stems I manage title indexStemsImanageStemsImanage = My folders # load this if takes too long indexStemsImanageStemsImanageLoad = Load list of my folders # view all recently used indexRecentlyUsedViewAllRecentlyUsed = View all recently used # is javascript is disabled indexNoJavascript = Error: Javascript is detected to be disabled in your browser. Please enable Javascript to use this application. # select a widget to display indexSelectWidgetToDisplay = Select a widget to display ######################################## ############## My groups ######################################## # breadcrumb for home myGroupsHomeBreadcrumb = Home # breadcrumb on the my groups screen myGroupsBreadcrumb = My groups # title of my groups screen myGroupsTitle = My groups # tab for my groups myGroupsTabMyGroups = Groups I manage # tab for my memberships myGroupsTabMyMemberships = My memberships # tab for groups i can join myGroupsTabGroupsCanJoin = Groups I can join # description for my groups myGroupsDescription = The following table lists all groups in which you are allowed you to manage the group's membership list. # my groups filter for label myGroupsFilterFor = Filter for: # my groups name placeholder myGroupsSearchNamePlaceholder = Group name or folder # my groups search button myGroupsSearchButton = Apply filter # my groups reset button myGroupsResetButton = Reset # not enough chars in the filter for my groups myGroupsErrorNotEnoughChars = Error: enter 2 or more characters # on my groups results table, stem header myGroupsFolderHeader = Folder # on my groups results table, group header myGroupsGroupHeader = Group name # if no results found myGroupsNoResultsFound = No results found ######################################## ############## My groups join ######################################## # description on my groups join screen myGroupsJoinDescription = The following table lists all groups which you are allowed to join as a member. # join group button myGroupsJoinGroupButton = Join group # problem getting group to join myGroupsJoinGroupCantFindGroup = Cannot find group or not allowed to join group # success joined group myGroupsJoinGroupSuccess = Success: joined group # already in group myGroupsJoinGroupNoChangesSuccess = Note: already in group ######################################## ############## My groups memberships ######################################## # description on my groups memberships screen myGroupsMembershipsDescription = The following table lists all groups in which you are a member, whether directly or indirectly. # leave group button myGroupsMembershipsLeaveButton = Leave group # problem getting group to leave myGroupsMembershipsCantFindGroup = Cannot find group or not allowed to leave group # success left group myGroupsMembershipsLeftSuccess = Success: you have left the group # already out of group myGroupsMembershipsLeftNoChangesSuccess = Note: already out of group ######################################## ############## My stems ######################################## # breadcrumb for home myStemsHomeBreadcrumb = Home # breadcrumb on the my stems screen myStemsBreadcrumb = My folders # title of my stems screen myStemsTitle = My folders # description for my stems myStemsDescription = The following table lists the folders on which you have privileges # my stems filter for label myStemsFilterFor = Filter for: # my stems name placeholder myStemsSearchNamePlaceholder = Folder name # my stems search button myStemsApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # my stems reset button myStemsResetButton = Reset # not enough chars in the filter for my stems myStemsErrorNotEnoughChars = Error: enter 2 or more characters # on my stems results table, parent stem header myStemsParentStemHeader = Folder path # on my stems results table, stem header myStemsStemHeader = Folder name # if no results found myStemsNoResultsFound = No results found # filter options myStemsFilterOptionCreateGroups = Folders where I can create groups or attributes myStemsFilterOptionCreateStems = Folders where I can create folders myStemsFilterOptionGroupsManage = Folders containing groups I manage myStemsFilterOptionAll = All myStemsFilterOptionAttributeRead = Folders where I can read attributes myStemsFilterOptionAttributeUpdate = Folders where I can update attributes # folders I manage tab myStemsImanageTab = Folders I manage # folders with groups I manage tab myStemsContainingGroupsImanageTab = Folders with groups I manage # folders with attributes I manage tab myStemsContainingAttributesImanageTab = Folders with attributes I manage # description for stems with groups i manage myStemsContainingGroupsImanageDescription = The following table lists the folders containing groups that I manage # description for stems with attributes i manage myStemsContainingAttributesImanageDescription = The following table lists the folders containing attributes that I manage ######################################## ############## My services ######################################## # breadcrumb for home myServicesHomeBreadcrumb = Home # breadcrumb on the my services screen myServicesBreadcrumb = My services # title of my services screen myServicesTitle = My services # description for my services myServicesDescription = The following table lists all of your services that match the search filter # my services filter for label myServicesFilterFor = Filter for: # my services name placeholder myServicesSearchNamePlaceholder = Service name # my services search button myServicesApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # my services reset button myServicesResetButton = Reset # not enough chars in the filter for my services myServicesErrorNotEnoughChars = Error: enter 2 or more characters # on my services results table, parent stem header myServicesParentStemHeader = Service path # on my services results table, service header myServicesStemHeader = Service name # if no results found myServicesNoResultsFound = No results found ######################################## ############## Service ######################################## # If the URL is not valid viewServiceCantFindServiceId = Error: cannot find attributeDefNameId, nameOfAttributeDefName, or attributeDefNameIndex in url # If the service cant be found but the id or name is passed in viewServiceCantFindService = Error: cannot find service # label above the h1 on the service that tells the user this page is a service viewServiceHeaderLabel = Service # labels in table of screen for stems of a service viewServiceParentStemHeader = Parent folder # labels in table of screen for stems of a service viewServiceStemNameHeader = Folder name ######################################## ############## My favorites ######################################## # breadcrumb for home myFavoritesHomeBreadcrumb = Home # breadcrumb on the my favorites screen myFavoritesBreadcrumb = My favorites # title of my favorites screen myFavoritesTitle = My favorites # description for my favorites myFavoritesDescription = The following table lists all favorites that match the search filter # my favorites filter for label myFavoritesFilterFor = Filter for: # my favorites name placeholder myFavoritesSearchNamePlaceholder = Favorite name # my stems search button myFavoritesApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # my favorites reset button myFavoritesResetButton = Reset # not enough chars in the filter for my favorites myFavoritesErrorNotEnoughChars = Error: enter 2 or more characters # on my favorites results table, parent stem header myFavoritesParentStemHeader = Favorite path # on my stems results table, favorite header myFavoritesStemHeader = Favorite name # if no results found myFavoritesNoResultsFound = No results found ######################################## ############## My activity ######################################## # breadcrumb for home myActivityHomeBreadcrumb = Home # breadcrumb on the my activity screen myActivityBreadcrumb = My activity # title of my activity screen myActivityTitle = My activity # description for my activity myActivityDescription = The following table lists all activity that match the search filter # my activity filter date range label myActivityFilterFor = Date Range: # my activity search range from placeholder myActivitySearchRangeFromPlaceholder = From # my activity search range to placeholder myActivitySearchRangeToPlaceholder = To # my stems search button myActivityApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # my activity reset button myActivityResetButton = Reset # date format not correct myActivityIncorrectDateFormat = Error: Date format is not correct. # start date cannot be after end date myActivityStartDateAfterEndDate = Error: Start date cannot be after end date # on my activity results table, parent stem header myActivityParentStemHeader = Activity name # on my stems results table, activity header myActivityStemHeader = Activity date # if no results found myActivityNoResultsFound = No results found ######################################## ############## Membership pages text ######################################## # If the URL is not valid membershipCantFindFieldId = Error: cannot find fieldId, fieldName, or field in url # URL is ok, but cant find field membershipCantFindField = Error: cannot find field # membership trace subheader membershipTraceSubHeader = Trace membership for ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.ScreenLabelShort2noLink} # membership trace breadcrumb membershipTraceBreadcrumb = Trace membership # lead at the top of the page that explains trace membership membershipTracePageLead = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.ScreenLabelShort2noLink} is a member of the ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayExtension)} group by the following paths: # no memberships found on trace memberships screen membershipTraceNoMembershipFound = No memberships found # membership path first line introduces the subject to the path membershipTracePathFirstLine =

${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} is a direct member of

# membership path group line membershipTraceGroupLine =


membershipTraceStemLine =


membershipTraceAttributeDefLine =


# membership path group member of line membershipTraceGroupMemberOf =

which is a direct member of

# membership path group composite union of line membershipTraceGroupCompositeOfUnion =

which is a composite factor union with ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.guiGroupFactor.shortLink} of

# membership path group composite intersect of line membershipTraceGroupCompositeOfIntersection =

which is a composite factor intersect with ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.guiGroupFactor.shortLink} of

# membership path group composite minus of line membershipTraceGroupCompositeOfMinus =

which is a composite factor minus ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.guiGroupFactor.shortLink} of

# button to go to back to entity membershipTraceBackToSubjectButton = Back to entity # button to go back to group membershipTraceBackToGroupButton = Back to group # button to go back to stem membershipTraceBackToStemButton = Back to folder # button to go back to membership membershipTraceBackToMembershipButton = Back to membership # if there are no paths membershipTraceGroupNoPaths = There are no indirect paths for this entity and group # if there are no paths allowed by user membershipTraceGroupNoPathsAllowed = There are no indirect paths for this entity and group that you are allowed to read # if there are some paths cannot see membershipTraceGroupPathsNotAllowed = Note: there are ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.pathCountNotAllowed} paths for this entity and group that you are not allowed to see since you cannot READ a group in the path ######################################## ############## Edit memberships ######################################## # no memberships found on edit memberships screen membershipEditNoMembershipFound = No memberships found # subheader on edit membership screen membershipEditSubHeader = Membership and privileges in ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayExtension)} group # membership label for is direct or indirect member, note: these do not show up on screen membershipEditLabelMembership = Direct membership: membershipEditLabelIndirectMembership = Indirect membership: # membership label for if the user is a direct/indirect member or not membershipEditHasDirectMembership = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} is a direct member of the ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.shortLink} group membershipEditNotHasDirectMembership = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} is not a direct member of the ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.shortLink} group membershipEditHasIndirectMembership = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} is an indirect member of the ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.shortLink} group membershipEditNotHasIndirectMembership = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} is not an indirect member of the ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.shortLink} group # membership edit start date label membershipEditLabelStartDate = Start date: # membership start date subtext membershipEditLabelStartDateSubtext = The date on which this entity's membership begins. # membership edit end date label membershipEditLabelEndDate = End date: # membership end date subtext membershipEditLabelEndDateSubtext = The date on which this entity's membership expires. # membership edit direct privileges label membershipEditLabelDirectPrivileges = Direct group privileges: # membership edit indirect privileges label membershipEditLabelIndirectPrivileges = Indirect group privileges: # save button on membership edit screen membershipEditSaveButton = Save # cancel button on membership edit screen membershipEditCancelButton = Cancel # trace button on membership edit screen membershipEditTraceButton = Trace # invalid dates on edit membership membershipEditFromDateInvalid = 'Start date' is invalid. Enter: yyyy/mm/dd membershipEditToDateInvalid = 'End date' is invalid. Enter: yyyy/mm/dd # placeholder in the date field membershipEditDatePlaceholder = yyyy/mm/dd # success string for membership saved membershipEditSaveSuccess = Success: membership is saved # no change string for membership saved membershipEditNoChange = Note: membership not changed ######################################## ############## Trace privileges text ######################################## # privilege trace subheader privilegesTraceSubHeader = Trace privileges for ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2noLink} privilegesTraceSubjectSubHeader = Trace privileges for ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayName} privilegesTraceStemSubHeader = Trace privileges for ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2noLink} privilegesTraceStemSubjectSubHeader = Trace privileges for ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.guiStem.stem.displayName} privilegesTraceAttributeDefSubHeader = Trace privileges for ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2noLink} privilegesTraceAttributeDefSubjectSubHeader = Trace privileges for ${grouperRequestContainer.attributeDefContainer.guiAttributeDef.attributeDef.displayName} # privilege trace breadcrumb privilegesTraceBreadcrumb = Trace privileges # lead at the top of the page that explains trace privileges privilegesTracePageLead = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2noLink} has privileges on the ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayExtension)} group by the following paths: privilegesTraceStemPageLead = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2noLink} has privileges on the ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiStem.stem.displayExtension)} folder by the following paths: privilegesTraceAttributeDefPageLead = ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.screenLabelShort2noLink} has privileges on the ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiAttributeDef.attributeDef.displayExtension)} attribute definition by the following paths: # no privileges found on trace privileges screen privilegesTraceNoPrivilegesFound = No privileges found # membership path first line introduces the subject to the path privilegesTracePathFirstLine =

${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} has direct ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.privilegeLabelsString} privileges on

# membership path first line introduces the subject to the path for every entity privilegesTracePathEveryEntityFirstLine =

${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} inherits from $$term.everyEntity$$ which has direct ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.privilegeLabelsString} privileges on

# membership path first line introduces the subject to the path privilegesTraceMembershipPathEveryEntityFirstLine =

${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.shortLink} inherites from $$term.everyEntity$$ which is a direct member of

# membership path first line introduces the subject to the path privilegesTracePathLastLine =

which has direct ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.privilegeLabelsString} privileges on

# first line of privileges block which has the comma separated list of privileges privilegesTracePrivilegesLine =
# button to go to back to entity privilegesTraceBackToSubjectButton = Back to entity privileges # button to go back to group privilegesTraceBackToGroupButton = Back to group privileges # button to go back to stem privilegesTraceBackToStemButton = Back to folder privileges # button to go back to attribute def privilegesTraceBackToAttributeDefButton = Back to attribute definition privileges # if there are no paths privilegesTraceGroupNoPaths = There are no privilege paths for this entity and group privilegesTraceStemNoPaths = There are no privilege paths for this entity and folder privilegesTraceAttributeDefNoPaths = There are no privilege paths for this entity and attribute definition # if there are no paths allowed by user privilegesTraceGroupNoPathsAllowed = There are no privilege paths for this entity and group that you are allowed to read # if there are some paths cannot see privilegesTraceGroupPathsNotAllowed = Note: there are ${grouperRequestContainer.membershipGuiContainer.pathCountNotAllowed} privilege paths for this entity and group that you are not allowed to see since you cannot READ a group in the path ######################################## ############## Subject page text ######################################## # If the URL is not valid subjectCantFindSubjectId = Error: cannot find subjectId, subjectIdentifier, subjectIdOrIdentifier, memberId in url # If the subject cant be found but the id or name is passed in subjectCantFindSubject = Error: cannot find subject # Search for a group to add the subject to subjectSearchForGroupButton = Search for a group # Search for a stem to add the subject to subjectSearchForStemButton = Search for a folder # Search for an attribute to add the subject to subjectSearchForAttributeDefButton = Search for an attribute # When searching for a group, this is the placeholder subjectSearchGroupPlaceholder = Search for a group # When searching for an attributeDef, this is the placeholder subjectSearchAttributeDefPlaceholder = Search for an attribute # When searching for a stem, this is the placeholder subjectSearchStemPlaceholder = Search for a folder # when searching for a group to add a subject to, this is the placeholder subjectSearchButton = Search # when searching for a group, match exact id subjectSearchExactIdMatch = Match exact group ID # close button on subject search for group screen subjectSearchCloseButton = Close # description of the results for searching for a group to add the entity to subjectSearchResultsDescription = The table below lists groups in which you are allowed to manage memberships. # description of the results for searching for an attribute def to add the entity to subjectSearchAttributeDefResultsDescription = The table below lists attribute definitions in which you are allowed to manage privileges. # column header for the stem the object is in subjectSearchResultsColumnHeaderStem = Folder # column header for the group of the object subjectSearchResultsColumnHeaderGroupName = Group name # column header for the attributeDef of the object subjectSearchResultsColumnHeaderAttributeDefName = Attribute name # group name label on subject screen to add group subjectSearchGroupName = Group name: # stem name label on subject screen to add stem subjectSearchStemName = Folder name: # attribute name label on subject screen to add attribute def subjectSearchAttributeDefName = Attribute name: # text before the combo link subjectSearchLabelPreComboLink = Enter a group name or ID, or # text to search for a group subjectSearchForGroupLink = search for a group. # text before the combo link for stem subjectSearchStemLabelPreComboLink = Enter a folder name or ID, or # text to search for a stem subjectSearchForStemLink = search for a folder. # text before the combo link for attributeDef subjectSearchAttributeDefLabelPreComboLink = Enter an attribute name or ID, or # text to search for an attribute subjectSearchForAttributeDefLink = search for an attribute. # assign these privileges label on view subject subjectViewAssignThesePrivileges = Assign these privileges: # Add link in text of subject view screen subjectViewAddGroupLink = Add # Add link in text of subject view screen subjectViewAddAttributeDefLink = Add # Add link in text of subject view screen subjectViewAddStemLink = Add # or text between add button and bulk subjectViewTextBetweenAddAndBulk = or # text after the bulk link subjectViewTextPostBulkLink = from a file. # link for import a list of members subjectViewBulkLink = import a list of members # if default privileges should be assigned subjectViewDefaultPrivileges = Default privileges # if custom privileges should be assigned subjectViewCustomPrivileges = Custom privileges # label for subject id subjectViewLabelId = Unique ID: # label for email subjectViewLabelEmail = Email: # label for name subjectViewLabelName = Name: # label for description subjectViewLabelDescription = Description: # label for source id subjectViewLabelSourceId = Source ID: # label for source name subjectViewLabelSourceName = Source name: # label for member id subjectViewLabelMemberId = Member ID: # make labels like this to have custom attribute labels subjectViewLabel__sourceTextId__attributeName = My attribute label: subjectViewLabel__jdbc__loginid = Login ID: subjectViewLabel__jdbc__lfname = Last/first name: # button to add to a group subjectViewMoreActionsAddMembers = Add to a group # subject view audit log button subjectViewMembershipAuditButton = View membership audit log # subject view action log button subjectViewActionAuditButton = View action audit log # subject view privilege log button subjectViewPrivilegeAuditButton = View privilege audit log # label on subject audit screen about filtering by date subjectAuditLogFilterByDate = Filter by date: # label on subject audit screen of filter types: on, before, between, since subjectAuditLogFilterType_all = all subjectAuditLogFilterType_on = on subjectAuditLogFilterType_before = before subjectAuditLogFilterType_between = between subjectAuditLogFilterType_since = since # placeholder for audit log dates subjectAuditLogFilterDatePlaceholder = yyyy/mm/dd # subject audit and label between two date inputs subjectAuditLogFilterAndLabel = and # label to show extended results subjectAuditLogFilterShowExtendedResults = Show extended results? # subject audit log filter find entries subjectAuditLogFilterFindEntriesButton = Find entries # subject audit log filter validations subjectAuditLogFilterFromDateRequired = 'First date' is a required field subjectAuditLogFilterToDateRequired = 'To date' is a required field subjectAuditLogFilterFromDateInvalid = 'First date' is invalid. Enter: yyyy/mm/dd subjectAuditLogFilterToDateInvalid = 'To date' is invalid. Enter: yyyy/mm/dd subjectAuditLogNoEntriesFound = No audits found # subject audit log table headers subjectAuditLogFilterColumnDate = Date subjectAuditLogFilterColumnActor = Actor subjectAuditLogFilterColumnEngine = Engine subjectAuditLogFilterColumnSummary = Summary subjectAuditLogFilterColumnDuration = Duration subjectAuditLogFilterColumnDurationMillis = ms subjectAuditLogFilterColumnDurationSeconds = s subjectAuditLogFilterColumnQueryCount = Query count subjectAuditLogFilterColumnServerUsername = Server username subjectAuditLogFilterColumnUserIpAddress = IP address subjectAuditLogFilterColumnServer = Server subjectAuditLogFilterColumnEntryId = Entry ID subjectAuditLogFilterColumnRawDescription = Raw description # description of audit log screen subjectAuditLogDescription = The audit log displays all recent activity related to this subject. # button to add stem privilege subjectViewMoreActionsAddMembersToStem = Add folder privilege # button to add attribute definition privilege subjectViewMoreActionsAddMembersToAttributeDef = Add attribute privilege # remove from my favorites button subjectViewMoreActionsRemoveFromMyFavorites = Remove from my favorites # add to my favorites button subjectViewMoreActionsAddToMyFavorites = Add to my favorites # view/assign permissions subjectViewPermissionsButton = Permissions # attribute assignments button subjectAttributeAssignmentsButton = Attribute assignments # if not enough chars in the search form subjectViewAddToGroupNotEnoughChars = Enter at least two characters # group was added to my favorites subjectSuccessAddedToMyFavorites = Entity was added to favorites # group was removed from my favorites subjectSuccessRemovedFromMyFavorites = Entity was removed from favorites # if no subjects found subjectViewAddMemberNoSubjectsFound = No entities found # description for members tab subjectViewGroupsDescription = The following table lists all groups in which ${grouperRequestContainer.subjectContainer.guiSubject.ScreenLabelShort2noLink} is a member. # memberships tab on subject screen subjectMembershipsTab = Memberships # privileges tab subjectPrivilegesTab = Group privileges # stem privileges tab subjectStemPrivilegesTab = Folder privileges # attribute privileges tab subjectAttributePrivilegesTab = Attribute privileges # filter subject for subjectFilterFor = Filter for: subjectFilterAllAssignments # all option on select subjectFilterAllAssignments = All groups # direct option on select subjectFilterDirectAssignments = Has direct membership # indirect option on select subjectFilterIndirectAssignments = Has indirect membership # placeholder in text box for filtering group name subjectFilterFormPlaceholder = Group name # apply filter button on subject screen subjectApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # reset button on filter of group screen subjectResetButton = Reset # columns headers for subject membership tab subjectMembershipStemColumn = Folder subjectMembershipGroupColumn = Group name subjectMembershipMembershipColumn = Membership # revoke membership subjectViewRevokeMembershipButton = Revoke membership # button to remove selected groups from the member subjectRemoveSelectedGroupsButton = Remove selected groups # if group cant be found subjectDeleteGroupCantFindGroup = Cannot find group # if they didnt select groups subjectMembershipsRemoveNoGroupSelects = Error: select at least one group # cant find the group subjectAddMemberCantFindGroup = Select a group from the search results # cant find attribute def subjectAddMemberCantFindAttributeDef = Select an attribute from the search results # if the user didnt select any privileges subjectAddMemberPrivRequired = Select at least one privilege # if the user didnt select any privileges subjectAddMemberStemPrivRequired = Select at least one privilege # if the user didnt select any privileges subjectAddMemberAttributeDefPrivRequired = Select at least one privilege # cant find the stem subjectAddMemberCantFindStem = Select a folder from the search results # if a group is not allowed subjectNotAllowedToAdminAnotherGroup = Error: not allowed to administer group # if a privilege is not allowed subjectAddMemberNotAllowedToAssignPrivs = Error: not allowed to select privileges for this group, you do not have the ADMIN privilege on the group # if a stem is not allowed subjectNotAllowedToAdminAnotherStem = Error: not allowed to administer folder # if an attribute def is not allowed subjectNotAllowedToAdminAnotherAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to administer attribute definition ######################################## ############## Subject's group privileges ######################################## # update selected on this subject privilege screens thisSubjectPrivilegeUpdateSelectedButton = Update selected # tab with link for this subject attributeDef privileges thisSubjectsAttributeDefPrivilegesTab = This subject's privileges in attribute definitions # description on this subject group privileges screen thisSubjectsGroupPrivilegesDescription = This subject has privileges in the following groups # description on this subject stem privileges screen thisSubjectsStemPrivilegesDescription = This subject has privileges in the following folders # description on this subject attribute definition privileges screen thisSubjectsAttributeDefPrivilegesDescription = This subject has privileges in the following attribute definitions # folder column on this subject privileges table thisSubjectsPrivilegesFolderColumn = Folder # group column on this subject privileges table thisSubjectsPrivilegesGroupColumn = Group name # if the objects involve folders, this is the folder name where the privileges are thisSubjectsPrivilegesStemColumn = Folder name # error need to select a group thisSubjectsPrivilegesErrorGroupRequired = Error: you must select at least one group # error need to select a stem thisSubjectsPrivilegesErrorStemRequired = Error: you must select at least one folder # error need to select a attributeDef thisSubjectsPrivilegesErrorAttributeDefRequired = Error: you must select at least one attribute definition # if the objects involve attribute definitions, this is the attribute definition where the privileges are thisSubjectsPrivilegesAttributeDefColumn = Attribute definition # membership column on this subject privileges table thisSubjectsPrivilegesMembershipColumn = Privilege inheritance # filter group name textfield placeholder thisSubjectsPrivilegesGroupFilterFormPlaceholder = Group name # filter folder name textfield placeholder thisSubjectsPrivilegesStemFilterFormPlaceholder = Folder name # filter attribute def name textfield placeholder thisSubjectsPrivilegesAttributeDefFilterFormPlaceholder = Attribute definition # button to remove this subject from selected groups thisSubjectsPrivilegesRemoveFromSelectedGroups = Remove selected privileges for this subject # if they didnt select groups thisSubjectsPrivilegesRemoveNoGroupsSelects = Error: select at least one group # if they didnt select stems thisSubjectsPrivilegesRemoveNoStemsSelects = Error: select at least one folder # if they didnt select stems thisSubjectsPrivilegesRemoveNoAttributeDefsSelects = Error: select at least one attribute definition # folder column on this groups privileges table thisSubjectsPrivilegesStemColumn = Folder # button next to rows which is the actions for that row thisSubjectsPrivilegesActionsButton = Actions # menu for actions, edit memberships and privileges thisSubjectsPrivilegesActionsMenuEditMembershipsAndPrivileges = Edit membership & privileges # menu for actions, trace privileges thisSubjectsPrivilegesActionsMenuTracePrivileges = Trace privileges # menu for actions, view group thisSubjectsPrivilegesActionsMenuViewGroup = View group # menu for actions, view stem thisSubjectsPrivilegesActionsMenuViewStem = View folder # menu for actions, view attributeDef thisSubjectsPrivilegesActionsMenuViewAttributeDef = View attribute definition # title on hover over a check mark to remove privilege thisSubjectsPrivilegesRemoveTitle = Remove this privilege # title on hover over a blank or X to remove privilege thisSubjectsPrivilegesAssignTitle = Assign this privilege ######################################## ############## Group page text ######################################## # group validations fields too long groupValidation_groupDescriptionTooLong = Error: group description is too long groupValidation_groupDisplayExtensionTooLong = Error: group name is too long groupValidation_groupExtensionTooLong = Error: group ID is too long groupValidation_groupDisplayNameTooLong = Error: the group name causes the path to be too long, please shorten it groupValidation_groupNameTooLong = Error: the group ID causes the ID path to be too long, please shorten it # If the URL is not valid groupCantFindGroupId = Error: cannot find groupId, groupName, or groupIndex in url # If the group cant be found but the id or name is passed in groupCantFindGroup = Error: cannot find group # if not allowed to admin group groupNotAllowedToAdminGroup = Error: not allowed to administer group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayName)} # if a group is not allowed groupNotAllowedToAdminAnotherGroup = Error: not allowed to administer group # if a stem is not allowed groupNotAllowedToAdminAnotherStem = Error: not allowed to administer folder # if an attribute def is not allowed groupNotAllowedToAdminAnotherAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to administer attribute definition # if not allowed to update group groupNotAllowedToUpdateGroup = Error: not allowed to update memberships in group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayName)} # if not allowed to read group groupNotAllowedToReadGroup = Error: not allowed to read memberships in group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayName)} # if not allowed to view group groupNotAllowedToViewGroup = Error: not allowed to view group # if not allowed to optin group groupNotAllowedToOptinGroup = Error: not allowed to join group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayName)} # if not allowed to optout group groupNotAllowedToOptoutGroup = Error: not allowed to leave group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayName)} # remove all members title of confirm screen groupRemoveMembersTitle = Remove all members # delete button on the delete group screen groupDeleteDeleteButton = Delete # cancel button on the delete group screen groupDeleteCancelButton = Cancel # remove members button on the remove members group screen groupRemoveMembersRemoveButton = Remove all members # text on remove members screen confirming if you want to remove all members groupRemoveMembersConfirmText = You are about to remove all members of the ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.guiGroup.group.displayExtension)} group. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure you want to proceed? # cancel button on the delete group screen groupRemoveMembersCancelButton = Cancel # button in view group to remove all members groupViewRemoveAllMembersButton = Remove all members # success, all members were removed from the group groupRemoveMembersSuccess = Success: all members were removed from the group # cannot perform an action since the group is a composite groupProblemWithComposite = Error: cannot perform action since this group is a composite # cannot perform an action since the group is a composite groupProblemDeleteWithCompositeFactor = Error: cannot delete group since it is a composite factor in composite(s): # Path label groupLabelPath = Path: # ID path label groupLabelIdPath = ID path: # alternate id path label groupLabelAlternateIdPath = Alternate ID path: # id label groupLabelId = ID: # created label groupLabelCreated = Created: # creator label groupLabelCreator = Creator: # name of group groupLabelName = Name: # when last edited groupLabelLastEdited = Last edited: # who last edits the group groupLabelLastEditedBy = Last edited by: # the numeric index of this group groupLabelIdIndex = ID index: # uuid of group groupLabelUuid = UUID: # type of the group groupLabelTypeLabel = Type: # group type of group groupLabelType_group = Group # group type of role groupLabelType_role = Role # group type of local entity groupLabelType_entity = Local entity # label for the group of privileges assigned to everyone groupLabelPrivilegesAssignedToEveryone = Privileges assigned to everyone: # If this group is a composite owner of factor groups groupLabelCompositeOwner = Composite owner: # If this group is a composite factor other groups groupLabelCompositeFactors = Composite factor of other groups: # If this group is not a composite owner groupLabelThisGroupNotComposite = This group is not a composite owner # If this group is not a composite owner groupLabelThisGroupNotCompositeFactor = This group is not a direct composite factor of any other groups # composite strings for the various types of composites groupLabelCompositeUnion = ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeOwnerGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} is a composite union of ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeLeftFactorGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} and ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeRightFactorGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} groupLabelCompositeIntersection = ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeOwnerGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} is a composite intersection of ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeLeftFactorGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} and ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeRightFactorGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} groupLabelCompositeMinus = ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeOwnerGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} is a composite of ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeLeftFactorGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} minus ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.compositeRightFactorGuiGroup.shortLinkWithIcon} # in the main panel this will show composites groupLabelCompositeOwnerMainPanel = Note: this group is a composite owner: groupLabelCompositeFactorMainPanel = Note: this group is a composite factor: # if you dont not have privileges to view the composite group information groupLabelNotAllowedToViewAllGroups = You are not allowed to VIEW all the groups in the composite # if you dont not have privileges to view the composite group information for one owner of this factor groupLabelNotAllowedToViewOwner = Cannot VIEW group # entity type of the group groupLabelEntityType = Entity type: # type of group groupLabelTypeOfGroup = Type of group: # label about checkbox on form to match id groupLabelExactIdMatch = Exact ID match # search for entity button on group screen groupSearchForEntityButton = Search for an entity # search for an entity placeholder groupSearchForEntityPlaceholder = Search for an entity # group search button groupSearchButton = Search # group search results column name for entity groupSearchResultsColumnName = Entity Name # search search member or id groupSearchMemberOrId = Member name or ID: # close button on group search screen groupSearchCloseButton = Close # text before the combo link groupSearchLabelPreComboLink = Enter an entity name or ID, or # text to search for an entity groupSearchForEntityLink = search for an entity. # label when membership groupMembershipAssignType_IMMEDIATE = Direct # label when membership groupMembershipAssignType_EFFECTIVE = Indirect # label when membership groupMembershipAssignType_IMMEDIATE_AND_EFFECTIVE = Direct, Indirect # label on groups screen of members tab groupMembersTab = Members # label on groups screen of privileges tab groupPrivilegesTab = Privileges # label on filter on group screen groupFilterFor = Filter for: # placeholder in text box for filtering member name groupFilterFormPlaceholder = Member name # apply filter button on group screen groupApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # reset button on filter of group screen groupResetButton = Reset #button hides advanced filtering groupAdvancedButton = Advanced # all option for groups groupFilterAllGroups = All groups # all option for stems groupFilterAllStems = All folders # all option for attributeDefs groupFilterAllAttributeDefs = All attributes # all option on select groupFilterAllAssignments = All members # direct option on select groupFilterDirectAssignments = Has direct membership # indirect option on select groupFilterIndirectAssignments = Has indirect membership # privilege revoked groupSuccessRevokedPrivilege = Success: privilege revoked # privilege granted groupSuccessGrantedPrivilege = Success: privilege granted #success message for assigned privileges groupSuccessGrantedPrivileges = Success: privileges granted #success message for assigned privileges groupSuccessRevokedPrivileges = Success: privileges revoked #note, no immediate privilegs to assign groupNoteNoGrantedPrivileges = Note: no immediate privileges to grant #note, no immediate privileges to revoke groupNoteNoRevokedPrivileges = Note: no immediate privileges to revoke #error need to select an entity groupErrorEntityRequired = Error: you must select at least one entity #group privileges descript at top of tab groupPrivilegesDecription = The following table lists all entities with privileges in this group. # group privileges tab filter for label groupPrivilegeFilterFor = Filter for: # dropdown for privileges filter, everyone groupPrivilegesFilterEveryone = Any privilege # dropdown for privileges filter, people with admin groupPrivilegesFilterAdmins = Entities with $$priv.adminUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with optin groupPrivilegesFilterOptins = Entities with $$priv.optinUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with update groupPrivilegesFilterUpdaters = Entities with $$priv.updateUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with read groupPrivilegesFilterReaders = Entities with $$priv.readUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with view groupPrivilegesFilterViewers = Entities with $$priv.viewUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with optout groupPrivilegesFilterOptouts = Entities with $$priv.optoutUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with attr read groupPrivilegesFilterAttrReaders = Entities with $$priv.groupAttrReadUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with attr read groupPrivilegesFilterAttrUpdaters = Entities with $$priv.groupAttrUpdateUpper$$ # dropdown for assignment type groupPrivilegesFilterAllAssignments = All entities # dropdown for assignment type, has direct assignments groupPrivilegesFilterDirectAssignments = Has direct assignments # dropdown for assignment type, has indirect assignments groupPrivilegesFilterIndirectAssignments = Has indirect assignments # dropdown for what to bulk assign groupPrivilegesAssignAdminPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.adminUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignReadUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.readUpper$$/$$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignReadPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.readUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignViewPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.viewUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignGroupAttributeReadPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.groupAttrReadUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignGroupAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.groupAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignOptinPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.optinUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignOptoutPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.optoutUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAllPrivilege = Assign ALL privileges groupPrivilegesRevokeAdminPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.adminUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeReadUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.readUpper$$/$$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeReadPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.readUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeViewPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.viewUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeGroupAttributeReadPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.groupAttrReadUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeGroupAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.groupAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeOptinPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.optinUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeOptoutPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.optoutUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAllPrivilege = Revoke ALL privileges groupPrivilegesAssignStemAdminPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.stemAdminUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignCreatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.createUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignStemAttributeReadPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.stemAttrReadUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignStemAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.stemAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAllStemPrivilege = Assign ALL privileges groupPrivilegesRevokeStemAdminPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.stemAdminUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeCreatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.createUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeStemAttributeReadPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.stemAttrReadUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeStemAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.stemAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAllStemPrivilege = Revoke ALL privileges groupPrivilegesAssignAttrAdminPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.adminUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrReadUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.readUpper$$/$$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrReadPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.readUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrViewPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.viewUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrDefAttributeReadPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.groupAttrReadUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrDefAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.groupAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrOptinPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.optinUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrOptoutPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.optoutUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesAssignAttrAllPrivilege = Assign ALL privileges groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrAdminPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.adminUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrReadUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.readUpper$$/$$priv.updateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrReadPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.readUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrViewPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.viewUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrDefAttributeReadPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.groupAttrReadUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrDefAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.groupAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrOptinPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.optinUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrOptoutPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.optoutUpper$$ privilege groupPrivilegesRevokeAttrAllPrivilege = Revoke ALL privileges # actions button on privileges screen groupPrivilegesActions = Actions # button to update selected items on privileges page groupPrivilegesUpdateSelected = Update selected # title on button to remove this privilege groupPrivilegesTitleRemoveThisPrivilege = Remove this privilege # title on button to assign this privilege groupPrivilegesTitleAssignThisPrivilege = Assign this privilege # label for update bulk privileges groupPrivilegesUpdateBulkLabel = Update: # label for update bulk privileges stemPrivilegesUpdateBulkLabel = Update: # button to update selected stemUpdateSelectedPrivilegesButton = Update selected # actions link on stem privileges page stemPrivilegeActions = Actions #confirm the user to make changes to privileges on this folder groupConfirmChanges = Are you sure you want to change privileges for this group? # placeholder for privilege filter textfield groupFilterPrivilegeFormPlaceholder = Entity name # if there are not more than two chars groupAddMemberNotEnoughChars = Enter at least two characters #if no privileges are selected groupAddMemberPrivRequired = Select at least one privilege # if no subjects found groupAddMemberNoSubjectsFound = No entities found # if not enough chars in the combo comboNotEnoughChars = Enter 2 or more characters for searching... # group was added to my favorites groupSuccessAddedToMyFavorites = Group was added to favorites # group was removed from my favorites groupSuccessRemovedFromMyFavorites = Group was removed from favorites # cant find the subject groupAddMemberCantFindSubject = Select an entity from the search results # if the subject was successfully added to the group groupAddMemberMadeChangesSuccess = Success: entity was added to group # if no changes were made to memberships / privileges groupAddMemberNoChangesSuccess = Note: entity was already a member of the group # if member not found, not sure why this would happen groupDeleteMemberCantFindMember = Error: cannot find entity to remove # if remove this group from owner, and cant find owner groupDeleteMemberCantFindOwnerGroup = Error: cannot find owner group # if no changes were made on a remove groupDeleteMemberNoChangesSuccess = Note: entity was already not a member of the group # if subject was removed groupDeleteMemberSuccess = Success: entity was removed from the group # if the group was removed groupDeleteFromOwnerSuccess = Success: group was removed from the group # if the groups had problems groupDeleteFromOwnerErrors = Error: group has errors being removed from ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.failureCount} groups, and was successfully removed from ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.successCount} groups # if the group was removed groupDeleteFromOwnerSuccesses = Success: group was removed from ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.successCount} groups # if the members being deleted had problems groupDeleteMembersErrors = Error: group has errors removing ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.failureCount} members, and successfully removed ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.successCount} members # success removing members groupDeleteMembersSuccesses = Success: removed ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.successCount} members # if the group was not removed (no change) groupDeleteFromOwnerNoChangesSuccess = Note: group was already not a member of the group # button to remove selected members from the group groupRemoveSelectedMembersButton = Remove selected members # if they didnt select members groupMembershipsRemoveNoSubjectSelects = Error: select at least one member # assign these privileges label on view group groupViewAssignThesePrivileges = Assign these privileges: # Add link in text of group view screen groupViewAddMemberLink = Add # or text between add button and bulk groupViewTextBetweenAddAndBulk = or # join group success groupJoinSuccess = Success: you have joined this group # leave group success groupLeaveSuccess = Success: you have left this group # link for import a list of members groupViewBulkLink = import a list of members # text after the bulk link groupViewTextPostBulkLink = . # if default privileges should be assigned groupViewDefaultPrivileges = Default privileges # if custom privileges should be assigned groupViewCustomPrivileges = Custom privileges # delete group button text groupViewDeleteGroupButton = Delete group # group view join group button groupViewJoinGroupButton = Join group # group view leave group button groupViewLeaveGroupButton = Leave group # edit group button text groupViewEditGroupButton = Edit group # edit group composite button text groupViewEditGroupCompositeButton = Edit composite # copy group button text groupViewCopyGroupButton = Copy group # move group button text groupViewMoveGroupButton = Move group # edit memberships and privileges groupViewEditMembershipsAndPrivilegesButton = Edit membership and privileges # view attribute assignments groupViewMembershipsViewAttributeAssignmentsButton = Attribute assignments # trace membership button groupViewTraceMembershipButton = Trace membership # revoke membership groupViewRevokeMembershipButton = Revoke membership # view group groupViewViewGroupButton = View group # actions button groupViewActionsButton = Actions # more action buttons on group screen groupViewMoreActionsButton = More actions #text on the "more" tab groupMoreTab = More # description for members tab groupViewMembersDescription = The following table lists all entities which are members of this group. # if cannot READ group groupViewMembersCantReadDescription = You do not have the READ privilege on this group so you cannot see its members. # trace the privileges for this subject and owner groupViewTracePrivilegeButton = Trace privileges # group view details headers groupViewDetailsHeaderEntityName = Entity name groupViewDetailsHeaderMembership = Membership groupViewDetailsHeaderChooseAction = Choose action # choose action header: shared between many screens headerChooseAction = Choose action # group view membership checkbox aria-label groupViewDetailsMembershipCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this member for removal # group view privileges checkbox aria-label groupViewDetailsPrivilegesCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this entity to update # group privileges in attribute defs checkbox aria-label groupPrivilegesInAttributeDefCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this attribute definition to update # group privileges in other groups checkbox aria-label groupPrivilegesInOtherGropusCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this group to update the privileges # group memberships in other groups checkbox aria-label groupMembershipsInOtherGropusCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this to remove group from selected groups # group privileges in folders checkbox aria-label groupPrivilegesInOtherFoldersCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this folder to update the privileges # stem privileges checkbox aria-label stemPrivilegesCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this entity to update the privileges # subject privileges in attribute defs checkbox aria-label subjectPrivilegesInAttributeDefCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this attribute definition to update # subject privileges in folders checkbox aria-label subjectPrivilegesInFolderCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this folder to update the privileges # subject privileges in groups checkbox aria-label subjectPrivilegesInGroupCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this group to update the privileges # attribute def checkbox attributeDefDetailsCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this attribute definition for removal # attribute def privilege checkbox attributeDefPrivilegesCheckboxAriaLabel = Select this entity to update # attribute assignment title groupAttributeAssignmentsTitle = Attribute assignments # attribute assignments description groupAttributeAssignmentsDescription = The following table lists all attributes assigned to this group # attribute def label on assign attribute screen groupAssignAttributeAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # description text for attribute def groupAssignAttributeAttributeDefDescription = The definition part of the attribute holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally attribute definitions have multiple attribute names. # attribute name label groupAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameLabel = Attribute name: # attribute name description groupAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameDescription = The attribute name is the part of the attribute which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple attribute names are related to one attribute definition. # group assign attribute groupAssignAttributeButton = Assign attribute # group choose action column groupViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAction = Choose action # attribute def is required groupAssignAttributeDefRequired = Error: valid attribute def is required # attribute def name is required groupAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameRequired = Error: valid attribute def name is required # enabled date/start date is not valid groupAssignAttributeAttributeStartDateNotValid = Error: start date is not valid. # disabled date/end date is not valid. groupAssignAttributeAttributeEndDateNotValid = Error: end date is not valid. # can't assign attribute because not multi-assignable groupAssignAttributeNotMultiAssignableError = Error: the attribute is already assigned, and is not multi-assignable # error assigning attribute to group groupAssignAttributeError = Error: could not assign attribute # success assigning attribute to group groupAssignAttributeSuccess = Success: assigned attribute to group # text to show on the view group attribute assignment screen when there are no attributes assigned groupViewAttributeAssignsNoAssignedAttributes = No attributes assigned ######################################## ############## Group import ######################################## # menu button on group screen to import members groupImportMenuButton = Import members # breadcrumb at top of import members screen groupImportMembersBreadcrumb = Import members # title of import members screen groupImportTitle = Add members # label add members to group groupImportAddMembersToGroupLabel = Add members to group: # label add members to group in menu groupImportAddMembersToGroupMenuLink = Add members to group # if no group found groupImportGroupNotFound = Select a group from the search results # if not file was uploaded groupImportUploadFile = Upload a file of member IDs # if no group found groupImportSubjectNotFound = Select an entity from the search results # placeholder for name of group combobox groupImportNameOfGroupPlaceholder = Enter the name of a group # text below group combo groupImportGroupLabelPreComboLink = Enter a group name or ID, or # link to do a search instead of combobox groupImportGroupSearchLink = search for a group. # text below subject combo groupImportSubjectLabelPreComboLink = Enter an entity name or ID, or # link to do a search instead of combobox groupImportSubjectSearchLink = search for an entity. # button to add another group groupImportAddAnotherGroupButton = Add another group # validate the entities entered in the textarea groupImportValidateButton = Validate entities # if no entity ids or identifiers were specified groupImportNoEntitiesSpecified = Enter entity ids or identifiers # too many entities to validate from textarea groupImportTooManyEntitiesToValidate = Too many entities to validate, you can still submit your import # when validating subject ids, this is the message when some are not found groupImportEntityIdsNotFound = Error: entity ids or identifiers not found: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.entityIdsNotFound)} # modal label to search for a group groupImportSearchForGroupButton = Search for a group # placeholder on textfield groupImportSearchGroupPlaceholder = Search for a group # search button on modal screen groupImportSearchButton = Search # if not enough chars in modal screen groupImportAddToGroupNotEnoughChars = Enter at least two characters # if no results found groupImportAddGroupNotFound = No groups found matching your criteria that you have the UPDATE or ADMIN privilege on # description of the results for searching for a group to add the entity to groupImportResultsDescription = The table below lists groups in which you are allowed to manage memberships (you have the UPDATE or ADMIN privilege). # column header for the stem the object is in groupImportResultsColumnHeaderStem = Folder # column header for the group of the object groupImportResultsColumnHeaderGroupName = Group name # group import how to add members groupImportHowAdd = How to add members? # group import, import a file groupImportImportFile = Import a file # group import, choice for search for members groupImportSearchForMembersToAdd = Search for members to add # group import, copy list of member ids groupImportCopyListOfIds = Copy/paste a list of member IDs # group import, select a file groupImportSelectFileToImport = Select a file to import: # description for select file option groupImportSelectFileDescription = Your import file must be one of the following:

1) A text file with the first line labeled 'entityIdOrIdentifier', followed by each member's entityIdOrIdentifier on a separate line.



2) A CSV file (comma seperated values) with one column titled sourceId and a second column which includes the entityIdOrIdentifier, entityId, or entityIdentifier for each member.




The value for sourceId must be one of the following: # source ID col groupImportSourceId = Source ID # source name col groupImportSourceName = Source name # label for checkbox to replace existing members groupImportReplaceExistingMembers = Replace existing members? # button to submit form groupImportAddMembersButton = Add Members # button to cancel form groupImportCancelButton = Cancel # label to enter member name or id groupImportEnterMemberNameOrId = Member name or ID: # add another member button groupImportAddAnotherMemberButton = Add another member # enter a list of member ids groupImportEnterListOfMemberIds = Enter member IDs # if there is a group that cannot be viewed groupImportGroupCantView = Error: there is at least one group that you cannot view # if you cannot update groupImportGroupCantUpdate = Error: you do not have the UPDATE privileges on this group # report lines groupImportReportSummary =
  • Before importing, the membership count was ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.groupCountOriginal} and is now ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.groupCountNew}.
  • groupImportReportSuccess =
  • You successfully added ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.groupCountAdded} members and deleted ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.groupCountDeleted} members.
  • groupImportReportErrorSummary =
  • ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.groupCountErrors} members were not processed due to errors, as shown below.
  • groupImportReportNoReplaceError =
  • Error did not remove members not in import list because the import list had errors, correct these and try again
  • groupImportReportErrorsTitle = Errors groupImportReportErrorLine =
  • Error on row ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.errorRowNumber}. ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.errorText}: "${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.errorSubject)}"
  • groupImportReportErrorLineNoRow =
  • Error: ${grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.errorText}: "${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.groupImportContainer.errorSubject)}"
  • # group import report subheading groupImportReportSubheading = Import results # OK button on import report groupImportReportOkButton = OK # page summary on import report groupImportReportPageSummary = Here are the results of your import into the following group(s): # group import problem finding entity groupImportProblemFindingSubjectError = Problem finding entity ######################################## ############## Group export ######################################## # group export button in action menu groupExportMenuButton = Export members # export group title of screen groupExportTitle = Export members # which data to export on group export screen groupExportWhatData = What data would you like to export? # only export entity ids groupExportEntityIds = Only member IDs # export all member data groupExportAllMemberData = All member data # export button groupExportExportButton = Export # return to group groupExportReturnToGroupButton = Return to group ######################################## ############## Stem audit log ######################################## # description of audit log screen stemAuditLogDescription = The audit log displays all recent activity related to this folder. ######################################## ############## Group audit log ######################################## # description of audit log screen groupAuditLogDescription = The audit log displays all recent activity related to this group. # label on group audit screen about filtering by date groupAuditLogFilterByDate = Filter by date: # label on group audit screen of filter types: on, before, between, since groupAuditLogFilterType_all = all groupAuditLogFilterType_on = on groupAuditLogFilterType_before = before groupAuditLogFilterType_between = between groupAuditLogFilterType_since = since # placeholder for audit log dates groupAuditLogFilterDatePlaceholder = yyyy/mm/dd # group audit and label between two date inputs groupAuditLogFilterAndLabel = and # label to show extended results groupAuditLogFilterShowExtendedResults = Show extended results? # group audit log filter find entries groupAuditLogFilterFindEntriesButton = Find entries # group audit log filter validations groupAuditLogFilterFromDateRequired = 'First date' is a required field groupAuditLogFilterToDateRequired = 'To date' is a required field groupAuditLogFilterFromDateInvalid = 'First date' is invalid. Enter: yyyy/mm/dd groupAuditLogFilterToDateInvalid = 'To date' is invalid. Enter: yyyy/mm/dd groupAuditLogNoEntriesFound = No audits found # group audit log table headers groupAuditLogFilterColumnDate = Date groupAuditLogFilterColumnActor = Actor groupAuditLogFilterColumnEngine = Engine groupAuditLogFilterColumnSummary = Summary groupAuditLogFilterColumnDuration = Duration groupAuditLogFilterColumnDurationMillis = ms groupAuditLogFilterColumnDurationSeconds = s groupAuditLogFilterColumnQueryCount = Query count groupAuditLogFilterColumnServerUsername = Server username groupAuditLogFilterColumnUserIpAddress = IP address groupAuditLogFilterColumnServer = Server groupAuditLogFilterColumnEntryId = Entry ID groupAuditLogFilterColumnRawDescription = Raw description # type of engines that perform actions auditLogEngine_grouperShell = GSH command auditLogEngine_grouperUI = Web user interface auditLogEngine_grouperWS = Web service auditLogEngine_grouperLoader = Loader job auditLogEngine_grouperLdappc = LDAP sync job auditLogEngine_grouperImport = Import job auditLogEngine_grouperUsdu = USDU job auditLogEngine_grouperJunit = Junit ######################################## ############## Group view more actions buttons ######################################## # group view more actions panel add members button groupViewMoreActionsAddMembers = Add members # remove from my favorites button groupViewMoreActionsRemoveFromMyFavorites = Remove from my favorites # add to my favorites button groupViewMoreActionsAddToMyFavorites = Add to my favorites # group view audit log button groupViewAuditButton = View audit log # view membership audit log groupViewMembershipAuditButton = View membership audit log # view action audit log groupViewActionAuditButton = View action audit log # view privilege audit log groupViewPrivilegeAuditButton = View privilege audit log # group run loader process from system of record groupRunLoaderProcessButton = Run loader process to sync group # group schedule loader group groupScheduleLoaderProcessButton = Schedule loader process # group - view all loader managed groups groupViewAllLoaderManagedGroups = View all loader managed groups # if this is a normally running successful loader job, this is the screenscraped notice to user translated in external text groupRunLoaderProcessResult = Loader ran successfully, inserted ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.countAdded} memberships, deleted ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.countRemoved} memberships, total membership count: ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.countTotal} # if there are subject problems running the loader job, this is the screenscraped notice to user translated in external text groupRunLoaderProcessResultWithSubjectProblems = Loader ran with subject problems, inserted ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.countAdded} memberships, deleted ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.countRemoved} memberships, total membership count: ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.countTotal}, unresolvable subjects: ${grouperRequestContainer.groupContainer.countUnresolvableSubjects} # go back to admin ui button groupViewAdminUiButton = Admin UI # permission button groupViewPermissionsButton = Permissions # attribute assignments button groupAttributeAssignmentsButton = Attribute assignments ######################################## ############## View this group's memberships ######################################## # tab with link for this groups memberships thisGroupsMembershipsTab = This group's memberships in other groups # description on this groups memberships screen thisGroupsMembershipsDescription = The following table lists all groups in which this group is a member. # folder column on this groups memberships table thisGroupsMembershipsFolderColumn = Folder # group column on this groups memberships table thisGroupsMembershipsGroupColumn = Group # membership column on this groups memberships table thisGroupsMembershipsMembershipColumn = Membership # filter group name textfield placeholder thisGroupsMembershipsFilterFormPlaceholder = Group name # button to remove this group from selected groups thisGroupsMembershipsRemoveFromSelectedGroups = Remove from selected groups # if they didnt select groups thisGroupsMembershipsRemoveNoGroupsSelects = Error: select at least one group ######################################## ############## View this group's privileges ######################################## # tab with link for this groups group privileges thisGroupsGroupPrivilegesTab = This group's privileges in other groups # tab with link for this groups stem privileges thisGroupsStemPrivilegesTab = This group's privileges in folders # tab with link for this groups stem privileges thisGroupsInheritedPrivilegesTab = This group's privileges inherited from folders # update selected on this group privilege screens thisGroupPrivilegeUpdateSelectedButton = Update selected # tab with link for this groups attributeDef privileges thisGroupsAttributeDefPrivilegesTab = This group's privileges in attribute definitions # description on this groups group privileges screen thisGroupsGroupPrivilegesDescription = This group has privileges in the following groups # description on this groups stem privileges screen thisGroupsStemPrivilegesDescription = This group has privileges in the following folders # description on this groups attribute definition privileges screen thisGroupsAttributeDefPrivilegesDescription = This group has privileges in the following attribute definitions # folder column on this groups privileges table thisGroupsPrivilegesFolderColumn = Folder # group column on this groups privileges table thisGroupsPrivilegesGroupColumn = Group name # if the objects involve folders, this is the folder name where the privileges are thisGroupsPrivilegesStemColumn = Folder name # error need to select a group thisGroupsPrivilegesErrorGroupRequired = Error: you must select at least one group # error need to select a stem thisGroupsPrivilegesErrorStemRequired = Error: you must select at least one folder # error need to select a attributeDef thisGroupsPrivilegesErrorAttributeDefRequired = Error: you must select at least one attribute definition # if the objects involve attribute definitions, this is the attribute definition where the privileges are thisGroupsPrivilegesAttributeDefColumn = Attribute definition # membership column on this groups privileges table thisGroupsPrivilegesMembershipColumn = Privilege inheritance # filter group name textfield placeholder thisGroupsPrivilegesGroupFilterFormPlaceholder = Group name # filter folder name textfield placeholder thisGroupsPrivilegesStemFilterFormPlaceholder = Folder name # filter attribute def name textfield placeholder thisGroupsPrivilegesAttributeDefFilterFormPlaceholder = Attribute definition # button to remove this group from selected groups thisGroupsPrivilegesRemoveFromSelectedGroups = Remove selected privileges for this group # if they didnt select groups thisGroupsPrivilegesRemoveNoGroupsSelects = Error: select at least one group # if they didnt select stems thisGroupsPrivilegesRemoveNoStemsSelects = Error: select at least one folder # if they didnt select stems thisGroupsPrivilegesRemoveNoAttributeDefsSelects = Error: select at least one attribute definition # dropdown of privileges on the screen that shows privileges this group has thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_admin = Groups with ADMIN privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_update = Groups with UPDATE privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_read = Groups with READ privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_view = Groups with VIEW privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_optin = Groups with OPTIN privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_optout = Groups with OPTOUT privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_groupAttrRead = Groups with ATTR_READ privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_groupAttrUpdate = Groups with ATTR_UPDATE privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_create = Folders with CREATE privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_stemAdmin = Folders with ADMIN privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_stemAttrRead = Folders with ATTR_READ privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_stemAttrUpdate = Folders with ATTR_UPDATE privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrAdmin = Attribute definitions with ADMIN privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrUpdate = Attribute definitions with UPDATE privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrRead = Attribute definitions with READ privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrView = Attribute definitions with VIEW privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrOptin = Attribute definitions with OPTIN privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrOptout = Attribute definitions with OPTOUT privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrDefAttrRead = Attribute definitions with ATTR_READ privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesPriv_attrDefAttrUpdate = Attribute definitions with ATTR_UPDATE privileges # folder column on this groups privileges table thisGroupsPrivilegesStemColumn = Folder # button next to rows which is the actions for that row thisGroupsPrivilegesActionsButton = Actions # menu for actions, edit memberships and privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesActionsMenuEditMembershipsAndPrivileges = Edit membership & privileges # menu for actions, trace privileges thisGroupsPrivilegesActionsMenuTracePrivileges = Trace privileges # menu for actions, view group thisGroupsPrivilegesActionsMenuViewGroup = View group # menu for actions, view stem thisGroupsPrivilegesActionsMenuViewStem = View folder # menu for actions, view attributeDef thisGroupsPrivilegesActionsMenuViewAttributeDef = View attribute definition # title on hover over a check mark to remove privilege thisGroupsPrivilegesRemoveTitle = Remove this privilege # title on hover over a blank or X to remove privilege thisGroupsPrivilegesAssignTitle = Assign this privilege ######################################## ############## Edit group ######################################## # title of edit group screen groupEditTitle = Edit group # error creating the group groupEditError = Error editing group # changes saved for group groupEditSuccess = Success: group was saved # no changes were detected or saved for group groupEditNoChangeNote = Note: no changes were made to the group ######################################## ############## Edit group composite ######################################## # title of edit group composite screen groupEditCompositeTitle = Edit group composite # label for edit group for if it is a composite owner groupEditComposite = Composite: # label for radio composite has composite or not groupEditCompositeYes = Yes groupEditCompositeNo = No # composite labels groupCompositeLeftFactor = First factor group: groupCompositeRightFactor = Second factor group: # group composite edit save button groupCompositeSaveButton = Save # group composite edit cancel button groupCompositeCancelButton = Cancel # first factor text below the combobox groupCompositeLeftFactorComboLabel = Enter a group name or ID, or search for the first factor. # first factor group name groupCompositeLeftFactorPlaceholder = First factor group name # second factor text below the combobox groupCompositeRightFactorComboLabel = Enter a group name or ID, or search for the second factor. # second factor group name groupCompositeRightFactorPlaceholder = Second factor group name # search button groupCompositeSearchButton = Search # match exact group ID groupCompositeSearchExactIdMatch = Match exact group ID # close button for composite group search groupCompositeSearchCloseButton = Close # title of modal factor group search panel groupCompositeLeftFactorSearchTitle = Search for first factor group groupCompositeRightFactorSearchTitle = Search for second factor group # if not enough chars when searching in modal dialog groupCompositeNotEnoughChars = Enter at least two characters # no group composite groupCompositeSearchNoGroupsFound = No groups found that you can READ # description of the results for searching for a group to assign the composite groupCompositeSearchResultsDescription = The table below lists groups in which you are allowed to READ memberships. # column header for the stem the object is in groupCompositeSearchResultsColumnHeaderStem = Folder # column header for the group of the object groupCompositeSearchResultsColumnHeaderGroupName = Group name # group composite operation label groupCompositeOperationLabel = Operation: # default option in composite operation drop down groupCompositeOperationDefault = Select # error if the group to make composite has members groupCompositeErrorCannotHaveMembers = Error: this group cannot be a composite until it has no members. Remove all members and try again. # help text under operation groupCompositeOperationHelp = There are three composite operations: intersection, complement, and union.
    Intersection means members of the overall group must be in both factor groups. Intersection is used for example when requiring members to be active employees.
    Complement means members are in the first group but not in the second group. Complement is used for exclude lists.
    Union is not needed, you can just add the groups as members of the overall group. # if no changes detected groupCompositeNoteNoChangesMade = Note: no changes were made # success if removed composite groupCompositeSuccessRemovedComposite = Success: this group is no longer a composite group # pick a group for first composite groupCompositeErrorLeftGroupProblem = Error: select a group from the results of the first factor group # if didnt pick anything for operation groupCompositeErrorOperationRequired = Error: operation is required # pick a group for second composite groupCompositeErrorRightGroupProblem = Error: select a group from the results of the second factor group # success if success composite groupCompositeSuccess = Success: this composite group was saved # message if you want to add members to a composite group groupCompositeCantAddMembersToComposite = Note: you cannot add members to a composite group. You can add members to one of the factors. Click more to see composite information. ######################################## ############## Invite external members ######################################## # link in group menu to invite external users inviteExternalMenuLink = Invite external users # if the group cant be found inviteExternalCantFindGroup = Error: group not found or you do not have the UPDATE privilege in it # inviting external subjects is not enabled inviteExternalNotEnabled = Error: Inviting external users is not enabled in this environment # header for invite external screen inviteExternalHeader = Invite external users # invite external search for group panel header inviteExternalSearchGroupPanel = Search for a group # placeholder in textfield to search for a group inviteExternalSearchGroupPlaceholder = Search for a group # button to search for a group inviteExternalSearchGroupButton = Search # invite external search instructions inviteExtneralSearchInstructions = The table below lists groups in which you are allowed to manage memberships. # column header for the stem the object is in inviteExternalSearchResultsColumnHeaderStem = Folder # column header for the group of the object inviteExternalSearchResultsColumnHeaderGroupName = Group name # column header for the group name of the loader managed groups table loaderManagedGroupsColumnHeaderGroupName = Group name # column header for the last loaded time of the loader managed groups table loaderManagedGroupsColumnHeaderLastLoadedTime = Last loaded time # column header for the summary of the loader managed groups table loaderManagedGroupsColumnHeaderSummary = Summary # when not enough chars to search for inviteExternalAddGroupNotEnoughChars = Enter at least two characters # exact match on group inviteExternalSearchExactIdMatch = Match exact group ID # no groups found inviteExternalSearchNoGroupsFound = No groups found that you can UPDATE # invite external combo help text inviteExternalComboHelpText = Once the external users have registered, they will be assigned to this group. Enter a group name or browse or search for a group where you are allowed to manage memberships. # invite external group to add to new users inviteExternalLabelGroupToAddToNewUsers = Group to assign to new users: # button to add another group inviteExternalAddAnotherGroupButton = Add another group # if the group selected cannot have external users inviteExternalErrorGroupCannotHaveExternalUsers = Error: the selected group cannot have external users, please select a different one # maximum groups you can invite to inviteExternalTooManyGroups = Error: you can only invite to a maximum of 5 groups # Label for invite by inviteExternalLabelInviteBy = Invite by: # Invite type for email address inviteExternalInviteTypeEmail = Email address # Invite type for login ID inviteExternalInviteTypeLoginId = Login ID # help text for invite external type inviteExternalInviteTypeHelp = Choose if you want to invite people by email address or login ID, if you know the exact login ID. If you are not sure, invite by email address or find out from them what it is. # Invite label for email addresses inviteExternalLabelEmail = Email addresses of people to invite: # Invite help text for email addresses inviteExternalEmailHelp = Enter the email addresses of people to invite separated by space, newline, comma, or semicolon. # Invite label for email subject inviteExternalLabelEmailSubject = Email subject: # Default textfield value for the email subject in invites inviteExternalEmailSubjectDefault = Register to access applications # Help text on invite for email subject inviteExternalEmailSubjectHelp = Enter an optional subject for the email to the users. # invite screen label for the email body to users inviteExternalLabelEmailBody = Message to users: # invite email message sample default inviteExternalEmailMessageSample = Hello, This is an invitation to register at our site to be able to access our applications. This invitation expires in 7 days. Click on the link below and sign in with your InCommon credentials. If you do not have InCommon credentials you can register at a site like protectnetwork.com and use those credentials. $inviteLink$ Regards. # invite email message help inviteExternalEmailMessageHelp = Enter an optional message to users in the email that will be sent to them. There will be other instructions and a link in the email as well. # invite external email address to notify when users have registered inviteExternalEmailAddressesToNotify = Email addresses to notify when registered: # invite external email address notify help inviteExternalEmailAddressesToNotifyHelp = These email addresses will be notified when the registration is complete. You can enter multiple email addresses in this field separated by space, comma, or semicolon. # invite external user ids to invite inviteExternalLabelUserIds = Login IDs of people to invite: # invite external user ids help text inviteExternalUserIdsHelp = Enter the login IDs of people to invite separated by space, newline, comma, or semicolon. You must know the exact login ID. If you are not sure, invite by email address or find out from them what it is. This is the ID that the institutional authentication system sends to this application when the user logs in. It might be in the form: username@school.edu # invite external button for invite inviteExternalInviteButton = Invite # invite external button for cancel inviteExternalCancelButton = Cancel # if email addresses are needed to invite inviteExternalEmailAddressesRequired = Error: enter some email addresses to invite # email address is invalid inviteExternalInvalidEmailAddress = Error: email address is invalid: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.emailAddress)} # notify email address is invalid inviteExternalInvalidNotifyEmailAddress = Error: email address to notify is invalid: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.emailAddress)} # if there is an error in the API (this shouldnt happen) inviteExternalApiErrorInvitingUsers=Error: Problem sending invites: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.error)} # success inviting user inviteExternalSuccessInvitingUsers=Success: Invites have been sent # if there was a problem inviting users inviteExternalInvalidIdentifierInvite=Error: invalid identifier: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.inviteExternalContainer.externalId)} # if cannot assign an external subject to a group inviteExternalErrorAssigningGroup=Error: could not assign entity: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.inviteExternalContainer.externalId)} to group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.shortLink)}. ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.error)} # successfully created an external subject inviteExternalSuccessCreatedExternalSubject=Success: created external entity: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.inviteExternalContainer.externalId)} # note, was already there inviteExternalSubjectsSuccessExistedExternalSubject=Note: external entity: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.inviteExternalContainer.externalId)} was already registered in the system # success assigned external entity to group inviteExternalSubjectsSuccessAssignedSubjectToGroup=Success: entity: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.inviteExternalContainer.externalId)} was assigned to group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.shortLink)} # if an external subject was already a member of a group inviteExternalSubjectsNoteSubjectAlreadyInGroup=Note: entity: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.inviteExternalContainer.externalId)} was already a member of group: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.commonRequestContainer.guiGroup.shortLink)} ######################################## ############## Edit stem ######################################## # title of edit stem screen stemEditTitle = Edit folder # error creating the stem stemEditError = Error editing folder # changes saved for stem stemEditSuccess = Success: folder was saved # no changes were detected or saved for stem stemEditNoChangeNote = Note: no changes were made to the folder ######################################## ############## Attribute definition page text ######################################## # attribute definition validations fields too long attributeDefValidation_descriptionOfAttributeDefTooLong = Error: attribute definition description is too long attributeDefValidation_extensionOfAttributeDefTooLong = Error: attribute definition ID is too long attributeDefValidation_nameOfAttributeDefTooLong = Error: the attribute definition ID causes the ID path to be too long, please shorten it # describe the page a little bit attributeDefHeaderAttributeDefinition = Attribute definition # If the URL is not valid attributeDefCantFindAttributeDefId = Error: cannot find attributeDefId, nameOfAttributeDef, or attributeDefIndex in url # if not allowed to admin attributeDef attributeDefNotAllowedToAdminAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to administer attribute definition: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.attributeDefContainer.guiAttributeDef.attributeDef.displayName)} # if not allowed to update attributeDef attributeDefNotAllowedToUpdateAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to update assignments of attribute definition: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.attributeDefContainer.guiAttributeDef.attributeDef.displayName)} # if not allowed to read attributeDef attributeDefNotAllowedToReadAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to read assignments of attribute definition: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.attributeDefContainer.guiAttributeDef.attributeDef.displayName)} # if not allowed to view attributeDef attributeDefNotAllowedToViewAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to view attribute definition # If the group cant be found but the id or name is passed in attributeDefCantFindAttributeDef = Error: cannot find attribute definition # if they didnt select any attribute def actions attributeDefRemoveNoActionsSelects = Error: select at least one action # attribute assign action id not found attributeDefRemoveNoActionNotFound = Error: action not found # attribute def multiple actions deleted successfully attributeDefRemoveActionsSuccess = Success: Deleted actions successfully # attribute def single action deleted successfully attributeDefRemoveActionSuccess = Success: Deleted action successfully # label on attribute def screen of attribute def names tab attributeDefAttributeDefNameTab = Attribute names # label on attribute def screen of attribute def action tab attributeDefAttributeDefActionTab = Attribute actions # label on attribute def name screen of privileges tab attributeDefPrivilegesTab = Privileges # label on filter on attributeDef screen attributeDefFilterFor = Filter for: # description for attribute def names tab attributeDefViewAttributeDefNamesDescription = The following table lists all attribute names associated with this attribute definition # description for attribute def actions tab attributeDefViewAttributeDefActionsDescription = The following table lists all actions associated with this attribute definition # placeholder in textfield for attribute name attributeDefFilterFormPlaceholder = Attribute name # placeholder in textfield for attribute def action attributeDefActionFilterFormPlaceholder = Action name # apply filter button on attribute def screen attributeDefApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # this text shows the delete button for attribute def names attributeDefRemoveSelectedAttributeDefNamesButton = Delete selected attribute names # this text shows the delete button for attribute def actions attributeDefRemoveSelectedAttributeDefActionsButton = Delete selected attribute actions # reset button on filter of attributeDef screen attributeDefResetButton = Reset # search for attributeDefName button on attributeDef screen attributeDefSearchForEntityButton = Search for an attribute name # actions button attributeDefViewActionsButton = Actions # view attribute def name button attributeDefViewAttributeDefNameButton = View attribute name # edit attribute def name button attributeDefEditAttributeDefNameButton = Edit attribute name # edit attribute def action button attributeDefEditAttributeDefActionButton = Edit attribute action # delete attribute def name button attributeDefDeleteAttributeDefNameButton = Delete attribute name # edit attribute def name inheritance attributeDefEditInheritanceAttributeDefNameButton = Edit inheritance # delete attribute def action button attributeDefDeleteAttributeDefActionButton = Delete attribute action # for name of attribute def attributeDefLabelIdPath = ID path: # id label attributeDefLabelId = ID: # created label attributeDefLabelCreated = Created: # creator label attributeDefLabelCreator = Creator: # stem of attributeDef attributeDefHeaderStem = Folder # name of attributeDef attributeDefHeaderName = Attribute name # action of attributeDef attributeDefHeaderAction = Action # name of attributeDef attributeDefLabelName = Name: # when last edited attributeDefLabelLastEdited = Last edited: # who last edits the attributeDef attributeDefLabelLastEditedBy = Last edited by: # the numeric index of this attributeDef attributeDefLabelIdIndex = ID index: # uuid of attributeDef attributeDefLabelUuid = UUID: # type of attribute definition attributeDefLabelType = Type: # value type of attribute definition attributeDefLabelValueType = Value type: # is attribute definition is multi assignable attributeDefMultiAssignable = Multi-assignable: attributeDefMultiAssignableYes = Yes attributeDefMultiAssignableNo = No # description of the multi assignable field attributeDefMultiAssignableDescription = If this attribute can be assigned to the same owner object more than once. For instance, a Group can have more than one Rule attached to it, so the Rule attribute is multi-assignable # is attribute definition multi valued attributeDefMultiValued = Multi-valued: attributeDefMultiValuedYes = Yes attributeDefMultiValuedNo = No # description of the multi valued field attributeDefMultiValuedDescription = If this attribute has values, if it can have more than one value assigned at once. # label for assign to attributeDefLabelAssignTo = Assign to: attributeDefLabelAssignToDescription = Designate which types of objects that this definition can be assigned to. There are six base object types, or you can assign attributes to the assignment of attributes to those base object types. Membership can be assigned to an immediate or an effective membership, and will still exist as an orphan if the membership is unassigned until the membership is reassigned. Immediate membership attribute assignments are only assignable to immediate memberships and are automatically deleted once the membership is unassigned. # labels for what an attribute definition can be assigned to attributeDefAssignTo.attributeDef = Attribute definition attributeDefAssignTo.stem = Folder attributeDefAssignTo.group = Group / Role / Local entity attributeDefAssignTo.member = Member attributeDefAssignTo.membership = Membership attributeDefAssignTo.immediateMembership = Membership - immediate only attributeDefAssignTo.attributeDefAssign = Attribute definition attribute assignment attributeDefAssignTo.stemAssign = Folder attribute assignment attributeDefAssignTo.groupAssign = Group / Role / Local entity attribute assignment attributeDefAssignTo.memberAssign = Member attribute assignment attributeDefAssignTo.membershipAssign = Membership attribute assignment attributeDefAssignTo.immediateMembershipAssign = Membership - immediate only - attribute assignment #button hides advanced filtering attributeDefAdvancedButton = Advanced # remove from my favorites button attributeDefViewMoreActionsRemoveFromMyFavorites = Remove from my favorites # add to my favorites button attributeDefViewMoreActionsAddToMyFavorites = Add to my favorites # attributeDef was added to my favorites attributeDefSuccessAddedToMyFavorites = Attribute definition was added to favorites # attributeDef was removed from my favorites attributeDefSuccessRemovedFromMyFavorites = Attribute definition was removed from favorites # edit button on attribute def attributeDefViewEditAttributeDefButton = Edit attribute # create new attribute def name button on attribute def attributeDefViewNewAttributeDefNameButton = Create new attribute name # create new attribute def action button on attribute def attributeDefViewNewAttributeDefActionButton = Create new attribute action # view attribute assignments attributeDefViewAttributeAssignments = Attribute assignments ######################################## ############## Attribute name page text attributeDefName ######################################## #confirm the user to make changes to privileges on this folder attributeDefNameConfirmChanges = Are you sure you want to delete these attribute names and their assignments? # remove from my favorites button attributeDefNameViewMoreActionsRemoveFromMyFavorites = Remove from my favorites # add to my favorites button attributeDefNameViewMoreActionsAddToMyFavorites = Add to my favorites # attributeDef was added to my favorites attributeDefNameSuccessAddedToMyFavorites = Attribute name was added to favorites # attributeDef was removed from my favorites attributeDefNameSuccessRemovedFromMyFavorites = Attribute name was removed from favorites # if attribute def name was deleted attributeDefAttributeDefNameDeleteSuccess = Success: attribute name was deleted # if they didnt select any atttribute names attributeDefRemoveNoAttributeDefNameSelects = Error: select at least one attribute name # if the attributeDefNames being deleted had problems attributeDefDeleteAttributeDefNamesErrors = Error: had problems deleting ${grouperRequestContainer.attributeDefContainer.failureCount} attribute names, and successfully deleted ${grouperRequestContainer.attributeDefContainer.successCount} attribute names # success deleting attribute def names attributeDefDeleteAttributeDefNamesSuccesses = Success: deleted ${grouperRequestContainer.attributeDefContainer.successCount} attribute names # If the URL is not valid attributeDefNameCantFindAttributeDefNameId = Error: cannot find attributeDefNameId, nameOfAttributeDefName, or attributeDefNameIndex in url # If the group cant be found but the id or name is passed in attributeDefCantFindAttributeDefName = Error: cannot find attribute name # edit button on attribute def name attributeDefNameViewEditAttributeDefNameButton = Edit attribute name # describe the page a little bit attributeDefNameHeaderAttributeDefinitionName = Attribute name # add attribute name on attribute def attributeDefViewAddAttributeNameButton = Add attribute name # description text for attribute definition field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameCreateIntoAttributeDefDescription = The attribute definition holds the settings and security for attribute. Each attribute definition can have multiple attribute names. Every attribute name is associated with one and only one attribute definition. # description text for attribute definition field on the create attribute def create screen attributeDefActionCreateIntoAttributeDefDescription = The attribute definition holds the settings and security for attribute. Each attribute definition can have multiple attribute actions. Every attribute action is associated with one and only one attribute definition. # breadcrumb of the new attribute name screen attributeNameNewBreadcrumb = New attribute name # breadcrumb of the new attribute action screen attributeActionNewBreadcrumb = New attribute action # title of the new attribute name screen attributeNameNewTitle = New attribute name # title of the new attribute action screen attributeActionNewTitle = New attribute action # button text for save button attributeDefNameCreateSaveButton = Save # button text for cancel button attributeDefNameCreateCancelButton = Cancel # button text for save button attributeDefActionCreateSaveButton = Save # button text for cancel button attributeDefActionCreateCancelButton = Cancel # folder is required attributeDefNameCreateRequiredParentStemId = Error: folder is required # attribute def is required attributeDefNameCreateRequiredAttributeDef = Error: valid attribute def is required # can't find folder attributeDefNameCreateCantFindStemId = Error: Cannot find folder. Select a folder from the combobox results. # error creating the attribute def name attributeDefNameCreateError = Error creating attribute def name # attribute def already exists attributeDefNameExistsError = Error: attribute name already exists. # error that attribute def name name is required attributeDefNameCreateErrorDisplayExtensionRequired = Error: name is required # error that attribute def id is required attributeDefNameCreateErrorExtensionRequired = Error: ID is required # success the attribute def name was created attributeDefNameCreateSuccess = Success: the attribute def name was created # label for the attribute def name create in attribute definition attributeDefNameCreateAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # label for the action create in attribute definition attributeDefActionCreateAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # label for the create in folder attributeDefNameCreateFolderLabel = Folder: # title of modal dialog to search for folder attributeDefNameCreateSearchForFolderTitle = Search for a folder # placeholder in textfield to search for a folder attributeDefNameCreateSearchPlaceholder = Search for a folder # button text for search button attributeDefNameCreateSearchButton = Search # button text for closing the search modal attributeDefNameCreateSearchClose = Close # description text for folder field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameCreateIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new attribute def names.. # label for id field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameIdLabel = ID of attribute name: # description text for id field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameIdDescription = ID is the unique identifier you set for this attribute name. The ID must be unique within this folder, and should rarely change. It can be used by other systems to refer to this attribute name. The ID field cannot contain spaces or special characters. # label for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameNameLabel = Name of attribute name: # label for name field on the create attribute def action screen attributeDefActionNameLabel = Name of attribute action: # description text for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameNameDescription = Name is the label that identifies this attribute name, and might change. # label for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNamePathLabel = Path: # description text for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNamePathDescription = Path is the name of all folders and the attribute name, and might change. # label for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameIdPathLabel = ID path: # description text for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameIdPathDescription = ID path is the ID of all folders and the attribute name, and should rarely change. # label for created field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameLabelCreated = Created: # description text for created field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDescriptionCreated = When this attribute name was created # label for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameLabelLastEdited = Last edited: # description text for name field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDescriptionLastEdited = When this attribute name was last edited (this does not include assignments) # label for description field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDescriptionLabel = Description: # description text for description field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDescriptionDescription = Description contains notes about the attribute name, which could include: what the attribute name represents, why it was created, etc. # label for ID index field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameLabelIdIndex = ID index: # description text for ID index field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDescriptionIdIndex = ID index is a unique sequential integer assigned to each attribute name. This cannot be changed and is not re-used. # label for description field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameLabelUuid = UUID: # description text for description field on the create attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDescriptionUuid = Universal unique identifier (opaque) for this object. This cannot be changed and is not re-used. # delete button on attribute def attributeDefViewDeleteAttributeDefButton = Delete attribute # search for an entity placeholder attributeDefSearchForEntityPlaceholder = Search for an entity # attributeDef search button attributeDefSearchButton = Search # attributeDef search results column name for entity attributeDefSearchResultsColumnName = Entity Name # close button on attributeDef search screen attributeDefSearchCloseButton = Close # text before the combo link attributeDefSearchLabelPreComboLink = Enter an entity name or ID, or # text to search for an entity attributeDefSearchForEntityLink = search for an entity. # assign these privileges label on view attributeDef attributeDefViewAssignThesePrivileges = Assign these privileges: # Add link in text of attributeDef view screen attributeDefViewAddMemberLink = Add # cant find the subject attributeDefAddMemberCantFindSubject = Select an entity from the search results #if no privileges are selected attributeDefAddMemberPrivRequired = Select at least one privilege ######################################## ############# New attribute def action ######################################## # attribute def is required attributeDefActionCreateRequiredAttributeDef = Error: valid attribute def is required # action is required attributeDefActionCreateRequiredAction = Error: action is required # error creating attribute def action attributeDefActionCreateError = Error creating attribute def action # success the attribute def action was created attributeDefActionCreateSuccess = Success: the attribute def action was created ##################################################### ############# Edit attribute def name inheritance ##################################################### # attribute def name attributeDefNameEditAttributeDefNameInheritance = Attribute name: # label for attribute def name that imply attributeDeNameEditAttributeDefNamesThatImply = Attribute names that imply {0} # label for attribute def names that immediate imply attributeDeNameEditAttributeDefNamesThatImmediateImply = Immediate attribute names that imply {0} # label for attribute def names implied by attributeDeNameEditAttributeDefNamesImpliedBy = Attribute names implied by {0} # label for attribute def names implied by immediate attributeDeNameEditAttributeDefNamesImpliedByImmediate = Immediate Attribute names implied by {0} # success: attribute def name inheritance was saved attributeDefNameInheritanceEditSuccess = Success: attribute name inheritance was saved. # error on saving attribute def inheritance attributeDefNameInheritanceEditError = Error: attribute name inheritance was not saved. # save button on attribute def name inheritance edit screen attributeDefNameInheritanceEditSaveButton = Save # cancel button on attribute def name inheritance edit screen attributeDefNameInhertianceEditCancelButton = Cancel ######################################## ############## Edit attribute def name ######################################## # title of edit attributeDefName screen attributeDefNameEditTitle = Edit attribute name # label for the edit in attribute definition attributeDefNameEditAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # description text for attribute definition field on the edit attribute def name screen attributeDefNameEditIntoAttributeDefDescription = The attribute definition holds the settings and security for attribute. Each attribute definition can have multiple attribute names. # label for the edit in folder attributeDefNameEditFolderLabel = Folder: # description text for folder field on the edit attribute def name screen attributeDefNameEditIntoFolderDescription = Folder is the namespace where this attribute name resides. # save button on attribute def naem edit screen attributeDefNameEditSaveButton = Save # attribute def name not found attributeDefNameNotFoundError = Error: Attribute name not found. # logged in subject doesn't have admin privileges on the attribute def attributeDefNoAdminPriv = You do not have privileges to edit this attribute definition # success the attribute def name was saved attributeDefNameEditSuccess = Success: the attribute name was saved # error on saving attribute def name attributeDefNameEditError = Error: the attribute name was not saved. ######################################## ############## Delete attribute def name ######################################## # title of the delete attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDeleteTitle = Delete attribute name # main text of the delete attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDeleteText = You are about to delete the this attribute name and all its assignments. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure you want to proceed? # generic insufficient privileges attributeDefNameDeleteInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the attribute def name was deleted attributeDefNameDeleteSuccess = Success: the attribute name was deleted # if there was an error deleting the attribute def name attributeDefNameErrorCantDelete = Error: there was a problem deleting the attribute name # delete button on the delete attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDeleteDeleteButton = Delete # cancel button on the delete attribute def name screen attributeDefNameDeleteCancelButton = Cancel ######################################## ############## Edit attribute def ######################################## # title of edit attributeDef screen attributeDefEditTitle = Edit attribute definition # error creating the attributeDef attributeDefEditError = Error editing attribute definition # changes saved for attributeDef attributeDefEditSuccess = Success: attribute definition was saved # no changes were detected or saved for attributeDef attributeDefEditNoChangeNote = Note: no changes were made to the attribute definition # save button on attribute def edit screen attributeDefEditSaveButton = Save ######################################## ############## Edit attribute def action ######################################## # title of edit attributeDefAction screen attributeDefActionEditTitle = Edit attribute action # label for action name on attribute def action edit screen attributeDeActionEditAttributeDefAction = Action name: # label for actions that imply this action we are editing attributeDeActionEditActionsThatImply = Actions that imply {0}: # label for actions that immediately imply this action we are editing attributeDeActionEditActionsThatImmediatelyImply = Actions that immediately imply {0}: # label for actions implied by this action we are editing attributeDeActionEditActionsImpliedBy = Actions implied by {0}: # label for actions immediately implied by this action we are editing attributeDeActionEditActionsImmediatelyImpliedBy = Actions immediately implied by {0}: # label for the edit in attribute definition attributeDeActionEditAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # description text for attribute definition field on the edit attribute def action screen attributeDefActionEditIntoAttributeDefDescription = The attribute definition holds the settings and security for attribute. Each attribute definition can have multiple attribute actions. # save button on attribute def action edit screen attributeDefActionEditSaveButton = Save # cancel button on attribute def action edit screen attributeDefActionEditCancelButton = Cancel # attribute def action not found attributeDefActionNotFoundError = Error: Attribute def action not found. # success the attribute def action was saved attributeDefActionEditSuccess = Success: the attribute action was saved # error on saving attribute def action attributeDefActionEditError = Error: the attribute action was not saved. ######################################## ############## Attribute def privileges page ######################################## # attributeDef privileges descript at top of tab attributeDefPrivilegesDecription = The following table lists all entities with privileges for this attribute definition. # attributeDef privileges tab filter for label attributeDefPrivilegeFilterFor = Filter for: # dropdown for privileges filter, everyone attributeDefPrivilegesFilterEveryone = Any privilege # dropdown for privileges filter, people with admin attributeDefPrivilegesFilterAdmins = Entities with $$priv.attrAdminUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with optin attributeDefPrivilegesFilterOptins = Entities with $$priv.attrOptinUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with update attributeDefPrivilegesFilterUpdaters = Entities with $$priv.attrUpdateUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with read attributeDefPrivilegesFilterReaders = Entities with $$priv.attrReadUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with view attributeDefPrivilegesFilterViewers = Entities with $$priv.attrViewUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with optout attributeDefPrivilegesFilterOptouts = Entities with $$priv.attrOptoutUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with attr read attributeDefPrivilegesFilterAttrReaders = Entities with $$priv.attrDefAttrReadUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with attr read attributeDefPrivilegesFilterAttrUpdaters = Entities with $$priv.attrDefAttrUpdateUpper$$ # dropdown for assignment type attributeDefPrivilegesFilterAllAssignments = All entities # dropdown for assignment type, has direct assignments attributeDefPrivilegesFilterDirectAssignments = Has direct assignments # dropdown for assignment type, has indirect assignments attributeDefPrivilegesFilterIndirectAssignments = Has indirect assignments # dropdown for what to bulk assign attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrAdminPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrAdminUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrUpdateUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrReadUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrReadUpper$$/$$priv.attrUpdateUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrReadPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrReadUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrViewPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrViewUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrDefAttributeReadPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrDefAttrReadUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrDefAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrDefAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrOptinPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrOptinUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrOptoutPrivilege = Assign the $$priv.attrOptoutUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesAssignAttrAllPrivilege = Assign ALL privileges attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrAdminPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrAdminUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrUpdateUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrReadUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrReadUpper$$/$$priv.attrUpdateUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrReadPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrReadUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrViewPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrViewUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrDefAttributeReadPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrDefAttrReadUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrDefAttributeUpdatePrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrDefAttrUpdateUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrOptinPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrOptinUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrOptoutPrivilege = Revoke the $$priv.attrOptoutUpper$$ privilege attributeDefPrivilegesRevokeAttrAllPrivilege = Revoke ALL privileges # label for update bulk privileges attributeDefPrivilegesUpdateBulkLabel = Update: # button to update selected items on privileges page attributeDefPrivilegesUpdateSelected = Update selected #error need to select an entity attributeDefErrorEntityRequired = Error: you must select at least one entity # label about checkbox on form to match id attributeDefLabelExactIdMatch = Exact ID match # edit memberships and privileges attributeDefViewEditMembershipsAndPrivilegesButton = Edit privileges # trace the privileges for this subject and owner attributeDefViewTracePrivilegeButton = Trace privileges # privilege revoked attributeDefSuccessRevokedPrivilege = Success: privilege revoked # privilege granted attributeDefSuccessGrantedPrivilege = Success: privilege granted #success message for assigned privileges attributeDefSuccessGrantedPrivileges = Success: privileges granted #success message for assigned privileges attributeDefSuccessRevokedPrivileges = Success: privileges revoked #note, no immediate privilegs to assign attributeDefNoteNoGrantedPrivileges = Note: no immediate privileges to grant #note, no immediate privileges to revoke attributeDefNoteNoRevokedPrivileges = Note: no immediate privileges to revoke #confirm the user to make changes to privileges on this folder attributeDefConfirmChanges = Are you sure you want to change privileges for this attribute definition? # placeholder for privilege filter textfield attributeDefFilterPrivilegeFormPlaceholder = Entity name # add members to be privilegees of the attributeDef attributeDefViewMoreActionsAddMembers = Add members # actions button on privileges screen attributeDefPrivilegesActions = Actions # title on button to remove this privilege attributeDefPrivilegesTitleRemoveThisPrivilege = Remove this privilege # title on button to assign this privilege attributeDefPrivilegesTitleAssignThisPrivilege = Assign this privilege # search search member or id attributeDefSearchMemberOrId = Member name or ID: # if the subject was successfully added to the attributedef attributeDefAddMemberMadeChangesSuccess = Success: entity was assigned privileges on the attribute # if no changes were made to memberships / privileges attributeDefAddMemberNoChangesSuccess = Note: entity already had privileges on the attribute ######################################## ############## Stem page text ######################################## # stem validations fields too long stemValidation_stemDescriptionTooLong = Error: folder description is too long stemValidation_stemDisplayExtensionTooLong = Error: folder name is too long stemValidation_stemExtensionTooLong = Error: folder ID is too long stemValidation_stemDisplayNameTooLong = Error: the folder name causes the path to be too long, please shorten it stemValidation_stemNameTooLong = Error: the folder ID causes the ID path to be too long, please shorten it # If the URL is not valid stemCantFindStemId = Error: cannot find stemId, stemName, or stemIndex in url # If the stem cant be found but the id or name is passed in stemCantFindStem = Error: cannot find folder # if not allowed to edit stem stemNotAllowedToAdminStem = Error: not allowed to administer folder: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.guiStem.stem.name)} # if not allowed to create groups in the stem stemNotAllowedToCreateGroupsStem = Error: not allowed to create groups in folder: ${grouperUtil.xmlEscape(grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.guiStem.stem.name)} # privilege revoked stemSuccessRevokedPrivilege = Success: folder privilege revoked # privilege granted stemSuccessGrantedPrivilege = Success: folder privilege granted #success message for assigned privileges stemSuccessGrantedPrivileges = Success: folder privileges granted #success message for assigned privileges stemSuccessRevokedPrivileges = Success: folder privileges revoked #note, no immediate privilegs to assign stemNoteNoGrantedPrivileges = Note: no immediate folder privileges to grant #note, no immediate privileges to revoke stemNoteNoRevokedPrivileges = Note: no immediate folder privileges to revoke #error need to select an entity stemErrorEntityRequired = Error: you must select at least one entity # ID label stemLabelId = ID: # ID path label stemLabelIdPath = ID path: # Alternate ID path label stemLabelAlternateIdPath = Alternate ID path: # Path label stemLabelPath = Path: # When this stem was created stemLabelCreated = Created: # who created this stem stemLabelCreator = Creator: # When this stem was last edited stemLabelLastEdited = Last edited: # who last edited this stem stemLabelLastEditor = Last editor: # the numeric index of this group stemLabelIdIndex = ID index: # label for UUID of folder stemLabelUuid = UUID: # text to go up one folder stemUpOneFolder = Up one folder # test that shows the object names stemObjectName = Name # placeholder in the textfield for the search box stemFilterFormPlaceholder = Folder, group, or attribute name # apply filter button on stem screen stemApplyFilterButton = Apply filter # reset the filter for stem contents stemResetButton = Reset #button hides advanced filtering stemAdvancedButton = Advanced # Folder contents tab stemContents = Folder contents # Folder privileges tab stemPrivileges = Privileges # User cannot manage folder stemCantManageStem = You cannot manage this folder # placeholder for privilege filter textfield stemFilterPrivilegeFormPlaceholder = Entity name # filter for label on stem screen stemFilterFor = Filter for: # filter for label on privileges tab stemPrivilegeFilterFor = Filter for: # description at top of stem privileges tab stemPrivilegesDecription = The following table lists all entities with privileges in this folder. # dropdown for privileges filter, everyone stemPrivilegesFilterEveryone = Any privilege # dropdown for privileges filter, people with create group stemPrivilegesFilterCreators = Entities with $$priv.createUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with create stem stemPrivilegesFilterStemAdmins = Entities with $$priv.stemAdminsUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with attr read stemPrivilegesFilterAttrReaders = Entity with $$priv.stemAttrReadUpper$$ # dropdown for privileges filter, people with attr update stemPrivilegesFilterAttrUpdaters = Entity with $$priv.stemAttrUpdateUpper$$ # dropdown for assignment type stemPrivilegesFilterAllAssignments = All entities # dropdown for assignment type, has direct assignments stemPrivilegesFilterDirectAssignments = Has direct assignments # dropdown for assignment type, has indirect assignments stemPrivilegesFilterIndirectAssignments = Has indirect assignments # button to update selected items on privileges page stemPrivilegesUpdateSelected = Update selected # title on button to remove this privilege stemPrivilegesTitleRemoveThisPrivilege = Remove this privilege # title on button to assign this privilege stemPrivilegesTitleAssignThisPrivilege = Assign this privilege # inherited privileges for folders stemInheritedPrivilegesFoldersDecription = Inherited privileges for folders # inherited privileges for groups stemInheritedPrivilegesGroupsDecription = Inherited privileges for groups # inherited privileges for attribute defs stemInheritedPrivilegesAttributeDefsDecription = Inherited privileges for attribute definitions #confirm the user to make changes to privileges on this folder stemConfirmChanges = Are you sure you want to change privileges for this folder? # stem was added to my favorites stemSuccessAddedToMyFavorites = Folder was added to favorites # stem was removed from my favorites stemSuccessRemovedFromMyFavorites = Folder was removed from favorites # not enough chars when searching on search form for parent stem stemSearchNotEnoughChars = Enter at least two characters # if no subjects found stemSearchNoStemsFound = No folders found # edit folder button text stemViewEditStemButton = Edit folder # stem actions copy stem stemViewCopyStemButton = Copy folder # stem actions delete stem stemViewDeleteStemButton = Delete folder # stem actions move folder stemViewMoveStemButton = Move folder # stem view audit log button stemViewAuditButton = View audit log # stem view attribute assignments stemViewAttributeAssignmentsButton = Attribute assignments # stem assign attribute stemAssignAttributeButton = Assign attribute # text to show on the view stem attribute assignment screen when there are no attributes assigned stemViewAttributeAssignsNoAssignedAttributes = No attributes assigned # title of the stem attribute assignments screen stemAttributeAssignmentsTitle = Attribute Assignments # description of the stem attribute assignments screen stemAttributeAssignmentsDescription = The following table lists all attributes assigned to this folder # more actions on stem more actions panel stemViewMoreActionsButton = More actions # add members to be privilegees of the stem stemViewMoreActionsAddMembers = Add members # remove from my favorites button stemViewMoreActionsRemoveFromMyFavorites = Remove from my favorites # add to my favorites button stemViewMoreActionsAddToMyFavorites = Add to my favorites # label about checkbox on form to match id stemLabelExactIdMatch = Exact ID match # search for entity button on stem screen stemSearchForEntityButton = Search for an entity # search for an entity placeholder stemSearchForEntityPlaceholder = Search for an entity # stem search button stemSearchButton = Search # stem search results column name for entity stemSearchResultsColumnName = Entity Name # search search member or id stemSearchMemberOrId = Member name or ID: # close button on stem search screen stemSearchCloseButton = Close # text before the combo link stemSearchLabelPreComboLink = Enter an entity name or ID, or # text to search for an entity stemSearchForEntityLink = search for an entity. # assign these privileges label on view stem stemViewAssignThesePrivileges = Assign these privileges: # Add link in text of stem view screen stemViewAddMemberLink = Add # cant find the subject stemAddMemberCantFindSubject = Select an entity from the search results #if no privileges are selected stemAddMemberPrivRequired = Select at least one privilege # if the subject was successfully added to the stem stemAddMemberMadeChangesSuccess = Success: entity was assigned privileges in folder # if no changes were made to memberships / privileges stemAddMemberNoChangesSuccess = Note: entity already had privileges in folder # remove from my favorites button stemViewMoreActionsRemoveFromMyFavorites = Remove from my favorites # add to my favorites button stemViewMoreActionsAddToMyFavorites = Add to my favorites # choose action stemViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAction = Choose action # actions button stemViewActionsButton = Actions ######################################## ############## Stem more tab ######################################## # text on the "more" tab stemMoreTab = More ######################################## ############## Subject more tab ######################################## # text on the "more" tab subjectMoreTab = More ######################################## ############## Attribute def more tab ######################################## # text on the "more" tab attributeDefMoreTab = More ######################################## ############## Stem inherit privileges ######################################## # text on stem tab to show inherited privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedToObjectsInFolder = Privileges inherited to objects in folder # remove selected inherited privileges stemRemoveSelectedInheritedPrivilegesButton = Remove selected inherited privileges # no rules selected stemPrivilegesInheritedRemoveNoRuleSelects = Error: select at least one inherited privilege assignment # if the rules for inherited privileges being deleted had problems stemPrivilegesInheritedRemoveErrors = Error: folder has errors removing ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.failureCount} inherited privileges, and successfully removed ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.successCount} inherited privileges # success removing rules for inherited privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedRemoveSuccesses = Success: removed ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.successCount} inherited privileges # if the rules for inherited privileges being deleted had problems stemPrivilegesInheritedRemoveErrorsNotDone = Error: folder has errors removing ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.failureCount} inherited privileges, and successfully removed ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.successCount} inherited privileges. Still processing other child objects to remove privileges. # success removing rules for inherited privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedRemoveSuccessesNotDone = Success: removed ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.successCount} inherited privileges. Still processing other child objects to remove privileges. # success removing rules for inherited privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedAddSuccesses = Success: added ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.successCount} inherited privilege entries stemPrivilegesInheritedAddSuccessesNotDone = Success: added ${grouperRequestContainer.stemContainer.successCount} inherited privilege entries, but sub-object assignments are still being processed # assign folder privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedAddStemPrivileges = Folder privileges: # assign group privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedAddGroupPrivileges = Group privileges: # assign attribute definition privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedAddAttributeDefPrivileges = Attribute privileges: # add member button stemPrivilegesInheritedAddMemberLink = Add # assign to label stemPrivilegesInheritedAssignTo = Assign to: # one or all stemPrivilegesInheritedLevels = Levels: # description at top of stem privileges tab stemPrivilegesInheritedDecription = The following table lists privileges assigned to objects in folder # description at top of group privileges tab groupPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersDecription = The following table lists privileges assigned to this group inherited from a folder # description at top of attributeDef privileges tab attributeDefPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersDecription = The following table lists privileges assigned to this attribute inherited from a folder # description at top of stem privileges tab stemPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersDecription = The following table lists privileges assigned to this folder inherited from an ancestor folder # description at top of subject priv subjectPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersDecription = The following table lists inherited privileges assigned to this subject # menu item for subject privileges from folder thisSubjectsPrivilegesFromFolders = This subject's privileges inherited from folders # subtitle subjectPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersSubtitle = Note: you can only see entries in folders where you are the admin of relevant objects # description at top of subject priv assignedToGroupPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersDecription = The following table lists inherited privileges assigned to members of this group # subtitle assignedToGroupPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersSubtitle = Note: you can only see entries in folders where you are the admin of relevant objects # menu item inheritedPrivilgesAssignedToThisGroupFromFolders = Inherited privileges assigned to members of this group # menu item grouperMenuItemLoader = Loader # subtitle stemPrivilegesInheritedSubtitle = Note: you cannot edit an entry. You must create a new entry and delete the old one. # subtitle groupPrivilegesInheritedSubtitle = Note: you can create or delete inherited privileges in the folder screen. # subtitle stemPrivilegesInheritedFromStemSubtitle = Note: you can create or delete inherited privileges in the ancestor folder screen. # subtitle attributeDefPrivilegesInheritedSubtitle = Note: you can create or delete inherited privileges in the folder screen. # if no inherited privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedNone = There are currently no inherited privileges related to this folder. # if no inherited privilege subjectPrivilegesInheritedNone = There are currently no inherited privileges related to this subject. # if no inherited privileges groupPrivilegesInheritedNone = There are currently no inherited privileges related to this group. # if no inherited privileges stemPrivilegesInheritedFromStemNone = There are currently no inherited privileges from ancestor folders related to this folder. # if no inherited privileges attributeDefPrivilegesInheritedNone = There are currently no inherited privileges related to this attribute. # description for all or one in levels for assignment stemPrivilegesInheritedLevelsDecription = Assign these privileges to ALL objects in this folder or subfolders, or only to objects directly in this ONE folder # when not selected the object type to assign to stemPrivilegesInheritedAssignedToRequired = Error: object type to assign to is required # column header of stem name stemPrivilegesInheritColumnHeaderStemName = Folder # column header of assigned to stemPrivilegesInheritColumnHeaderAssignedTo = Entity # column header of object type stemPrivilegesInheritColumnHeaderObjectType = Object type # column header of direct? stemPrivilegesInheritColumnHeaderDirect = Assigned to
    this folder # column header of levels stemPrivilegesInheritColumnHeaderLevels = Levels # column header of privileges stemPrivilegesInheritColumnHeaderPrivileges = Privileges # labels for radio for levels stemPrivilegesInheritOneLabel = One level, only assign to objects directly in this folder, not subfolders stemPrivilegesInheritAllLabel = All levels, in this folder and subfolders #if no privileges are selected stemPrivilegesInheritAddMemberStemPrivRequired = Select at least one folder privilege stemPrivilegesInheritAddMemberGroupPrivRequired = Select at least one folder privilege stemPrivilegesInheritAddMemberAttributeDefPrivRequired = Select at least one attribute privilege # more tab button link for groups privileges inherited from folders thisGroupsPrivilegesFromFolders = This group's privileges inherited from folders # more tab button link for stems privileges inherited from folders thisFoldersPrivilegesFromFolders = This folder's privileges inherited from ancestor folders # more tab button link for attribute actions thisAttributeDefsActions = Attribute actions # more tab button link for attributes privileges inherited from folders thisAttributeDefsPrivilegesFromFolders = This attribute's privileges inherited from folders # Button for miscellaneous indexMiscellaneousButton = Miscellaneous # miscellaneous breadcrumb miscellaneousBreadcrumb = Miscellaneous # Miscellaneous title miscellaneousTitle = Miscellaneous miscellaneousSubtitle = Functions across the repository # global inherited privileges miscellaneousGlobalInheritedPrivileges = Inherited privileges # description of global page miscellaneousPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersDecription = Privileges inherited from folders miscellaneousPrivilegesInheritedFromFoldersSubtitle = Note: you can only see entries in folders where you are the admin of relevant objects. You can create or delete inherited privileges in the folder screen. # no results miscellaneousPrivilegesInheritedNone = There are currently no inherited privileges in the registry. # breadcrumb miscellaneousInheritedPrivilegesBreadcrumb = Inherited privileges ######################################## ############# Stem attribute assignments ######################################## # stem view attribute assignments table headers stemViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAssignmentType = Assignment Type stemViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAttributeName = Attribute name stemViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnEnabled = Enabled stemViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAssignmentValues = Assignment values stemViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAttributeDefinition = Attribute definition stemViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAction = Choose action stemAttributeAssignEnabledYes = Yes stemAttributeAssignEnabledNo = No # breadcrumb of the assign attribute screen stemAssignAttributeBreadcrumb = Assign attribute # title of assign attribute to stem screen stemAssignAttributeTitle = Assign attribute # owner folder label on assign attribute screen stemAssignAttributeOwnerFolderLabel = Owner Folder: # description text for owner folder stemAssignAttributeOwnerFolderDescription = The folder which has attributes assigned to it. Enter a folder name or search for a folder.
    Enter '$$stem.root.display-name$$' for the top level folder # attribute def label on assign attribute screen stemAssignAttributeAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # description text for attribute def stemAssignAttributeAttributeDefDescription = The definition part of the attribute holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally attribute definitions have multiple attribute names. # attribute name label stemAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameLabel = Attribute name: # attribute name description stemAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameDescription = The attribute name is the part of the attribute which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple attribute names are related to one attribute definition. # enabled date label stemAssignAttributeEnabledDateLabel = Start date: # enabled date description stemAssignAttributeEnabledDateDescription = Start attribute assignment date. # disabled date label stemAssignAttributeDisabledDateLabel = End date: # disabled date description stemAssignAttributeDisabledDateDescription = End attribute assignment date. # placeholder for start/end date stemAssignAttributeDatePlaceholder = yyyy/mm/dd # attribute def is required stemAssignAttributeDefRequired = Error: valid attribute def is required # folder is required stemAssignAttributeStemIdRequired = Error: folder is required # attribute def name is required stemAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameRequired = Error: valid attribute def name is required # can't find folder stemAssignAttributeCantFindStemId = Error: Cannot find folder. Select a folder from the combobox results. # enabled date/start date is not valid stemAssignAttributeAttributeStartDateNotValid = Error: start date is not valid. # disabled date/end date is not valid. stemAssignAttributeAttributeEndDateNotValid = Error: end date is not valid. # can't assign attribute because not multi-assignable stemAssignAttributeNotMultiAssignableError = Error: the attribute is already assigned, and is not multi-assignable # error assigning attribute to stem stemAssignAttributeError = Error: could not assign attribute # success assigning attribute to stem stemAssignAttributeSuccess = Success: assigned attribute to stem. ######################################## ############## Provisioning ######################################## # menu item groupMenuItemProvisioning = Provisioning ######################################## ############## Rules ######################################## # type of rules then clause rulesThenTypeGroup = Group rulesThenTypeFolder = Folder rulesThenTypeAttribute = Attribute # direct assigned or not rulesCheckDirect = Direct rulesCheckIndirect = Indirect # step scope check rulesStemScopeOne = One rulesStemScopeSub = All # separate rules privileges with this separator rulesPrivilegesSeparator = , ######################################## ############## Stem move ######################################## # title of the move folder screen stemMoveTitle = Move folder # label for the move to this folder combobox stemMoveIntoFolder = Move to this folder: # stem move into folder instructions for combobox stemMoveIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new subfolders. # label next to checkbox to change alternate names stemMoveChangeAlternateNamesDescription = Set alternate names for groups?If you select this option, the alternate ID path of the groups being moved will be set to the groups' old ID path. # generic insufficient privileges stemMoveInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the stem was copied stemMoveSuccess = Success: the folder was moved # stem move move button stemMoveMoveButton = Move # stem move cancel button stemMoveCancelButton = Cancel # stem move search for folder link stemMoveSearchForFolderLink = Search for a folder # stem move search for folder placeholder stemMoveSearchForFolderPlaceholder = Search for a folder ######################################## ############## Group move ######################################## # title of the move group screen groupMoveTitle = Move group # label for the move to this folder combobox groupMoveIntoFolder = Move to this folder: # group move into folder instructions for combobox groupMoveIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new subfolders. # label next to checkbox to change alternate names groupMoveChangeAlternateNamesDescription = Set alternate names for groups?If you select this option, the alternate ID path of the groups being moved will be set to the groups' old ID path. # generic insufficient privileges groupMoveInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the group was copied groupMoveSuccess = Success: the group was moved # group move move button groupMoveMoveButton = Move # group move cancel button groupMoveCancelButton = Cancel # group move search for folder link groupMoveSearchForFolderLink = Search for a folder # group move search for folder placeholder groupMoveSearchForFolderPlaceholder = Search for a folder ######################################## ############## Stem search ######################################## # description on stem search modal window for creating new groups stemSearchDescriptionNewGroups = The table below lists folders where you are allowed to create new groups. # description on stem search modal window for creating new attribute def names stemSearchDescriptionNewAttributeDefNames = The table below lists folders where you are allowed to create new attribute def names. # description on stem search modal window for creating new folders stemSearchDescriptionNewFolders = The table below lists folders where you are allowed to create new folders. ######################################## ############## Delete group ######################################## # title of the delete group screen groupDeleteTitle = Delete group # main text of the delete group screen groupDeleteText = You are about to delete the this group and all its memberships. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure you want to proceed? # generic insufficient privileges groupDeleteInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the group was deleted groupDeleteSuccess = Success: the group was deleted # if there was an error deleting the group groupErrorCantDelete = Error: there was a problem deleting the group ######################################## ############## New Stem ######################################## # when clicking on disabled id field, this will tell the user to check the checkbox stemNewAlertWhenClickingOnDisabledId = Select the checkbox to edit the ID # click this checkbox to edit the id stemNewEditTheId = Edit the ID # menu button to create new folder stemNewCreateNewStemMenuButton = Create new folder # title of the new stem screen stemNewBreadcrumb = New folder # title of the new stem screen stemNewTitle = New folder # generic insufficient privileges stemCreateInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the group was created stemCreateSuccess = Success: the folder was created # if there was an error creating the stem stemErrorCantCreate = Error: there was a problem creating the folder # new folder folder instructions for combobox stemCreateIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new folders.
    Enter '$$stem.root.display-name$$' for the top level folder # title of modal dialog to search for folder stemCreateSearchForFolderTitle = Search for a folder # placeholder in textfield to search for a folder stemCreateSearchPlaceholder = Search for a folder # button text for search button stemCreateSearchButton = Search # button text for closing the search modal stemCreateSearchClose = Close # label for the create in folder combo stemCreateFolderLabel = Create in this folder: # label for the stem display extension textfield stemCreateNameLabel = Folder name: # description help for the folder display extension textfield stemCreateNameDescription = Name is the label that identifies this folder, and might change. # label for the stem extension textfield stemCreateIdLabel = Folder ID: # description help for the stem id textfield stemCreateIdDescription = ID is the unique identifier for this folder. It should be short and simple, and might have character restrictions. The ID should rarely change, if ever. # label for the description textfield stemCreateDescriptionLabel = Description: # description for the description textfield stemCreateDescriptionDescription = Description contains notes about the folder, which could include: what the folder represents, why it was created, etc. # button text for save button stemCreateSaveButton = Save # button text for cancel button stemCreateCancelButton = Cancel # cant find parent folder stemCreateCantFindParentStemId = Error: Cannot find parent folder. Select a folder from the combobox results. # if a stem with that name already exists stemCreateCantCreateAlreadyExists = Error: A folder with that ID in the parent folder already exists # error creating the stem stemCreateError = Error creating folder # error that stem id is required stemCreateErrorExtensionRequired = Error: folder ID is required # folder is required stemCreateRequiredParentStemId = Error: parent folder is required # error that group display extension is required stemCreateErrorDisplayExtensionRequired = Error: folder name is required ######################################## ###### Permissions ########## ######################################## # title of the group permissions screen groupPermissionsTitle = Role permissions # title of the subject permissions screen subjectPermissionsTitle = Subject permissions # text underneath the title on the group permissions screen groupPermissionsDescription = Permissions assigned to roles are inherited to all entities who are members of the role # text underneath the title on the subject permissions screen subjectPermissionsDescription = Permissions assigned to roles are inherited to all entities who are members of the role # text to show on the permissions screen when group is not marked as role groupPermissionsGroupNotRoleText = This group cannot have permissions since it is not marked as a \u2018role\u2019 # text to show on the view permissions screen when there are no permissions assigned groupViewPermissionsNoAssignedPermissions = No permissions assigned # convert group to role button groupPermissionsGroupToRoleButton = Convert to role # more action buttons on group screen groupPermissionViewMoreActionsButton = Permission actions # aria label accessibility for more actions for this group ariaLabelGuiMoreGroupPermissionActions = Show permission actions # button to assign permission groupPermissionnMoreActionsAssignPermission = Assign permission # button to view assigned permissions groupPermissionnMoreActionsViewPermission = View permissions # error when trying to assign permission to group instead of role groupPermissionErrorNotRole = Permissions cannot be assigned to groups. # name of permission def for group groupAssignPermissionPermissionDefLabel = Permission def # name of permission def for subject subjectAssignPermissionPermissionDefLabel = Permission def # description for the permission def groupAssignPermissionPermissionDefDescription = The definition part of the permission holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally permission definitions have multiple permission resources. # description for the permission def subjectAssignPermissionPermissionDefDescription = The definition part of the permission holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally permission definitions have multiple permission resources. # name of resource groupAssignPermissionResourceLabel = Resource name # name of resource subjectAssignPermissionResourceLabel = Resource name # description for the resource name groupAssignPermissionResourceDescription = The permission resource is the part of the permission which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple permission resources are related to one permission definition. # description for the resource name subjectAssignPermissionResourceDescription = The permission resource is the part of the permission which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple permission resources are related to one permission definition. # action label groupAssignPermissionActionLabel = Action # action label subjectAssignPermissionActionLabel = Action # action description groupAssignPermissionActionDescription = A permission assignment has multiple parts, the role, or entity (in the context of a role), the resource, and the action. For example, the role might be Payroll User, the entity might be John Smith, the resource might be Org123, and the action might be Read or Write. The permission definition defines which actions are available for that definition. The list of actions is free-form. Generally there are not more than a few dozen actions for a permission definition. # action description subjectAssignPermissionActionDescription = A permission assignment has multiple parts, the role, or entity (in the context of a role), the resource, and the action. For example, the role might be Payroll User, the entity might be John Smith, the resource might be Org123, and the action might be Read or Write. The permission definition defines which actions are available for that definition. The list of actions is free-form. Generally there are not more than a few dozen actions for a permission definition. # allowed label groupAssignPermissionAllowedLabel = Allowed # allowed label subjectAssignPermissionAllowedLabel = Allowed # allow option groupAssignPermissionAllowLabel = Allow # allow option subjectAssignPermissionAllowLabel = Allow # disallow option groupAssignPermissionDisallowLabel = Disallow # disallow option subjectAssignPermissionDisallowLabel = Disallow # description for allowed field groupAssignPermissionAllowedDescription = Normally a permission assignment will be allow. The default is for the permission to not be allowed. But if you have inheritance, and you want to allow a wider set, and restrict a part, then disallow here. For example you could allow All and disallow one part of All. # description for allowed field subjectAssignPermissionAllowedDescription = Normally a permission assignment will be allow. The default is for the permission to not be allowed. But if you have inheritance, and you want to allow a wider set, and restrict a part, then disallow here. For example you could allow All and disallow one part of All. # role label subjectAssignPermissionRoleLabel = Role # description for role field subjectAssignPermissionRoleDescription = The role is a special type of Group which can associate members with permissions or allow members to have individual permissions assigned in the context of the role. # error when trying to enter action without selecting permission definition or resource groupAssignPermissionErrorNoPermDefOrResource=Error: To filter by action, select a permission definition or permission resource # assign permission save button groupAssignPermissionSaveButton = Save # assign permission save button subjectAssignPermissionSaveButton = Save # assign permission cancel button groupAssignPermissionCancelButton = Cancel # error when action is left blank on assign permission to group screen groupAssignPermissionBlankActionError = Error: action is required # error when action is left blank on assign permission to subject screen subjectAssignPermissionBlankActionError = Error: action is required # error when role is left blank on assign permission to subject screen subjectAssignPermissionBlankRoleError = Error: role is required # error when group is not of type role on assign permission to subject screen subjectAssignPermissionGroupNotTypeRoleError = Error: group not of type role # error when invalid permission def on the group assign permission form groupAssignPermissionInvalidPermissionDefError = Error: Invalid permission def # error when invalid permission def on the subject assign permission form subjectAssignPermissionInvalidPermissionDefError = Error: Invalid permission def # error when invalid permission resource name on the group assign permission form groupAssignPermissionInvalidPermissionResourceNameError = Error: Invalid permission resource name # error when invalid permission resource name on the subject assign permission form subjectAssignPermissionInvalidPermissionResourceNameError = Error: Invalid permission resource name # error when permission resource name doesn't belong to the selected attribute def on the subject assign permission form subjectAssignPermissionInvalidPermissionResourceNameError = Error: permission resource is not a member of selected attribute def # error when permission resource name doesn't belong to the selected attribute def on the group assign permission form groupAssignPermissionInvalidPermissionResourceNameError = Error: permission resource is not a member of selected attribute def # error when invalid action on assign permission to group form groupAssignPermissionInvalidActionError = Error: invalid action # error when invalid action on assign permission to subject form subjectAssignPermissionInvalidActionError = Error: invalid action # error when subject being assigned permission is not a member of selected role. subjectAssignPermissionSubjectNotMemberOfRole = Error: subject is not a member of the role. # assign permission to group success groupAssignPermissionSuccess = Success: assigned permission to group # assign permission to subject success subjectAssignPermissionSuccess = Success: assigned permission to subject # group was converted to role successfully groupConvertedToRoleSuccess = Success: group converted to role # actions header in the view permissions table groupViewPermissionsColumnActionsHeader = Actions # role name in the view permissions table groupViewPermissionsColumnRoleName = Role # resource name in the view permissions table groupViewPermissionsColumnResourceName = Resource # permission definition in the view permissions table groupViewPermissionsColumnPermissionDefinition = Permission Definition ######################################## ###### Attestation ########## ######################################## # title of the group attestation screen groupAttestationTitle = Group attestation # edit attestation group screen groupAttestationEditTitle = Edit group attestation # title of the stem attestation screen stemAttestationTitle = Stem attestation # attestation button attestationButton = Attestation # label for the parent folder attestationParentFolderLabel = Folder with settings attestationParentFolderDescription = This group inherits attestation settings from this folder attestationFolderParentFolderDescription = This folder inherits attestation settings from this folder # label for the direct assignment checkbox attestationDirectAssignmentLabel = Attestation # description help for the direct assignment checkbox attestationDirectAssignmentDescription = Has direct attestation configuration instead of inheriting from a folder or none # if attestation is assigned (drop down on edit screen) grouperAttestationNoDoesNotHaveAttestationLabel = No, does not have attestation directly assigned grouperAttestationYesHasAttestationLabel = Yes, does have attestation directly assigned # description under the attestation drop down grouperAttestationHasAttestationDescription = If this group has attestation configured on it directly, not inherited from ancestor folder grouperAttestationStemHasAttestationDescription = If this folder has attestation configured on it directly, not inherited from ancestor folder # if should send email grouperAttestationNoDoNotSendEmailLabel = No, do not send email alerts grouperAttestationYesSendEmailLabel = Yes, send email alerts (recommended) # description under the attestation drop down grouperAttestationSendEmailDescription = If email alerts should be sent out to people who need to review the membership # error message to add email addresses if not emailing the manager grouperAttestationEmailAddressesRequired = Email addresses are required # if we should set the recertify date to today grouperAttestationMarkAsReviewedLabel = Mark this group as reviewed grouperAttestationMarkStemAsReviewedLabel = Mark groups as reviewed # stem scope label grouperAttestationStemScopeLabel = Folder scope grouperAttestationStemScopeDescription = Do these attestation settings affect groups in this folder and all subfolders (default) or only groups directly in this folder grouperAttestationYesStemScopeLabel = All groups in this folder or subfolders grouperAttestationNoStemScopeLabel = Only groups directly in this folder # Mark this groups last recertify date as today grouperAttestationMarkAsReviewedDescription = Mark this group's last certified date as today grouperAttestationMarkStemAsReviewedDescription = For the groups in this folder, mark the last certified date as today # drop down for if should email group managers grouperAttestationYesMarkAsReviewedLabel = Yes, mark this group as reviewed grouperAttestationNoDontMarkAsReviewedLabel = No, do not mark this group as reviewed grouperAttestationYesStemMarkAsReviewedLabel = Yes, mark these groups as reviewed grouperAttestationNoStemDontMarkAsReviewedLabel = No, do not mark these groups as reviewed # if should email group managers attestationEmailManagersLabel = Email group managers # drop down for if should email group managers grouperAttestationDontEmailManagersLabel = No, email a custom list of email addresses grouperAttestationEmailManagersLabel = Yes, email the group admins and updaters # description of email group managers field grouperAttestationEmailManagersDescription = If the group managers (can ADMIN or can READ and UPDATE) should be emailed when attestation is due # description of email addresses field grouperAttestationEmailAddressesDescription = Enter comma separated email addresses if not emailing the group managers # remove direct attestation configuration grouperAttestationEditRemoved = The attestation configuration assigned to this group was removed # when attestation is saved grouperAttestationEditSaveSuccess = Attestation configuration was saved grouperAttestationEditSaveSuccessNotFinished = Attestation configuration was saved but descendant groups are still being processed... # save button for attestation grouperAttestationEditButtonSave = Save # cancel button for attestation grouperAttestationEditButtonCancel = Cancel # label for the send email checkbox attestationSendEmailLabel = Send email # description help for the send email checkbox attestationSendEmailDescription = Send email? # label for the email addresses textfield attestationEmailAddressesLabel = Email addresses (comma separated) # description help for the email addresses textfield attestationEmailAddressesDescription = Comma separated email addresses to send reminders to. If not set, then get email addresses from list of Admins and Read/Update users. #default certify label attestationDefaultCertifyLabel = Use default recertify days # if use the default certify time attestationDoDefaultCertifyLabel = Yes, use default recertify days (${grouperRequestContainer.attestationContainer.defaultRecertifyDays} days) # if not using default certify days attestationDontDefaultCertifyLabel = No, use custom recertify days # if use the default certify time attestationDefaultCertifyDescription = Use the system wide default of ${grouperRequestContainer.attestationContainer.defaultRecertifyDays} days for recertification # label for the days until rectify textfield attestationDaysUntilRecertifyLabel = Days until recertify # description help for the days until rectify textfield attestationDaysUntilRecertifyDescription = Number of days until need to recertify from last certification # custom recertify days must be greater than zero attestationCustomRecertifyDaysGreaterThanZero = Days until recertify must be greater than 0 # days until recertify must be numberic attestationCustomRecertifyDaysNumeric = Days until recertify must be numeric # label for attestation status attestationStatusLabel = Attestation status attestationStatusDescription = If this group's memberships need to be reviewed # label for has attestation attestationHasAttestationLabel = Has attestation attestationHasAttestationDescription = If configured to be attested. It is possible that attestation is configured to be off. # if attestation is ok or not attestationHasAttestationYes = Yes, attestation is enabled attestationHasAttestationNo = No, attestation is not enabled # if attestation is ok or not attestationStatusOk = OK, this group's memberships do not need to be reviewed attestationStatusNotOk = Overdue, this group's memberships need to be reviewed # days until recertify required attestationCustomRecertifyDaysRequired = Days until recertify is required # label for the last emailed date textfield attestationLastEmailedDateLabel = Last emailed date # description help for the last emailed date textfield attestationLastEmailedDateDescription = The most recent date that group admins were emailed to ask them to review this group's memberships # label for the days before attestation reminder textfield attestationDaysBeforeToRemindLabel = Days before attestation reminder # label for the days before attestation needed attestationDateNeedsRecertifyLabel = Date needs recertify # label for the days before attestation needed attestationDateNeedsRecertifyDescription = Date this group needs to be recertified # label for the days before attestation needed attestationDaysLeftUntilRecertifyLabel = Days left until recertify # description for the days before attestation needed attestationDaysLeftUntilRecertifyDescription = Number of days left before this group needs to be recertified. 0 means overdue. This is computed by the attestation daemon which runs nightly. # description help for the days before attestation reminder textfield attestationDaysBeforeToRemindDescription = number of days before attestation to start sending emails about it # label for the stem scope textfield attestationStemScopeLabel = Stem scope # description help for the stem scope textfield attestationStemScopeDescription = one|sub (for folders only, scope one level or all levels). Default to all levels # label for the update last certified date checkbox attestationUpdateLastCertifiedLabel = Update the last certified date # description help for the update last certified date checkbox for group attestationUpdateLastCertifiedDescription = Update the last certified date for this group to today's date # description help for the update last certified date checkbox for folder attestationUpdateLastCertifiedFolderDescription = Update the last certified date for this folder's groups to today's date # label for the last date certified textfield attestationDateCertifiedLabel = Last date certified # description help for the last date certified textfield attestationDateCertifiedDescription = Last date this group's memberships were reviewed and marked as certified # button text to configure attestation for a group configureAttestationGroupButton = Configure attestation for this group # button text to configure attestation for a folder configureAttestationStemButton = Configure attestation for this folder # button text to configure attestation for a folder configureAttestationFolderButton = Configure attestation for this folder # button text to update the attestationDateCertified attribute for a group updateAttestationDateCertifiedGroupButton = Members of this group have been reviewed # button text to update the attestationDateCertified attribute for all groups under this folder updateAttestationCertifyAllGroupsUnderThisFolderButton = Certify this folder's groups # button text to update the attestationDateCertified attribute for all groups which are not certified updateAttestationCertifyUncertifiedGroupsUnderThisFolderButton = Certify this folder's uncertified groups # button text for the edit button for attestation editAttestationGroupButton = Edit Attestation # error message when attestation attribute doesn't exist attestationAttributeNotFoundError = Error: etc:attribute:attestation:attestation attribute doesn't exist # error message when group doesn't have attestation noDirectAttestationAttributeOnGroupError = Error: No direct attestation is configured on this group # error message when etc:attribute:attestation:attestation is assigned to something other than Group or Stem attestationAttributeAssignedError = Error: etc:attribute:attestation:attestation can only be assigned to Groups or Stems # validation error message when daysUntilRectify is not a number attestationDaysUntilRectifyValidationError = Error: Days until rectify field can only be a number # validation error message when daysBeforeReminder is not a number attestationDaysBeforeReminderValidationError = Error: Days before reminder field can only be a number # success message when the attestation last certified is updated attestationLastCertifiedUpdateSuccess = Success: Updated last certified date # if attestation is configured attestationConfiguredForGroup = This group has attestation configured directly on this group attestationConfiguredOnGroupForAncestorStem = This group has attestation configured on ancestor folder ${grouperRequestContainer.attestationContainer.parentGuiStemWithAttestation.shortLinkWithIcon} noAttestationConfiguredOnGroup = No attestation is configured on this group or parent folder attestationConfiguredForStem = This folder has attestation configured directly on this folder attestationConfiguredOnStemForAncestorStem = This folder has attestation configured on ancestor folder ${grouperRequestContainer.attestationContainer.parentGuiStemWithAttestation.shortLinkWithIcon} noAttestationConfiguredOnStem = No attestation is configured on this folder or parent folder # aria label accessibility for more actions for this group ariaLabelGuiMoreGroupAttestationActions = Show attestation actions ariaLabelGuiMoreStemAttestationActions = Show attestation actions ariaLabelGuiMoreOverallAttestationActions = Show attestation actions # more action buttons on group screen groupAttestationViewMoreActionsButton = Attestation actions stemAttestationViewMoreActionsButton = Attestation actions # buttons in attestation drop down groupAttestationMoreActionsEditAttestation = Edit attestation settings stemAttestationMoreActionsEditAttestation = Edit attestation settings # buttons to view attestation groupAttestationMoreActionsViewAttestation = View attestation settings stemAttestationMoreActionsViewAttestation = View attestation settings # run the daemon groupAttestationMoreActionsRunDaemon = Run attestation daemon # daemon messages to screen groupAttestationSuccessDaemonRan = Success: daemon ran successfully groupAttestationInfoDaemonInRunning = Note: daemon is running, took too long so it will continue to run # buttons in attestation drop down view ancentor attestation groupAttestationMoreActionsViewFolderAttestation = View folder attestation stemAttestationMoreActionsViewFolderAttestation = View folder attestation # make this group require attestation groupAttestationMoreActionsClearAttestation = Clear last reviewed date # success message for clearing attestation date groupAttestationSuccessClearedAttestationDate = Success: Attestation was cleared for this group # attest the group groupAttestationMoreActionsAttestGroup = Attest group as reviewed # group view audit log button groupAttestationViewAuditButton = View audit log # audit log title attestationAuditLogDescription = Attestation audit logs # labels in group screen if needs review attestationGroupNeedsAttestationNow = Attention: this group's memberships need to be attested now. attestationGroupNeedsAttestationSoon = Attention: this group's memberships need to be attested soon. # button to attest group groupAttestationMarkAsReviewed = Mark group as reviewed # attestation link on the misc page miscAttestationLink = Attestation # attestation overall breadcrumb miscellaneousAttestationOverallBreadcrumb = Attestation # attestation overall title miscellaneousAttestationOverallDecription = Groups that need attestation miscellaneousAttestationOverallSubtitle = Groups that have attestation assigned that you can READ and UPDATE with less than two weeks remaining until certification required # attestation overall settings title miscellaneousAttestationOverallSettingsDecription = Attestation settings miscellaneousAttestationOverallSettingsSubtitle = Folders and groups that you can READ and UPDATE with attestation settings configured # days until recertify grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipDaysUntilRecertify = Number of days until needs certification. Or use the default (${grouperRequestContainer.attestationContainer.defaultRecertifyDays} days) grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderDaysUntilRecertify = Days until recertify grouperAttestationOverallColumnDefaultRecertify = Default: ${grouperRequestContainer.attestationContainer.defaultRecertifyDays} # enabled grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipEnabled = If attestation is enabled grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderEnabled = Enabled grouperAttestationOverallColumnEnabled = true grouperAttestationOverallColumnNotEnabled = false # e.g. stem scope is not applicable for groups grouperAttestationOverallSettingsNotApplicable = Not applicable # stem scope grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipStemScope = This is either SUB (default) for all subfolders or ONE for inheritance one level deep grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderStemScope = Folder inheritance grouperAttestationOverallColumnScopeDefault = Default: SUB # attestation settings screen send email? grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipSendEmail = Send email reminders when attestation is needed grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderSendEmail = Send email? grouperAttestationOverallColumnDefaultSendEmail = Default: true # attestation settings screen email addresses grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipEmailAddresses = Blank is the default, email group ADMINS and UPDATERS. Otherwise specify email addresses to send reminders to grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderEmailAddresses = Email addresses grouperAttestationOverallColumnDefaultEmailAddresses = Default: send to group managers # attestation overall no groups miscellaneousAttestationOverallNoGroups = No groups found miscellaneousAttestationOverallNoSettings = No settings found # attestation overall column headers and tooltips grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipGroup = Group that you can READ or UPDATE that has attestation assigned grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderGroup = Group # attestation overall column headers and tooltips grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipOwner = Folder or group which you can ADMIN or READ which has attestation settings grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderOwner = Folder or group # overall screen column for days left until recertify grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipDaysLeftUntilNeedsAttestation = Number of days left before this group needs to be recertified. 0 means overdue. This is computed by the attestation daemon which runs nightly. grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderDaysLeftUntilNeedsAttestation = Days left until recertify # overall screen column for needs attestation grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipNeedsAttestation = If this group's memberships need to be reviewed. OK means does not need attestation. Overdue means it needs attestation. grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderNeedsAttestation = Attestation status # if attestation is ok or not grouperAttestationOverallColumnStatusOk = OK grouperAttestationOverallColumnStatusNotOk = Overdue # last certified date grouperAttestationOverallColumnHeaderLastCertifiedDate = Last date certified grouperAttestationOverallColumnTooltipLastCertifiedDate = Last date this group's memberships were reviewed and marked as certified # view all button on group or stem groupAttestationViewAllButton = View all attestable groups # view groups in folder with groups that need attestation groupAttestationViewGroupsInStem = This folder's attestable groups # title of stem groups attestation stemAttestationGroupsTitle = This folder's attestable groups stemAttestationGroupsDescription = Groups in this folder that have attestation assigned that you can READ or UPDATE with less than two weeks remaining until certification required # overall more actions all settings groupAttestationOverallMoreActionsAllSettings = Folders and groups with settings # stem groups and stems with settings groupAttestationStemMoreActionsSettings = Sub-folders and sub-groups with settings # title of stem attestation settings stemAttestationSettingsTitle = Attestation settings on objects in this folder stemAttestationSettingsDescription = Folders and groups in this folder with attestation settings including this folder itself. ######################################## ############## Deprovisioning ######################################## ## if there is ## deprovisioningAffiliationLabel_ = My affiliation ## deprovisioningAffiliationLabel_employee = Employees ## then that will be shown wherever the label for the affiliation "employee" on the UI # main link on the misc screen about deprovisioning deprovisioningMainLink = Deprovisioning # label to select affiliation deprovisioningSelectAffiliationLabel = Affiliation # label to show the affiliation deprovisioningAffiliationLabel = Affiliation: # description below the select affiliation dropdown deprovisioningSelectAffiliationDescription = Select an affiliation to deprovision. These are configured by the admin. # submit button on Select Affiliation screen deprovisioningSelectAffiliationSubmitButton = Submit # error message when no affiliation is selected deprovisioningNoAffiliationSelected = Please select a valid affiliation # more actions button for deprovisioning ariaLabelGuiMoreDeprovisionMainActions = Show more actions for deprovisioning # more actions button for deprovisioning deprovisioningMainMoreActionsButton = More actions # more actions button main link for deprovisioning deprovisioningMainMoreActionsDefault = Recently deprovisioned entities # if there are no recently deprovisioned users deprovisioningMainNoMembers = There are no recently deprovisioned users # in the list of recently deprovisioned users, this is the subject col deprovisioningMainColumnTooltipSubject = The user who has been recently deprovisioned # header of the deprovisioned columns deprovisioningMainColumnHeaderSubject = Deprovisioned users # deprovision a user deprovisioningMainMoreActionsDeprovision = Deprovision User # deprovisioning user search deprovisioningUserSearchBreadcrumb = Deprovision user # deprovision user title deprovisioningUserSearchDecription = Deprovision user # subtitle on deprovision user screen deprovisioningUserSearchSubtitle = Search for a user to view their access and deprovision them # submit the user search form deprovisionUserSubmitButton = View user access to deprovision # deprovisioning cant find user deprovisioningCantFindSubject = Cannot find user # deprovision user and remove from groups button deprovisionUserDeprovisionButtonSubmit = Deprovision user and remove access # object could be group, folder, attribute definition deprovisioningObjectColumn = Object # object type could be group, folder, attribute definition deprovisioningObjectTypeColumn = Object type # object type of assignment deprovisioningObjectType_group = Group deprovisioningObjectType_stem = Folder deprovisioningObjectType_attributeDef = Attribute # if use is a member of a group deprovisioningMemberColumn = Group
    Member? # not a group deprovisioningMemberColumnCantBeMember = NA deprovisioningMemberColumnIsMember = true deprovisioningMemberColumnIsNotMember = false # privileges a user has deprovisioningPrivilegeColumn = Privileges # description of deprovisioning screen deprovisioningUserResultsDescription = Below are the directly assigned memberships and privileges. Objects which are restricted from deprovisioning are not shown by default. # description of deprovisioning screen deprovisioningUserGroupReportDescription = Deprovisioning report on group # description of deprovisioning screen deprovisioningUserAttributeDefReportDescription = Deprovisioning report on attribute definition # deprovision access deprovisionUserDeprovisionReportButtonSubmit = Remove access # deprovision access deprovisionReportUpdateCertifyDateButtonSubmit = Certify that these entries should remain # deprovision access deprovisionReportDescription = This report shows assignments to entities who have been deprovisioned. This means they no longer have the affiliation at your institution. Generally you sould remove all access that deprovisioned entities have. Do this by checking the checkboxes and clicking "Remove access". If access should not be removed, then instead, click "Certify that these entries should remain". You will not receive an email about these privileges again until other entities are deprovisioned. # deprovision column subject deprovisioningSubjectColumn = Entity # deprovisioning from column deprovisioningFromColumn = Deprovisioned
    affiliations # link on misc screen about deprovisioning miscDeprovisioningLink = Deprovisioning # breadcrumb on misc deprovisioning screen miscellaneousDeprovisioningOverallBreadcrumb = Deprovisioning # title of deprovisioning page miscellaneousDeprovisioningMainDecription = Deprovisioning miscellaneousDeprovisioningUsersDecription = Deprovision a user miscellaneousDeprovisioningViewRecentDecription = View deprovisioned users # subtitle of deprovisioning page miscellaneousDeprovisioningMainSubtitle = Identify users who need access to services removed miscellaneousDeprovisioningUsersSubtitle = Deprovision a user who has left the institution miscellaneousDeprovisioningViewRecentSubtitle = Users who have been deprovisioned recently # reason to deprovision deprovisionUserNotesLabel = Reason: # the user was deprovisioned deprovisioningDeprovisionSuccess = Success: the user was deprovisioned # error occurred while deprovisioning a user deprovisioningDeprovisionError = Error: the user was not deprovisioned. Please try again later. # error no members selected deprovisioningNoMembersSelected = Error: select at least one entity to remove access # success from deprovisioning from report deprovisioningDeprovisionFromReportSuccess = Success: deprovisioned entities had access removed # error from removing access from report deprovisioningDeprovisionFromReportError = Error: there was an error removing access from deprovisioned users # success message when the deprovisioning last certified is updated deprovisioningLastCertifiedUpdateSuccess = Success: Updated last certified date for deprovisioning deprovisioningLastCertifiedClearSuccess = Success: Cleared last certified date for deprovisioning # in the more actions menu for groups/folders/attributes deprovisioningMoreActionsMenuLabel = Deprovisioning # if the attribute dont exist. they should, wonder why not deprovisioningAttributeNotFoundError = Error: deprovisioning attributes do not exist # if deprovisioning is not enabled deprovisioningNotEnabledError = Error: deprovisioning is not enabled # title of the stem deprovisioning screen deprovisioningStemSettingsTitle = Folder deprovisioning settings # title of the group deprovisioning screen deprovisioningGroupSettingsTitle = Group deprovisioning settings # title of the attribute def deprovisioning screen deprovisioningAttributeDefSettingsTitle = Attribute definition deprovisioning settings # aria label for deprovisioning action (context menu) ariaLabelGuiMoreDeprovisioningActions = Show deprovisioning actions # more actions menu view more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsButton = Deprovisioning actions # more actions menu view more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsStemSettings = View deprovisioning settings # more actions menu edit more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsStemEditSettings = Edit deprovisioning settings # more actions menu view more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsAttributeDefSettings = View deprovisioning settings # more actions menu edit more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsAttributeDefEditSettings = Edit deprovisioning settings # more actions menu view more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsGroupSettings = View deprovisioning settings # more actions menu edit more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsGroupEditSettings = Edit deprovisioning settings # more actions menu edit more actions deprovisioningMoreActionsOverallDeprovision = Deprovisioning main # deprovisioning affiliation label deprovisioningAffiliationLabel = Affiliation # deprovisioning none configured label deprovisioningNoneAllConfigured = No deprovisioning is configured for any affiliation on this object or any parent folder # deprovisioning not allowed write label folder deprovisioningNotAllowedToWriteDeprovisioningFolder = Error: not allowed to edit deprovisioning. You need the ADMIN privilege on the folder. # deprovisioning not allowed read label folder deprovisioningNotAllowedToReadDeprovisioningFolder = Error: not allowed to read deprovisioning. You need the ADMIN privilege on the folder. # deprovisioning not allowed write label group deprovisioningNotAllowedToWriteDeprovisioningGroup = Error: not allowed to edit deprovisioning. You need the READ/UPDATE privilege on the group. # deprovisioning no entities found deprovisioningReportNoEntitiesFoundOnGroup = Note: there are no deprovisioned entities with memberships or privileges on this group deprovisioningReportNoEntitiesFoundOnFolder = Note: there are no deprovisioned entities with privileges on this folder deprovisioningReportNoEntitiesFoundOnAttributeDef = Note: there are no deprovisioned entities with privileges on this attribute definition # daemon messages to screen deprovisioningSuccessDaemonRan = Success: daemon ran successfully deprovisioningInfoDaemonInRunning = Note: daemon is running, took too long so it will continue to run # run the daemon groupDeprovisioningMoreActionsRunDaemon = Run deprovisioning daemon # deprovisioning not allowed read label group deprovisioningNotAllowedToReadDeprovisioningGroup = Error: not allowed to read deprovisioning. You need the READ/UPDATE privilege on the group. # deprovisioning not allowed write label group deprovisioningNotAllowedToWriteDeprovisioningAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to edit deprovisioning. You need the READ/UPDATE privilege on the attribute. # deprovisioning not allowed read label group deprovisioningNotAllowedToReadDeprovisioningAttributeDef = Error: not allowed to read deprovisioning. You need the READ/UPDATE privilege on the attribute. # title on the screen for editing folder deprovisioning settings deprovisioningStemEditSettingsTitle = Edit folder deprovisioning settings # error when deprovisioning is not enabled or no affiliations configured deprovisioningErrorNotConfigured = Error: deprovisioning is not enabled or no affiliations configured # error when deprovisioning is not enabled or no affiliations configured deprovisioningAffiliationHint = Affiliation is a set of users to be deprovisioned. Affiliations are configured by the administrator. # label on if there is deprovisioning deprovisioningHasDeprovisioningLabel = Deprovisioning # label on if there is deprovisioning deprovisioningHasDirectDeprovisioningLabel = Direct configuration # label on if there is deprovisioning hint deprovisioningHasDeprovisioningHint = If this affiliation has deprovisioning configuration directly assigned to this object # select box for if has deprovisioning deprovisioningYesHasDeprovisioningLabel = Yes, has direct deprovisioning configuration deprovisioningNoDoesNotHaveDeprovisioningLabel = No, does not have direct deprovisioning configuration # label on if should deprovision deprovisioningDeprovisionLabel = Deprovision # label on if there is deprovisioning hint deprovisioningDeprovisionHint = When someone is deprovisioned from this affiliation, should they be removed from this object? Default: true # select box for if has deprovisioning deprovisioningYesDeprovisionLabel = Yes, deprovision entities that leave deprovisioningNoDontDeprovisionLabel = No, do not deprovision entities that leave # label on if should deprovision deprovisioningStemScopeLabel = Folder scope # label on if there is deprovisioning hint deprovisioningStemScopeHint = Do these deprovisioning settings affect objects in this folder and all subfolders (default) or only objects directly in this folder # select box for if has deprovisioning deprovisioningStemScopeAllLabel = All objects in this folder or subfolders deprovisioningStemScopeOneLabel = Only objects directly in this folder # label on if has configuration deprovisioningHasConfigurationLabel = Has configuration # label on if there is deprovisioning hint deprovisioningHasConfigurationHint = If there is configuration for this affiliation directly assigned to the object or assigned to an ancestor folder. If there is no configuration the object will not be deprovisioned # select box for if has deprovisioning deprovisioningYesHasConfigurationLabel = Yes, there is configuration on this object or ancestor folder deprovisioningNoHasConfigurationLabel = No, there is not configuration on this object or ancestor folder # no objects deprovision for this object deprovisioningNoAffiliationsDeprovisionForThisObject = This object is not being deprovisioned for any affiliations # drop down for deprovisioning report deprovisioningMoreActionsDeprovisioningReport = Deprovisioning report # label for the parent folder deprovisioningParentFolderLabel = Folder with settings deprovisioningParentFolderDescription = This object inherits deprovisioning settings from this folder # need to put in groupId deprovisioningGroupIdIsBlank = Error: group ID path to email is a required field # need to put in groupId the user can find deprovisioningGroupIdNotFound = Error: cannot find the group to email. Is the name or ID path entered correctly and can you READ that group? # label on folder scope deprovisioningFolderScopeLabel = Folder scope # label on folder scope deprovisioningFolderScopeHint = Do these deprovisioning settings affect objects in this folder and all subfolders (default) or only objects directly in this folder # select box for folder scope deprovisioningYesFolderScopeLabel = All objects in this folder or subfolders deprovisioningNoFolderScopeLabel = Only objects directly in this folder # label for the send email checkbox deprovisioningSendEmailLabel = Send email # description help for the send email checkbox deprovisioningSendEmailHint = If an email should be sent when someone is deprovisioned or needs to be deprovisioned # if should send email deprovisioningNoDoNotSendEmailLabel = No, do not send email alerts deprovisioningYesSendEmailLabel = Yes, send email alerts # if should email group managers deprovisioningEmailManagersLabel = Email group managers # drop down for if should email group managers deprovisioningDontEmailManagersLabel = No, email a group or a custom list of email addresses deprovisioningYesEmailManagersLabel = Yes, email the admins and updaters # description of email group managers field deprovisioningEmailManagersDescription = If the managers (can ADMIN or can READ and UPDATE) should be emailed when someone is deprovisioned or needs to be deprovisioned # if should email group managers deprovisioningEmailMembersGroupLabel = Email members of a group # drop down for if should email group managers deprovisioningDontEmailGroupMembersLabel = No, email a custom list of email addresses deprovisioningYesEmailGroupMembersLabel = Yes, email a group # description of email group managers field deprovisioningEmailGroupMembersDescription = If the members of a group should be emailed when someone is deprovisioned or needs to be deprovisioned # error message to add email addresses if not emailing the manager deprovisioningEmailAddressesRequired = Email addresses are required # label for the email addresses textfield deprovisioningEmailAddressesLabel = Email addresses (comma separated) # description help for the email addresses textfield deprovisioningEmailAddressesDescription = Comma separated email addresses to send notifications to # label for the email addresses textfield deprovisioningEmailBodyLabel = Custom email body # description help for the email addresses textfield deprovisioningEmailBodyDescription = If you want to override the default email body, enter it here. You can use variables: $$name$$ $$netId$$ $$userEmailAddress$$ $$userDescription$$ $$objectDeprovisioningUrl$$ # label for the email addresses textfield deprovisioningEmailGroupIdMembersLabel = Group name or ID path to email # description help for the email addresses textfield deprovisioningEmailGroupIdMembersDescription = Group name or ID path to email when someone is deprovisioned or needs to be deprovisioned # button text save button deprovisioningEditButtonSave = Save # button text cancel button deprovisioningEditButtonCancel = Cancel # validation that affiliation is required deprovisioningAffiliationRequired = Affiliation is required # if save was successful deprovisioningEditSaveSuccess = Deprovisioning configuration was saved # if save took too long in a folder deprovisioningEditSaveSuccessNotFinished = Deprovisioning configuration was saved but descendant objects are still being processed... # show on deprovisioning screen deprovisioningShowForRemovalLabel = Show for removal # options show for removal deprovisioningNoDontShowForRemovalLabel = No, do not show this object deprovisioningYesShowForRemovalLabel = Yes, show this object on deprovisioning screen # hint to show for removal deprovisioningShowForRemovalHint = On the deprovisioning screen should this object be displayed # should the checkbox on the deprovisioning be checked by default deprovisioningAutoselectForRemovalLabel = Autoselect for removal deprovisioningAutoselectForRemovalHint = On the deprovisioning screen should the checkbox be checked by default deprovisioningYesAutoselectForRemoval = Yes deprovisioningNoAutoselectForRemovalHint = No # if allow adds while deprovisioned deprovisioningAllowAddsLabel = Allow deprovisioned assignments deprovisioningAllowAddsHint = If an entity is deprovisioned, allow assignments between that entity and this object. Default is no, veto assignments. deprovisioningYesAllowAddsLabel = Yes deprovisioningNoDontAllowAddsLabel = No # if auto change loader deprovisioningAutoChangeLoaderLabel = Auto change loader deprovisioningAutoChangeLoaderHint = If this relates to a loader job, then should deprovisioned entities not be allowed to be loaded. Default is ${edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.cfg.GrouperConfig.retrieveConfig().propertyValueString("deprovisioning.autoChangeLoader")} deprovisioningYesAutoChangeLoader = Yes deprovisioningNoDontAutoChangeLoader = No # yyyy/mm/dd date that this was last emailed so multiple emails dont go out on same day deprovisioningLastEmailedDateLabel = Last emailed date deprovisioningLastEmailedDateHint = The most recent date that group admins were emailed to ask them to review this group's memberships for deprovisioned entities # (String) number of millis since 1970 that this group was certified for deprovisioning. i.e. the group managers # indicate that the deprovisioned users are ok being in the group and do not send email reminders about it # anymore until there are newly deprovisioned entities deprovisioningCertifiedDateLabel = Last date certified deprovisioningCertifiedDateHint= Last date this group's deprovisioned memberships were reviewed and marked as certified # more actions deprovisioning report deprovisioningMoreActionsDeprovisioningReport = Deprovisioning report # make this group require report deprovisioningMoreActionsClearCertify = Clear last certify date ######################################## ############## New Attribute def ######################################## # menu button to create new attribute definition attributeDefNewCreateNewAttributeDefMenuButton = Create new attribute definition # menu button to create new attribute name attributeDefNameNewCreateNewAttributeDefNameMenuButton = Create new attribute name # menu button to create new attribute action attributeDefActionNewCreateNewAttributeDefActionMenuButton = Create new attribute action # title of the new attribute definition screen attributeDefNewBreadcrumb = New attribute definition # title of the new attribute definition screen attributeDefNewTitle = New attribute definition # generic insufficient privileges attributeDefCreateInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the group was created attributeDefCreateSuccess = Success: the attribute definition was created # if there was an error creating the group attributeDefErrorCantCreate = Error: there was a problem creating the attribute definition # new attribute definition folder instructions for combobox attributeDefCreateIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new attribute definitions. # title of modal dialog to search for folder attributeDefCreateSearchForFolderTitle = Search for a folder # placeholder in textfield to search for a folder attributeDefCreateSearchPlaceholder = Search for a folder # button text for search button attributeDefCreateSearchButton = Search # button text for closing the search modal attributeDefCreateSearchClose = Close # label for the create in folder combo attributeDefCreateFolderLabel = Create in this folder: # label for the attribute definition extension textfield attributeDefCreateIdLabel = Attribute definition ID: # description help for the attribute definition id textfield attributeDefCreateIdDescription = ID is the unique identifier for this attribute definition. It should be short and simple, and might have character restrictions. The ID should rarely change, if ever. # label for the create attribute definition type (attribute, permission, etc) attributeDefCreateTypeLabel = Type: # label for the create attribute definition type (attribute, permission, etc) attributeDefCreateTypeDescription = Attribute definition type describes the attribute definition. Generally it will be attribute or permission. Type is used for templates, limit describes a permission, and service identifies which application the object refers to. # label for the create attribute definition value type (marker, string, etc) attributeDefCreateValueTypeLabel = Value type: # label for the create attribute definition type (attribute, permission, etc) attributeDefCreateValueTypeDescription = If this attribute assignment holds one or more values, this is the type. If there are no allowed values, select No value. # label for the description textfield attributeDefCreateDescriptionLabel = Description: # description for the description textfield attributeDefCreateDescriptionDescription = Description contains notes about the attribute definition, which could include: what the attribute definition represents, why it was created, etc. # show advanced properties button attributeDefCreateAdvanced = Show advanced properties # show advanced properties button attributeDefCreateHideAdvanced = Hide advanced properties # assign privileges to everyone attributeDefCreateAssignPrivilegesToEveryone = Assign privileges to everyone: # description under the privileges attributeDefCreatePrivilegeDescription = Select which privileges should be public for everyone. This is the same as assigning a privilege to EveryEntity. # button text for save button attributeDefCreateSaveButton = Save # button text for cancel button attributeDefCreateCancelButton = Cancel # cant find parent folder attributeDefCreateCantFindParentStemId = Error: Cannot find parent folder. Select a folder from the combobox results. # cant create attribute definition in root folder attributeDefCreateCantCreateInRoot = Error: Cannot create attribute definitions in the root folder. Select another folder. # if a attribute definition with that name already exists attributeDefCreateCantCreateAlreadyExists = Error: An attribute definition in that folder with that ID already exists # error creating the attribute definition attributeDefCreateError = Error creating attribute definition # error that attribute definition id is required attributeDefCreateErrorExtensionRequired = Error: attribute definition ID is required # folder is required attributeDefCreateRequiredParentStemId = Error: folder is required # error that attribute definition display extension is required attributeDefCreateErrorDisplayExtensionRequired = Error: attribute definition name is required # error when no type of attribute definition is selected attributeDefCreateErrorAttributeTypeRequired = Error: type of attribute definition is required # error when no value type of attribute definition is selected attributeDefCreateErrorAttributeValueTypeRequired = Error: value type of attribute definition is required # if assign to is not filled in attributeDefCreateErrorAssignToRequired = Invalid entry: select at least one object type that this attribute type can be assigned to attributeDefCreateErrorPermissionAssignToGroupOrMshipOnly = Invalid entry: permission type attributes can only be assigned to groups or memberships (non-immediate only) attributeDefCreateErrorExtensionRequired = Invalid entry: input an ID attributeDefCreateErrorPermissionSingleAssignRequired = Invalid entry: permission type attributes cannot be multi-assignable attributeDefCreateErrorPermissionNoValueRequired = Invalid entry: permission type attributes must have a no-value value type # types of attributes attributeDefType_attr = Attribute attributeDefType_service = Service attributeDefType_limit = Limit attributeDefType_perm = Permission attributeDefType_type = Type # value types for attributes attributeDefValueType_integer = Integer number attributeDefValueType_timestamp = Timestamp attributeDefValueType_string = String attributeDefValueType_floating = Decimal number attributeDefValueType_marker = No value attributeDefValueType_memberId = Member UUID ######################################## ############## Delete attribute def ######################################## # title of the delete attribute def screen attributeDefDeleteTitle = Delete attribute definition # main text of the delete attributeDef screen attributeDefDeleteText = You are about to delete the this attribute definition and all its attributes and assignments. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure you want to proceed? # generic insufficient privileges attributeDefDeleteInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the attribute def was deleted attributeDefDeleteSuccess = Success: the attribute definition was deleted # if there was an error deleting the attribute def attributeDefErrorCantDelete = Error: there was a problem deleting the attribute definition # delete button on the delete attributeDef screen attributeDefDeleteDeleteButton = Delete # cancel button on the delete attributeDef screen attributeDefDeleteCancelButton = Cancel ######################################## ############## New Group ######################################## # when clicking on disabled id field, this will tell the user to check the checkbox groupNewAlertWhenClickingOnDisabledId = Select the checkbox to edit the ID # click this checkbox to edit the id groupNewEditTheId = Edit the ID # menu button to create new group groupNewCreateNewGroupMenuButton = Create new group # title of the new group screen groupNewBreadcrumb = New group # title of the new group screen groupNewTitle = New group # generic insufficient privileges groupCreateInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the group was created groupCreateSuccess = Success: the group was created # if there was an error creating the group groupErrorCantCreate = Error: there was a problem creating the group # new group folder instructions for combobox groupCreateIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new groups. # title of modal dialog to search for folder groupCreateSearchForFolderTitle = Search for a folder # placeholder in textfield to search for a folder groupCreateSearchPlaceholder = Search for a folder # button text for search button groupCreateSearchButton = Search # button text for closing the search modal groupCreateSearchClose = Close # label for the create in folder combo groupCreateFolderLabel = Create in this folder: # label for the group display extension textfield groupCreateNameLabel = Group name: # description help for the group display extension textfield groupCreateNameDescription = Name is the label that identifies this group, and might change. # label for the group extension textfield groupCreateIdLabel = Group ID: # description help for the group id textfield groupCreateIdDescription = ID is the unique identifier for this group. It should be short and simple, and might have character restrictions. The ID should rarely change, if ever. # label for the description textfield groupCreateDescriptionLabel = Description: # description for the description textfield groupCreateDescriptionDescription = Description contains notes about the group, which could include: what the group represents, why it was created, etc. # show advanced properties button groupCreateAdvanced = Show advanced properties # show advanced properties button groupCreateHideAdvanced = Hide advanced properties # assign privileges to everyone groupCreateAssignPrivilegesToEveryone = Assign privileges to everyone: # description under the privileges groupCreatePrivilegeDescription = Select which privileges should be public for everyone. This is the same as assigning a privilege to EveryEntity. # type of the group groupCreateTypeLabel = Type: # group type of group groupCreateTypeGroup = Group # group type of role groupCreateTypeRole = Role # group type of local entity groupCreateTypeLocalEntity = Local entity # description of group type groupCreateTypeDescription = This could be a Group or a Role. A Group is a collection of entities. A Role is a Group which can also hold permission information centrally for the application. # button text for save button groupCreateSaveButton = Save # button text for cancel button groupCreateCancelButton = Cancel # cant find parent folder groupCreateCantFindParentStemId = Error: Cannot find parent folder. Select a folder from the combobox results. # cant create group in root folder groupCreateCantCreateInRoot = Error: Cannot create groups in the root folder. Select another folder. # if a group with that name already exists groupCreateCantCreateAlreadyExists = Error: A group in that folder with that ID already exists # error creating the group groupCreateError = Error creating group # error that group id is required groupCreateErrorExtensionRequired = Error: group ID is required # folder is required groupCreateRequiredParentStemId = Error: folder is required # error that group display extension is required groupCreateErrorDisplayExtensionRequired = Error: group name is required ######################################## ############## Delete stem ######################################## # title of the delete folder screen stemDeleteTitle = Delete folder # main text of the delete folder screen stemDeleteText =

    You are about to delete this folder. You cannot undo this operation. Are you sure you want to proceed?

    # generic insufficient privileges stemDeleteInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the stem was copied stemDeleteSuccess = Success: the folder was deleted # if there was an error deleting the stem stemErrorCantDelete = Error: there was a problem deleting the folder. Make sure it does not have any child objects such as folders, groups, or attributes. # stem delete button stemDeleteButton = Delete # stem cancel button stemCancelButton = Cancel ######################################## ############## Hook errors ######################################## # if not allowing same name objects of different object type veto.uniqueObject.group.name = The ID is already in use by a group, please use a different ID veto.uniqueObject.stem.name = The ID is already in use by a folder, please use a different ID veto.uniqueObject.attributeDef.name = The ID is already in use by an attribute definition, please use a different ID veto.uniqueObject.attributeDefName.name = The ID is already in use by an attribute, please use a different ID # if users shouldnt be able to remove this group from opt out from this group self.optout.remove.veto = You cannot remove this group from OPTOUT for this group # if readonly admin group is being removed and not a group delete readonlyAdmin.remove.veto = Cannot remove read-only admin's READ privilege. ######################################## ############## Stem copy ######################################## # title of the copy folder screen stemCopyTitle = Copy folder # label of copy stem name stemCopyNewStemNameLabel = New folder name: # description of copy stem name stemCopyNewStemNameDescription = Enter a name for the new folder or leave this field blank to use the same name as the folder you are copying. # label of copy stem id stemCopyNewStemIdLabel = New folder ID: # description of copy id stemCopyNewStemIdDescription = ID is the unique identifier for this folder. It should be short and simple, and might have character restrictions. The ID should rarely change, if ever. # stem copy into folder stemCopyIntoFolder = Copy into this folder: # stem copy into folder instructions for combobox stemCopyIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new subfolders.
    Enter '$$stem.root.display-name$$' for the top level folder # stem copy cant find parent stem stemCopyCantFindParentStemId = Error: Cannot find parent folder. Select a folder from the combobox results. # stem copy no privileges on parent stem stemCopyCantStemParent = Error: You do not have 'Create' privilege on the parent folder # generic insufficient privileges stemCopyInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the stem was copied stemCopySuccess = Success: the folder was copied # stem copy search for folder stemCopySearchForFolder = Search for a folder # stem copy search for a folder placeholder stemCopySearchForFolderPlaceholder = Search for a folder # stem copy search button stemCopySearchButton = Search # stem copy close button stemCopyCloseButton = Close # stem copy group attributes checkbox stemCopyGroupAttributes = Copy group attributes? # stem copy group attributes checkbox help stemCopyGroupAttributesHelp = If you select this option, all custom attributes for the groups in the folder will be copied to the new groups. # stem copy list memberships checkbox stemCopyListMemberships = Copy list memberships of groups? # stem copy list memberships checkbox help stemCopyListMembershipsHelp = If you select this option, all members of the groups in the folder in the default list along with any custom lists will be copied to the new groups. # stem copy group privileges checkbox stemCopyGroupPrivileges = Copy privileges of groups? # stem copy group privileges checkbox help stemCopyGroupPrivilegesHelp = If you select this option, all privileges of the groups in the folder will be copied to the new groups. # stem copy groups as members checkbox stemCopyGroupsAsMembers = Copy list memberships where groups in the folder being copied are members of other groups? # stem copy groups as members checkbox help stemCopyGroupsAsMembersHelp = If you select this option and groups in the folder being copied are members of other groups, the new copied groups will be added to the other groups' membership list. If you do not have access to add members to the other groups, you will get a privilege error. # stem copy groups have privileges elsewhere checkbox stemCopyGroupsAsPrivilegees = Copy privileges where the groups in the folder being copied have privileges to other groups or folders? # stem copy groups have privileges elsewhere checkbox help stemCopyGroupsAsPrivilegees = If you select this option and groups in the folder being copied have privileges to other groups or folders, the new copied groups will also be given privileges to those other groups or folders. If you do not have access to add privileges to the other groups or folders, you will get a privilege error. # stem copy folder privileges checkbox stemCopyFolderPrivileges = Copy folder privileges? # stem copy folder privileges checkbox help stemCopyFolderPrivilegesHelp = If you select this option, all folder privileges will be copied. # stem copy copy button stemCopyCopyButton = Copy # stem copy cancel button stemCopyCancelButton = Cancel ######################################## ############## Admin menu instrumentation ######################################## # link to the instrumentation page adminInstrumentationLink = Instrumentation # error if not allowed to see screen adminInstrumentationErrorNotAllowed = Not allowed to see instrumentation, it is either disabled or you are not an admin or in the appropriate group # breadcrumb for home adminInstrumentationHomeBreadcrumb = Home # breadcrumb on the instrumentation screen adminInstrumentationBreadcrumb = Instrumentation # title of instrumentation adminInstrumentationTitle = Instrumentation # no results adminInstrumentationInstancesNone = There are currently no instances in the registry. # instance uuid adminInstrumentationInstanceUuidColumn = UUID # instance engine name adminInstrumentationInstanceEngineNameColumn = Engine name # instance server label adminInstrumentationInstanceServerLabelColumn = Server label # instance last update adminInstrumentationInstanceLastUpdateColumn = Last update # filter by day adminInstrumentationFilterByDate = Filter by date # filter button adminInstrumentationFilterButton = Filter # type descriptions adminInstrumentationDataType_UI_REQUESTS = Grouper UI servlet requests adminInstrumentationDataType_WS_REQUESTS = Grouper WS servlet requests adminInstrumentationDataType_API_STEM_ADD = Folder adds adminInstrumentationDataType_API_STEM_DELETE = Folder deletes adminInstrumentationDataType_API_GROUP_ADD = Group adds adminInstrumentationDataType_API_GROUP_DELETE = Group deletes adminInstrumentationDataType_API_MEMBERSHIP_ADD = Membership adds adminInstrumentationDataType_API_MEMBERSHIP_DELETE = Membership deletes ######################################## ############## Admin menu subject API diagnostics ######################################## # link to the diagnostics page adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsLink = Subject API diagnostics # error if not allowed to see screen adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsErrorNotAllowed = Not allowed to see subject API diagnostics, its either disabled or you are not an admin or in the appropriate group # breadcrumb for home adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsHomeBreadcrumb = Home # breadcrumb on the subject api screen adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsBreadcrumb = Subject API diagnostics # title of subject API diagnostics adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsTitle = Subject API diagnostics # source id field adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSourceId = Source ID: # submit button subjectApiDiagnosticsSubmitButton = Run diagnostics # subject id to search for adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSubjectId = Subject ID: # source ID label adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSourceIdLabel = The Source ID is configured in the subject.properties file. Some sources are internal for Grouper and one or more are custom for your institution. The fewer the better. # subject id label adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSubjectIdLabel = Enter a Subject ID to search for. This should be an unchanging opaque identifier. This defaults to the subject.properties source param 'subjectIdToFindOnCheckConfig' or to a hardcoded default value if not configured, which is used in the status servlet. # subject identifier label adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSubjectIdentifierLabel = Enter a Subject Identifier to search for. This is any identifier that uniquely identifies this subject in this source. e.g. netId, eppn, etc. It is nice if identifiers are unique across sources, which defaults to the subject.properties source param 'subjectIdentifierToFindOnCheckConfig' or to a hardcoded default value if not configured. This is used in the status servlet. # search string label adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSearchStringLabel = Enter a Search String to search for. This usually searches based on name, id, identifier, description, etc. This defaults to the subject.properties source param 'stringToFindOnCheckConfig' or to a hardcoded default value if not configured, which is used in the status servlet. # subject identifier to search for adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSubjectIdentifier = Subject Identifier: # free form search string adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsSearchString = Search String: # act as another subject adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsActAs = Act as: # act as label adminSubjectApiDiagnosticsActAsLabel = Act as another user. Some subject sources use the current user for privileges (e.g. searching for groups). Search for a user or enter a subject id or subject identifier (must be unique across sources if entering id or identifier). ######################################## ############## Group copy ######################################## # title of the copy group screen groupCopyTitle = Copy group # label of copy group name groupCopyNewGroupNameLabel = New group name: # description of copy group name groupCopyNewGroupNameDescription = Name is the label that identifies this group, and might change. # label of copy group id groupCopyNewGroupIdLabel = New group ID: # description of copy id groupCopyNewGroupIdDescription = ID is the unique identifier for this group. It should be short and simple, and must be all lowercase with no spaces or special characters. The ID must be unique within this folder, and should rarely change. # group copy into folder groupCopyIntoFolder = Copy into this folder: # group copy into folder instructions for combobox groupCopyIntoFolderDescription = Enter a folder name or search for a folder where you are allowed to create new groups. # group copy cant find parent stem groupCopyCantFindParentStemId = Error: Cannot find parent folder. Select a folder from the combobox results. # group copy no privileges on parent stem groupCopyCantCreateGroupsInParent = Error: You do not have 'Create' privilege on the parent folder # generic insufficient privileges groupCopyInsufficientPrivileges = Error: Insufficient privileges # success the group was copied groupCopySuccess = Success: the group was copied # group copy search for folder groupCopySearchForFolder = Search for a folder # group copy search for a folder placeholder groupCopySearchForFolderPlaceholder = Search for a folder # group copy search button groupCopySearchButton = Search # group copy close button groupCopyCloseButton = Close # group copy group attributes checkbox groupCopyGroupAttributes = Copy attributes? # group copy group attributes checkbox help groupCopyGroupAttributesHelp = If you select this option, all custom attributes will be copied to the new group. If you do not have read access to all attributes in the group, you will get a privilege error. # group copy list memberships checkbox groupCopyListMemberships = Copy list memberships of the group? # group copy list memberships checkbox help groupCopyListMembershipsHelp = If you select this option, all members of the group in the default list along with any custom lists will be copied to the new group. If you do not have read access to any of the custom lists, you will get a privilege error. # group copy group privileges checkbox groupCopyGroupPrivileges = Copy privileges of the group? # group copy group privileges checkbox help groupCopyGroupPrivilegesHelp = If you select this option, all privileges of the group will be copied to the new group. If you do not have read access to any of the privileges, you will get a privilege error. # group copy groups as members checkbox groupCopyGroupsAsMembers = Copy list memberships where the group is a member of other groups? # group copy groups as members checkbox help groupCopyGroupsAsMembersHelp = If you select this option and the group is a member of other groups, the new copied group will be added to the other groups' membership list. If you do not have access to add members to the other groups, you will get a privilege error. # group copy groups have privileges elsewhere checkbox groupCopyGroupsAsPrivilegees = Copy privileges where the group has privileges to other groups or folders? # group copy groups have privileges elsewhere checkbox help groupCopyGroupsAsPrivilegeesHelp = If you select this option and the group has privileges to other groups or folders, the new copied group will also be given privileges to those other groups or folders. If you do not have access to add privileges to the other groups or folders, you will get a privilege error. # group copy copy button groupCopyCopyButton = Copy # group copy cancel button groupCopyCancelButton = Cancel ######################################## ############## Edit group loader from UI ######################################## # description at top of group loader grouperLoaderGroupDecription = Loader settings # description at top of edit grouper loader screen grouperLoaderEditGroupDecription = Edit loader settings # label next to top row of edit loader tab grouperLoaderHasLoaderLabel = Loader # select box for if has loader grouperLoaderYesHasLoaderLabel = Yes, has loader configuration grouperLoaderNoDoesNotHaveLoaderLabel = No, does not have loader configuration # description under select box grouperLoaderHasLoaderDescription = if this group has loader configuration # cancel the grouper loader edit grouperLoaderEditButtonCancel = Cancel # cancel the grouper loader edit grouperLoaderEditButtonSave = Save # If this group is a grouper loader grouperLoaderIsGrouperLoader = This group has loader configuration # Message to show when a group is managed by loader. grouperLoaderGroupManagedByLoader = This group is managed by loader group {0}. # Message to show when a group was managed by loader. grouperLoaderGroupWasManagedByLoader = This group was managed by loader group {0}. # show this message when fully loaded is not null grouperLoaderGroupManagedByLoaderFullyLoaded = It was last fully loaded on {0}. # Show this message only if incremental loaded value is there. grouperLoaderGroupManagedByLoaderIncrementallyLoaded = It was last incrementally loaded on {0}. # summary message grouperLoaderGroupManagedByLoaderSummary = Summary is: {0} # If this group is not a grouper loader group grouperLoaderIsNotGrouperLoader = This group does not have loader configuration # description at top of group loader grouperLoaderEditConfiguration = Edit loader configuration # LDAP or SQL grouperLoaderSourceType = Source type grouperLoaderLdap = LDAP grouperLoaderSql = SQL grouperLoaderSourceType__SQL = pull the members from a SQL database. Can be SQL or LDAP grouperLoaderSourceType__LDAP = pull the members from an LDAP server. Can be SQL or LDAP grouperLoaderSourceType__ = pull members from a SQL database or an LDAP server # tooltip for required fields grouperRequiredTooltip = This is a required field # if loader configuration was removed grouperLoaderEditRemoved = Loader configuration was removed # validation problems grouperLoaderEditTypeRequired = Source type is required grouperLoaderEditSqlTypeRequired = Loader type is required grouperLoaderEditSqlTypeInvalid = Loader type invalid grouperLoaderEditSqlTypeWrong = Loader type must be SQL_SIMPLE or SQL_GROUP_LIST grouperLoaderEditServerIdRequired = Database name is required grouperLoaderEditSqlQueryRequired = SQL query is required grouperLoaderEditScheduleTypeRequired = Schedule type is required grouperLoaderEditScheduleIntervalRequired = Schedule interval is required grouperLoaderEditScheduleIntervalInvalid = Schedule interval must be an integer grouperLoaderEditScheduleCronRequired = Schedule is required grouperLoaderEditScheduleCronInvalid = Schedule cron is invalid grouperLoaderEditPriorityInvalid = Priority is invalid grouperLoaderEditLdapTypeRequired = Loader type is required grouperLoaderEditLdapTypeWrong = Loader type must be LDAP_SIMPLE, LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderEditLdapTypeInvalid = Loader type invalid grouperLoaderEditLdapServerIdRequired = Server ID is required grouperLoaderEditLdapFilterRequired = LDAP filter is required grouperLoaderEditLdapSubjectAttributeNameRequired = Subject attribute name is required when loader type is LDAP_SIMPLE or LDAP_GROUP_LIST grouperLoaderEditLdapGroupAttributeNameRequired = Group attribute name is required when loader type is LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES # success message grouperLoaderEditSaveSuccess = Loader configuration was saved. You should run loader diagnostics to make sure it is configured correctly. Then you can schedule and run the job too. # database name where the query is run grouperLoaderDatabaseName = Database name grouperLoaderDatabaseNameDescription = server ID that is configured in the grouper-loader.properties that identifies the connection information to the database server. Note: "grouper" means use the Grouper registry database connection. grouperLoaderDatabaseNameNotFound = Error: db.${grouperRequestContainer.grouperLoaderContainer.ldapServerId}.url not found in grouper-loader.properties note maybe its in your GrouperDaemon grouper-loader.properties but not your Grouper UI grouper-loader.properties # query run to get the memberships grouperLoaderSqlQuery = SQL query grouperLoaderSqlQueryDescription__SQL_SIMPLE = query for memberships. Since this is SQL_SIMPLE, the SUBJECT_ID or SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER or SUBJECT_ID_OR_IDENTIFIER column is required, and the SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID column is optional (but recommended for better performance). SUBJECT_ID has the best performance, and SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER and SUBJECT_ID_OR_IDENTIFIER are slower since they require subject API lookups. If the data has group names as members, it must be in a SUBJECT_IDENTIFER column. grouperLoaderSqlQueryDescription__SQL_GROUP_LIST = query for memberships. Since this is SQL_GROUP_LIST, the required GROUP_NAME column holds the group system name of the membership. the SUBJECT_ID or SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER or SUBJECT_ID_OR_IDENTIFIER column is required, and the SUBJECT_SOURCE_ID column is optional (but recommended for better performance). SUBJECT_ID has the best performance, and SUBJECT_IDENTIFIER and SUBJECT_ID_OR_IDENTIFIER are slower since they require subject API lookups. If the data has group names as members, it must be in a SUBJECT_IDENTIFER column. # quartz cron schedule grouperLoaderSqlScheduleType = Schedule type grouperLoaderSqlScheduleType__START_TO_START_INTERVAL = Runs a certain amount of seconds from last run. Can be CRON (recommended) or START_TO_START_INTERVAL grouperLoaderSqlScheduleType__CRON = Cron setting runs on a certain schedule. Can be CRON (recommended) or START_TO_START_INTERVAL grouperLoaderSqlScheduleType__ = Can be CRON (recommended) or START_TO_START_INTERVAL grouperLoaderSqlScheduleTypeOption__CRON = CRON - (recommended) Cron setting runs on a certain schedule grouperLoaderSqlScheduleTypeOption__START_TO_START_INTERVAL = START_TO_START_INTERVAL - Runs a certain amount of seconds from last run # loader type like SQL_SIMPLE grouperLoaderSqlLoaderType = Loader type grouperLoaderSqlLoaderType__SQL_SIMPLE = the SQL query loads the members of this group. Can be SQL_SIMPLE or SQL_GROUP_LIST grouperLoaderSqlLoaderType__SQL_GROUP_LIST = the SQL query loads the members of multiple groups. Can be SQL_SIMPLE or SQL_GROUP_LIST grouperLoaderSqlLoaderType__ = the SQL query manages either members of this group (SQL_SIMPLE)
    or members of multiple groups (SQL_GROUP_LIST) grouperLoaderSqlLoaderTypeOption__SQL_SIMPLE = SQL_SIMPLE: the SQL query loads the members of this group grouperLoaderSqlLoaderTypeOption__SQL_GROUP_LIST = SQL_GROUP_LIST: the SQL query loads the members of multiple groups # quartz cron schedule grouperLoaderSqlCron = Schedule # quartz cron schedule grouperLoaderSqlCronDescriptionError = Error: could not parse quartz cron string # help text for cron in edit loader screen grouperLoaderSqlCronDescription = $$tooltipTargetted.groupFields.grouperLoaderQuartzCron$$ # schedule interval grouperLoaderSqlScheduleInterval = Schedule interval (seconds) grouperLoaderSqlScheduleIntervalSeconds = seconds grouperLoaderSqlScheduleIntervalMinutes = minutes grouperLoaderSqlScheduleIntervalHours = hours grouperLoaderSqlScheduleIntervalDays = days # quartz priority grouperLoaderSqlPriority = Priority # describe the priority grouperLoaderSqlPriorityInvalid = this priority is invalid grouperLoaderSqlPriorityAverage = this job has the default and middle priority of 5 (higher numbers have a higher priority) grouperLoaderSqlPriorityLow = this job has lower than the default and middle priority of 5 grouperLoaderSqlPriorityHigh = this job has higher than the default and middle priority of 5 # if members of this job must be in other groups grouperLoaderSqlAndGroups = Require members in other group(s) # group query grouperLoaderSqlGroupQuery = Group query (metadata on groups) grouperLoaderSqlGroupQueryDescription = query (optional) for SQL_GROUP_LIST which should return cols: group_name, group_display_name (optional), group_description (optional). This should return all groups managed by this job. The name and display name are the full folder path. If there is a column named any of the following: readers, viewers, admins, updaters, optins, optouts, group_attr_readers, group_attr_updaters, then the data in the column (comma separated subjectId's or subjectIdentifers which can include group names) will be assigned to that group's privilege list. Note you can use inherited privileges on a folder instead. # part of sql query that groups must be like to stay in grouperLoaderSqlGroupsLike = Groups like sql part grouperLoaderSqlGroupsLikeDescription = sql like string (e.g. school:orgs:%org%_systemOfRecord), and the loader should be able to query group names to see which names are managed by this loader job. So if a group falls off the loader resultset (or is moved), this will help the loader remove the members from this group. Note, if the group is used anywhere as a member or composite member, it won't be removed. # types applied to groups grouperLoaderSqlGroupTypes = Grouper types applied to groups grouperLoaderSqlGroupTypesDescription = comma separated GroupTypes which will be applied to the loaded groups. e.g. addIncludeExclude # loader type like SQL_SIMPLE grouperLoaderLdapLoaderType = Loader type grouperLoaderLdapLoaderType__LDAP_SIMPLE = loaded from LDAP filter which returns subject ids or identifiers. Can be LDAP_SIMPLE, LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapLoaderType__LDAP_GROUP_LIST = filter returns group objects, and the group objects have a list of subjects. Can be LDAP_SIMPLE, LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapLoaderType__LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES = returns subjects which have a multi-valued attribute e.g. affiliations where groups will be created based on subject who have each attribute value. Can be LDAP_SIMPLE, LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapLoaderType__ = the LDAP filter manages either members of this group (LDAP_SIMPLE)
    or members of multiple groups (LDAP_GROUP_LIST or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES) grouperLoaderLdapLoaderTypeOption__LDAP_SIMPLE = LDAP_SIMPLE: the LDAP filter loads members of this group grouperLoaderLdapLoaderTypeOption__LDAP_GROUP_LIST = LDAP_GROUP_LIST: the LDAP filter returns groups with members which are loaded into multiple groups grouperLoaderLdapLoaderTypeOption__LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES = LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES: the LDAP filter returns subjects with attributes which load multiple groups # loader ldap server id in grouper-loader.properties grouperLoaderLdapServerId = Server ID grouperLoaderLdapServerIdDescription = server ID that is configured in the grouper-loader.properties that identifies the connection information to the LDAP server grouperLoaderLdapServerIdNotFound = Error: ldap.${grouperRequestContainer.grouperLoaderContainer.ldapServerId}.url not found in grouper-loader.properties note maybe its in your GrouperDaemon grouper-loader.properties but not your Grouper UI grouper-loader.properties # loader ldap filter grouperLoaderLdapFilter = LDAP filter grouperLoaderLdapFilterDescription__LDAP_SIMPLE = LDAP filter returns objects that have subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers grouperLoaderLdapFilterDescription__LDAP_GROUP_LIST = LDAP filter returns objects which are groups which have subjects in an attribute of each group grouperLoaderLdapFilterDescription__LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES = LDAP filter returns objects which are subjects, and the subjects have attributes which will be the groups they are in # loader ldap subject attribute grouperLoaderLdapSubjectAttributeName = Subject attribute name grouperLoaderLdapSubjectAttributeNameDescription__LDAP_SIMPLE = attribute name of the returned object the holds subject IDs or identifiers grouperLoaderLdapSubjectAttributeNameDescription__LDAP_GROUP_LIST = attribute name of the returned groups which holds subject IDs or identifiers grouperLoaderLdapSubjectAttributeNameDescription__LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES = attribute name of the returned users which holds subject ID or identifier # group attribute name grouperLoaderLdapGroupAttributeName = Group attribute name grouperLoaderLdapGroupAttributeNameDescription = attribute name of the filter result objects that holds the group name. Note, you can put multiple attribute names here comma separated # loader ldap search dn grouperLoaderLdapSearchDn = Search base DN grouperLoaderLdapSearchDnDescription = location that constrains the subtree where the filter is applicable. Note, this is relative to the base DN in the ldap server config in the grouper-loader.properties for this server. This makes the query more efficient # schedule string grouperLoaderLdapQuartzCron = Schedule # quartz cron schedule grouperLoaderLdapCronDescriptionError = Error: could not parse quartz cron string # source id grouperLoaderLdapSourceId = Subject source ID grouperLoaderLdapSourceIdDescription = source ID from the sources.xml that narrows the search for subjects. This is optional though makes the loader job more efficient # subject id type grouperLoaderLdapSubjectLookupType = Subject lookup type grouperLoaderLdapSubjectLookupTypeDescription = can be either: subjectId (most efficient, default), subjectIdentifier (2nd most efficient), or subjectIdOrIdentifier # search scope in ldap grouperLoaderLdapSearchScope = Search scope grouperLoaderLdapSearchScopeDescription = how deep to search in LDAP. Can be OBJECT_SCOPE, ONELEVEL_SCOPE, or SUBTREE_SCOPE (default) # require groups grouperLoaderLdapAndGroups = Require members in other group(s) # ldap priority grouperLoaderLdapPriority = Priority # groups like LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapGroupsLike = Groups SQL 'like' configuration grouperLoaderLdapGroupsLikeDescription = sql like string (e.g. school:orgs:%org%_systemOfRecord), and the loader should be able to query group names to see which names are managed by this loader job. So if a group falls off the loader resultset (or is moved), this will help the loader remove the members from this group. Note, if the group is used anywhere as a member or composite member, it won't be removed. # extra attributes grouperLoaderLdapExtraAttributes = Extra LDAP attributes grouperLoaderLdapExtraAttributesDescription = attribute names (comma separated) to get LDAP data for expressions in group name, displayExtension, description # filter expression: LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapAttributeFilterExpression = Attribute filter expression grouperLoaderLdapAttributeFilterExpressionDescription = grouper loader LDAP JEXL expression to filter attributes in LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES. e.g. ${attributeValue == 'a' || attributeValue == 'b'}   ${attributeValue != 'a' && attributeValue != 'b'}   ${attributeName.toLowerCase().startsWith('st')}   ${attributeName =~ '^fa.*$' } # group name expression: LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapGroupNameExpression = Group name expression grouperLoaderLdapGroupNameExpressionDescription = JEXL expression language fragment that evaluates to the group name (relative to the stem of the group which has the loader definition). groupAttributes['dn'] is a variable in scope as is groupAttributes['cn'] etc # group display name expression: LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapGroupDisplayNameExpression = Group display name expression grouperLoaderLdapGroupDisplayNameExpressionDescription = JEXL expression language fragment that evaluates to the group display name. groupAttributes['dn'] is a variable in scope as is groupAttributes['cn'] etc # group description: LDAP_GROUP_LIST, or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapGroupDescriptionExpression = Group description expression grouperLoaderLdapGroupDescriptionExpressionDescription = JEXL expression language fragment that evaluates to the group description. groupAttributes['dn'] is a variable in scope as is groupAttributes['cn'] etc # subject expression grouperLoaderLdapSubjectExpression = Subject expression grouperLoaderLdapSubjectExpressionDescription = JEXL expression language fragment that processes the subject string before passing it to the subject API. e.g. ${loaderLdapElUtils.convertDnToSpecificValue(subjectId)} # group types for LDAP_GROUP_LIST or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapGroupTypes = Grouper types applied to groups grouperLoaderLdapGroupTypesDescription = comma separated GroupTypes which will be applied to the loaded groups. e.g. addIncludeExclude # readers for LDAP_GROUP_LIST or LDAP_GROUPS_FROM_ATTRIBUTES grouperLoaderLdapReaders = Readers grouperLoaderLdapReadersDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to READ the group memberships grouperLoaderLdapViewers = Viewers grouperLoaderLdapViewersDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to VIEW the groups grouperLoaderLdapAdmins = Admins grouperLoaderLdapAdminsDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to ADMIN the groups grouperLoaderLdapUpdaters = Updaters grouperLoaderLdapUpdatersDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to UPDATE the group memberships grouperLoaderLdapOptins = Opt ins grouperLoaderLdapOptinsDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to OPTIN to the group grouperLoaderLdapOptouts = Opt outs grouperLoaderLdapOptoutsDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to OPTOUT from the group grouperLoaderLdapAttrReaders = Attribute readers grouperLoaderLdapAttrReadersDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to READ the group attributes grouperLoaderLdapAttrUpdaters = Attribute updaters grouperLoaderLdapAttrUpdatersDescription = comma separated subjectIds or subjectIdentifiers who will be allowed to UPDATE the group attributes # job name in database grouperLoaderJobName = Job name grouperLoaderJobNameDescription = used in the database in the grouper_loader_log table to identify records for this job # aria label accessibility for more actions for this group ariaLabelGuiMoreGrouperLoaderActions = Show more actions for this group # more action buttons on group screen grouperLoaderViewMoreActionsButton = Loader actions # status grouperLoaderStatus_SUCCESS = Success grouperLoaderStatus_ERROR = Error grouperLoaderStatus_STARTED = Started grouperLoaderStatus_RUNNING = Running grouperLoaderStatus_WARNING = Warning grouperLoaderStatus_CONFIG_ERROR = Config error grouperLoaderStatus_SUBJECT_PROBLEMS = Subject problems # drop down for view loader settings grouperLoaderMoreActionsViewLoader = View loader settings # drop down for view loader logs grouperLoaderMoreActionsViewLoaderLogs = View loader logs # apply filter button grouperLoaderButtonApplyFilter = Apply filter grouperLoaderButtonReset = Reset grouperLoaderButtonExport = Export ######################################## ############## Grouper loader logs in UI ######################################## # description at top of grouper loader logs screen grouperLoaderLogsTitle = Loader logs # description at top of grouper loader managed groups screen grouperLoaderManagedGroupsTitle = Loader managed groups # no logs found for this job grouperLoaderLogsNoLogs = No logs found for job name: ${grouperRequestContainer.grouperLoaderContainer.jobName} # if there are logs grouperLoaderLogsDescription = ${grouperUtil.length(grouperRequestContainer.grouperLoaderContainer.guiHib3GrouperLoaderLogs)} logs found for job name: ${grouperRequestContainer.grouperLoaderContainer.jobName} # header for status grouperLoaderLogsJobTypeHeader = Job type grouperLoaderLogsJobTypeHeaderTooltip = Job type can be: simple - job that loads a group. overall - job that contains a set of subjobs. subjob - job that loads a group that is kicked off by an overall job. grouperLoaderLogsStatusHeader = Status grouperLoaderLogsStatusHeaderTooltip = Status can be: Config_error, Error, Running, Started, Subject_problems, Success, Warning grouperLoaderLogsMillisGetDataHeader = Millis
    data grouperLoaderLogsMillisGetDataHeaderTooltip = How many milliseconds it took to retrieve the data from the source grouperLoaderLogsMillisLoadDataHeader = Millis
    data grouperLoaderLogsMillisLoadDataHeaderTooltip = How many milliseconds it took to load the changes into the group registry grouperLoaderLogsIdHeader = Log ID grouperLoaderLogsIdHeaderTooltip = The UUID which is the primary key in the database for this log record in the grouper_loader_log table grouperLoaderLogsStartedHeader = Start time grouperLoaderLogsStartedHeaderTooltip = When this job started grouperLoaderLogsEndedHeader = End time grouperLoaderLogsEndedHeaderTooltip = When this job ended grouperLoaderLogsTotalCountHeader = Total
    count grouperLoaderLogsTotalCountHeaderTooltip = The total number of entities loaded by this job grouperLoaderLogsInsertCountHeader = Add
    count grouperLoaderLogsInsertCountHeaderTooltip = How many entities were added by this job (inserts) grouperLoaderLogsUpdateCountHeader = Update
    count grouperLoaderLogsUpdateCountHeaderTooltip = How many entities were changed by this job (not common, generally changes are adds/deletes) grouperLoaderLogsDeleteCountHeader = Delete
    count grouperLoaderLogsDeleteCountHeaderTooltip = How many entities were removed from group(s) by this job grouperLoaderLogsUnresolvableCountHeader = Unresolvable
    count grouperLoaderLogsUnresolvableCountHeaderTooltip = How many entities were unresolvable in this job. This means they cannot be found in a subject source grouperLoaderLogsMillisHeader = Millis grouperLoaderLogsMillisHeaderTooltip = How many milliseconds it took for this job to run grouperLoaderLogsLoadedGroupHeader = Loaded group grouperLoaderLogsLoadedGroupHeaderTooltip = Link to group if this job or subjob loads a group (as opposed to has subjobs to load groups) grouperLoaderLogsLoadedGroupMultiple = multiple grouperLoaderLogsLoadedLastUpdatedHeader = Last updated grouperLoaderLogsLoadedLastUpdatedHeaderTooltip = When this job log records was last updated in the database grouperLoaderLogsLoadedHostHeader = Host grouperLoaderLogsLoadedHostHeaderTooltip = Host that this job ran on in the daemon grouperLoaderLogsLoadedJobMessageHeader = Job message grouperLoaderLogsLoadedJobMessageHeaderTooltip = Job might update the message with information about the job grouperLoaderLogsParentJobIdHeader = Parent job ID grouperLoaderLogsParentJobIdHeaderTooltip = If this is a subjob of another job, this parent job ID will equal the job ID of the parent job grouperLoaderLogsLoadedJobMessageShow = show grouperLoaderLogsLoadedGroupNotFound = Group not found # job types grouperLoaderLogsJobTypeSimple = simple grouperLoaderLogsJobTypeOverall = overall grouperLoaderLogsJobTypeSubjob = subjob # filter in log screen grouperLoaderLogsFilterFor = Filter for: grouperLoaderLogsStartedTime = Start time between: grouperLoaderLogsStartedTooltip = Set two times to find logs with started between those two times. If you set one or the other, it will look at everything from that time or to that time. Note, you don't have to put all parts of the timestamp in. e.g. you can just put the date part. grouperLoaderLogsEndedTime = End time between: grouperLoaderLogsEndedTooltip = Set two times to find logs with ended between those two times. If you set one or the other, it will look at everything from that time or to that time. Note, you don't have to put all parts of the timestamp in. e.g. you can just put the date part. grouperLoaderLogsLastUpdatedTime = Last updated between: grouperLoaderLogsLastUpdatedTooltip = Set two times to find logs last updated between those two times. If you set one or the other, it will look at everything from that time or to that time. Note, you don't have to put all parts of the timestamp in. e.g. you can just put the date part. grouperLoaderLogsTimePlaceholder = yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss grouperLoaderLogsShowSubjobs = Subjobs: grouperLoaderLogsShowSubjobsLabel = Show subjobs grouperLoaderLogsShowSubjobsTooltip = A job which manages multiple groups have a subjob line for each of those groups. Checking this box will show those log records too. grouperLoaderLogsShowStatus = Status: grouperLoaderLogsNumberOfRows = Number of rows: grouperLoaderLogsCannotParseDate = Cannot process date: grouperLoaderLogsCannotParseNumberOfRows = Cannot process number of rows: grouperLoaderLogsNumberOfRowsOverMax = Max number of rows is: ######################################## ############## Grouper loader diagnostics ######################################## # button on right side of loader screen in drop down menu grouperLoaderDiagnosticsButton = Loader diagnostics # title of loader diagnostics screen grouperLoaderDiagnosticsHeader = Loader diagnostics # run loader diagnostics grouperLoaderDiagnosticsRunButton = Run loader diagnostics ######################################## ############## Update loader group from UI ######################################## # if there was an error while updating the group loaderGroupUpdateError = Error updating group via loader # success the group was updated loaderGroupUpdateSuccess = Success: the group was updated via loader ######################################## ############## Schedule loader group from UI ######################################## # if there was an error while scheduling the group loaderGroupScheduleError = Error scheduling loader process for this group # success the group was updated loaderGroupScheduleSuccess = Success: the loader process was successfully scheduled for this group ######################################## ############## Loader overall in UI ######################################## # link in misc page for loader overall adminLoaderLink = Loader jobs # breadcrumb for loader jobs overall miscellaneousGrouperLoaderOverallBreadcrumb = Loader jobs # title of loader jobs overall screen miscellaneousLoaderOverallDecription = Loader jobs # subheading of loader jobs overall screen miscellaneousLoaderOverallSubtitle = List of all loader jobs and statuses # if there are no loader jobs miscellaneousLoaderOverallNoJobs = There are no loader jobs configured in the registry # group that has configuration grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderGroup = Group # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipGroup = Group where this job is configured. If it is a 'simple' job then this is also the group that is loaded with entities. # if the most recent finished log item is a success grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderStatus = Status # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipStatus = SUCCESS or ERROR with a tooltip with more information. Go to the job's diagnostics for more information. # actions to perform on job grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderActions = Actions # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipActions = Go to other screens or perform a loader action # type of job, e.g. SQL_SIMPLE grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderType = Type # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipType = If this is a SQL or LDAP job and if it is simple or a list of groups. # source of job, e.g. if from warehouse or which ldap grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderSource = Source # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipSource = Source of this job if applicable # query or filter associated with this job grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderQuery = Query # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipQuery = Query or LDAP filter that defines this job # schedule associated with this job grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderSchedule = Schedule # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipSchedule = Cron schedule that defines this job # number of members this job manages grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderCount = Count # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipCount = Total number of memberships managed by this job # number of changes in the last run grouperLoaderOverallColumnHeaderChanges = Recent
    changes # tooltip on this column grouperLoaderOverallColumnTooltipChanges = In the last SUCCESS, this is the sum of the inserts, updates, and deletes # only show up to paging size loaderGroupMaxSize = Note: only the first 200 results are shown ######################################## ############## Paging Tag 2nd edition ######################################## # paging 2 tag, showing label paging2.showing = Showing # of link in paging 2 tag paging2.of = of # First link of paging2 paging2.first = First # Prev link of paging2 paging2.prev = Prev # Next link of paging2 paging2.next = Next # Last link of paging2 paging2.last = Last # Show link of paging2 paging2.show = Show: ############################################################################## #################### attribute def attribute assignments###################### ############################################################################## attributeDefViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAction = Choose action attributeDefAttributeAssignEnabledYes = Yes attributeDefAttributeAssignEnabledNo = No # title of assign attribute to stem screen attributeDefAssignAttributeTitle = Assign attribute # attribute def label on assign attribute screen attributeDefAssignAttributeAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # description text for attribute def attributeDefAssignAttributeAttributeDefDescription = The definition part of the attribute holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally attribute definitions have multiple attribute names. # attribute name label attributeDefAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameLabel = Attribute name: # attribute name description attributeDefAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameDescription = The attribute name is the part of the attribute which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple attribute names are related to one attribute definition. # enabled date label attributeDefAssignAttributeEnabledDateLabel = Start date: # enabled date description attributeDefAssignAttributeEnabledDateDescription = Start attribute assignment date. # disabled date label attributeDefAssignAttributeDisabledDateLabel = End date: # disabled date description attributeDefAssignAttributeDisabledDateDescription = End attribute assignment date. # placeholder for start/end date attributeDefAssignAttributeDatePlaceholder = yyyy/mm/dd # attribute def is required attributeDefAssignAttributeDefRequired = Error: valid attribute def is required # attribute def name is required attributeDefAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameRequired = Error: valid attribute def name is required # enabled date/start date is not valid attributeDefAssignAttributeAttributeStartDateNotValid = Error: start date is not valid. # disabled date/end date is not valid. attributeDefAssignAttributeAttributeEndDateNotValid = Error: end date is not valid. # can't assign attribute because not multi-assignable attributeDefAssignAttributeNotMultiAssignableError = Error: the attribute is already assigned, and is not multi-assignable # error assigning attribute to stem attributeDefAssignAttributeError = Error: could not assign attribute # success assigning attribute to attribute def attributeDefAssignAttributeSuccess = Success: assigned attribute to attribute def. # text to show on the attribute def assignment screen when there are no attributes assigned attributeDefViewAttributeAssignsNoAssignedAttributes = No attributes assigned # title of the attribute def attribute assignments screen attributeDefAttributeAssignmentsTitle = Attribute Assignments # description of the attribute def attribute assignments screen attributeDefAttributeAssignmentsDescription = The following table lists all attributes assigned to this attribute definition # more actions on stem more actions panel attributeDefViewMoreActionsButton = More actions # save button on attribute def assignment screen attributeDefAssignSaveButton = Save # attribute def assign attribute attributeDefAssignAttributeButton = Assign attribute ################################################### ############## Subject attribute assignments####### ################################################### # text to show on the view subject attribute assignment screen when there are no attributes assigned subjectViewAttributeAssignsNoAssignedAttributes = No attributes assigned # button to show assign attribute to subject section subjectAssignAttributeButton = Assign attribute # view subject attribute assignments - choose action column subjectViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAction = Choose action # dropdown label in subject view attribute assignments screen subjectViewActionsButton = Actions # attribute def is required subjectAssignAttributeDefRequired = Error: valid attribute def is required # attribute def name is required subjectAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameRequired = Error: valid attribute def name is required # enabled date/start date is not valid subjectAssignAttributeAttributeStartDateNotValid = Error: start date is not valid. # disabled date/end date is not valid. subjectAssignAttributeAttributeEndDateNotValid = Error: end date is not valid. # can't assign attribute because not multi-assignable subjectAssignAttributeNotMultiAssignableError = Error: the attribute is already assigned, and is not multi-assignable # error assigning attribute to group subjectAssignAttributeError = Error: could not assign attribute # success assigning attribute to group subjectAssignAttributeSuccess = Success: assigned attribute to group # attribute def label on assign attribute screen subjectAssignAttributeAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # description text for attribute def subjectAssignAttributeAttributeDefDescription = The definition part of the attribute holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally attribute definitions have multiple attribute names. # attribute name label subjectAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameLabel = Attribute name: # attribute name description subjectAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameDescription = The attribute name is the part of the attribute which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple attribute names are related to one attribute definition. # attribute assignment title subjectAttributeAssignmentsTitle = Attribute assignments # attribute assignments description subjectAttributeAssignmentsDescription = The following table lists all attributes assigned to this entity ################################################### ############## Membership attribute assignments####### ################################################### # text to show on the view membership attribute assignment screen when there are no attributes assigned membershipViewAttributeAssignsNoAssignedAttributes = No attributes assigned # view membership attribute assignments - choose action column membershipViewAttributeAssignmentsColumnAction = Choose action # dropdown label in membership view attribute assignments screen membershipViewActionsButton = Actions # attribute def is required membershipAssignAttributeDefRequired = Error: valid attribute def is required # attribute def name is required membershipAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameRequired = Error: valid attribute def name is required # enabled date/start date is not valid membershipAssignAttributeAttributeStartDateNotValid = Error: start date is not valid. # disabled date/end date is not valid. membershipAssignAttributeAttributeEndDateNotValid = Error: end date is not valid. # can't assign attribute because not multi-assignable membershipAssignAttributeNotMultiAssignableError = Error: the attribute is already assigned, and is not multi-assignable # error assigning attribute to membership membershipAssignAttributeError = Error: could not assign attribute # success assigning attribute to membership membershipAssignAttributeSuccess = Success: assigned attribute to group # attribute def label on assign attribute screen membershipAssignAttributeAttributeDefLabel = Attribute definition: # description text for attribute def membershipAssignAttributeAttributeDefDescription = The definition part of the attribute holds the settings, security, metadata. Generally attribute definitions have multiple attribute names. # attribute name label membershipAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameLabel = Attribute name: # attribute name description membershipAssignAttributeAttributeDefNameDescription = The attribute name is the part of the attribute which is assigned to owner objects. Generally multiple attribute names are related to one attribute definition. # membership assign attribute membershipAssignAttributeButton = Assign attribute # attribute assignment title membershipAttributeAssignmentsTitle = Attribute assignments # attribute assignments description membershipAttributeAssignmentsDescription = The following table lists all attributes assigned to this membership # attribute assignments option in dropdown membershipAttributeAssignmentsButton = Attribute assignments # membership attribute assignment type membershipAttributeAssignmentType = Attribute assignment type # any membership type radio button membershipAttributeAssignmentAnyMembershipType = Membership # immediate membership type radio button membershipAttributeAssignmentImmediateMembershipType = Immediate Membership ######################################## ############## Search ######################################## # breadcrumb on search screen searchBreadcrumb = Search results # search results searchTitle = Search results # placeholder in the search textfield searchPlaceholder = Search # search button text on search screen searchButton = Search # reset button text on search screen searchResetButton = Reset # folder header in the search results searchFolderHeader = Folder # name header in the search results searchNameHeader = Name # needs at least two chars to search searchErrorNotEnoughChars=Error: enter 2 or more characters # too many results based on config in sources.xml searchTooManyResults = The number of results found is more than what is allowed in the configuration. # if too many subjects are returned searchNoteNotAllResultsShown=Note: some results might not be included, please narrow your search # search types in drop down searchTypeAll = Everything searchTypeStems = Folders searchTypeGroups = Groups searchTypeSubjects = Entities searchTypeAttributeDefNames = Attributes searchTypeAttributeDefs = Attribute definitions ######################################## ############## Audits ######################################## # this shouldnt really happen, but if it does, this is what is displayed, doesnt know which audit action auditsUndefinedAction = Unknown action # do some common words for "CMS" auditsAdded = Added auditsEdited = Edited auditsDeleted = Deleted auditsInvited = Invited auditsAttribute = attribute auditsAttributeAssignment = attribute assignment auditsPrivilege = privilege auditsAssigned = Assigned auditsAttributeDef = attribute definition auditsAttributeDefName = attribute name auditsGroup = group auditsAttestation = attestation auditsDeprovision = deprovision auditsDeprovisionCap = Deprovision auditsEntity = entity auditsExternalEntity = external entity auditsExternalEntityAttribute = external entity attribute auditsMember = member auditsMembership = membership auditsFolder = folder auditsStem = $$auditsFolder$$ audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ANYMSHIP_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to a $$auditsMembership$$ for $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ANYMSHIP_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to a $$auditsMembership$$ for $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ANYMSHIP_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to a $$auditsMembership$$ for $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ASSIGN_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to an $$auditsAttributeAssignment$$. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ASSIGN_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to an $$auditsAttributeAssignment$$. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ASSIGN_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to an $$auditsAttributeAssignment$$. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ATTRDEF_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsAttributeDef$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDef.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ATTRDEF_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsAttributeDef$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDef.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_ATTRDEF_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsAttributeDef$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDef.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_GROUP_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_GROUP_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_GROUP_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_IMMMSHIP_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to a $$auditsMembership$$ for $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_IMMMSHIP_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to a $$auditsMembership$$ for $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_IMMMSHIP_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to a $$auditsMembership$$ for $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_MEMBER_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_MEMBER_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_MEMBER_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsMember$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_STEM_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_STEM_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_STEM_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink} to $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_VALUE_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ value to $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_VALUE_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ value from $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_ASSIGN_VALUE_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ value for $$auditsAttribute$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_DEF_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttributeDef$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDef.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_DEF_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttributeDef$$. audits_ATTRIBUTE_DEF_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttributeDef$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDef.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_DEF_NAME_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttributeDefName$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink}. audits_ATTRIBUTE_DEF_NAME_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttributeDefName$$. audits_ATTRIBUTE_DEF_NAME_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttributeDefName$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDefName.shortLink}. audits_ENTITY_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsEntity$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiEntity.shortLink}. audits_ENTITY_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsEntity$$. audits_ENTITY_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsEntity$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiEntity.shortLink}. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJ_ATTR_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsExternalEntityAttribute$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJ_ATTR_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsExternalEntityAttribute$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJ_ATTR_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsExternalEntityAttribute$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_INVITE_EMAIL = $$auditsInvited$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_INVITE_IDENTIFIER = $$auditsInvited$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_REGISTER_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_REGISTER_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_REGISTER_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_EXTERNAL_SUBJECT_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsExternalEntity$$. audits_GROUP_ATTESTATION_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttestation$$ on $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ATTESTATION_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttestation$$ on $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ATTESTATION_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttestation$$ on $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ATTESTATION_UPDATE_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = Attested group $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ATTESTATION_CLEAR_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = Cleared last certified date on $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_STEM_ATTESTATION_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttestation$$ on $$auditsStem$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_STEM_ATTESTATION_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttestation$$ on $$auditsStem$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_STEM_ATTESTATION_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttestation$$ on $$auditsStem$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_MEMBER_DEPROVISIONING = $$auditsDeprovisionCap$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_DEPROVISIONING_UPDATE_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = $$auditsDeprovisionCap$$ certified date set on $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_DEPROVISIONING_CLEAR_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = $$auditsDeprovisionCap$$ certified date cleared on $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_STEM_DEPROVISIONING_UPDATE_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = $$auditsDeprovisionCap$$ certified date set on $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_STEM_DEPROVISIONING_CLEAR_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = $$auditsDeprovisionCap$$ certified date cleared on $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_ATTR_DEPROVISIONING_UPDATE_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = $$auditsDeprovisionCap$$ certified date set on $$auditsAttributeDef$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDef.shortLink}. audits_ATTR_DEPROVISIONING_CLEAR_LAST_CERTIFIED_DATE = $$auditsDeprovisionCap$$ certified date cleared on $$auditsAttributeDef$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiAttributeDef.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsGroup$$. audits_GROUP_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ to $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ from $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsAttribute$$ to $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_COMPOSITE_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ a composite for $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_COMPOSITE_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ a composite from $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_COMPOSITE_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ a composite of $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_COPY = Copied $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_FIELD_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ field. audits_GROUP_FIELD_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ field. audits_GROUP_FIELD_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ field. audits_GROUP_MOVE = Moved $$auditsGroup$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_GROUP_TYPE_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsGroup$$ type. audits_GROUP_TYPE_ASSIGN = $$auditsAssigned$$ $$auditsGroup$$ type. audits_GROUP_TYPE_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsGroup$$ type. audits_GROUP_TYPE_UNASSIGN = Unassigned $$auditsGroup$$ type. audits_GROUP_TYPE_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsGroup$$ type. audits_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} as a $$auditsMember$$ of the ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink} $$auditsGroup$$. audits_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} as a $$auditsMember$$ of the ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink} $$auditsGroup$$. audits_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} as a $$auditsMember$$ of the ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink} $$auditsGroup$$. audits_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP_IMPORT = Imported file ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.file}. Added ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.importTotalAdded} member(s) and deleted ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.importTotalDeleted} member(s) in ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink} $$auditsGroup$$. audits_MEMBERSHIP_GROUP_EXPORT = Exported ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.exportSize} member(s) in file ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.file} from ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink} $$auditsGroup$$. audits_MEMBER_CHANGE_SUBJECT = Changed entity ID of an entity. audits_PRIVILEGE_GROUP_ADD = $$auditsAssigned$$ '${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiPrivilege.shortLink}' $$auditsPrivilege$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} for the $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_PRIVILEGE_GROUP_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ '${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiPrivilege.shortLink}' $$auditsPrivilege$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} for the $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_PRIVILEGE_GROUP_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ '${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiPrivilege.shortLink}' $$auditsPrivilege$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} for the $$auditsGroup$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiGroup.shortLink}. audits_PRIVILEGE_STEM_ADD = $$auditsAssigned$$ '${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiPrivilege.shortLink}' $$auditsPrivilege$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} for the $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_PRIVILEGE_STEM_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ '${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiPrivilege.shortLink}' $$auditsPrivilege$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} for the $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_PRIVILEGE_STEM_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ '${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiPrivilege.shortLink}' $$auditsPrivilege$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiMember.shortLink} for the $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_STEM_ADD = $$auditsAdded$$ $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_STEM_DELETE = $$auditsDeleted$$ $$auditsFolder$$. audits_STEM_UPDATE = $$auditsEdited$$ $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_STEM_COPY = Copied $$auditsFolder$$ ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_STEM_MOVE = Moved $$auditsFolder$$ to ${grouperRequestContainer.guiAuditEntry.guiStem.shortLink}. audits_XML_IMPORT = Imported from XML